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      • Ana Bilic

        Ana Bilic is a literary author, screenwriter and

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      • Mercure de France

        Provided with a remarkable collection, Mercure de France follows an exacting editorial policy: French and foreign literature, poetry, history, anthologies... Awarded many times, the publishing house is associated with prestigious names: Romain Gary, Colette, Ionesco , André Gide, André du Bouchet, Henri Michaux, Adonis, Yves Bonnefoy, Andréï Makine, Gilles Leroy, Anne Serre, Gwenaëlle Aubry, Julian Barnes...

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        Mind, Body, Spirit


        Divine Experiences with Trees, Plants, Stones and Landscapes

        by Ana Maria Vasquez

        Connect with the Ancient Wisdom of Nature Come outside, the natural world quietly beckons. Nature intuitive Ana Maria Vasquez encourages you to ‘take it into your listening’ and open to the sentient world you are a part of. Recognize you are nature and why it’s important to have reverence, check your vibe, and ask permission to begin co-creating with the natural world. Enter the mystical as Ana Maria Vasquez leads you into the landscape of remembrance, the era of which ancient teachings have spoken. Read and revel as selected sacred storytellers share their personal experiences with nature, the greatest teacher of all.Learn grounded processes that will move you into a state of presence, raising your vibration with grace and ease, so you can receive clear and concise messages from Nature. Practice forest bathing, stone gazing, sacred herbal baths, and work with a medicine wheel to deepen your relationship with our sacred allies. NATURE will show you how to collaborate with the natural realm and discover the messages, magic, and healing that are waiting for you.

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        July 2021

        Kleine Feuerwehr. Drunter und drüber

        by Fox & Sheep, Thies Schwarz

        Begleite Familie Knister auf ein aufregendes neues Abenteuer in „Kleine Feuerwehr. Drunter und drüber“, dem zweiten Band der beliebten Kinderbuchreihe, inspiriert von der erfolgreichen Kinder-App von Fox & Sheep. Dieses Mal erwartet die Familie Knister hochspannende Gäste aus China: eine Feuerwehrmannschaft! Doch die Überraschung ist groß, als die Besucher aus Fernost ganz anders aussehen, als man es erwartet hätte. Sind das wirklich Feuerwehrleute? Ohne gemeinsame Sprache entsteht ein buntes Durcheinander, das Familie Knister und ihre Gäste von einem verrückten Abenteuer ins nächste führt. Witzige Missverständnisse und spannende Herausforderungen warten auf die ungewöhnliche Truppe, die trotz aller Unterschiede zeigt, wie Freundschaft und Zusammenarbeit Barrieren überwinden können. Thematisiert die Begegnung zwischen unterschiedlichen Kulturen auf humorvolle Weise und hebt die Bedeutung von Offenheit und Verständnis hervor. Abenteuerliche Reise voller unerwarteter Wendungen, die Jung und Alt gleichermaßen begeistert. Integrierte Bastelbögen laden zum kreativen Spielen ein. Kinder können ihr eigenes Feuerwehrauto bauen und eine Feuerwache gestalten, um die Geschichte lebendig werden zu lassen. So lassen sich Sprachbarrieren überwinden: Charaktere finden trotz fehlender gemeinsamer Sprache Wege, miteinander zu kommunizieren und zu kooperieren. Reich illustrierte Seiten und ausklappbare Elemente fördern die Vorstellungskraft und Kreativität junger Leser. Eine Geschichte, die zeigt, wie wichtig es ist, einander zu helfen, zusammenzustehen und gemeinsam Lösungen zu finden.

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        December 2020

        Parasites of Cattle and Sheep

        A Practical Guide to their Biology and Control

        by Andrew B Forbes

        Understanding parasite biology and impact is essential when giving advice on parasite control in farm animals. In the first review devoted to parasites of domestic cattle and sheep alone, this book provides in-depth, focused advice which can be tailored to individual farms. It considers the impact of parasites, both as individual species and as co-infections, as well as epidemiological information, monitoring, and diagnostic procedures. Supported throughout by diagrams and photos to aid diagnosis, it also reviews the basis for control measures such as the responsible use of parasiticides, adaptive animal husbandry and other management practices. This book: Focuses on common parasites of domestic sheep and cattle; Places emphasis on understanding host responses and epidemiology so that the impact and seasonality of parasitism can be incorporated into advice and decision making; Highlights the fundamental importance of the individual farm and farmer in assessing endemic parasitism and tailoring control options accordingly; Provides a comprehensive reference listing, including important historical citations, to underpin the content. An important resource for students, veterinarians and researchers of farm animal health, this book maintains a focus on ruminant parasitology in order to deliver evidence-based advice and also context for the application of basic research.

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        July 2022

        Ella Piratella und die furchtlosen Piranhas

        by Susanna Isern, Ana Gomez, Ursula Bachhausen

        Ella Piratella Band 2: starkes Mädchenabenteuer um zwei abenteuerlustige Piratinnen. Verflixt! Ella Piratella und ihre Truppe auf der Schwarzen Mamba scheinen immer eine Schiffslänge zu spät zu sein. Immer wieder war gerade schon jemand vor ihnen da und hat Nixen, einen Wal und sogar ein U-Boot vor drohenden Gefahren bewahrt. Wer sind die bloß, diese Mädchen, die sich Furchtlose Piranhas nennen und Ella die Abenteuer vor der Nase wegschnappen? Als ein schwerer Sturm ein Schiff zum Kentern bringt und Ella mit ihrer Crew zu Hilfe eilt, klärt sich alles auf. Und Ella Piratella trifft nicht nur auf Zoe, die Anführerin der Furchtlosen Piranhas, sie steuert auch geradewegs auf ein neues aufregendes Abenteuer zu. Fans der tapferen Kapitänin haben dem zweiten Band von Ella Piratella schon entgegengefiebert – jetzt ist er endlich da. Empowerment für Mädchen im Kindergartenalter: Ella Piratella macht Mut und Spaß. Ella Piratella diesmal mit doppelter Mädchenpower, zum Vorlesen für Kinder ab 4 Jahren. Ermutigende Vorlesegeschichte, die ganz ohne Klischees auskommt. Zweiter Band der beliebten Reihe, modern und fröhlich illustriert von Ana Gomez. Hättest du gedacht, dass Zusammenhalt unter Mädchen so lustig und spannend sein kann?

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        Poetry (Children's/YA)
        August 2018


        Poemas breves salvajes

        by María José Ferrada, Ana Palmero

        "Hidden in his horn he guards the secret of the jungle”. This might be as well the beginning of a novel, but it's an inspired riddle about wild animals. The illustrations in high varnish of this edition highlight the different skin textures of each animal and invites the reader to discover a new way of reading in a tactile and playful way.

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        Poetry (Children's/YA)

        El bolso

        by María José Ferrada, Ana Palmero Cáceres

        Keys, handkerchiefs, coins, three flowers from last spring, a bird. Boys and girls are expert observers and that is why they know that a mother’s purse fits everything. A book in Braille that reminds its readers that when observations are mixed with imagination, the most everyday objects are capable of coming to poetic life.

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        People & places (Children's/YA)
        March 2018

        Mi Barrio

        by María José Ferrada, Ana Penyas

        Every morning Marta goes out and verifies that everytthing is the way it should be: her friends in a terrace playing an eternal game of cards, the same beach as always in the usual place, children having fun in the schoolyard... Just a regular and amazing life in the neighbourhood.

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        Children's & YA
        June 2021

        Ana e os três gatinhos

        by Amina Hashimi Alawi

        Three kittens observe that Maria's belly is getting bigger and bigger. Many questions and doubts emerge about Maria's pregnancy and the birth of the baby. The arrival of the baby turns upside down the peaceful and happy life they were living. They become anxious and jealous of the newborn baby. They make an effort to get their parents' attention. Step by step they are reassured, they regain their confidence and their worries fade away.

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        Animal husbandry
        September 2002

        Sheep Nutrition

        by Edited by Mike Freer, Hugh Dove

        This book provides a review of the current state of knowledge on all aspects of sheep nutrition. The main emphasis is on sheep grazing in systems that range from intensively utilized sown pastures to extensive rangelands.

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        Animal physiology
        October 2004

        Dairy Sheep Nutrition

        by Edited by Giuseppe Pulina

        Sheep milking is widespread throughout the Mediterranean, and is becoming more common in countries such as the UK, USA, Central America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Good nutrition is a critical factor in optimising dairy production from sheep. This book is a translation of a popular Italian text, originally published in 2001 and includes updated information, and new material on temperate regions. It contains chapters on all aspects of dairy sheep nutrition and feeding, such as milk production, feed intake, nutrition and reproduction, nutrition and milk quality, and grazing and stocking rate management.

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        Science & Mathematics
        December 2021

        Broom and Fraser's Domestic Animal Behaviour and Welfare

        by Donald Broom

        Completely updated and revised, and synthesizing the recent explosion in animal welfare literature, the sixth edition of this best-selling textbook continues to provide a thorough overview of behaviour and welfare of companion and farm animals, including fish. The introductory section has been completely revised, with all following chapters updated, redesigned and improved to reflect our changing understanding. This edition includes: - New and revised chapters on climate change and sustainability, ethics, and philosophy to ensure that the book provides the latest information in a changing world; - New information on human interactions with other animal species, big data, modern technologies, brain function, emotions and behaviour; - Solutions and advice for common abnormal behaviours. Written by a world-leading expert and key opinion leader in animal behaviour and welfare, this text provides a highly accessible guide to the subject. It is an essential foundation for any veterinary, animal science, animal behaviour or welfare-focused undergraduate or graduate course.

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        Animal breeding
        June 1997

        Genetics of Sheep

        by Edited by Laurie Piper, Anatoly Ruvinsky

        During the last two decades major advances have been made in mammalian genetics. New methods in molecular and cytogenetics, and in biotechnology have been developed. Many of these have been applied to investigating the genetics of sheep and to improving the production of wool, meat and milk. This book is a comprehensive reference work on sheep genetics. All relevant topics have been included, from fundamental genetic structure to the genetics of various production and other traits, to transgenic sheep and genetic conservation. Chapters have been specially commissioned for the volume and written by internationally recognized experts from Europe, USA, Australia and New Zealand. The book will be invaluable to advanced students and research workers in animal genetics, breeding and biotechnology.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2021

        Writing on sheep

        by William Welstead

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        Among the Sheep

        by Oleksandr Koreshkov

        Something has clicked in the world order, and you have a chance to look at things around us from a different angle. What is: "fear of being human"? What is it like to "see wrongdoing and remain silent"? When do we turn into our executioners? You avoid such difficult questions to the last. Maybe it would be better to use the example of one dog that lives in a world of total fear, lies and greed? Lives like a sheep among sheep...

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        Children's & YA

        Le mouton de Modibo (Modibo's sheep)

        by Abdourahmane Diallo

        Fanta gets up, walks around the house, looks in the kitchen, in the garage and even in the bedrooms. No sheep! She walks around the block. Still no sheep. Distraught and trembling, she returns to announce the disaster to Modibo...

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