Who was Cleopatra? Did Stone Age people really munch on popcorn?
And did every medieval castle have a dungeon?
With this book, curious readers can embark on an exciting journey
through time. The Bronze Age and the Roaring Twenties, the discovery
of America and the Cold War: easy-to-read texts, photos and
humorous illustrations provide astonishing insights into the 38 most
important epochs of world history from the first humans to the
21st century. This book answers all children's questions about food
and drink, faith and religion, everyday objects and buildings. For fact
fans, there is a timeline for each era with the most important
historical dates. History in the most exciting way!
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Tessloff Verlag Ragnar Tessloff GmbH & Co. KG
TESSLOFF VERLAG is one of the leading German non-fiction book publishers for children which offers first reading and classic non-fiction as well as activity and learning titles.
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- Publisher TESSLOFF Verlag
- Publication Date October 2022
- Orginal LanguageGerman
- ISBN/Identifier 9783788676292
- Publication Country or regionGermany
- FormatHardback
- Pages192
- ReadershipChildren
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleVom Mammut bis zur Mondlandung. Eine erstaunliche Reise durch die Weltgeschichte
- Copyright Year2022
- Dimensions23 x 27,8 cm
- IllustrationWith numerous photos, illustrations and infographics
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