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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France

        by Alistair Cole

        This book looks at the period 2015-18 in French politics, a turbulent time that witnessed the apparent collapse of the old party system, the taming of populist and left-wing challenges to the Republic and the emergence of a new political order centred on President Emmanuel Macron. The election of Macron was greeted with relief in European chancelleries and appeared to give a new impetus to European integration, even accomplishing the feat of making France attractive after a long period of French bashing and reflexive decline. But what is the real significance of the Macron presidency? Is it as transformative as it appears? Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France provides a balanced answer to this pressing question. It is written to appeal to a general readership with an interest in French and European politics, as well as to students and scholars of French politics.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2018

        Vertraute Dinge, fremde Dinge


        by Teju Cole, Uda Strätling

        Teju Cole betrachtet Kunst, wie er die Welt betrachtet: mit dem Blick eines unsystematischen Historikers, der zunächst beobachtet, beschreibt, das Offensichtliche in den Blick nimmt, um zu dem weniger Sichtbaren vorzudringen, das darunterliegt. Seine Essays handeln von der Erfahrung des Unterwegsseins und von politischer Moral, von Rassismus und davon, warum auch ein Präsident, der die »richtigen« Bücher liest, in seinem Amt Menschen tötet. Und er schreibt über das, was ihn geistig nährt: über Baldwin, Sebald und Tranströmer; über Brasilien, Italien, Palästina; über die Ästhetik westafrikanischer Auftragsfotografie und über Instagram. In bereichernden, betörenden und originellen Essays offenbart Teju Cole den Reichtum seiner Interessen. Immer wieder zieht er erhellende Verbindungen, von der konkreten Gegenwart zur Dichtung, von der Geschichte zur Kunst. Vertraute Dinge, fremde Dinge wird zu einer Schule des Sehens.

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      • Children's & YA
        September 2024

        Feodora + Gino (1) Friends Forever

        by Peter Kruck/Meggie Berns

        Welcome to the world of Feodora + Gino. The two dino children are six years old and live in Echsheim. They recently started going to the “School for Peaceful Coexistence”. Feodora and Gino are best friends. They help each other whenever they can and always stick together. The little Bronto lady has a very special hobby: She takes great care of sick or injured insects and other creepy-crawlies. In our first story, Feodora has to say goodbye to her patient Waltraud, a lady butterfly, because she is healthy again. Gino is always there to help and advise her. He has an extraordinary ability: He is very good at judging how dangerous a situation is. He always senses this somehow. Even when the they have to help a hornet out of a tight spot, he immediately knows what to do. Feodora and Gino experience the craziest and most exciting adventures. And whenever they are successful, they celebrate as “Team Giodora”.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2018

        Gender Equality and Tourism

        Beyond Empowerment

        by Stroma Cole, Lucy Ferguson, Daniela Moreno Alarcón, Carlos Costa, Marília Durão, Zélia Breda, Fiona Eva Bakas, Paola Vizcaino Suárez, Belén Martínez Caparrós, Meghan Muldoon, Wendy Hillman, Kylie Radel, Heather Jeffrey, Isis Arlene Díaz-Carrión, Hazel Tucker, Inês Carvalho

        Does tourism empower women working in and producing tourism? How are women using the transformations tourism brings to their advantage? How do women, despite prejudice and stereotypes, break free, resist and renegotiate gender norms at the personal and societal levels? When does tourism increase women's autonomy, agency and authority? The first of its kind this book delivers: A critical approach to gender and tourism development from different stakeholder perspectives, from INGOs, national governments, and managers as well as workers in a variety of fields producing tourism. Stories of individual women working across the world in many aspects of tourism. A foreword by Margaret Bryne Swain and contributions from academics and practitions from across the globe. A lively and accessible style of writing that links academic debates with lived realities while offering hope and practical suggestions for improving gender equality in tourism. Gender Equality and Tourism: Beyond Empowerment, a critical gendered analysis that questions the extent to which tourism brings women empowerment, is an engaging and thought-provoking read for students, researchers and practitioners in the areas of tourism, gender studies, development and anthropology. To access a presentation delivered by Stroma Cole as well as an interview with her, please visit

      • Children's & YA

        Feodora + Gino (4) Constant Trouble with Bernie

        by Peter Kruck/Meggie Berns

        Was there a light in the dollhouse last night? Or was is it just in Feodora's dream? No, it wasn't a dream! Together with Gino she has to get to the bottom of it. Just as “Team Giodora” is about to set off, they find Patrick sad on the playground. Today is his hatching day, but he's not feeling well at all. When he tells them about his father's problems, they want to help. They get to know Patrick in a completely different way. And when Gino hears what Patrick gets called by his father, he suddenly realizes a few things. But now Fee and Gino urgently need to take care of the doll's house. A big, brown, bad-tempered bedbug has made itself at home in it! Feodora knows that no one will move into her insect hospital if the little villain Bernie occupies the doll's house. But all attempts to get rid of him fail. Now “Team Giodora” has to come up with a strategy!

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Children's & YA
        August 2024

        Feodora + Gino (2) A Choir without a Tenor

        by Peter Kruck/Meggie Berns

        It's the best day of the year: Everyone is celebrating the "Day ofCheerfulness". Feodora and Gino paint their noses red, as iscustomary on this day, and enjoy the great atmosphere.Feodora notices that the jar of Schnecki's wild strawberries isempty. So Feodora and Gino go into the forest to pick some more.As soon as they get there, they have the craziest adventures.“Team Giodora“, as they call themselves, have quite a lot to do.First, Feodora has to save a ladybug from drowning. Next, theyhave to help a little bird that has fallen out of its nest. And then,they almost fall into a creek. Suddenly they hear strange noisescoming from a clearing. And they have to summon up all theircourage to face the next task. A choir of beetles has a hugeproblem: One of their singers is hoarse and croaks worse than acrow with a sore throat.Fortunately, Feodora and Gino already have the solution. Now theplan just has to work!

      • Children's & YA
        August 2024

        Feodora + Gino (3) A Light in the Dollhouse

        by Peter Kruck/Meggie Berns

        For Feodora, every day could start like this: with a huge surprise! Moly, the courier from the Saurian Post, has a letter for Feodora. Her grandma wants to give Feodora her old dollhouse. There's a lot going on at school. Feodora and Gino have to protect Patrick Plumpudding from the three nasty snap brats. And then there's the star hunt! The children have to solve tasks together. And they can be quite tricky. But fortunately, Feodora and Gino make a great team. Will they have their dinosaur noses ahead this time too? Then the long-awaited dollhouse is finally delivered, and it's a dream come true! In fact, nothing stands in the way of setting up the insect hospital now. But from the very first moment, our two dinosaur children have suspicions: Something's wrong with the dollhouse! “Team Giodora“ has a lot of work to do again.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 2023

        Vegetable Brassicas and Related Crucifers

        by Geoffrey R Dixon, Rachel Wells

        The Brassica genus contains diverse and economically important species and crops, for example, Brassica oleracea including cauliflower to kohlrabi, B.rapa including pak choi to mizuna, and aquatic crucifers such as watercress. These provide humankind with huge diversities of foods, promoting health and well-being. This substantially expanded second edition reflects the significant advances in knowledge of plant breeding and crop production which have occurred since publication of the original book in 2006. Embracing new Brassicaceae research and concepts of sustainable and automated crop production, topics include: Brassica evolution and transcontinental spread as the basis for crop breeding Gene-editing, rapid sequencing, genetic markers and linkage mapping to enable efficient plant breeding Seed development, F1 cultivars and rapid maturing crops for profitable cropping Environmental impacts on pests, pathogens, crop reliability and quality Soil health and fertility as agronomic principles Environmental sustainability, biocontrol and integrated pest management Vegetable brassicas as nutrient-rich foods for optimal health benefits An invaluable resource for all those involved in Brassica production, this is essential reading for researchers and students in horticulture and plant science, growers, producers, consultants and industry advisors.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2026

        Picture book "Henrietta"

        by Meggie Berns

        Feodora + Gino present: Henrietta Feodora and Gino want to pick a bunch of flowers for their mothers. They meet Henrietta, the little grasshopper. The little hopper shows them the most beautiful flowers. But then, suddenly, something goes wrong. Now Gino and Feodora have to find a solution fast!   Educational approach: The main theme of this book is caution. Even the best intentions sometimes carry hidden danger that may go unnoticed. The goal is to draw attention to the need of being careful. To avoid getting into trouble, you should learn to think ahead and approach situations with care.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2028

        Picture book "Karl"

        by Meggie Berns

        Feodora + Gino present: KarlFeodora and Gino go on a picnic. They notice a small beetleamong the many other little crawlers. It looks pretty sad. Ittakes the children a while to find out what's wrong with thepoor little creature. But now they need help fast! Educational approach:This story is all about affection and friendship. It describes howimportant they are and how, without affection, you can evenfeel unwell.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2024

        Picture Book "Bella"

        by Meggie Berns

        Feodora + Gino present: Bella Feodora and Gino are given soap bubbles and they go to the creek to play with them. There, they meet the newly hatched butterfly girl Bella. The two young dinosaurs want to help Bella with her first attempt at flying. But nothing seems to go as planned!   Educational approach: Bella deals with the topics of beauty and flawlessness. It also looks at giving advice in a humorous way. Giving good advices is often easier if you're not affected yourself. Conclusion: Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder!

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