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      • Howard J. Erlichman

        The Roman Century: How a Determined People Launched the Greatest Empire in World History should be of interest to anyone who ponders the increasingly intense competition among the United States, China and Russia. The book places the spectacular Roman advance during a single “long” century (323-188 BCE) in a much wider geo-politico-economic context than existing works; explains how the Romans perfected a three-pronged blueprint of imperial conquest which had been devised by Philip II of Macedon; and incorporates timeless observations from the likes of Appian, Arrian, Clausewitz, Diodorus, Livy, Machiavelli, Plutarch, Polybius, Sun Tzu and Thucydides. The book also explains how the Romans generated a host of lessons to be studied by anyone concerned with the processes through which overseas empires are won and lost. The ebook edition is currently available on Amazon Kindle, Apple iTunes, B&N Nook and Rakuten Kobo.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2010

        New D.H. Lawrence

        by Howard Booth

        New D.H. Lawrence uses current and emergent approaches in literary studies to explore one of Britain's major modernist writers. The collection features new work by the present generation of Lawrence scholars, who are brought together here for the first time. Chapters include: Andrew Harrison on the marketing of Sons and Lovers; Howard J. Booth on The Rainbow, Marxist criticism and colonialism; Holly A. Laird on ethics and suicide in Women in Love; Hugh Stevens on psychoanalysis and war in Women in Love; Jeff Wallace on Lawrence, Deleuze and abstraction; Stefania Michelucci on myth and war in 'The Ladybird'; Bethan Jones on gender and comedy in the late short fiction; Fiona Becket on green cultural critique, Apocalypse and Birds, Beasts and Flowers; and Sean Matthews on class, Leavis and the trial of Lady Chatterley. New D.H. Lawrence will be of interest to all concerned with contemporary writing on Lawrence, modernism and English radical cultures. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2019

        ABBA ABBA: By Anthony Burgess

        by Paul Howard, Andrew Biswell

        ABBA ABBA is one of Anthony Burgess's most original works, combining fiction, poetry and translation. A product of his time in Italy in the early 1970s, this delightfully unconventional book is part historical novel, part poetry collection, as well as a meditation on translation and the generating of literature by one of Britain's most inventive post-war authors. Set in Papal Rome in the winter of 1820-21, Part One recreates the consumptive John Keats's final months in the Eternal City and imagines his meeting the Roman dialect poet Giuseppe Gioachino Belli. Pitting Anglo-Italian cultures and sensibilities against each other, Burgess creates a context for his highly original versions of 71 sonnets by Belli, which feature in Part Two. This new edition includes extra material by Burgess, along with an introduction and notes by Paul Howard, Fellow in Italian Literature at Trinity College, Cambridge.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2000

        Modernism and empire

        Writing and British coloniality, 1890–1940

        by Howard Booth, Nigel Rigby

        This is the first book to explore the relationship between literary modernism and the British Empire. Contributors look at works from the traditional modernist canon as well as extending the range of work addresses - particularly emphasising texts from the Empire. A key issue raised is whether modernism sprang from a crisis in the colonial system, which it sought to extend, or whether the modern movement was a more sophisticated form of cultural imperialism. The chapters in Modernism and empire show the importance of empire to modernism. Patrick Williams theorises modernism and empire; Rod Edmond discusses theories of degeneration in imperial and modernist discourse; Helen Carr examines Imagism and empire; Elleke Boehmer compares Leonard Woolf and Yeats; Janet Montefiore writes on Kipling and Orwell, C.L. Innes explores Yeats, Joyce and their implied audiences; Maire Ni Fhlathuin writes on Patrick Pearse and modernism; John Nash considers newspapers, imperialism and Ulysses; Howard J. Booth addresses D.H. Lawrence and otherness; Nigel Rigby discusses Sylvia Townsend Warner and sexuality in the Pacific; Mark Williams explores Mansfield and Maori culture; Abdulrazak Gurnah looks at Karen Blixen, Elspeth Huxley and settler writing; and Bill Ashcroft and John Salter take an inter-disciplinary approach to Australia and 'Modernism's Empire'. ;

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        Children's & YA

        The Seven Lives of Jouralbo the Cat

        by Allan Sieber (author)

        The cute Jouralbo is an unlucky cat that lives many adventures, never losing the hope of finding a loving home. Thankfully, he has 7 lives! The first optimistic book from acclaimed Brazilian grumpy cartoonist Allan Sieber.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2016

        Howard Barker's art of theatre

        by Sarah Goldingay, David Rabey

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2016

        Howard Barker's art of theatre

        by David Rabey, Sarah Goldingay

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        September 2010

        Weihnachten mit Rainer Maria Rilke

        by Hella Sieber-Rilke

        „Was schlug mir das Herz, vom Geburtstag an, über den St. Nikolaus-Tag auf Weihnachten zu“, schreibt Rilke seiner Mutter mit 48 Jahren, „und wie steigerte sich diese seine Erregtheit immer noch mehr, am 21ten, am 22ten, am 23ten, bis am seltsam ausgesparten Nachmittag des 24ten […] dann die Glocken, die Glockenspiele eindrangen, die dem Aufspringen der Türen zuvorflogen durch die Dämmerung des unvergleichlichen Wintertags.“ Die hier von Hella Sieber-Rilke zu einem Weihnachtslesebuch zusammengestellten Briefe, Gedichte und die Erzählung „Das Christkind“ sprechen von diesem beseligenden Gefühl der Vorfreude, das für Rilke zeitlebens mit dem Weihnachtsfest und vor allem dem Heiligen Abend verbunden blieb.

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        Logik – ein Anfängerkurs

        by Alex Blum

        Logik – ein Anfängerkurs - von Alex Blum Ein umfassender Anfängerkurs in Logik für Studenten der Philosophie. Der Autor will eine natürliche Deduktionstechnik und ein eingehendes und intuitives Verständnis der Metatheorie der elementaren Logik vermitteln. Professor Dr. Alex Blum ist einer der führenden Logiker Israels und hat bereits zahlreiche Artikel in internationalen Zeitschriften veröffentlicht. Er ist Professor Emeritus der Philosophie, Bar-Ilan Universität bei Tel Aviv. Rechte für die deutsche Ausgabe und andere Sprachen sind noch erhältlich!

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        November 2002

        Gedanken für den Tag


        by Phia Rilke, Hella Sieber-Rilke

        Die Mutter Rainer Maria Rilkes war gerade 30 Jahre alt, als sie sich entschloß, ihre Ehe mit Rilkes Vater zu beenden. Die gebildete Frau lebte von da an allein, reiste viel und nahm mit wachen Sinnen und kritischem Blick ihre Umwelt wahr. 1900 veröffentlichte sie eine kleine Sammlung von Sentenzen, die sie »Ephemeriden« nannte, für den Tag Notiertes. Mehr als hundert Jahre später zeigt sich, daß viele dieser durch Erfahrung und Beobachtung gewonnenen Einsichten und Ansichten durchaus zeitlos sind. Auch die leise Selbstironie, mit der einige von ihnen formuliert sind, teilt sich noch immer unmittelbar mit. Grund genug für Hella Sieber-Rilke, sie, ergänzt durch unveröffentlichte Briefe des Dichters, der die Entstehung und Verbreitung des Buches mit Ratschlägen begleitet hatte, neu herauszugeben.

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        LOGIC – A First Course

        by Prof. A. Blum

        LOGIC – A First Course Prof. A. Blum A rigorous first course in logic for students of philosophy. The book aims to teach a natural deduction technique and to give a thorough intuitive understanding of the metatheory of elementary logic. Prof. Blum, one of Israel’s leading philosophical logicians, has published over 40 articles on logic and related subjects in international journals, and is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University. 192 pages, 16.5X23.5 cm

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