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Editions Denoël
Founded in 1930, Editions Denoël publish quality fiction and non fiction, as well as graphic novels and illustrated books.
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Trusted PartnerApril 2007
by Erwin Mortier, Ira Wilhelm
Joris wächst bei Onkel und Tante auf; sein Vater ist früh gestorben, die Mutter nach Spanien gezogen – viel mehr weiß Joris nicht über sie. In Stuyvenberghe, seinem Dorf, geht es beschaulich zu; der Kirchturm schaut seit Jahrhunderten schläfrig auf die Häuser herunter, und selbst das Schloß mit den hohen, dunklen Zypressen verfällt auf pittoreske Weise. Bis der Gemeinderat eines Sommers bekanntgibt, daß die Gräber auf dem Kirchhof wegen Umbauten verlegt werden müssen. Das heißt: auch das Grab von Joris’ Vater. Von dem hat Joris die allerschönste Vorstellung – und eine alte Keksdose mit wenigen Fotos, der Rest ist: unscharfe Erinnerung, Wunsch, Erfindung und die Geschichten der Verwandtschaft. Als Joris sich in diesem Sommer zum ersten Mal verliebt, wird das Unterscheiden von Erträumtem und Erlebtem, von Wunsch und Realität noch schwieriger. Erwin Mortier erzählt Joris’ Suche nach der eigenen Geschichte, der eigenen Identität mit einem feinen Ohr für Stimmungen und psychologische Details; beschreibt mit meisterhafter Eleganz, wie Joris seine Kindheit anhand von alten Fotos zu rekonstruieren versucht – und nach und nach die feinen Risse in den Bildern erkennt, die er sich von seinem Vater, dem Dorf und der Liebe gemacht hat.
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Trusted PartnerMedicineFebruary 2022
Shell-shocked British Army veterans in Ireland, 1918-39
by Michael Robinson, Walton Schalick
Trusted PartnerMind, Body, Spirit
Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation
by Oscar Miro-Quesada
Awaken Your Shamanic Soul Respected kamasqa curandero Oscar Miro-Quesada teaches shamanism as a tradition of healing, power, and wisdom that sees all life as interconnected and sacred. Understand the shamanic art of a noble death, becoming a hollow bone, traveling through the three worlds, and how to embrace the imaginal beauty of a living, sentient, and ever-evolving cosmos. Feel soul-animating moments with Creation itself as don Oscar and selected sacred storytellers share their transformative experiences. Cultivate spiritual discernment, learn how to consecrate your shamanic ceremonial space, practice an ancient Andean earth walk ritual, internalize the soul-nurturing beauty of Mother Earth with the Pachamama Renewal Process, work with the five principal animal allies of Universal Shamanism, and discover the loving grace that sparked the emergence of shamanism as a universal path of healing service. You must live the path to understand it. SHAMANISM is the medicine our world needs for seven generations and beyond.
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Trusted PartnerDecember 2007
Oscar Wilde für Boshafte
by Oscar Wilde, Denis Scheck, Christina Schenk, Denis Scheck, Christina Schenk
»Bosheit ist ein Mythos, den gute Menschen erfunden haben, um die seltsame Anziehungskraft der anderen zu erklären.« Oscar Wilde
Trusted PartnerApril 2013
Oscar Wilde für Boshafte
by Oscar Wilde, Denis Scheck, Denis Scheck, Christina Schenk, Christina Schenk
»Bosheit ist ein Mythos, den gute Menschen erfunden haben, um die seltsame Anziehungskraft der anderen zu erklären.« Oscar Wilde
Trusted PartnerPolitical ideologiesFebruary 2014
The IRA 1956–69
Rethinking the Republic
by Matt Treacy
While there have been many books written about the IRA since 1916, comparatively little attention has been paid to the organisation during the 1960s, despite the fact that the internal divisions culminating in the 1969 split are often seen as key to the conflict which erupted that year. This book, newly available in paperback, redresses that vacuum and through an exhaustive survey of internal and official sources, as well as interviews with key IRA members, provides a unique and fascinating insight into radical Republican politics which will be of interest to those interested in Irish history and politics. The author looks at the root of the divisions which centred on conflicting attitudes within the IRA on armed struggle, electoral participation and socialism. He argues that while the IRA did not consciously plan the northern 'Troubles', the internal debate of the 1960s had implications for what happened in 1969.
Trusted PartnerZoology & animal sciencesMarch 2009
Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis in Animals
by Joel Ira Weller
Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) is a topic of major agricultural significance for efficient livestock production. This advanced-level textbook covers all the statistical methods that have been used or proposed for detection and analysis of QTL and marker- and gene- assisted selection in animal genetics and breeding, as well as new advances that have revolutionized the field since the first edition.
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