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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2016

        La mujer de la guarda

        by Sara Bertrand, Alejandra Algorta

        Jacinta wants to know how her mother is able to breathe inside the coffin, but her aunts tell her it’s better if she concentrates in taking care of her brothers. Jacinta remembers some things about her mum, like the sound of the spoon in the cup when she stirred the milk until it was smooth. When her father arrives early, Jacinta and her brothers eat together and laugh at dessert time when he draws milk toffees and chewing gum from behind their ears. Jacinta is a weirdo in a world where other children have a mother. Jacinta has no guardian angel, but a woman traveling on a blue horse watches over her.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2019


        by Alejandra Algorta & Iván Rickenmann

        This is the story of Fabio, of his fears and his oversights; of his distrust of adults, a distrust that shares and grows in the dialogue with “Malicia”, his old neighbor. Neither Fabio nor his father wants the buses that he drives by ceases to be temporary; if the stop being temporary, Fabio could not accompany him in the tours, collect the money and give the change back while his father talks to him about the places they travel, about the people who ride the bus, and about bogotá. A stable character, a story of people that survive in a difficult city a few times told. Accompanied by a surprising and committed graphic story of the contemporary Bogotá

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2024

        Colonialism and Antarctica

        by Peder Roberts, Alejandra Mancilla

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Molecular biology
        April 2015

        Bt Resistance

        Characterization and Strategies for GM Crops Producing Bacillus thuringiensis Toxins

        by Edited by Mario Soberón, Yulin Gao, Alejandra Bravo.

        Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) bacteria use Cry proteins to kill their insect larval hosts. The expression of certain Cry toxins in transgenic crops has been widely used to achieve efficient control of insect pests. This book describes the use of Bt crops and the emerging problem of resistance, recent progress in understanding the mechanism of action of Bt toxins, different resistance mechanisms and strategies to cope with resistance in the field. It describes resistant insects found in the field in different countries, particularly in the developing world, and ways to counter resistance such as gene stalking, refuges, modified toxins and gene discovery of novel toxins with different mode of action.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        True stories (Children's/YA)
        August 2018


        by María Jose Ferrada, María Elena Valdez

        Thirty-four poems, one for each of the young children (all under the age of 14) that were executed, arrested or disappeared during the Chilean dictatorship. A book dedicated to all those little Chilean victims, but also to all the children that each day suffer the consequences of violence.

      • Trusted Partner
        Poetry (Children's/YA)
        August 2018


        Poemas breves salvajes

        by María José Ferrada, Ana Palmero

        "Hidden in his horn he guards the secret of the jungle”. This might be as well the beginning of a novel, but it's an inspired riddle about wild animals. The illustrations in high varnish of this edition highlight the different skin textures of each animal and invites the reader to discover a new way of reading in a tactile and playful way.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2017

        Vela (Candle)

        by Alejandra Valverde

        The pages of Vela follow the inner journey of a creator. In the words of the author: "they show how the protagonist shapes the texts, while he portrays himself, experimenting with his texts and evolving along with them". The very title of this book alludes to the idea of evolution of form. The flame is a raison d'être of the candle, and the movement that sustains it dwells between two worlds. A candle transforms, its wax changes, and it ceases to be a candle: it ceases to have a certain form. A candle lives haunted by its imminent extinction, it is the search for a balance. The more active the fire of a candle is, the sooner it will disappear; it can last a night or a century, it is this dramatic condition of existence that is in these pages.

      • July 2019

        Desplazamientos-Beatriz González

        by Francisco Javier Gil, Elkin Rubiano, María Alejandra Fajardo.

        La presente exposición y los textos que la acompañan proceden de un proyecto de investigación-creación desarrollado por Mariana Dicker, María Alejandra Fajardo, Elkin Rubiano y Javier Gil. Esta exploración pretende pensar las relaciones entre creación artística y memoria a partir de la producción artística de Beatriz González de los últimos 20 años. Consideramos que las imágenes toman posición frente a lo real; no representan lo dado o lo sucedido, sino que lo crean y dimensionan desde sus particulares modos de pensar. Tampoco aspiran a explicaciones totalizantes; significan a través de momentos, fragmentos, detalles y relaciones inéditas. Lo visual toca lo real sin aspirar a verdades absolutas y cerradas, pero desde sus singularidades expresivas renueva la percepción y la comprensión del mundo. En ese contexto, consideramos que el trabajo de Beatriz González construye memoria, asumiendo que esta no se refiere a dar cuenta de hechos objetivos ocurridos en el pasado, sino como una construcción simbólica, un trabajo, una nueva dimensión de sentido vinculada a la creación artística. Sus obras confirman las posibilidades que tienen el arte de participar en la generación de otras historias, de hacer hablar el pasado de otro modo, de expresar lo inexpresado por la historia oficial.

      • Geography & the Environment

        Chile geopoético

        by Miguel Laborde

        Esta publicación reúne veintiocho columnas del investigador, académico y escritor Miguel Laborde, con ilustraciones de Alejandra Acosta, publicadas en la revista La Panera. Sus textos dan cuenta de una serie de datos geográficos e históricos que permiten asomarse a ciertos rasgos distintivos de Chile desde los cuales se construye un relato del imaginario local. La geopoética como concepto nace como una herramienta para comprender y expresar nuestra relación con el mundo y el pensar a la Tierra. Considera la cultura como el modo en el que los seres humanos se conciben a sí mismos y se organizan y orientan. “Desde el punto de vista literario, un libro como este, que corrió el riesgo de ser concebido por la vía de la protesta en un lenguaje de pura comunicación, es, por el contrario, un libro poético, de excelente prosa, de gran riqueza de imágenes y sorpresas de lógica e ilógica. Su crítica al modelo de civilización vigente es lapidaria, pero de un furor contenido”. Gastón Soublette

      • Picture books

        Pelusa has Died

        by Magdalena Rosas, Alejandra Saavedra

        Pelusa, the kitten, has died. This causes a great pain in her little human friend who, tries to understand the meaning of that loss, where her pet might have gone and why she still feels her close. Thus, she decides to follow her mother’s advice and starts to carefully look around for the traces Pelusa has left within the house, but most importantly, those remaining in her own memory. A story that explores the feelings and thoughts of a girl who has lost her pet and how she faces loss, showing us a way to deal with it by treasuring in our hearts and memories those who have left.

      • Fiction

        Requiem for the Roses

        by Alejandra Ángeles

        Five young women - Alicia, Paula, Alondra, Constanza, and Marcela, are all cello students at the National Music Conservatory. They will run into a profesor who is obssessed with roses and young women, as much as he is obsessed with Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, which becomes the central leitmotif of Requien for the Roses, and the only common denominator between the women. Their five voices, and the voice of the professor, tell the story in a rhythm that closely follows Vivaldi’s score: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter are each one divided into three movements. The story follows the music. The novel is centered on the disappearance of three of the women – Alicia, Paula, and Alondra. Each one of them is a season: Alicia is Spring, Paula is Summer, and Alondra is Fall. Constanza, who is Winter, may or may not suffer the same destiny as their three predecessors. It may be up to her, or it may be up to the reader. While the destinies of Alicia, Paula, and Alondra has already been determined by their captor, and that of Constanza is up for grabs, Marcela, the fifth woman, search for answers as Alicia was her best friend. She immediately sets her eyes on the cello professor and his strange hobbies and habits.

      • Health & Personal Development

        The Palmistry Workbook

        by Laeticia Valverde

      • Fiction
        September 2018

        A Song in My Heart

        by Roma Calatayud-Stocks

        Companion Novel (all rights available): A Symphony of Rivals   Alejandra Stanford is born into a privileged bicultural family in Minneapolis of 1902. Growing up, she and her artistic family experience the intermingling of American, Mexican and European cultural influences, as well as formidable national events that challenge their lives; yet, Alejandra finds music is the perfect expression of her own artistic inclinations, emotions and ambitions. As a young pianist and budding composer, she's affected by Minnesota's musical pioneers and resolves to become a symphonic conductor despite the obstacles. When drive, sensible and independent Alejandra travels to the great cities of the world in pursuit of her dreams, she falls in love with the music and legendary composers and conductors. Along the way, she will meet two men who are her match in ideals and intellect, each with the potential to bring fulfillment in very different ways. Ultimately, it is the passion for music and love which guide, inspire and determine Alejandra's destiny. History and fiction converge impeccably in this historical novel infused with music, art and romance, creating a compelling first installment to a trilogy.

      • Children's & YA


        by Juan Francisco Bascuñán and Alejandra Figueroa

        What is a little monkey by Frida Kahlo’s shoulder doing? What is a lamb looking for among colorful geometric figures? Why is a beautiful young woman painted by Leonardo da Vinci holding a stoat in her arms? How do Magritte’s owl-leaves fly? With the focus on something that usually catches their attention, the book invites children to reflect on the animals present in paintings by famous artists, introducing them, in a didactic and entertaining way, to the fascinating world of paintings. This book-game encourages the young readers to discover, through different cut-outs in the pages, details of paintings representative of the main styles, in a journey through different periods.

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