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        January 2021

        Cells, Tissue, and Skin, Third Edition

        by Donna Bozzone, Ph.D. and Douglas B. Light, Ph.D.

        Cells are the smallest units capable of sustaining life, and they make up virtually every aspect of the human body. From the strands of hair at the top of the head to the nails on fingers and toes, every structure of the human body is composed of cells. Groups of cells form tissues and organs, which allow the body to function as an organized system. Skin, the body’s largest organ, forms a waterproof barrier that provides protection against invading microorganisms and acts as a sensory and thermoregulatory structure. Cells, Tissues, and Skin, Third Edition explores the properties of each of these components in our bodies. Packed with full-color photographs and illustrations, this absorbing book provides students with sufficient background information through references, websites, and a bibliography.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Chinese Tui Na Massage

        by Shi Xueming

        Massage is one of the essential foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Tui Na, literally "Push Grab," has been practiced by Chinese martial artists, Qigong practitioners and healers for thousands of years. Specializing in injury repair and curing illness, Tui Na massage can also maintain your health by adjusting your Qi in order to flow smoothly. It will increase your Qi and blood circulation in particular areas or throughout your entire body, removing blockages and stagnations caused by injuries, exercise and/or aging. Tui Na massage is also a wonderful way to relieve stress and recover from a hard day on the job or a tough workout.

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        June 2005

        Scar Tissue (Give it Away)

        Der Sänger der Red Hot Chili Peppers - Die Autobiographie

        by Kiedis, Anthony

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        Health & Personal Development

        Decrease fat of body

        by Zhao Ting

        The book contains several recipes of healthy meals which can help you to decrease your fat level instead of only loosing weight. Healthy meals and detox can help you to keep fit.     内容简介 体脂面前,体重什么都不算!减体重只治标,降体脂才治本!营养师私家亲授减肥食谱,健康进食排毒塑形,吃着吃着就瘦了的饮食减肥法!

      • Trusted Partner

        The infantile massage from zero level

        by Liao Pindong,Xiong qian

        This book lists 60 methods of massage base on children common diseases, and 8 methods base on health care. In addition, Professor Liao also sums up his thirty years of clinical massage experience in this book. He also mentioned up general massage principle which is "guard against the disease machine" , and analyzed "reason of treatment" for each common disease. Also he induced the "main treatment of each disease" based on depressing the common acupoints, and the "syndrome differentiation and subtraction" in the outpatient medical case is answered by Professor Liao. The book will not only make you be aware of how to do the infantile massage and why. It will be easier for you to make the correct  massage on your child according to different diseases and acupoints. This book is suitable for all the parents, Clinical Massage enthusiasts and physicians. You can scan the QR code on book to watch the video of the infantile massage

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        Yang Dianhui: Regimen and Healing with Meridian Massage

        by Yang Dianhui

        This book explains the profound concepts of meridian in simple language and clear diagrams, and each meridian is presented with a circulation diagram. Referring to the diagrams, readers can accurately find the acupuncture points and follow the given massage methods to preserve the health of the meridians. Depicted with plain and accurate language, the book is outstanding in providing readers with systematic guidance on the healthcare of internal organs through meridian massage. Even readers who are still unfamiliar with meridians and acupuncture points can easily comprehend and learn meridian massage techniques with this book.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Massage of human body meridians

        by Cheng Xiangdong

        This book is a reference book designed for ordinary readers for routine health care. It introduces some basic knowledge related to massage - some special massage methods and massage methods for diseases, as well as some small folk formulas and subtle tricks.

      • Trusted Partner

        Oracle Bone Picture Book

        by Central Academy of Fine Arts Picture Book Creation Studio

        The "Oracle Bone Picture Book" series introduces children aged 5-10 to Chinese characters. It explains the connection between character shapes and meanings of the ancient oracle bone script and showcases their real-life applications, helping children understand Chinese characters from their roots and fostering an appreciation for the script, making learning fun and engaging. It contains 10 books: "A Big Deal", "Amazing Mom", "Lessons from Animals", "The Heart of Plants", "Their Family", "Feast and Song", "Under the Sky, Between Mountains and Seas", "At Your Home, At Mine", "Off to the Hunt", "Face Stories".

      • Trusted Partner
        Agricultural engineering & machinery
        April 1997

        Milk Composition, Production and Biotechnology

        by Edited by Robert A S Welch, Donald J W Burns, Stephen R Davis, A I Popay, Colin G Prosser

        Major changes have recently taken place in the value attached to components of milk. Although approximately half the energy in milk is contained in fat, fat is rapidly decreasing in value relative to protein. This has come about because of the increased availability of competitively-priced, plant-derived edible oils and because of the perceived health problems associated with animal fat in the human diet. Such changes have major implications for the dairy sector, particularly in developed countries. Against this background, this book presents a timely review of developments in milk production and consumption, of changes in milk component values, and of the opportunities that biotechnology provides to alter the composition of and add value to milk on the farm. The subject coverage is very broad, ranging from nutritional aspects of pastures and forages, to rumen microbiology, genetics and reproductive technologies, milk biochemistry and environmental implications. It is based on a conference held in Wellington, New Zealand, in February 1996 and sponsored by the OECD and AgResearch. Contributors include leading research workers from North America, Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. It provides an invaluable overview of the subject, suitable as a reference book for advanced students, researchers and advisers in dairy science as well as related disciplines such as grassland, nutritional and food sciences.

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        Prose: non-fiction


        by Andrii Aliokhin

        Hello, I am Andrii Aliokhin. I have been an actor and a writer for many years living in two capitals: Kyiv and Paris. I was neither a tourist nor an immigrant. This allowed me to see our life and French life from a unique point of view. This book tells a story about what I had learned in France. Not from professional chefs or subtle connoisseurs of culinary delights, but from ordinary French men and women, who cook and eat in France. Real people who love, work, grieve, celebrate, raise children, walk dogs, and go to market in the course of their daily lives. So, you will find here my little stories about the French – memoirs and other nonsense, that actually is called life. In some way it is also a cookbook. Everything collected here are ordinary, simple, French recipes. All ingredients can be easily found on the shelvesof our stores. But this is not just a book about the kitchen. It’s about what I finally realized. I realized why the French are not getting fat. The book by Andre Aliokhin – the most famous and popular Ukrainian blogger. It’s bestseller in Ukraine. The German translation will be published soon.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Plant Cells and Tissues, Second Edition

        by Nicholas Stephens, Series Editor: William G. Hopkins

        Plants comprise millions of cells that work together as tissues to move materials throughout the body, gather water and minerals from the soil, and convert carbon dioxide into sugar by using energy from the sun. Plant Cells and Tissues, Second Edition takes a focused approach to the study of plant processes by examining this subject from its smallest unit, the cell. This volume also answers questions such as: How do tiny seeds grow into towering trees? How do nettles deliver such painful stings? And how do roots know which way is down? Some of the topics discussed include interesting aspects of plant cell biology, such as cell division and what makes a plant wilt. It also highlights special adaptations that plants have made to survive in harsh environments, including the plant science behind the survival of the spiny cacti of deserts and the carnivorous insect traps of acidic bogs. This reference is a vital tool for students and teachers of plant biology.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2024

        How to be multiple

        The philosophy of twins

        by Helena de Bres, Julia de Bres

        In How to be multiple, Helena de Bres - a twin herself - argues that twinhood is a unique lens for examining our place in the world and how we relate to other people. The way we think about twins offers remarkable insights into some of the deepest questions of our existence, from what is a person? to how should we treat one another? Deftly weaving together literary and cultural history, philosophical enquiry and personal experience, de Bres examines such thorny issues as binary thinking, objectification, romantic love and friendship, revealing the limits of our individualistic perspectives. In this illuminating, entertaining book, wittily illustrated by her twin sister, de Bres ultimately suggests that to consider twinhood is to imagine the possibility of a more interconnected, capacious human future.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2009

        Leben wär eine prima Alternative

        Tagebücher und Briefe

        by Maxie Wander, Fred Wander

        Im Sommer 1976 bestätigt sich der schlimme Verdacht: Maxie Wander leidet an Krebs und wird ein Jahr später daran sterben. Die vorliegende Sammlung von Tagebucheinträgen und Briefen ermöglicht es dem Leser, sie auf diesem Lebensabschnitt zu begleiten. Mit klarem Blick und scharfer Selbstironie schildert sie ihre Odyssee durch die Behandlungsräume verschiedener Ärzte, die Sprachlosigkeit im Angesicht der Krankheit und die Intensität, die das Leben bekommt, wenn es nicht länger selbstverständlich ist. Maxie Wander bezaubert auch in den schwärzesten Augenblicken mit ihrer Faszination für die kleinen Dinge des Lebens, mit ihrem Lebenswillen und mit ihrer Selbsterkenntnis: Leben wär eine prima Alternative. Ein Titel, der für Leserinnen und Leser in Ost und West zur Maxime wurde und ihre Aufzeichnungen zum Kultbuch machte.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007

        Ein Leben ist nicht genug

        Tagebuchaufzeichnungen und Briefe

        by Maxie Wander, Fred Wander, Fred Wander

        »Ein Leben reicht nicht aus, alle guten Bücher zu lesen, alle Menschen kennenzulernen, alle Länder, die ich sehen möchte.« Maxie Wanders Aufzeichnungen aus den Jahren 1964 bis 1968 beeindrucken: Ob sie gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann durch die französische Metropole streift, in billigen Hotels wohnt und das »berühmte Pariser Licht« entdeckt oder sich mit den alltäglichen Aufgaben zu Hause, mit den Kindern, den vielen Freunden, der eigenen Arbeit befaßt – ihr Thema ist die »Suche nach einer neuen Art zu leben, anders zu leben, aufrichtig und schöpferisch zu leben«, wie es im Vorwort von Fred Wander heißt. Maxie Wanders Briefe und Tagebuchnotizen zeichnen das Bild einer klugen, neugierigen, impulsiven Frau, die das Leben mit Leidenschaft betrieb.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        May 2022

        Advances in Fig Research and Sustainable Production

        by Moshe A Flaishman, Uygun Aksoy

        The common fig (Ficus carica L.) is one of the oldest fruits domesticated by humans, and is native to southwest Asia and the Mediterranean. Figs have been associated with health and prosperity since ancient times. They are rich in fibre, potassium, calcium, and iron, as well as being an important source of vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants. In recent years, increased consumption has caused fig production to shift to new countries such as Mexico, Brazil, India, and China. However, fig is a challenging fruit crop to grow. It is susceptible to insect pests and diseases as well as injuries from abiotic stress during fruit development and ripening. As a delicate fruit it also requires complicated postharvest procedures and climate change presents additional challenges. Comprising 29 chapters written by international experts, the book includes sections on: History Biology and Orchard Management Fruit Ripening and Postharvest Management Pests and Diseases Omics Analysis Cultivars and Breeding Products and Trade. This volume serves as a comprehensive reference for current and future practices of fig production, consumption, research and innovation, and is essential for academic researchers, and those involved in research and development in the fig industry.

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