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      • Borobudur Agency

        Borobudur Agency act to represent Indonesian publishers and authors for children’s and young adult books; picture books; comic books; fiction: novels, literary works; non-fiction: cookbooks, fashion (especially Muslim wear for women), social studies, Indonesian arts and culture, as well as interactive digital textbooks and software. We facilitate members of IKAPI, book publishers who assign the agency to promote their rights for overseas licensing, and accordingly promote the works of Indonesian authors for international readership.

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      • Granta Books

        Granta Books is one of the most independent-minded and prestigious literary publishers in the UK.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020


        by Wyn Grant, Bill Jones

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1978

        Lorca oder das Reich der Mütter

        Erinnerungen an Federico García Lorca. Mit dreizehn Zeichnungen des Dichters

        by Jean Gebser, Federico García Lorca

        Federico García Lorca, geboren 1898 in Fuente Vaqueros , Granada, beginnt nach dem Studium eine Ausbildung als Musiker. 1918 veröffentlicht er sein erstes Buch Impresiones y Paisajes (Impressionen und Landschaften), 1920 folgt die Uraufführung seines ersten Theaterstücks El maleficio de la mariposa (Die Verwünschung des Schmetterlings). 1929 reist der Dichter nach New York. Es entsteht der weltberühmte Lyrikband Dichter in New York. 1930 begibt er sich nach Kuba. Ab 1931 arbeitet er für die regierenden Republikaner in Spanien. Von 1933 bis 1934 bereist er Südamerika. 1936 beginnt der Spanische Bürgerkrieg. Federico García Lorca stellt zur gleichen Zeit sein Hauptwerk Das Haus von Bernarda Alba fertig. Als er sich zu seinen Eltern nach Granada ins Einflussgebiet der Falange begibt, wird er verhaftet und am 19. August 1936 an der Friedhofsmauer von Fuente Grande erschossen. Er gilt heute als einer der wichtigsten Dramatiker und Lyriker des 20. Jahrhunderts, zu einem seiner berühmtesten Werke zählen die Zigeunerromanzen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        Was wisst ihr schon vom Erwachsenwerden

        Das Elternhandbuch für die Teenagerzeit

        by Grant, Wendy

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2001

        Was wisst ihr schon vom Erwachsenwerden!

        Das Elternhandbuch für die Teenagerzeit

        by Grant, Wendy

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2015


        by Lateefa Buti / Illustrated by Doha Al Khteeb

        Kuwaiti children’s book author Lateefa Buti’s well-crafted and beautifully illustrated children’s book, Hatless, encourages children (ages 6-9) to think independently and challenge rigid traditions and fixed rituals with innovation and creativity.   The main character is a young girl named Hatless who lives in the City of Hats. Here, all of the people are born with hats that cover their heads and faces. The world inside of their hats is dark, silent, and odorless.   Hatless feels trapped underneath her own hat. She wants to take off her hat, but she is afraid, until she realizes that whatever frightening things exist in the world around her are there whether or not she takes off her hat to see them.   So Hatless removes her hat.    As Hatless takes in the beauty of her surroundings, she cannot help but talk about what she sees, hears, and smells. The other inhabitants of the city ostracize her because she has become different from them. It is not long before they ask her to leave the City of Hats.   Rather than giving up or getting angry, Hatless feels sad for her friends and neighbors who are afraid to experience the world outside of their hats. She comes up with an ingenious solution: if given another chance, she will wear a hat as long it is one she makes herself. The people of the City of Hats agree, so Hatless weaves a hat that covers her head and face but does not prevent her from seeing the outside world. She offers to loan the hat to the other inhabitants of the city. One by one, they try it on and are enchanted by the beautiful world around them. Since then, no child has been born wearing a hat. The people celebrate by tossing their old hats in the air.   By bravely embracing these values, Hatless improves her own life and the lives of her fellow citizens.     Buti’s language is eloquent and clear. She strikes a skilled narrative balance between revealing Hatless’s inner thoughts and letting the story unfold through her interactions with other characters. Careful descriptions are accompanied by beautiful illustrations that reward multiple readings of the book.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2011

        Federico Garcia Lorca

        by Karen Genschow

        Federico García Lorca gilt als vielseitiges Wunderkind: hochbegabter Lyriker und Dramatiker, Musiker, Zeichner, Vortragsredner und nicht zuletzt Märtyrer für ein besseres Spanien, ermordet von den Franquisten kurz nach Beginn des Bürgerkriegs. Die einen halten ihn für unbeschwert und von geradezu kindlich staunender Fröhlichkeit, die anderen sehen in ihm einen tiefen Melancholiker. Seine Homosexualität wurde über Jahrzehnte totgeschwiegen, obwohl sie auch in seinem Werk Niederschlag fand. Lorca ist nicht nur einer der bedeutendsten Autoren, sondern zählt auch zu den faszinierendsten Künstlerpersönlichkeiten, die Spanien im 20. Jahrhundert hervorgebracht hat.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2005

        Die Verschwörung im Hause Fraser

        Ein historischer Kriminalroman

        by Grant, Tracy

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1997

        Was wisst ihr schon vom Erwachsenwerden!

        Das Elternhandbuch für die Teenagerzeit

        by Grant, Wendy / Englisch Münch, Bettina

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        May 2008

        Ich tat es für die Wissenschaft

        Erinnerungen eines unerschrockenen Sexperten

        by Stoddard, Grant / Deutsch Maier, Hucky

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1998

        Der heilige Hunger

        Die Geschichte einer Magersüchtigen

        by Grant, Stephanie / Übersetzt von Scheidt, Elke vom

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        February 2017

        Seed Biology and Yield of Grain Crops

        by Dennis B Egli

        This new edition of an established title examines the determination of grain crop yield from a unique perspective, by concentrating on the influence of the seed itself. As the food supply for an expanding world population is based on grain crops harvested for their seeds, understanding the process of seed growth and its regulation is crucial to our efforts to increase production and meet the needs of that population. Yield of grain crops is determined by their assimilatory processes such as photosynthesis and the biosynthetic processes in the seed, which are partly regulated within the seed itself. Providing a timely update in this field and highlighting the impact of the seed on grain crop yields, this book: · Describes all aspects of seed growth and development, including environmental and genetic effects on growth rate and length of the filling period. · Discusses the role of the seed in determining the two main yield components: individual seed weight and number of seeds per unit area. · Uses the concepts and models that have been developed to understand crop management and yield improvement. Substantially updated with new research and further developments of the practical applications of the concepts explored, this book is essential reading for those concerned with seed science and crop yield, including agronomists, crop physiologists, plant breeders, and extension workers. It is also a valuable source of information for lecturers and graduate students of agronomy and plant physiology. ; This is a new edition of an established title examines the determination of grain crop yield from a unique perspective, by concentrating on the influence of the seed itself. ; Chapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Seed Growth and DevelopmentChapter 3: Seed Growth Rate and Seed-Fill Duration: Variation and Regulation.Chapter 4: Yield Components-Regulation by the Seed Chapter 5: The Seed, Crop Management, and YieldChapter 6: The Way Forward

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