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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1993

        Mafia von Innen

        Das Leben des Don Antonio Calderone

        by Arlacchi, Pino / Italienisch Raith, Werner

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1996

        Im Dienst der "Familie"

        Weibliche Drogenkuriere der Mafia

        by Pino, Marina / Italienisch Gleitze, Judith

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022


        by Carl Seelig, Pino Dietiker, Lukas Gloor

        Ein Schatz wird gehoben: Die schönsten, bedeutendsten und überraschendsten Briefwechsel zwischen Carl Seelig und den Größen der deutschsprachigen Literatur sind hier zum ersten Mal versammelt. Sie zeigen Seelig als einsamen Studenten, der sich von Carl Spitteler Trost erhofft. Als begeisterten Leser, der im Ersten Weltkrieg Bücher an Hermann Hesse in die ›Bücherzentrale für deutsche Kriegsgefangene‹ schickt. Als beherzten Herausgeber, der von Stefan Zweig beraten wird und von Franz Kafka eine Abfuhr erhält. Als engagierten Förderer der Exilierten, der Nelly Sachs einen Verlag sucht, für Alfred Polgar Geld auftreibt und Thomas Mann zu dessen Erstaunen Hilfe anbietet, statt ihn um Hilfe zu bitten. Carl Seelig war ein außerordentlicher Netzwerker. Als Vermittler zwischen Schreibenden, Verlagen und Zeitungen half er denjenigen weiterzuarbeiten, die der Nationalsozialismus zum Schweigen bringen wollte. In seinen Briefwechseln wird er als Anwalt einer bedrohten Literatur erfahrbar.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1979

        Spectaculum 31

        Fünf moderne Theaterstücke

        by Herbert Achternbusch, Dario Fo, Barrie Keeffe, Bodo Kirchhoff, Heiner Müller, Wolfgang Storch

        Herbert Achternbusch: EllaDie Lebensgeschichte einer Frau namens Ella als Geschichte einer Gefangenschaft - in der Familie, im Gefängnis, in der psychiatrischen Klinik. Die Geschichte von der systematischen Vernichtung eines Menschen durch die Gesellschaft.Dario Fo: Zufälliger Tod eines AnarchistenIn Mailand war 1969 der Anarchist Pino Pinelli aus einem Fenster im 4. Stock des Mailänder Polizeipräsidiums ›gestürzt‹. Die behördenoffizielle Version der Todesursache lautete auf Selbstmord. Eine Untersuchung der tatsächlichen Vorgänge kam erst nach der Uraufführung von Fos Stück im Jahre 1970 in Gang, einer volkstümlichen Groteske, die sich der gesammelten Widersprüche der polizeiamtlichen Erklärungen bediente, um die allgemeinen Zweifel an der Selbstmordversion zu artikulieren.Barrie Keeffe: Gimme shelterEine Trilogie über die Zwänge zur Anpassung junger Leute an Verhältnisse, die nicht die ihren sind, mit denen sie nicht fertig werden können. Junge Verwaltungsangestellte versuchen vergeblich, sich den Konkurrenzspannungen und kümmerlichen Berufsperspektiven zu entziehen. - Ein Schüler droht, Lehrer, Lehrerin und Direktor in die Luft zu sprengen, weil sie ihn durch ein mieses Zeugnis zum Versager ohne Berufsaussichten gestempelt haben. - Jungmanager versuchen, mit revolutionärem Geschwätz einen jungen Gärtner zum Widerstand gegen das System zu ermuntern, dem sie sich selbst total ergeben haben.Bodo Kirchhoff: Das Kind oder Die Vernichtung von NeuseelandDas Eigenheim als geschlossene Anstalt. Ein zurückgebliebenes Kind, das nur einen Ausweg hat: sich im Garten ein Loch zu graben, durch die Erde, bis nach Neuseeland. Eine Mutter, die ihren Sohn systematisch von allem fernhält. Ein Vater, der an die Begabung seines Sohnes glaubt und einen Therapeuten engagiert, der aus dem Fluchtloch eine Baustelle machen soll, um dem Tun des Kindes einen Sinn zu geben.Heiner Müller: Germania Tod in Berlin2000 Jahre deutsche Geschichte. Die Tradition von Spaltung und Demütigung, von Opportunismus und besinnungsloser Selbstzerstörung. Eine groteske Revue der deutschen Misere, ein Angriff auf die deutschen Werte und Mythologien, ein wüstes Panorama deutscher Übermenschen und Untertanen. Auch ein Stück über die deutsche Arbeiterbewegung und ihre Niederlagen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Poetry (Children's/YA)

        Antes no había nada, después comencé a imaginar mi propio jardín (There was nothing before. Then I began to imagine my own garden)

        by Chiara Carrer

        Collection of beloved things, of techniques, and various artistic instruments ( from naturalist and abstract illustration) with which Carrer brings various plants and trees to life. An open garden to every reader curious about shapes and colors, those who like to ponder, who want to know more about the.

      • Trusted Partner
        Family & home stories (Children's/YA)
        October 2017


        El nombre del barco

        by María José Ferrada, Ana Penyas

        On May of 1937, during the Spanish Civil War, 456 sons and daughters of republican fighters took the transatlantic boat Mexique, that set sail in Bordeau to arrive in Mexico. Previsions were that they would stay there three or four months, but the Republican defeat and the beginning of the Second World War changed that brief exile into a definitive one.  This books tells the story not only of those children, but also about the ship, being aware that we do not know how many boats try to cross our oceans every day, moving human beings that have full rights to a proper way of living and not to stand over a land that tears apart below their feet.

      • Trusted Partner
        True stories (Children's/YA)
        August 2018


        by María Jose Ferrada, María Elena Valdez

        Thirty-four poems, one for each of the young children (all under the age of 14) that were executed, arrested or disappeared during the Chilean dictatorship. A book dedicated to all those little Chilean victims, but also to all the children that each day suffer the consequences of violence.

      • Trusted Partner
        Poetry (Children's/YA)
        August 2018


        Poemas breves salvajes

        by María José Ferrada, Ana Palmero

        "Hidden in his horn he guards the secret of the jungle”. This might be as well the beginning of a novel, but it's an inspired riddle about wild animals. The illustrations in high varnish of this edition highlight the different skin textures of each animal and invites the reader to discover a new way of reading in a tactile and playful way.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2024

        Entomopathogenic Nematodes as Biological Control Agents

        by David I Shapiro-llan, Edwin Lewis, Steven P. Arthurs, Anil Baniya, Rubén Blanco-Pérez, Mary Barbercheck, Helge Bode, Raquel Campos Herrera, Julie G. Chacon-Orozco, Harun Cimen, Regina K. Cruzado Gutiérrez, Surendra K. Dara, Adler Dillman, Larry Duncan, Ioannis Eleftherianos, Shane Foye, Patrick Frettinger, Fernando Garcia-del-Pino, Itamar Glazer, John Goolsby, Dawn Gouge, Parwinder S Grewal, Richou Han, Sebnem Hazal Gulsen, Canan Hazir, Selcuk Hazir, Ivan Hiltpold, Ganpati B. Jagdale, Rinus Knoetze, Albrecht Koppenhofer, Gabriela Lankin, Luis Garrigós Leite, Diana Karime Londono, Antoinette P. Malan, Dana Ment, Jayashree Ramakrishnan, Gadi V P Reddy, Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, Weibin Ruan, Michael Samish, Ernesto San-Blas, Ramandeep Kaur Sandhi, Ana Luiza Sousa, Tatyana Stefanovska, Glen Stevens, S. Patricia Stock, Yoelvis Sulbaran, Ghada Tafesh-Edwards, Mustapha Touray, Stefan Toepfer, Derya Ulug, Bart Vandenbossche, Christopher Williams, Sheng-Yen Wu, Xun Yan

        Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are biocontrol agents that are used to control a wide variety of insect pests within agriculture and forestry. In addition to their use as bio-pesticides, EPNs have a fascinating biology and are thus considered model organisms in ecology, symbiosis and pathogenesis. This book presents basic knowledge and diverse applications to illustrate how EPNs play an important role as potent biocontrol solutions. It describes: Fundamental concepts such as biology, taxonomy, symbiosis genomics and behavioural ecology. Aspects of commercialization, including mass production, formulation, safety and regulation, and marketing. Diverse cropping systems e.g. maize, wheat and grains, citrus, orchard systems, berries, vine crops, vegetables and turf. Other applications including urban, nursery, forestry, greenhouse, veterinary and medical. Ecological considerations and applications in conservation biocontrol. This book is a must have for all pest management professionals including those practicing integrated pest management strategies.

      • Biography: historical, political & military

        Pedro Pino

        by E. Richard Hart

      • ¡Pacatac!

        by Anya Damirón, Pablo Pino

        This is an accumulative story, with farm animals and a song, created to catch the attention of the little ones.   It has onomatopoeias, funny illustrations with beautiful country environments and an ending that invites children to try new fruits. It’s the perfect book to enjoy a great storytelling as a family or in a classroom. Details: Horse has woken up very early. He wants to go to the new market to try the freshest fruits. However, he is not the only one who has had such an idea. Will he make it? Will there be fruit for everyone? Find out singing!

      • El Secreto de las Piedras

        by Anya Damirón, Pablo Pino

        A story about saving in which money does not appear. That uses rocks to represent how interesting it is to plan a project and little by little make it come true.   There are concepts that are not easy to explain to children, such as savings and perseverance. This story shows in a simple way the importance of saving for the future and work little by little, to achieve our goals. Details: Erin is a girl who loves collecting stones. No one knows why, but she is very clear about her goal and she will surprise everyone when they find out. A story that also addresses important issues such as family support, recycling and even urban art.   In these times of immediacy, Erin reminds us that sometimes to achieve goals we must be patient.

      • Racconti del bosco dei conigli - Il profumo dolce dell'autunno

        by Giuditta Campello

        Summer is ending. Autumn gives the first signs of its silent arrival: evening falls earlier, the leaves change colour, a cooler wind ruffles the fur. Hazel does not want it to be like that, however. She insists on snacking on the lawn and goes to call Alma, her turtle friend, to play together at the pond. But Alma is so sleepy, she is going to hibernate soon. So, she goes to Marta to do a little work. But Marta is about to leave. Like every year, she will go south to her sister. While Blackberry and Blueberry go with their mother and grandfather to gather chestnuts, Hazel, all alone on the swing, feels a melancholy growing inside her. She wishes autumn would not come. Comforting her is her grandmother who sings the song of autumn...  A story of growth, love, friendship. A story of small discoveries in the sweetness of family love, in which we learn, day after day, to care for each other.

      • Everything Needs to Be Saved

        by Daniele Mencarelli

        A deep, moving and sweet novel Daniele is twenty years old when he has a violent outburst of rage and is involuntarily committed into a psychiatric ward for a week. It is June 1994. Throughout this experience, which feels like a delirious summer camp in a circle of hell, Daniele is flanked by his roommates, a bunch of disturbing and sweet characters and yet day by day, interviewed by indifferent doctors, taken in care by frightened nurses, they all share an unexpected sense of brotherhood and a sincere need of supporting each other. In the depth of their madness shines a powerful humanity, which Mencarelli is able to voice with unique tenderness and strength.

      • Children's & YA


        by Text: Juan Francisco Bascuñán / Illustrations: Valeria Cis

        Celia is a girl like many others her age, but she has something special: she can speak with her hands and hear with her eyes, because her ears don’t function - she is deaf. The story is told through the letters that the girl writes to her mother. Celia arrived in Santiago de Chile to live with her aunt and uncle, while her family remains in Colombia. She writes to her mother about her difficult experiences at school, where no one knows how to speak in sign language. However, thanks to the commitment of the director, she achieves important changes in the school, which is enriched by opening up to the world of deaf people and getting to know, through her, the culture of another country. The book has two attached resources, which help to bring deaf and hearing children closer together: a manual of the alphabet of the Chilean sign language included in the book, as well as a video that shows the pages in the sign language transcription and the reading version in off on the publisher’s website.

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