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      • Bollati Boringhieri editore S.r.l. a socio unico

        Our publishing company was founded in 1957 by Paolo Boringhieri focusing on science, mythology and ethnology. In 1987 Giulio Bollati joined the company, taking with him his expertise in history, philosophy , and literary fiction.Since then , the two souls of the publisher scientific studies and humanities have followed intertwined paths.  In 2009 Bollati Boringhieri was a cquired by Gruppo editoriale Mauri Spagnol (GeMS) a group including 11 publishing companiesand 20 imprints. On the non fiction side, we are strongly interested in every project that shows human comprehensive history.  Gems of our list include, among others Edmund de Waal , Jim Al Khalili, Nick Bostrom, Adam Rutherford, Hannah Fry,Jonathan Gottschall , Frank Close, Max Tegmark.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2016

        Von Bologna über Brüssel nach Lissabon.

        Der Weg des Rechts in dem sich integrierenden Europa.

        by Schambeck, Herbert

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1994

        Die Bibliothek von Pila

        by Iso Camartin

        Iso Camartin, geboren 1944 in Chur (Schweiz), studierte Philosophie und Romanistik in München, Regensburg und Bologna. Er war nach seiner Dissertation als Lektor, Publizist und Leiter der Kulturabteilung des Schweizer Fernsehens DRS tätig. Darüber hinaus war er Lehrbeauftragter an verschiedenen Universitäten. Iso Camartin lebt in Zürich.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1998

        Mit Rilke durch die Provence

        by Rainer Maria Rilke, Irina Frowen, Constantin Beyer

        »Das Schönste bei weitem war die Provence, das müßten Sie einmal tun«, schrieb Rainer Maria Rilke 1911 über eine Reise von Paris nach Bologna, die ihm auch eine Wiederbegegnung mit der von ihm lebenslang geliebten Landschaft Südfrankreichs beschert hatte. Noch kurz vor seinem Tod hoffte er, hier einmal seinen endgültigen Wohnsitz nehmen zu können.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1995

        Licht am Ende des Tunnels

        Roman. Aus dem Italienischen von Arianna Giachi

        by Guido Morselli

        Guido Morselli, geboren 1912 in Bologna, aufgewachsen in Mailand, war der Sohn eines wohlhabenden Unternehmers und promovierter Jurist. Er schrieb zahlreiche Romane und Essays, keiner davon wurde je von einem Verlag zur Publikation angenommen. 1973 nahm er sich, kurz nach der Niederschrift von Dissipatio, das Leben, ein Jahr später begann der renommierte Verlag Adelphi Morsellis Gesamtwerk zu publizieren.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Payam Ebrahimi

        For many generations, everyone in Abtin’s family was a champion of one sports or another. But he has no resemblance to the rest of his family. He was neither an athlete, nor even liked to be one. His family was totally disappointed with him, especially his dad. He tried very hard to turn his son into a champion, but Abtin has his own way to make the family proud! AWARDS & RECOGNITION: Biennial of Illustration Bratislava Bologna Children's Book Fair Sharjah Children’s Illustration Exhibition Image of the Books Winner, Russia 2019

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        Feline Reproduction

        by Aime Johnson, Michelle Kutzler

        Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world, and as homes become smaller, and single-person households become more common, it is predicted that the numbers being bred and kept will only grow. In Feline Reproduction, the global author team cover all aspects of reproduction in the queen and the tom. Beginning with basic anatomy and normal reproduction, it goes on to cover practical knowledge about pregnancy, neonatal care, breeding soundness exams, and semen cryopreservation. It also includes an overview of factors, diseases, and abnormal conditions affecting reproduction, such as infertility, causes of abortion and contraception. Covering both pet patients and nondomestic species, this book provides a thorough grounding in feline reproduction for the general veterinary practitioner, veterinary student, animal scientist, and experienced cat breeder.

      • Trusted Partner
        Personal & social issues: body & health (Children's/YA)

        I See That

        by Art studio Agrafka

        This is an educational picture book about sight from the creative studio Agrafka. It is about both things we can see with our own eyes and the mysterious, invisible to the human eye. This book is also about microscopes and telescopes that help us see incredibly small or extremely distant things. It explains that for better eyesight some people need glasses, while those who can’t see at all need a special system and symbols. By reading this book, you will learn how birds and animals see the world, how artists create optical illusions, and about the many millions of hues the human eye can perceive. I See That won the 2018 Bologna Ragazzi Award, the most prestigious award in children’s literature, in the award’s non-fiction category. I See That has been awarded with a Bronze Medal Stiftung Buchkunst in 2019.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2016

        Marcantonio Raimondi, Raphael and the image multiplied

        by Edward H. Wouk, Leslie A. Geddes, Jun Nakamura, Lisa Pon, David Morris, Edward H. Wouk, Henri Zerner, Tatiana Bissolati, Guido Rebecchini, Kathleen Christian, Paul Joannides, Bryony Bartlett-Rawlings, Beverly Louise Brown, Patricia Emison, Catherine Jenkins, Madeleine Viljoen, Sarah Vowles, Jamie Gabbarelli, Peter Black, Barbara Furlotti, Steven Milner, Jenny Spinks, Rheagan E. Martin, Sophie Gordon Cumming, Imogen Harley, Jemima Rose, Heather Garner, Max Weaver, Albert Lindsell, Peter Hayes, Monique Nievas, Holly Smallbone, James Wildgoose

        Best known for his partnership with Raphael, the engraver Marcantonio Raimondi (c. 1480-c. 1534) enabled Renaissance artists to disseminate their designs in print, advancing a revolution in visual communication that still reverberates in our own information age. Yet Marcantonio did more than render compositions by famous artists in the novel medium of engraving. The entries and essays in this catalogue, written by a group of international scholars and published to accompany the first exhibition of Marcantonio's work in over three decades, reveal the diversity of Marcantonio's oeuvre and the scope of his innovation as the leading printmaker of the Italian Renaissance. In-depth studies of Marcantonio's engravings expand our knowledge of his collaboration with Raphael, while also probing Marcantonio's creative response to the dynamic humanist culture in his native Bologna and later in Venice and Rome. Contributions also examine engravings by Marcantonio's 'followers' and consider the importance of his work to the history of print collecting.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2022

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 98/2

        by Stephen Mossman, Cordelia Warr

        The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections. The editors invite the submission of articles in these fields and welcome discussion of in-progress projects.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Siberian haiku

        by Jurga Vile, Lina Itagaki

        This graphic novel tells a story of a Lithuanian boy Algiukas, who in 1941 together with his family was deported to Siberia. His aunt Petronella brings along a book of the Japanese haiku poems. In exile, she inspires the deportees not to succumb to the despair and to see the beautiful side of life.   AWARDS Main Prize in Book Art Contest 2017 Best Book of the Year by IBBY Lithuania 2017 Best Illustrations for a Children’s Book by IBBY Lithuania 2017 White Raven 2017 The Aloysius Petrikas Literary Prize for Children’s Book of the Year 2018 Children’s Book of the Year 2018 (Lithuania) IBBY Honor List 2020 Nomination at the Angoulême International Comics Festival 2020 Selection for Children’s Book Jury in Latvia 2020 International Jānis Baltvilks Award in Latvia 2020 Nomination for Bologna Ragazzi Award 2020 in Italia Latvian edition of “Sibīrijas haiku” was included in the Latvian PEN list of the most important books published in Latvia in 2020 Nomination at the International Book Contest “Reading St. Petersburg,” 2021 (Russia) Nomination for Latvian Literature Prize 2020 Nomination for the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis 2021 in the young adult book category

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2023

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 99/2

        by Stephen Mossman, Cordelia Warr

        The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections. The editors invite the submission of articles in these fields and welcome discussion of in-progress projects.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2019

        Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Cytology

        The Skin and Subcutis

        by Francesco Cian, Paola Monti

        Illustrated with numerous high-quality photomicrographs, Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Cytology: skin and subcutis is a comprehensive, up-to-date, single resource for identifying on cytology the most common cutaneous and subcutaneous diseases of dogs and cats. With key points describing the main clinical and cytological features of each lesion, the book also provides lists of differential diagnoses and interesting additional information with the dedicated box of pearls. The book is also enriched by chapters on the correct use and maintenance of the microscope, techniques of collection and preparations of cytological specimens.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Power of Knowledge

        The Israeli Science Corps

        by Uriel Bachrach

        Uriel Bachrach was born in Germany in 1926 and immigrated to Palestine in 1933. In 1945 he began studying chemistry at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. At the end of 1947, future Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion realized that once British forces left Palestine in May 1948, seven Arab countries would attack the newly formed Jewish state that at that time was home to only 600,000 people—including women, children, and the elderly, many of them Holocaust survivors. The State had only 10,000 rifles and 3,800 pistols, no anti-tank weapons, and no artillery. Weapons could not be purchased from other countries due to an embargo, so Ben-Gurion decided to produce weapons locally. On February 2, 1948, Bachrach was summoned to a secret meeting where he and twenty chemistry and physics students were told to save the nation. For three weeks they studied the secrets of explosives, incendiaries, gas, and smoke. Gradually more young scientists joined the group and on March 17, 1948, an IDF Science Corps named HEMED was formed. In 1949, Bachrach returned to The Hebrew University and became the chairman of the Department of Molecular Biology. He has been a visiting professor at various American and European universities and was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Bologna in Italy. The Hebrew version of this book was published in 2009 and the author received a special prize for the State of Israel from President Shimon Peres. Uriel Bachrach continues to lecture in various forums about this unique chapter in Israel's history. An English-language eBook edition was published in early 2016 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA. 256 pages, 15X22.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        The Power of Knowledge: The History of HEMED

        by Prof. Uriel Bachrach

        The Power of Knowledge: The History of HEMED   How Israel's Science Corps was establishedby Prof. Uriel Bachrach   Uriel Bachrach was born in Germany in 1926 and immigrated to Palestine in 1933. In 1945 he began studying chemistry at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. At the end of 1947, future Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion realized that once British forces left Palestine in May 1948, seven Arab countries would attack the newly formed Jewish state that at that time was home to only 600,000 people—including women, children, and the elderly, many of them Holocaust survivors. The State had only 10,000 rifles and 3,800 pistols, no anti-tank weapons, and no artillery. Weapons could not be purchased from other countries due to an embargo, so Ben-Gurion decided to produce weapons locally. On February 2, 1948, Bachrach was summoned to a secret meeting where he and twenty chemistry and physics students were told to save the nation. For three weeks they studied the secrets of explosives, incendiaries, gas, and smoke. Gradually more young scientists joined the group and on March 17, 1948, an IDF Science Corps named HEMED was formed. In 1949, Bachrach returned to The Hebrew University and became the chairman of the Department of Molecular Biology. He has been a visiting professor at various American and European universities and was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Bologna in Italy. The Hebrew version of this book was published in 2009 and the author received a special prize for the State of Israel from President Shimon Peres. Uriel Bachrach continues to lecture in various forums about this unique chapter in Israel's history. An English-language eBook edition was published in early 2016 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA. 256 pages, 15X22.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        Wissen ist Macht: Die Geschichte von HEMED

        by Prof. Uriel Bachrach

        Wissen ist Macht: Die Geschichte von HEMED Wie das israelische Wissenschaftskorps gegründet wurde von Prof. Uriel Bachrach Uriel Bachrach wurde 1926 in Deutschland geboren und wanderte 1933 nach Palästina aus. 1945 begann er ein Chemiestudium an der Hebräischen Universität in Jerusalem. Ende 1947 erkannte der zukünftige israelische Ministerpräsident David Ben-Gurion, dass sobald die britischen Streitkräfte im Mai 1948 Palästina verließen sieben arabische Länder den neu gebildeten jüdischen Staat angreifen würden, in dem zu diesem Zeitpunkt nur 600.000 Menschen lebten – einschließlich Frauen und Kindern und älteren Menschen, darunter viele Überlebende des Holocaust. Der Staat hatte nur 10.000 Gewehre und 3.800 Pistolen, keine Panzerabwehrwaffen und keine Artillerie. Waffen konnten aufgrund eines Embargos nicht aus dem Ausland gekauft werden, daher beschloss Ben-Gurion, Waffen vor Ort zu produzieren. Am 2. Februar 1948 wurde Bachrach zu einem geheimen Treffen einberufen, bei dem er und zwanzig Chemie- und Physikstudenten aufgefordert wurden, die Nation zu retten. Drei Wochen lang drangen sie in die Geheimnisse von Sprengstoff, Brand, Gas und Rauch ein. Allmählich schlossen sich mehr junge Wissenschaftler der Gruppe an und am 17. März 1948 wurde ein IDF-Wissenschaftskorps namens HEMED gegründet. 1949 kehrte Bachrach an die Hebräische Universität zurück und wurde Vorsitzender der Abteilung für Molekularbiologie. Er war Gastprofessor an verschiedenen amerikanischen und europäischen Universitäten und wurde von der Universität Bologna mit der Ehrendoktorwürde ausgezeichnet. Die hebräische Version dieses Buches wurde 2009 veröffentlicht und der Autor erhielt von Präsident Shimon Peres einen Sonderpreis für den Staat Israel. Uriel Bachrach hält in verschiedenen Foren Vorträge über dieses einzigartige Kapitel in der Geschichte Israels. Eine englischsprachige nordamerikanische Ausgabe wurde Anfang 2016 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht. 256 Seiten, 15 x 22,5 cm.

      • Trusted Partner
        Picture storybooks

        Un día… (One day…)

        by Chiara Carrer

        It could happen that one day, one word describes us, one image reflects an emotion, and one name tells us its story. That each thing, made up of different parts, wanders in a space of fragments, only to find us. One day, Isabel, Omar, Lola, and the others arrive, all eager to tell you their story.

      • Trusted Partner
        Picture books

        pica, no pica (ooh! ouch!)

        by Jill Hartley

        The charm of the image and the everyday surprise of a world to discover, with contrasts and similarities. This book reveals the primary impressions about things that burn, sting, irritate, or scratch, and its approximation to that which cuddles, tingles, pampers, sweetens, softens, or, like children would say, ooh, ouch!

      • Trusted Partner
        History & the past: general interest (Children's/YA)

        días tonaltin (days tonaltin)

        by Andréadis, Ianna / Foch, Élisabeth

        Drawings on the signs of the Stone of the Sun that represent each of the 20 tonaltin of the month, accompanied by the Spanish and Nahuatl words.

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