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Trusted PartnerSeptember 2011
Im Clinch
Die Geschichte meiner Filme
by Akin, Fatih / Herausgegeben von Behrens, Volker; Herausgegeben von Töteberg, Michael
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Trusted PartnerSeptember 2024
Sangua-Clan 2. Blood Rival
by Darcy Crimson, Moon Notes
Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Ein Vampir liebt seinen Jäger… Während des entscheidenden Kampfes in den Katakomben Neapels ist es den Vampirjägern gelungen, ein Mitglied des verfeindeten Clans gefangen zu nehmen. Ausgerechnet Luc, der seine Schwester vor vielen Jahren an die bluthungrigen Sangua verloren hat, soll den rebellischen Gefangenen Cas beaufsichtigen und dessen Willen brechen. Doch je mehr Zeit die beiden miteinander verbringen, desto deutlicher wird, dass sie nicht so grundverschieden sind, wie zunächst gedacht. Luc beginnt zum ersten Mal an den Motiven der Jäger zu zweifeln und sieht in seinem Gegenüber mehr als bloß eine Bestie. Zwischen den beiden entwickelt sich eine zarte Liebe, die sie um jeden Preis geheim halten müssen. Aber ist ihre Zuneigung stark genug, um ihre Verschiedenheiten zu überwinden? Band 2 der mitreißenden Fantasy-Reihe „Blood Rival“ rund um Vampire in der Unterwelt von Neapel überzeugt mit viel Tempo, queeren Charakteren und jeder Menge Spice! Der LGBTQIA+-Roman mit dem beliebten Trope „Enemies-to-Lovers“ erzählt die prickelnde Romance zwischen zwei schwulen Protagonisten – einem Vampir und seinem Jäger, die sich erst bis aufs Blut hassen. Ein Must-Read für Leser*innen ab 16 Jahren, die Vampire und queere Bücher lieben. Blood Rival: Eine spicy LGBTQIA+-Romantasy Fantasy trifft LGBTQIA+: Eine fesselnde Vampire Romance voller Spice, Magie und Blutjägern in der faszinierenden Unterwelt Neapels für New Adult Fans ab 16 Jahren. Voll angesagt: Die packende Romantasy mit dem beliebten Trope „Enemies-to-Lovers“ feiert die Vielfalt der Liebe in all ihren Formen. Spicy: Prickelnde Romance mit starken und queeren Charakteren, die über sich hinauswachsen und den Mut finden, für ihre Liebe einzustehen. Fesselnd erzählt: Der Pageturner von Darcy Crimson entführt die Leser*innen in die düstere und mystische Atmosphäre Neapels. Trendig ausgestattet in der Erstauflage: Softcover mit Klappen, trendig illustriertem Buchschnitt und coolem Lesezeichen zum Abtrennen. Die queere Romantasy steckt voller Emotionen, Spannung und Liebe. Eine fesselnde Lektüre für Fans der Crave-Reihe von Tracy Wolff und junge Leser*innen ab 16 Jahren, die sich für Vampire Romance und LGBTQIA+-Geschichten begeistern!
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2021
Everyone is amazing-Xiaoxiang Family Letters 2020
by Xiaoxiang Family Letters Activity Organization
In the context of the "Xiaoxiang Family Letters" activity carried out across the province, the organizing committee extensively collected family letters and selected 100 family letters to show the spirit of the people in the new era. The main content of the letter includes the gratifying changes in the fight against poverty in Sanxiang, the affectionate concern of the wandering children and the fathers and elders in the hometown, the home and country feelings of heroes and the most beautiful people, and the silent persistence of various industries in specific positions, and so on. The structure of each chapter of the book is divided into two parts: introduction (mainly including the information of the writer and recipient, refer to "Anti-epidemic") and the main text. The structure of the whole book includes the preface, table of contents, main text, and postscript. Further reading or content links. The structure is characterized by conciseness, conciseness and conciseness.
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2023
Sangua-Clan 1. Blood Rebel
by Darcy Crimson, Moon Notes
Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Never kiss a Vampire! Die 20-jährige Cara ist ein Freigeist. Mit ihren FreundInnen stützt sie sich regelmäßig in das Nachtleben Neapels. Auf einer illegalen Party in den Katakomben von Neapel lernt sie die geheimnisvolle Kisa kennen. Ein gemeinsamer Tanz endet mit einem intensiven Kuss. Zu spät merkt Cara, dass Kira eine Vampirin ist. Sie beißt zu und trinkt von Caras Blut. Cara verwandelt sich in eine Vampirin und muss ihr geliebtes Leben hinter sich lassen. Sie schwört Rache und lässt sich in den Vampirclan einschleusen, um ihn zu zerstören. Doch leider ist da diese verdammte Anziehungskraft, die sie gegenüber Kisa seit dem gemeinsamen Kuss verspürt… Hat ihre Liebe eine Zukunft? Blood Rebel: Sexy und queer! Ein fesselnder Vampirroman ab 16 Jahren in der faszinierenden Unterwelt Neapels. Lesbian New Adult Romantasy: spannend und sexy. Verflucht angesagt: mit dem beliebten Trope Enemies to Lovers. Atemberaubend erzählt: ein Pageturner für Fans von Fantasy-Schmökern und LGBTQIA+-Büchern.
Trusted PartnerModern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)2010
Friend Li Bo, Brother Du Fu..
by Oleh Lysheha
Friend Li Bo, Brother Du Fu.. is a collection of prose by the Ukrainian poet Oleh Lysheha, which was on the BBC Ukraine Book of the Year award long list in 2010. According to the author, this book took him about thirty years to write. It includes, for instance, fragments of his lost fantasy novel "Peacock".
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2021
The bonds of family
Slavery, commerce and culture in the British Atlantic world
by Katie Donington
Moving between Britain and Jamaica The bonds of family reconstructs the world of commerce, consumption and cultivation sustained through an extended engagement with the business of slavery. Transatlantic slavery was both shaping of and shaped by the dynamic networks of family that established Britain's Caribbean empire. Tracing the activities of a single extended family - the Hibberts - this book explores how slavery impacted on the social, cultural, economic and political landscape of Britain. It is a history of trade, colonisation, enrichment and the tangled web of relations that gave meaning to the transatlantic world. The Hibberts's trans-generational story imbricates the personal and the political, the private and the public, the local and the global. It is both the intimate narrative of a family and an analytical frame through which to explore Britain's history and legacies of slavery.
Trusted PartnerHealth & Personal DevelopmentDecember 2019 - December 2024
Admonitions for the Yan Clan
by Yan Zhitui,Li Hualei
Yan family instructions is an influential work of Yan Zhitui, a famous scholar in the northern and Southern Dynasties. It is a systematic and complete family education textbook. It is the author's experience summary about setting up oneself, running a family, dealing with affairs and learning. It has a great influence on the history of family education in traditional China and enjoys the reputation of "ancient and modern family motto, as the ancestor". The purpose of Yan Zhitui's writing this book is to systematically sort out his life experience and experience and pass it on to future generations, hoping to rectify the style of the family and help future generations.
Trusted Partner
THE POLITICS OF HATE – A Piercing Insight into American Politics
America is being systematically destroyed – not by terrorists from without, but by vested interests from within! It’s being destroyed by politicians, talk show hosts, media moguls, and populist rabble rousers who seek to preserve their “territory” at any cost – by obstructing the passage of beneficial laws, by scandalous lies and accusations, by negative campaigning, and by gratuitous insults. These “saviors” pose absolutely no constructive ideas of their own to resolve the morass in which our country now finds itself. The politicians think no further than getting themselves elected or re-elected. The lure of $100,000 in lecture fees is a powerful aphrodisiac. The lure of power is an even greater aphrodisiac. Politicians, fearmongers, “talking heads,” and captains of industry revel in their fame, their glory, and their self-styled wisdom when the country is in greater debt than any other nation in history, and when we are more and more quickly slipping toward becoming a third world nation each year. If the public starts putting two and two together, the answer should come out “four.” But so far, the “average” American can still be led to believe that 2+2 equals whatever number the spin masters want to make it. What is even worse, more than 40% of Americans are buying into the politics of fear, dissension, and abuse without stopping for even a moment to consider exactly what these political hatemongers are offering in exchange for turning one faction out and securing the benefits of power for themselves. But regardless of political infighting or outfighting, what we are doing is akin to two fleas fighting over who owns the dog. We don’t seem to realize that we have run out of time and money; that we no longer have the luxury of political gamesmanship and needless, stupid bickering. While this timely book points the finger at who’s to blame, it also goes one step further and tells how America, the most powerful nation on earth, can take back control of its destiny and cure its own disease! HUGO N. GERSTL earned a degree in political science and history at UCLA, then went on to graduate from the UCLA School of Law. He turned down an invitation to run for Congress on the Republican ticket as it meant running against his friend and fellow-lawyer, Leon Panetta, who was just finishing his first term in Congress. Gerstl has been a nationally known trial lawyer for forty-six years and remains eternally optimistic about the resilience of the American people. An English eBook Edition was published in fall 2012 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons INC., C.A. 454 pages, 15x22.5cm
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YA2019
Saurus and His Younger Brother
by Myroslav Laiuk (Author), Katerina Sad (Illustrator)
Saurus and His Younger Brother is a fairy tale about the changing life of little Saurus from the Stegosaurus family. Saurus' life undergoes a transformation when he learns that a younger brother will soon join his family. Alongside Saurus, young readers will explore emotions such as jealousy toward a younger sibling, self-awareness, and the value of all children, whether older or younger. Through Saurus's story, children will come to understand that younger siblings are not merely trouble-makers but true friends who help you grow stronger, more confident, and more mature. From 3 to 6 years, 2880 words Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko,
Trusted Partner2023
High Blood Pressure
Standardised risk assessment
by Pharm. D. Ina Richling and Dr. Constanze Schäfer MHA
The „Standardised risk assessment of high blood pressure“ enables every pharmacy to easily expand its range of services. This tool provides the pharmacy staff with the basis for providing such a service. It contains clear information on the development of hypertension and guideline-based drug therapy. Step by step, the user is guided through practical blood pressure measurement according to standard operating procedures through to individual advice and subsequent billing. This tool contains the following supplementary information: - Legal requirements for handling medical devices and/or blood pressure monitors - Frequently asked questions and case examples - What one should know about quality management - Work aids and forms as copy templates
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YAApril 2016
The Donkey Family
by Tang Sulan
One day, mom brought back a little boy. From then on, all the family took focus on the baby. The boy’s sister thought parents didn’t love her any longer, so she hided in a cave alone and changed into a donkey. For looking after her, grandpa changed into a donkey too. Did other members of the family change into donkey?
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2018
Changsha Traditional Family Values and Rules
by Changsha Discipline Inspection Committee
This book collects Changsha traditional family rules, family values, and family mottos, and contains a lot of folk proverbs and sayings. It uses pictures, footnotes, and content reviews to help readers have a better understanding. The author hopes to keep this good tradition and promote the building of family values and rules.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YAApril 2016
The Red Shoe
by Tang Sulan
A red shoe missed the other one. He wanted a warm house, and met a greedy rat on the road. Could the rat help the red shoe to find his friend?
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2021
Mutter Vater Land
by Akın Emanuel Şipal
Hundert Jahre Familiengeschichte zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei.Der Autor lässt vier Generationen und ihre Anekdoten, Tiraden, Träume, Rachefantasien aufeinanderprallen, darin verstrickt die Erzählerfigur selbst, Alter Ego. Das Erinnern findet seine formale Struktur in a-chronologisch springenden Jahreszahlen, die blitzlichtartig Familienszenen vor dem Hintergrund gesellschaftlicher Umbrüche der Vergangenheit, der Gegenwart und der Zukunft verhandeln. Dabei wiederholt sich die generationenübergreifende Erfahrung, auf von Außen zugeschriebene Bilder festgelegt zu werden. Akın Emanuel Şipal sprengt diese Zuschreibungen sprachlich und gedanklich auf und lotet die Grenzen von Fiktion und Autobiografie dialogisch neu aus. »OMA: Ich schwöre, dass es Türken waren ALTER EGO: Was hättest du davon, wenn es Türken gewesen wären?«
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YA2020
My Annoying Brother
by Babak Saberi
Two brothers share a single room and the younger one is frustrated with this situation; with the fact that he has to climb to the upper bed, that his brother is messy, and that his parents never take his side just because he’s younger. The story takes an interesting turn when the older brother leaves to fight in a war. Everything then changes around the house and the boy begins to understand what his brother really means to him. “My Annoying Brother” helps children to understand and appreciate the true value behind the things that may seem not to carry a significant value at the time.