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      • Trusted Partner
        September 1975

        The Best of H. C. Artmann

        by H. C. Artmann, Klaus Reichert

        Von allen deutschen Autoren, die nach 1945 zu schreiben begannen, ist Artmann ohne jeden Zweifel der vielseitigste, originellste und erfinderischste. So wie Artmann in fast allen Gattungen gearbeitet hat, auch den angeblich antiquierten, und ohne sich um die Tagesparolen der mal reine Dichtung betreibenden, mal engagierten, mal die Literatur totsagenden Kollegen zu kümmern, so hat er seine Quellen, seine Herkunft überall: in der Artusepik, in barocker Schäferpoesie, in den Wörterbüchern und Grammatiken von gut zwei Dutzend Sprachen, in Irland und im England des Sherlock Holmes, bei Villon und dem Wiener Vorstadtdialekt, Lorca, Gomez de la Serna, den Surrealisten und Dadaisten, in den Detektivheftchen der 20er Jahre und den Comic strips von damals bis heute. Unsere Auswahl versucht, nicht nur einen repräsentativen Querschnitt durch das Werk Artmanns zu geben, sondern gleichzeitig Verstreutes, an entlegensten Orten Publiziertes zu sammeln.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        October 2019

        Maidan. First-Hand Stories

        by Olena Chebaniuk, Oksana Novalova

        Five interviews with participants and witnesses of the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine events make up the first book of the series of oral histories Maidan. First-Hand Stories initiated by the National Museum of the Revolution of Dignity. Scientists collected more than 200 interviews between 2014 and 2019 and today the project is still underway. Euromaidan, a dramatic period in the recent history of Ukraine, unfolds in the memories, impressions, and reflections of its participants. They share experiences of personal importance which left the biggest mark on them. According to the principles of oral history as a scientific method, the interviews are published with the preservation of the linguistic and stylistic features of the stories, only with minimal edits needed to facilitate reading. The book is for a wide range of historians, ethnologists, linguists, museum workers, and sociologists, as well as anyone interested in the history of Ukraine.

      • Trusted Partner
        Medical parasitology
        December 1995

        Parasitology for the 21st Century

        by Edited by M Ziya Alkan, M Ali Özcel

        This volume provides a reflective summary of research in parasitology in the late 20th Century combined with a vision of the major challenges and potential successes in the 21st Century. It has been compiled from selected papers presented at the Eighth International Congress of Parasitology. A wide variety of topics are covered including medical, veterinary, and plant parasitology, by contributors from many different countries. Chapters within the book consider current research on the biology of parasites, and new strategies in the transmission and control of parasitic diseases.This book represents an invaluable resource for all parasitologists. Not only is it an up- to-date summary of research, but it is also a thought provoking look at the future.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        21st-Century Advanced Propulsion Systems

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        This eBook focuses on American-developed space launch systems evolving out of rocket technologies and decisions made in the late 20th century and first two decades of the 21st century. The two new launch systems discussed are the United Launch Alliance Vulcan-Centaur system and NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS). Each system provides important opportunities for the next several decades of space launch activities, making it a fascinating read for anyone interested in pursuing astronomy.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        Best of Lem

        by Stanisław Lem, Jan-Erik Strasser

        Stanisław Lem gilt vielen als der Science-Fiction-Autor schlechthin. Und doch ist hier noch ein ganzer literarischer Kosmos zu entdecken: Lem der Philosoph, der streitlustige Kritiker, Erfinder neuer Genres, Sprachkünstler und Romancier von Weltrang. Best of Lem versammelt Erzählungen und Kostproben sowohl der berühmten, vielfach verfilmten und millionenfach gelesenen und geliebten Bücher als auch unbekanntere, aber ebenso aufregende Glanzlichter aus den 50 Jahren Lem‘schen Schaffens. Nicht nur Fans von Philip K. Dick, Ursula K. Le Guin oder Cixin Liu kommen dabei voll auf ihre Kosten. Angesichts einer Gegenwart, die mehr und mehr von Künstlicher Intelligenz und menschlicher Dummheit geprägt zu sein scheint, ist der große Misanthrop und Utopist Lem zu seinem 100. Geburtstag unbedingt wieder neu zu lesen.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        Equine Thermography in Practice

        by Maria Soroko-Dubrovina, Mina C G Davies Morel

        Evidence-based and yet very practical, Equine Thermography in Practice discusses how to use the tool in the diagnosis of equine musculoskeletal injuries. It covers what the user can expect to see in normal versus injured horses, and gives guidelines for best practice. The book builds from basics covering the principles of thermography, then reviews its applications in equine veterinary medicine and the role of the technique regarding equestrian athletes and rehabilitation. Fully updated throughout with new references and additional illustrative case studies, this new edition: -- Covers advances made in thermography applications for rehabilitation, such as assessing the effectiveness of physical devices like lasers, magnetic therapy, shock wave therapy and cryotherapy with additional updated references - Includes new cases and thermographic images to illustrate improvements in the technology. - Updates knowledge on thermographic imaging technology. - Extensively illustrated and thoroughly referenced, this book is indispensable for both novice and experienced practitioners using the technique, including equine veterinarians, and equine physiotherapists and body work practitioners.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1996

        The Best of H. P. Lovecraft

        by H. P. Lovecraft, Rudolf Hermstein, H. C. Artmann

        Mit seinem Cthulu-Mythos wollte H. P. Lovecraft eine Atmosphäre kosmischen Grauens schaffen, die Archaisches mit den modernen Erkenntnissen der Wissenschaft verbindet und unserer Zeit angemessen ist. Die Angst hielt er für das älteste und stärkste Gefühl, mit dem er in seinen Erzählungen gerne spielte. Die besten Erzählungen von H. P. Lovecraft sind in diesem Rand zusammengefaßt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        My Grandfather Was the Best Dancer

        by Kateryna Babkina

        “My Grandfather Was the Best Dancer” is a series of short stories following the family histories of five protagonists who met on their first day of school in the first year of Ukraine’s independence and became lifelong friends. These family histories take the reader through the events of the 1920s in Kharkiv, the repression of the Les Kurbas Theater during the Great Terror, the Holodomor (the man-made genocidal famine of 1932–33), World War II, the 1990s, several waves of emigration and the war in Donbas. First and foremost, this is a book about accepting the past. It describes how events and circumstances affect us, whether consciously or unconsciously. It addresses continuity and ties between generations, yearning for love and acceptance, and loneliness as the product of or reason behind our choices. It deals with losses both conscious and unconscious, justified and pointless. Most importantly, it stresses that no matter how lonely, outcast or broken you feel, you can survive and live because, notwithstanding, there is always a chance to attain happiness at last.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Best Gift For a Child---How to Be a Positive Parent

        by LI Zhaoliang

        The best education is the most active and active education. This book contains five interactive parts: the first part is the scientific concept, theory and principle of active education. This is the level of active education "road"; the second part is about the positive psychology of children, virtue, strengths, etc. The quality and cultivation of the quality of the child, specifically include self-esteem, values, autonomy, gratitude, optimism and other content; Part III is an effective method and practical technology for active family education, including children's good habits, learning Guidance strategy, mobile phone use management method, how to grasp the education scale, parent-child communication skills, correctly praise the child's method, etc., this is the level of "surgery" in the active family education; the fourth part is 0 ~ 18 years old four different age stages Psychological growth demand and mental care method; the fifth part is related to the child's happiness. In response to the key, difficulties and pain points of family education, the author combines the latest research results of positive psychology, conduct scientific analysis and professional explanations, give effective methods and practical technology, both professional, and unrestrained practical Sex, is the latest active family education in China, which has a very important guidance for how parents educate children.

      • Trusted Partner
        Equine veterinary medicine
        May 2016

        Equine Thermography in Practice

        by Dr Maria Soroko, Mina C G Davies Morel

        Evidence-based and yet very practical, Equine Thermography in Practice discusses how to use the tool in the diagnosis of equine musculoskeletal injuries and what the user can expect to see in normal versus injured horses giving guidelines for best practice. The book builds from basics covering the principles of thermography and then its applications in equine veterinary medicine and the role of the technique regarding the equestrian athlete as well as in rehabilitation. Extensively illustrated and thoroughly referenced, this book is indispensable to novice and experienced practitioners using the technique, including: equine veterinarians and equine physiotherapists and body work practitioners.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        My Life as Lotta. My/ Your Lotta Best Friends Forever book. For you and your BFF.

        by Alice Pantermüller/Daniela Kohl

        Hooray! I’m really happy that I’ve got a brilliant best friend like Cheyenne. I can simply tell her anything and everything, and the two of us have wonderful adventures together. Best of all, though, is that we have no secrets from one another. But it’s better if nobody else gets to know about them – especially the silly Lamb girls. Have you also got a brilliant best friend like Cheyenne? If you have, you can both write down or draw all your secrets, adventures and even wishes or jokes here. This is a book that’s only for you!

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2019

        China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation:

        Case Studies and Plans

        by Secretariat of the First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo Organizing Committee

        China-Africa Economics and Trade Cooperation: Case Studies and Plans comes in 3 languages: Chinese(2 volumes), English(2 volumes), and French(2 volumes). This book series include 101 excellent case studies , which related to 21 Chinese provinces and cities and 31 countries in Africa, containing agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and trade, infrastructure, industrial parks, energy and mining, financing and other fields in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. This set of books is practical and useful for all readers. In addition, the book gives the vivid interpretation on the concept of common prosperity, win-win cooperation, mutual negotiation and construction, shared innovation and progression of Belt and Road Initiative.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        November 2023

        Farmer Innovations and Best Practices by Shifting Cultivators in Asia-Pacific

        by Malcolm Cairns

        This book, the third of a series, shows how shifting cultivators, from the Himalayan foothills to the Pacific Islands, have devised ways to improve their farming systems. Using case studies collected over many years, it considers the importance of swidden agriculture to food security and livelihoods, and its environmental significance, across multiple cultures, forest and cropping systems. There is a particular focus on soil fertility and climate change challenges. It is a 'must read' for those who realize that if the lives of shifting cultivators are to be improved, then far more attention needs to be directed to the indigenous and often ingenious innovations that shifting cultivators have themselves been able to develop. Many of these innovations and best practices will have strong potential for extrapolation to shifting cultivators elsewhere and to farming systems in general. This book: - Highlights innovations of shifting cultivators. - Combines solid science with accessible language and outstanding artwork. - Provides a collection of case studies unprecedented in its scope. This book will be suitable for students and researchers of agriculture, anthropology, sociology, agricultural economics, human ecology, ethnobotany, forestry, agroforestry, agronomy, soil science, farming systems, geography, environmental science and natural resource management.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Moscow Factor: US Policy toward Sovereign Ukraine and the Kremlin

        by Eugene M. Fishel

        24 February 2022 was not the beginning of Russia's war on Ukraine. Back in 2014, Russia illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine, bolstered a separatist conflict in the Donbas region, and attacked Ukraine with units of its regular army and special forces. In each instance of Russian aggression, the U.S. response has often been criticized as inadequate, insufficient, or hesitant. The Moscow Factor: U.S. Policy toward Sovereign Ukraine and the Kremlin is a unique study that examines four key Ukraine-related policy decisions across two Republican and two Democratic U.S. administrations. Author Eugene M. Fishel asks whether, how, and under what circumstances Washington has considered Ukraine’s status as a sovereign nation in its decision-making regarding relations with Moscow. This study situates the stance of the United States toward Ukraine in the broader context of international relations. It fills an important lacuna in existing scholarship and policy discourse by focusing on the complex trilateral—rather than simply bilateral—dynamics among the U.S., Ukraine, and Russia, in 1991–2016. This book brings together for the first time documentary evidence and declassified materials dealing with policy deliberation, retrospective articles authored by former policymakers, and formal memoirs by erstwhile senior officials. The study is also supplemented by open-ended interviews with former and returning officials.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2019

        The Best Daddy

        by Hennadiy Melamed (Author), Natalia Steshenko (Illustrator)

        This is the story of the baby raccoon Yevhenko. Yevhenko is very excited about his fishing trip with dad tomorrow, and is eager to share his joy with everyone around! But what if an unexpected illness were to interfere with Yevhenko's plans? "But if dad promised fishing, then it will definitely happen!"The Best Daddy is cute story that explores the relationships between children, fathers, and friends.     From 3 to 5 years, 659 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2023

        The 1922 Committee

        by Philip Norton

      • Trusted Partner
        Forestry & related industries
        December 1998

        Forest Policy

        International Case Studies

        by Edited by Bill Wilson, G C van Kooten, Ian Vertinsky, Louise Arthur

        Forest policy involves a complex balance of governmental, social and industrial objectives in an environment where the forests and the institutions are also constantly changing. Across the various forestry jurisdictions there is a wide variety of policy models that have evolved in response to specific societal demands, institutional structures and forest environments. This book is an examination of forest policy in a selection of major forestry jurisdictions, primarily the major competitors in world softwood markets. These include the United States, British Columbia, Alberta, New Zealand, Sweden, Finland, Chile and Russia. These regions represent systems operating with natural forests, plantation forests, initial forest endowments, second/third generation forests, public forestland ownership, private forestland ownership, open markets, highly structured markets, and various responses to sustainability. For each jurisdiction a brief overview to the economy, the contribution of forestry, the resource base, the composition of the forest industry and the major stakeholders is provided. The policy discussions include forest management, timber pricing and export policy, environmental standards, land ownership and use, and the institutional setting relating to government agencies, taxation, labour and capital. Comment is provided on the evolution of the existing policy structure and the chapters finish with an evaluation and prognosis for the jurisdiction. This book is a valuable reference source for forest policy practitioners, students of forestry and political economy and industrial decision-makers seeking to position their business in global forestry.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Enjoying the Moment

        by Changsha Bank Corporate Culture Construction Committee

        This is a collection of works on the theme of corporate culture. There are four chapters in the book: "Enjoy•Value", "Enjoy•Ecology", "Enjoy•Life", "Enjoy•Culture". The first chapter elaborates the development of Changsha Bank into a big, party building as the soul, management as the foundation, service as the key, love as the beauty, and technology as the first from the three dimensions of management, products and the future. It records the birth and development of Changsha Bank’s products Growth, imaginative business planning, etc.; Chapter 2 shows the steps of Changsha Bank to explore ecological banking, build a financial ecosystem, cross-border brand alliances, openness and win-win, compatibility and inclusiveness; Chapter 3 tells the story of employees' hard work, etc.; The fourth chapter presents the research results of the Changsha Bank’s Corporate Culture Construction Expert Advisory Committee.

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