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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Verfluchte Marmelade

        Keine Panik ist auch keine Lösung

        by Daniela Dammer, Stefanie Klaßen

        In "Verfluchte Marmelade" von Daniela Dammer steht der junge Yann kurz vor einem großen Umbruch in seinem Leben: dem Ende der Grundschulzeit und dem bevorstehenden Wechsel auf eine weiterführende Schule. Veränderungen sind Yanns größte Furcht, und er sorgt sich, dass damit auch die Freundschaft zu seinen besten Freunden Kalle und Ben in Gefahr geraten könnte. Fest entschlossen, ihre Freundschaft für immer zu besiegeln, planen die drei Jungen die härteste aller Mutproben. Doch als diese nicht wie geplant verläuft, treffen sie auf Kiki, die kreative Enkelin des Friedhofsgärtners, die mit einem ungewöhnlichen Vorschlag aufwartet: die eigene Beerdigung zu besuchen. Was folgt, ist eine herzerwärmende und humorvolle Geschichte über Freundschaft, den Mut, sich dem Unbekannten zu stellen, und die Bedeutung von Zusammenhalt. Mit viel Witz und Einfühlungsvermögen erzählt Daniela Dammer eine Geschichte, die sowohl Kinder als auch Erwachsene anspricht und dabei ernste Themen mit Leichtigkeit behandelt. Humorvolle und tiefgründige Freundschaftsgeschichte: Ein Abenteuer, das die Bedeutung von Freundschaft und Mut unterstreicht, perfekt für junge Leser*innen ab 8 Jahren. Ernste Themen kindgerecht verpackt: Die Geschichte spricht Themen wie Veränderung und Verlust auf eine Weise an, die für Kinder verständlich und nicht beängstigend ist. Einzigartige und fesselnde Handlung: Die originelle Idee, eine eigene Beerdigung zu besuchen, bietet einen frischen Blickwinkel auf das Thema Freundschaft und das Erwachsenwerden. Empfohlen von Stiftung Lesen: Das Buch kommt mit einer Leseempfehlung, was für seine Qualität und Eignung für junge Leser spricht. Lebensnahe Charaktere: Yann und seine Freunde sind authentisch und nachvollziehbar dargestellt, sodass sich junge Leser leicht mit ihnen identifizieren können. Für Leseanfänger und -begeisterte: Mit kurzen Kapiteln und witzigen Illustrationen spricht das Buch sowohl lesebegeisterte Kinder als auch solche, die noch nicht so viel Freude am Lesen gefunden haben, gleichermaßen an.

      • Trusted Partner

        Everything Is Different with the Beaver Family

        A Story for Children Whose Parents are Affected by Unemployment

        by Lisa Bartling, Lea Buchner, Yannik Bendel, Hannah Grote, Johannes Kresse, Jennifer Koy

        Bene Beaver is quite certain of the following: His Mom has the coolest job in the world! At dinnertime, his mother often talks about the latest construction of a beaver den, until one evening she is quiet at dinner and seems sad. Papa Bernhard explains that Mom has  lost her job. “How can you lose something like that?” asks Bene, who goes to visit the wisest animal in the forest: the moose. This book is designed to help children, whose parents are affected by unemployment, to  better understand and master their situation. The story of Bene Beaver and his family  addresses a number of the different challenges that occur when a parent is unemployed.   For: • children of elementary school age (between 6 and 12 years of age)  whose parents are affected by unemployment• parents, relatives• therapists

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2018

        Are We Pushing Animals to Their Biological Limits?

        Welfare and Ethical Implications

        by Temple Grandin, Martin Whiting

        Stimulating and thought-provoking, this important new text looks at the welfare problems and philosophical and ethical issues that are caused by changes made to an animal's telos, behaviour and physiology, both positive and negative, to make them more productive or adapted for human uses. These changes may involve selective breeding for production, appearance traits, or competitive advantage in sport, transgenic animals or the use of pharmaceuticals or hormones to enhance production or performance. Changes may impose duties to care for these animals further and more intensely, or they may make the animal more robust. The book considers a wide range of animals, including farm animals, companion animals and laboratory animals. It reviews the ethics and welfare issues of animals that have been adapted for sport, as companions, in work, as ornaments, food sources, guarding and a whole host of other human functions. This important new book sparks debate and is essential reading for all those involved in animal welfare and ethics, including veterinarians, animal scientists, animal welfare scientists and ethologists.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        An Introduction to Economics

        Concepts for Students of Agriculture and the Rural Sector

        by Berkeley Hill

        Updated and revised, this fifth edition incorporates recent developments in the environment in which agriculture operates. Issues that have gained prominence since the previous edition (2014) include climate change and agriculture's mitigating role, concern with animal welfare, the social contributions that agriculture makes, risks associated with globalization, and rising concern over sustainability. Important for UK and EU readers are the adjustments needed now that the UK is no longer a member of the European Union and the nature of the national policies developed to replace the EU's Common Agricultural Policy. Containing all the major economic principles with agriculture-specific examples, An Introduction to Economics, 5th Edition provides a rounded and up-to-date introduction to the subject. The inclusion of updated chapter-focused exercises, essay questions and suggestions for further reading make this textbook an invaluable learning tool. This book: Is updated to include new developments, such as Brexit, importance of climate change and animal welfare. Includes exercises and essay questions. Suggests further reading to supplement the text. This book is recommended for students of agriculture, economics and related sectors.

      • Nostra Signora delle Ceneri

        by Simone Colaiacomo

        Rome, Anno Domini 2013. Abigail is a girl stuck in her teenage years, whose life is made even more complicated when, one day, she finds herself trapped a library that suddenly bursts into flames. Though miraculously survived, Fire starts to haunt her existence. On her eighteenth birthday, on the eve of All Saints' Day, Chance leads her to the The Non-Catholic Cemetery of Rome, where she begins an inner journey to discover herself. Meanwhile, a series of esoteric crimes start to take place in many of the Ossuaries around Europe. An ancient and mysterious Order of exorcists, a prophecy, conspiracies inside the Vatican and unexpected plots intertwine together in this occult Urban Fantasy. ---  Roma, Anno Domini 2013. Abigail è una ragazza incastrata nella sua complicata adolescenza, a seguito di un incendio in una biblioteca in cui si è trovata prigioniera, pur uscendone miracolosamente incolume. Da quel drammatico evento, le fiamme condizionano la sua esistenza; tenta infatti alcuni mesi dopo di darsi fuoco con dei carboni ardenti, per capire come mai era stata graziata. Il giorno del suo diciottesimo compleanno, alla vigilia di Ognissanti, il caso la conduce nel cimitero Acattolico alla Piramide Cestia, dove inizia un viaggio interiore alla scoperta di se stessa.Fulcro e contorno delle vicende, una serie di furti e omicidi a sfondo esoterico che toccano, tra l'altro gli Ossari di mezza Europa. Un antico e misterioso Ordine di esorcisti, una profezia, complotti in Vaticano ed intrecci inattesi si sovrappongono in questo occulto Urban Fantasy. Il Bene e il Male si alternano, si scambiano, si confondono in una danza degli eccessi che investono le anime dei personaggi tra una possessione ed un esorcismo, il cui suggestivo scenario non poteva che essere costruito nell'ineguagliabile cornice della città eterna.

      • Agriculture & farming
        August 2015

        Nanotechnology in Agriculture

        by K.S.Subramanian, K. Gunasekaran, N. Natarajan, C.R. Chinnamuthu, A. Lakshmanan & S .K. Rajkishore

        The word nano agriculture refers to the infusion of nanotechnology concepts and principles in agricultural sciences so as to develop processes and products that precisely deliver inputs and promote productivity without associated environmental harm. Nano Agriculture is quite appropriate in India in the context of changing scenarios in agricultural production systems which in the verge of transformation towards precision agriculture.

      • Food & Drink
        October 2022

        Cuciniamo Naturale

        55 Golose ricette green!

        by Emanuele Giorgone

        iFoodies is a new series from the publisher italiangourmet that chronicles the most successful trends in the 'food universe' through easy and affordable recipes. In Cuciniamo Naturale. the recipes are vegetable-based, prepared with readily available pulses, doughs with wholemeal flours such as millet flour or rice flour and desserts sweetened with agave or maple syrup. There is a wide variety of uses for legumes, risottos whipped without margarine, gluten-free cereal-based first courses such as lemon gnocchi or sweet potato ravioli. And of course, there is no shortage of seasonal vegetables, mushrooms, dried fruit and dates. All recipes are prepared using natural and unprocessed ingredients. This book offers an alternative to those who for health, belief, conviction or simply pleasure have decided to eat according to a precise standard, avoiding certain types of food. All the recipes proposed are therefore free - apart from meat - of gluten, shellfish, eggs, fish, soya, dairy products, sulphur dioxide and shellfish.The book is divided into 6 sections: appetisers, starters, creams and soups, first courses, main courses and desserts. The book contains 55 recipes divided into 6 sections: appetisers, starters, creams and soups, first courses, main courses and desserts. Each recipe contains nutritional information and various tips as well as an indication of which foods characterise it.

      • Biography & True Stories
        October 2013

        Going Solo on Lake Como

        by Ciara O'Toole

        Sometimes flying by the seat of your pants is the best thing you can do … When Ciara O’Toole and her husband move to Lake Como, Italy, they make plans – to run their own businesses, to learn the language and to immerse themselves in the Italian way of life. But just a few months into the adventure Ciara’s marriage ends and she finds herself alone in a country where she doesn’t speak the language. She is faced with a choice: return to Ireland or stay in Italy and make her new life work. Determined to make a go of it, she throws herself into everything – forging new friendships – whirlwind romances, attempting to eat her own weight in four-cheese pizzas … and learning to fly a seaplane! Her new passion grips her as she works tirelessly towards an all-important milestone: her first solo flight. Told with warmth, humour and disarming honesty, Going Solo on Lake Como is the inspirational story of how one woman finds her wings and takes to the skies. ‘It made me laugh, it made me cry. It is epic in scope but incredibly intimate.’ Jane Maas

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2015

        The Sound of the Tang Dynasty

        by Dong Botao

        The Sound of Tang Poetry is compilation of 102 lovingly translated, timeless and quiescent poems. Poetry of the Tang period fusing aesthetics, history and philosophy - at once evocative of ancient Chinese culture and deeply relevant to contemporary concepts of beauty and nature, where less written reveals more. Rare is the Chinese person, today or in history, who cannot recite lines from Tang poems and whose life has not been influenced by the words of great poets, such as; Wang Wei, Li Bai, or Tu Fu. Indeed, the Chinese often see the world and others through the eyes of these poets... This volume belongs in the libraries of all poetry lovers. NB, poems are in English and original Mandarin script.

      • Fiction
        May 2016


        Comics Anthology

        by Andik Prayogo, Yudhanegara Nyoman, Nan-Nan

        Shivers is a comics anthology created by a number of talented Indonesia comics artists. It contains 6 thrillers and horror/mistery comics with superb artworks. 1. Reunion-Revival-Requiem, created by Andik Prayogo and Felix Setiawan, is a mistery comic trilogy about a young boy who experienced a series of unfortunate events, caused by misterious beings. 2. Kris, created by Yudhanegara Nyoman and Aloysius Alfa, tells the adventure of two young ghosthunters, 3. Midnight Visitor, created by Nan-Nan, is a horror comic which tells about the misterious visitor who often comes to new-moms. 4. Freudian, by Yudhanegara Nyoman and Bening Andyani, tells a story about the journey of young college students that ended tragically, caused by winning a bottle cap lottery.

      • January 2009

        Verità che scottano

        Domande e risposte su questioni attuali di amore e di vita

        by Angela Maria Cosentino

        Prefazione di Francesco D'Agostino In nome di un falso progresso e di una falsa libertà, si registra un profondo cambiamento di mentalità e di comportamenti in riferimento alle principali questioni che scottano: persona, amore, famiglia e vita. Tali cambiamenti, sostenuti da interessi economici e ideologici, sono orientati ad oscurare la verità sulla Creazione dell’uomo. Ciò comporta, di conseguenza, un attacco anche ai fondamentali diritti umani, diritti che nessuna maggioranza può attribuire ma solo riconoscere e tutelare. Il volume, che alla luce della ragione e della fede offre spunti di riflessione per avviare il confronto sui valori in gioco nelle attuali questioni bioetiche, è rivolto a tutti, in particolare a chi è impegnato nell’emergenza educativa. Rappresenta un agile manuale che, in forma dialogica, tocca l’abc di alcuni valori non negoziabili per promuovere un coraggioso Sì all’amore e alla vita. Per il bene della persona, della famiglia e della società.


        by Sergio Bambaren

        «Qualche tempo fa una delle persone più meravigliose che io abbia mai conosciuto ha lasciato questo mondo. Si chiamava Silvia. Ci eravamo conosciuti da bambini, quando eravamo vicini di casa, e nonostante le nostre strade si siano divise non ci siamo mai persi di vista. Nel corso degli anni ci siamo incontrati molte volte in giro per il mondo e abbiamo continuato a volerci bene. Era una sognatrice, proprio come me.» In questa lunga lettera rivolta a una carissima amica recentemente scomparsa, Sergio Bambarén mantiene la promessa fattale prima che morisse: scrivere un libro dedicato alla loro amicizia, nata sui banchi di scuola, e al legame indissolubile che li ha tenuti vicini per tanti anni, nonostante le difficoltà, i cambiamenti, le distanze. Silvia, l'amica che se n'è andata, rimane così una figura sempre presente, non solo nella memoria, come di solito succede, ma anche nella piccola, preziosa testimonianza delle parole scritte. Un testo di grande umanità e di portata universale su un sentimento così importante come l'amicizia.

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