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        July 2024

        Malte & Oßkar und das Glück, Pech zu haben

        by Malte Zierden, Amia von Arenberg, Oßkar, Amia von Arenberg

        Eine Geschichte, die in keiner Schublade steckt. In einem Haus zwischen vielen Häusern, in einer Wohnung über vielen Wohnungen lebt ein Junge: Malte. Auf den ersten Blick scheint alles an ihm ganz und gar gewöhnlich. Doch was kein Blick verrät: Malte hat Angst. Angst vor der Welt da draußen. Der Welt vor seiner Tür. Nur in seiner Badewanne fühlt sich Malte sicher. Und genau dort plumpst eines Tages sein bester Freund durch das Badezimmerfenster: die Taube Oßkar. Und die nimmt Malte mit auf eine ganz besondere Reise, eine Reise zu seiner Angst – und zu sich selbst … Malte Zierden und Amia von Arenberg erzählen in ihrem Kinderbuch eine Geschichte über Freundschaft und Ängste, in die sie viele autobiografische Elemente einfließen lassen. Mit ihrem Buch möchten sie Kindern ab 5 Jahren zeigen, dass es völlig okay ist, Angst zu haben und wie wertvoll es sein kann, sie kennenzulernen und sich vielleicht sogar mit ihr anzufreunden. Ein wunderbares Bilderbuch über Freundschaft und Mut – und darüber, wie kleine Freunde große Veränderungen bewirken können! Malte & Oßkar: Eine Reise zu sich selbst Mit Humor und Tiefgang: Eine wunderbare Geschichte über Freundschaft, Mut und Angst. Wichtige Alltagsthemen: Das Bilderbuch vermittelt Kindern altersgerecht, wie wichtig Empathie, Verständnis und Selbstwertgefühl für zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen sind. Authentisch, poetisch und tiefgründig: Tierschutzaktivist Malte Zierden und Amia von Arenberg verarbeiten in ihrem ersten Kinderbuch autobiografische Elemente wie soziale Ängste und die große Freundschaft zu einer kleinen Taube. Das besondere Bilderbuch von Malte Zierden und Amia von Arenberg vermittelt eine wichtige Botschaft: Stell dich an die Seite deiner Angst und trau dich, an ihr zu wachsen. Eine humorvolle und tiefgründige Geschichte für Kinder ab 5 Jahren und alle, die sie auf der Suche nach ihren Gefühlen und Ängsten begleiten wollen.

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        June 2019

        Malte, der kleine Polizist

        Der Bücherbär: Mein LeseBilderbuch

        by Grimm, Sandra

        Polizist sein ist toll! Malte ist sich ganz sicher: Eines Tages wird auch er Polizist, genau wie sein Onkel Tom. Den Menschen helfen, Verbrecher fangen, Straftaten aufklären - Was kann spannender sein? Und spannend wird es, als Malte seinen Onkel bei der Arbeit besucht und eine Diebin ihr Unwesen treibt…

      • Trusted Partner
        Zoology & animal sciences
        May 2021

        Nutrition and Feeding Organic Cattle

        by Robert Blair

        Organic cattle farming is on the increase, with consumer demand for organic milk and meat growing yearly. Beginning with an overview of the aims and principles behind organic cattle production, this book presents extensive information about how to feed cattle so that the milk and meat produced meet organic standards, and provides a comprehensive summary of ruminant digestive processes and nutrition. Since the publication of the first edition, global consumers have increasingly become concerned with the sustainability of meat production. Here, Robert Blair considers the interrelationships of sustainable practices and profitability of organic herds, reviewing how to improve forage production and quality, and minimizing the need for supplementary feeding using off-farm ingredients. This new edition also covers: - Managing a recurrent shortage of organic feed ingredients, due to increased GM feed crop cultivation worldwide - Current findings on appropriate breeds and grazing systems for forage-based organic production - Diet-related health issues in organic herds and the effects of organic production on meat and milk quality. Required reading for animal science researchers, advisory personnel that service the organic milk and beef industries and students interested in organic milk and meat production, this book is also a useful resource for organic farming associations, veterinarians, and feed and food industry personnel.

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        Children's & YA

        Searching for Little Green Men

        by Jin Bo

        The first installment of the ‘Little Green Men’ series --- a new full-length fairytale by famous children’s book author Jin Bo. The book centerson the cute fairytale image of ‘little green men’. It depicts a pair of good friends who hope to encounter mysterious little green men, their accidental discovery of them in the suburbs, and, finally, the adventures that occur after they invite the little green men to come to the human world. The book preserves Jin Bo’s beautiful and lyrical style, extols on the value of childlike innocence, and is a classic original fairytale.

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        Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        Friend Li Bo, Brother Du Fu..

        by Oleh Lysheha

        Friend Li Bo, Brother Du Fu.. is a collection of prose by the Ukrainian poet Oleh Lysheha, which was on the BBC Ukraine Book of the Year award long list in 2010. According to the author, this book took him about thirty years to write. It includes, for instance, fragments of his lost fantasy novel "Peacock".

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Talk with the tree

        by Jin Bo

        The book was a collection of prose by Jin Bo, a well-known children's literature writer. The author has devoted to children's literature creation for more than 50 years and produced a great many of classic prose. The book selected Jin’s works over the years. The articles of the book were written in standard modern Chinese. They are touching and graceful and are not just for young mothers but for adults to mouldtheir temperament. Many of the articles have been chosen by various Chinese textbooks in the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        The Eco-Balance on the Plate

        How What We Eat Can Protect the Climate

        by Dr. Malte Rubach

        How much CO₂ is emitted by one serving of spaghetti bolognese? About 1.5 kilograms! This example shows what the meat industry and food logistics mean for the eco-balance of our food. But is it enough to switch to meat-free and dairy-free alternatives or local specialities? Dr. Malte Rubach takes a closer look and reviews our food regime and its impact on our climate. We live in a society influenced by technology and the rising consumption of resources. Rubach argues for a sensible attitude to food and shows what we can still eat with a clear conscience.

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        Agricultural science
        March 2011

        Farm Animal Behaviour

        Characteristics for Assessment of Health and Welfare

        by Ingvar Ekesbo

        Animal behaviour is the basis for ascertaining their welfare and is a topic of ever growing importance. This textbook is organised into three sections covering all major farm animals of the world, both mainstream and specialist: large farm animal species (horses, cattle, swine, sheep and goats), poultry and farmed birds and non-domesticated animals such as deer. Each chapter describes the elements of behaviour of a particular species in a clear and uniform format. Background to domestication, innate and learnt behaviour, social behaviour, mating behaviour, activity patterns, senses, behaviour in the young animal, vision and hearing are all covered for each species. Understanding of ethological knowledge is both a necessary aid for getting correct diagnoses, but also for the assessment of health and welfare in the single animal or a group of animals, making the book valuable for veterinary practitioners as well as students at university and tertiary level.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        Parasites of Cattle and Sheep

        A Practical Guide to their Biology and Control

        by Andrew B Forbes

        Understanding parasite biology and impact is essential when giving advice on parasite control in farm animals. In the first review devoted to parasites of domestic cattle and sheep alone, this book provides in-depth, focused advice which can be tailored to individual farms. It considers the impact of parasites, both as individual species and as co-infections, as well as epidemiological information, monitoring, and diagnostic procedures. Supported throughout by diagrams and photos to aid diagnosis, it also reviews the basis for control measures such as the responsible use of parasiticides, adaptive animal husbandry and other management practices. This book: Focuses on common parasites of domestic sheep and cattle; Places emphasis on understanding host responses and epidemiology so that the impact and seasonality of parasitism can be incorporated into advice and decision making; Highlights the fundamental importance of the individual farm and farmer in assessing endemic parasitism and tailoring control options accordingly; Provides a comprehensive reference listing, including important historical citations, to underpin the content. An important resource for students, veterinarians and researchers of farm animal health, this book maintains a focus on ruminant parasitology in order to deliver evidence-based advice and also context for the application of basic research.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2018

        Farm Animal Behaviour

        Characteristics for Assessment of Health and Welfare

        by Ingvar Ekesbo, Stefan Gunnarsson

        Completely updated and revised, Farm Animal Behaviour 2nd Edition continues to provide essential information on normal and stereotypic behaviours in a wide variety of farm animals to help in the assessment and diagnosis of their health and welfare. Comprehensive coverage of a range of farmed animals from: horses, cattle, sheep, goats and pigs through to domesticated poultry, deer, ostrich and many other species. Innate, learned and social behaviours are described together with activity, vision and hearing to build a picture of normal behaviours presented in a clear and consistent way for each species. Stereotypic behaviours, injuries and disease, resulting from improper management practices, are outlined in detail. For the second edition Professor Stefan Gunnarsson joins the author team and contributes his long-standing knowledge, clinical and scientific expertise. Many new snapshot photographs in full colour throughout have been added to further illustrate behaviours as they occur. New information on normal and stereotypic behaviours is included. The explosion in new research is captured with a wealth of new references and pointers for further reading. A consistent approach to each species allows for easy comparison. Farm Animal Behaviour 2nd Edition provides a comprehensive yet concise background for all students, postgraduates and practitioners in veterinary medicine, animal science, welfare and ethology.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1999

        Kasimir malt

        by Lars Klinting, Lars Klinting, Angelika Kutsch

        Der Biberhandwerker Kasimir und sein kleiner Freund Frippe machen sich an die Aufgabe, einen Schrank anzustreichen. Dieses Bilderbuch ab 4 Jahren bietet eine einfache, aber fesselnde Einführung in die Grundlagen des Malens und der Farbenlehre, ergänzt durch die liebevollen und detailreichen Illustrationen Klintings. Durch die Augen von Kasimir und Frippe erleben Kinder, wie mit Geduld, Geschick und der richtigen Vorbereitung ein Farbprojekt Schritt für Schritt umgesetzt wird, von der Auswahl der Farben und Pinsel bis hin zum Mischen neuer Farbtöne. Die Erzählung zeichnet sich durch ihre Alltagsnähe und die Verbindung von Lernen und Spielen aus, wodurch sie besonders für Kinder im Vorschul- und Grundschulalter attraktiv ist. Mit diesem Buch lernen junge Leser nicht nur über das Handwerk des Malens, sondern auch über Freundschaft, Teamarbeit und die Freude am Erschaffen. Förderung von Kreativität und handwerklichem Geschick: Kinder lernen auf spielerische Weise die Grundlagen des Malens und der Farbenlehre. Lernen durch Nachahmung: Die detaillierten Illustrationen und einfachen Anleitungen regen zum Mitmachen und Ausprobieren an. Förderung von Lesekompetenz: Die klare, verständliche Sprache unterstützt junge Leser beim Lesenlernen und Verstehen komplexer Zusammenhänge. Stärkung von Teamarbeit und Freundschaft: Die Geschichten um Kasimir und Frippe zeigen, wie wichtig Zusammenarbeit und gegenseitige Hilfe sind. Liebevolle und detailreiche Illustrationen: Die Bilder von Lars Klinting bereichern die Erzählung und machen das Buch zu einem visuellen Erlebnis. Pädagogisch wertvoll: Empfohlen von Lehrern und Eltern für die frühkindliche Bildung, unterstützt es die Entwicklung von Motorik und Farbverständnis. Positive Resonanz: Begeisterte Rezensionen von Eltern und Pädagogen unterstreichen den Wert der Kasimir-Reihe für die kindliche Entwicklung. Weitere lehrreiche Bände der beliebten und pädagogisch wertvollen Klassiker-Reihe, die Kindern auf einfache Art und Weise nützliches Alltagswissen vermittelt: Kasimir hat einen Platten - Kasimir flickt einen Reifen Kasimir lässt Frippe machen - Kasimirs Freund Frippe repariert Gegenstände Kasimir malt - Kasimir streicht seinen Schrank neu Kasimir pflanzt weiße Bohnen - Kasimir zieht Bohnen heran Kasimir näht - Kasimir näht sich eine neue Schürze Kasimir backt - Kasimir backt einen Kuchen Die Geschichten "Kasimir backt", "Kasimir tischlert", "Kasimir pflanzt weiße Bohnen", "Kasimir malt" und "Kasimir lässt Frippe machen" sind ebenfalls im Sammelband "Das große Buch von Kasimir" verfügbar.

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        October 2014


        by Merkel, Rainer

      • Trusted Partner
        Art: general interest (Children's/YA)

        Los animales de El Bosco (The Animals of Hieronymus Bosch)

        by Manuel Marín

        The first artist to enter the realm of fantasy was Hieronymus Bosch. He revels in the delights of pleasure. He relishes eating giant fruits, running on water and flying on top of a fish. He is joyful without even realizing it. Bosch is also aware that serenity and calmness let things be seen as they are. No one before had ever seen our feelings as we get lost in the madness of invisible realities.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        World Runner (2). The Hunted

        by Thomas Thiemeyer

        Tim, who with Annika and Malte has qualified for the second round, is confronted with the biggest challenge of his running career: he, his friends and their arch rivals Jeremy, Darius and Vanessa must form a team that will perform perfectly together. How well they succeed will be judged by millions of spectators, because every moment of this competition will be broadcast live by the media company Global Games. The decision as to who wins has long since ceased to be a matter of ability. Whether the prize is worth the challenge is open to question.

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