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      • Clever Fox Publishing

        Clever Fox, at the edge of the ever-changing publishing industry, offers a wide range of different Book Publishing Packages, from simple e-books to full global distribution of paperbacks or hardbacks. Possessing the experience and integrity that a great publisher requires, we have been successfully publishing high quality books for over 5 years.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 2013

        Tagebuch einer Katze

        by Remco Campert, Marianne Holberg

        Ihr Name ist Pöff, doch eigentlich würde sie lieber Cleopatra oder Venus heißen. Sie lebt bei »Brille« und »Rock« und erzählt aus ihrem Leben als Katze. Von dem Drohenden Ding, dem Staubsauger, dem überflüssigen Kratzbaum – wozu gibt es Sofabezüge? –, von der Trawo, der Tragbaren Wohnung, von Brilles Arbeitsmaschine und von Kater Harry, dem Horror der Höfe: mit untrüglicher Beobachtungsgabe, eigensinnigem Humor und kätzischer Überlegenheit. Remco Camperts Liebeserklärung an seine eigene Katze stand wochenlang auf den niederländischen Bestsellerlisten. Ein wunderbares Buch für alle Katzenliebhaber.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        February 2011

        Schriften zum Drama

        by Ivan Nagel

        Regisseure, Autoren, Schauspieler. »Wie diese drei miteinander auskommen: die Beziehung zwischen Autor, Regisseur, Schauspieler ist unvermeidlich eine Frage auch der Theorie, nicht nur der herstellenden Praxis«, so Ivan Nagel. Große Aufführungen erweisen sich oft als die tiefsten und überraschendsten Deutungen berühmter »klassischer« Dramen. Die Schriften zum Drama versammeln Ivan Nagels beste Essays und bieten damit einen gelungenen Überblick über das Theaterschaffen in den letzten Jahrzehnten. Nagel nähert sich essayistisch und exemplarisch Dramatikern und Inszenierungen. Er analysiert scharfsinnig Shakespeares "Troilus und Cressida", "Antonius und Cleopatra", "Timon von Athen" in ihrer Beziehung auf Krieg und Frieden, Ost und West, Reichtum und Armut – und er stellt ihnen epochemachende Aufführungen gegenüber wie Fritz Kortners legendäre Inszenierung von "Emilia Galotti" 1970 in Wien, wie Peter Steins Inszenierung von "Torquato Tasso" 1969 in Bremen, die das deutschsprachige Theater nachhaltig verändert haben. Er porträtiert große Autoren wie Elfriede Jelinek und Heiner Müller. Nagel, der seit vielen Jahren aufs Engste mit dem Theater verbunden ist als Kritiker, Dramaturg, Intendant zeigt sich in diesen Texten einmal mehr als großer Kenner und leidenschaftlicher Theatermann.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2025

        The False One

        by Domenico Lovascio

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2018

        French Reflections in the Shakespearean Tragic

        by Richard Hillman

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        November 2017

        Vivien Leigh

        Actress and icon

        by Kate Dorney, Maggie B. Gale

        This edited volume provides new readings of the life and career of iconic actress Vivien Leigh (1913-67), written by experts from theatre and film studies and curators from the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. The collection uses newly accessible family archives to explore the intensely complex relationship between Vivien Leigh's approach to the craft of acting for stage and screen, and how she shaped, developed and projected her public persona as one of the most talked about and photographed actresses of her era. With key contributors from the UK, France and the US, chapters range from analyses of her work on stage and screen to her collaborations with designers and photographers, an analysis of her fan base, her interior designs and the 'public ownership' of Leigh's celebrity status during her lifetime and beyond.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2021

        The Egiptian Pop Queen. The Changes in Egyptian Queen Cleopatra’s Image from Historical Narration to Pop Culture

        by Karolina Anna Kulpa

        The analysis of the changes in perception of Cleopatra VII Philopator’s image in two- thousand-year reception. The author, discovering subsequent layers of the myth – from a historical figure to the Egyptian Pop Queen – shows that Cleopatra’s image in every historical period depended on current trends. Who was Cleopatra? Was she a godess, a devoted mother, a queen figthing for her state, a ruthless seductress, a monster, an ancien femme fatale, a beauty with the face of Elisabeth Taylor or a woman like many others?

      • Children's & YA
        October 2022

        From Mammoth to Moon Landing

        An Amazing Journey through the History of the World

        by Andrea Schaller

        Who was Cleopatra? Did Stone Age people really munch on popcorn?And did every medieval castle have a dungeon?With this book, curious readers can embark on an exciting journeythrough time. The Bronze Age and the Roaring Twenties, the discoveryof America and the Cold War: easy-to-read texts, photos andhumorous illustrations provide astonishing insights into the 38 mostimportant epochs of world history from the first humans to the21st century. This book answers all children's questions about foodand drink, faith and religion, everyday objects and buildings. For factfans, there is a timeline for each era with the most importanthistorical dates. History in the most exciting way!

      • Historical fiction
        May 2015

        Kleopatra. Königin am Nil / Geliebte der Götter und Feldherren

        Historischer Roman

        by Schall, Ute

        Cleopatra, daughter of the Pharao Ptolemios, is the chosen monarch after the death of her parents. Loathed by her siblings who strive after the power, the responsibility turns out to be a heavy burden on her shoulders. The only chance to survive in this snake pit is her sharp mind . And outside her empire there are more enemies threatening. In Rome the most feared commander Julius Caesar is making plans to occupy Egypt. Cleopatra sees only one chance to avoid a war, she has to win Caesar’s favor. Such her enemy becomes her lover. Through her skills and the patronage of Caesar Cleopatra increasingly enhances her power, until another man enters her life: Marcus Antonius. Cleopatra becomes the plaything of two power/hungry rulers who yearn for her death. In the turmoil of destiny Cleopatra must learn to rely on herself.

      • Romance
        June 2014

        Roman Holiday

        The Chronicles of St. Mary's short story

        by Jodi Taylor

        Another rollicking short story from the Chronicles of St Mary’s. Question: What sort of idiot installs his mistress in his wife’s house? Especially when that mistress is Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator, Queen of Egypt and the most notorious woman of her time? Answer: Julius Caesar – poised to become King of Rome. Or as good as.  Question: At this potentially sensitive point in your political manoeuvrings, who are the last people you’d want crashing through the door, observing, recording, documenting …? I think we all know the answer to that one. Roman Holiday – an epic, stand alone tale set in Ancient Rome, 44 BC, featuring, in no particular order: an attempted murder, stampeding bullocks, Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile, a bowl of poisonous snakes, a smallish riot, Julius Caesar, and Mr Markham’s wayward bosoms.


        A Chronicle of Deaths, Disappearances, and Discoveries

        by Jenni Davis

        Part history, part very cold-case detective story, Lost Bodies is a fascinating account of 30 famous people who disappeared postmortem, from bodies lost and found, such as Eva Peron and Richard III, to those forever lost, including Antony and Cleopatra, Genghis Khan and Louis Le Prince. Jenni Davis is a history and heritage writer with a passion for the past. Her books include Poison: A History and The Irish Americans.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2020

        Amazing Women of the Middle East

        25 Stories to Inspire Girls Everywhere

        by Wafa' Tarnowska

        The first and only book about trailblazing women of the Middle East, by award winning Wafa' Tarnowska.  25 fascinating mini biographies, including those of Cleopatra, Zenobia, singer Fairuz and human rights lawyer Amal Clooney.  Their work covers sports (Zahra Lari, UAE iceskater), film making (Nadine Labaki, Lebanon), mathematician (Manahel Thabet, Yemen).  Beautiful illustrations of all the women by talents including Hoda Hadadi are complemented by a simple map and a Glossary of terms.  A wonderful read 'Guaranteed to inspire' - Kirkus Reviews.

      • Fiction

        Farewell Alexandria

        by Derek Adie Flower

        Steeped in the juices of international history, flavoured with the unadulterated ambition of its main characters, Farewell Alexandria is brought to a rolling boil as it chronicles the story of three generations of one family. Whisking the reader on a worldwide tour using locations such as Egypt, Ethiopia, London, Paris and New York, the multiple plots in this narrative are filled with everything from boardroom treachery, the innocence of first love and downright torrid sex. [] Author Derek Adie Flower has lived in Egypt, France and Italy and although Farewell Alexandria is fictional, some of the events recounted do reflect a past reality. Alexandria, between the wars, still holds an unforgettable charm and fascination, which is why the story begins and ends in the city of Cleopatra. The family saga relates the elation of love, the devastation of loss, and the rise from poverty to power wealth can bring; all amidst economical and political history.

      • November 2013

        The Pickle Queen

        by Deborah Smith

        Pickles are mentioned in the Bible. Cleopatra ate them as a beauty regimen. Shakespeare put them in his plays. Mason designed jars for bottling them. So did Ball. Did Mason and Ball fight over the King of the Pickle Jars title? I don’t know. I did know this much: I used pickles to keep fear, pride, and my love of Jay Wakefield behind a door I would not risk opening again. Even now. Wakefields take what they want. MacBrides never surrender. For nearly a hundred years, a battle of wills between these two deeply-rooted Appalachian families has ended in defeat and heartache—most often, for MacBrides. Now the MacBride name is barely more than a legend, and it’s up to Gabby MacBride to deal with the pain of her childhood memories and also the challenge of a MacBride legacy she’s only beginning to understand. That will mean coming to terms with her bittersweet love for Jay Wakefield, the lonely rich boy who became her soul mate when they were kids, before the dark demands of his own legacy forced him to betray her.

      • Biography & True Stories
        October 2019

        Strong Women of World History

        Smart & brave

        by Caroline Vongries

        The female side of power Here the reader encounters strong women who came to power or took it: warriors and queens, empresses and leaders, women who gathered armies behind them, went to war, ruled peoples and empires and took the destinies of their countries into their hands and changed them. For a long time, the female gender did not play a role in history, because it was the history of men. But war and power are by no means exclusively a male domain, as this book proves. Caroline Vongries tells in an entertaining and knowledgeable way how different the paths to power were and how lastingly these women ruled and conquered. The author introduces us to some of the most interesting women in world history in fascinating portraits, including the pharaohs Hatshepsut and Cleopatra, the empresses Helena and Maria Theresia, the great queens Elisabeth I and Victoria, the Minerva of the north Christina of Sweden, Eleonore of Aquitaine or the legendary Joan of Arc - the Virgin of Orleans. Some of the women in the book are barely mentioned in history books and unjustifiably lead a shadowy existence in the memory of mankind. Remembering them is also a merit of this book.

      • Archaeology

        The Secrets of Kings and Queen in Ancient Egypt

        by Dr. Hussein Abdul Basir

        Dr. Hussein Abdel Basir is one of the most important archaeologists, who has a master's degree and doctorate in ancient Egyptian archaeology and history of the ancient Near East at Johns Hopkins University, USA, and now he is a director of the Museum of Antiquities and Supervisor of the Dr. Zahi Hawass Center for Egyptians in the Alexandria Library. And also has a large number of books, scientific articles, novels and great short stories in his field globally and locally. This book takes the reader through a wonderful journey throughout the history of ancient Egypt from the time of King Menes to the time of the legendary Queen Cleopatra VII, the famous queen of Ptolemaic Egypt. The book introduces the reader to the fascinating history of ancient Egypt from the beginning to the end. The book narrates the love stories between the famous kings and queens of ancient Egypt such as King Amenhotep III and his lovely Queen Tiye, King Akhenaton and his beautiful Queen Nefertiti, King Tutankhamun and his sister and beloved Queen Ankhesenamun, and the king of the kings of ancient Egypt and the Near East, the most famous King, King Ramses II. The reader knows a lot about the life in the royal courts, the competition among principle queens and secondary wives, the longing for the throne among crown princes and princes from secondary queens, and the secret life in Egypt’s ancient cities. This book is very essential and fundamental to everyone who wants to know about The book is one of the most important modern books that dealt with the details and life of the kings and queens of ancient Egypt in a brief and clear form and in a fun manner in all aspects where it shows us the age of early families and the Old and modern State.

      • African history
        January 2013

        Black Egyptians

        The African Origins of Ancient Egypt

        by Segun Magbagbeola

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