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        Hanser Fachbuch

        Hanser Publishers represents a wide range of products and concentrates at the same time on clearly defined target groups: Engineers and Technicians in training and at work in the following fields: Metalworking, Plastics Technology, Electrical engineering and Electronics, Computers, Economy and Management. Our portfolio has a range from Journals, Books, Training Books and electronic media up to seminars and conferences in German and in English language. Additionally Hanser provides information for different branches in the World Wide Web. Hanser Publishers also provides 25 Journals and about 200 new books each year. The whole backlist of books counts up to about 2,000 titles. With this amount of Books and Journals Hanser Publishers is one of the leading Publishing Houses in Germany. Our success mainly derives from the high quality of our products and content, from the expertise of our staff and their ability to identify new trends and products. Our strong and close ties to the industry and leading research institutes are the basis for a close cooperation with our authors. Supported by synergies of our books, journals, seminars and the World Wide Web we are accompanying our authors from their first discover of new technologies in form of an article in one of our journals till the maturity of a technology in form of an uptodate handbook. Characteristic for Hanser Publishers are its numerous cooperations with partners in Germany and other countries. The Journal “Kunststoffe” for example is the official Publication of the VDI-Society, the leading society of engineers in Germany. Our Journal “Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit” is the official publication of the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität (DGQ)”. Also the Books are made in close cooperation with leading companies, associations and Universities.

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        Textbook of Korean Medicine

        Medicinal drugs and formulations

        by Dr. Kenny Kuchta, Prof. Dr. Hans Wilhelm Rauwald, Hans Rausch and Dr. Raimund Royer

        The consistent and evidence-based development of Korean medicine in many clinical application areas has significantly improved its international status in recent years. The basis for this development is one of the most important medical books in Korea, the „Donguibogam“, a clinical lexicon of applications compiled about 400 years ago; at that time the traditional work also enjoyed the highest recognition in China. In 2009 it was included in the „Memory of the World“ register of UNESCO. Even now after 400 years, it still serves as a manual for writing prescriptions for many physicians in Korea, and testifies that the understanding of nature and human disease patterns is still current and clinically applicable even in the modern industrialised world. This work provides ■ understanding for Korean medicine, ■ many selected medicinal formulations and their fields of application, ■ the description and evaluation of important traditional single remedies, ■ the corresponding drug monographs with information on analytical testing

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        September 1976

        Materialien zu Kants Rechtsphilosophie

        Herausgegeben von Zwi Batscha

        by Zwi Batscha

        Die Deutung von Kants politischer Theorie und Sozialphilosophie ist bis heute umstritten. Die für diesen Band ausgewählten Texte aus der modernen Kantforschung sollen das Spektrum der verschiedenen Interpretationen exemplarisch vorführen. Diesen Texten sind Auszüge aus den »Vorarbeiten« und »Reflexionen« Kants zu seinen rechtsphilosophischen Arbeiten vorangestellt, die einen überraschenden Einblick in den Konstitutionsprozeß der Kantschen Theoriebildung vermitteln. Vor allem aufgrund dieser in der Forschung stark vernachlässigten Notizen Kants kann Batscha in seiner Einleitung zeigen, daß Versuche wie die Poppers und Schelskys, Kant gegen moderne »linke« Autoren auszuspielen, wenig überzeugen. Seine rechts- und sozialphilosophischen Reflexionen weisen Kant als einen der radikalsten Vertreter des deutschen Frühliberalismus aus; seine Reformvorschläge stehen in scharfem Gegensatz zu jeder Variante eines technokratischen Konservativismus.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2015

        Collected Poems of Han Dong

        by Han Dong

        Han Dong is one of the most influential poets in contemporary China. Full of deep sympathy and insight into humanity, Han Dong’s poems shows modernism, and stand out with a folk style.

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        October 1981

        Studien zur politischen Theorie des deutschen Frühliberalismus

        by Zwi Batscha

        Der vorliegende Band versammelt sieben Arbeiten Batschas über das politische Denken der deutschen Spätaufklärung. Gemeinsamer Bezugspunkt dieses Denkens war die Französische Revolution. Die Reflexion über Politik war der deutschen Aufklärung zwar nicht fremd, doch wurde sie durch die Revolution in Frankreich intensiviert, vertieft und um neue Fragestellungen bereichert. Auch die Aufspaltung in verschiedene politische Strömungen stammt noch aus früherer Zeit, aber durch die Notwendigkeit, zu den Ereignissen im Nachbarland Stellung zu beziehen, in seinem politischen Denken Farbe zu bekennen, wurden die Auseinandersetzungen heftiger, kompromißloser und des öfteren auch rücksichtsloser. Im Zentrum der politischen Diskussion stehen frühliberale Denkansätze, deren Quintessenz es ist, rechtsstaatliche Grundsätze im damaligen Deutschland zu propagieren und sie durch Reformen von oben zu verwirklichen, um damit den Ausbruch der Revolution zu verhindern.

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        Medication Management in the Hospital

        A workbook for ward pharmacists

        by Dr. Insa Gross, MSc Andreas Fischer and Dr. Holger Knoth

        The ward pharmacist in the hospital is like the airbag in a car. As part of a fail-safe system, they monitor and optimise the patient’s drug therapy. Ward pharmacists work hand in hand with medical and nursing staff. That situation is also reflected in this workbook. All the cases presented were patients who had been cared for, evaluated and documented by a physician-pharmacist duo or similar team with combined medical and pharmaceutical expertise. The editorial team considered it important to illustrate all critical indications typically encountered in a hospital. In assessing and selecting the examples, they were able to draw upon the many years’ experience of their pioneering work as hospital and ward pharmacists. Practical tips, checklists, comments and advice for working in the ward environment round off the individual chapters. By learning from actual cases, this book offers the unique chance to develop an instinct for the pitfalls of drug safety. That applies to those who have successfully completed further training in the field of “Medication Management in the Hospital” and for all who wish to ensure the optimum treatment for their patients through competent work in clinical pharmacy.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2019

        Managing diabetes, managing medicine

        Chronic disease and clinical bureaucracy in post-war Britain

        by Martin D. Moore, Keir Waddington, David Cantor

        This book is available as an open access ebook under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Through its study of diabetes care in twentieth-century Britain, Managing diabetes, managing medicine offers the first historical monograph to explore how the decision-making and labour of medical professionals became subject to bureaucratic regulation and managerial oversight. Where much existing literature has cast health care management as either a political imposition or an assertion of medical control, this work positions managerial medicine as a co-constructed venture. Although driven by different motives, doctors, nurses, professional bodies, government agencies and international organisations were all integral to the creation of managerial systems, working within a context of considerable professional, political, technological, economic and cultural change.

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        Anthroposophic Medicine

        Medicinal therapy for 350 disease pictures

        by Edited by Dr. Matthias Girke,Dr. Michaela Glöckler and Georg Soldner

        100 years after it was founded in Switzerland, anthroposophic medicine is nowadays an approach to treatment that is used worldwide. In this jubilee edition, 39 general practitioners and specialists experienced in anthroposophic therapy describe 350 disease pictures and their medicinal treatment – including Covid-19 – in understandable therapeutic concepts.

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        September 2023

        Medicinal Plants used in Traditional Persian Medicine

        by Hartwig Schulz, Seyed Ahmad Emami, Farsad Nadjafi

        Medicinal plants and the natural products within them, still remain the starting point for breakthroughs in the development of safe, pharmacologically active synthetic molecules for use in a wide variety of clinical situations. Traditional Persian Medicine (TPM) is one of the most ancient medical doctrines, and is well-documented in terms of information about diseases, diagnoses and treatments, especially by the application of medicinal plants. TPM has been used for centuries worldwide, and many of these methods are still used in Iran today. This book introduces the basics of TPM, and describes the key medicinal plants which are used for the treatment of different diseases. It also creates possible new targets for research activities in drug discovery of natural products. The book is richly illustrated with coloured figures of historic drawings from old Persian pharmacopoeia and photos of plants in their natural habitats. References to Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese Medicine and to monastic medicine in Europe are also made. Knowledge about medicinal plants used in TPM still exists in Iran, however, there is a risk that the detailed expertise provided by the older generation will be lost in the near future. It is therefore important that this cultural heritage of humanity is properly preserved. This book provides a valuable, evidence-based resource on TPM for researchers, practitioners and students in medicinal plants, ethnobotany and herbal medicine.

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        September 2023

        Situating religion and medicine in Asia

        Methodological insights and innovations

        by Michael Stanley-Baker

        This edited volume presents the latest research on the intersection of religion and medicine in Asia. It features chapters by internationally known scholars, who bring to bear a range of methodological and geographic expertise on this topic. The book's central question is to what extent 'religion' and 'medicine' have overlapped or interrelated in various Asian societies. Collectively, the contributions explore a number of related issues, such as: which societies separated out religious from medical concerns, at which times and in what ways? Where have medicine and religion converged, and how has such knowledge been defined by scholars and cultural actors? Are 'religion' and 'medicine' the best terms by which scholars can grapple with knowledge about the sacred and the self, destiny and disease?

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        Drugs and Medical Devices in Nursing

        Training for nurses and carers

        by Dr. Constanze Schäfer

        What applies when storing potatoes is also good for drugs and medical devices! But this is where the similarities end. If medicines are not stored correctly or used properly, they may not be effective. Pharmacists - the experts on medicines - explain to the nursing team: - How light, air and temperature can cause damage - Where the pitfalls lie in the use of tablets, drops etc. - What makes medical devices so different from drugs New in the 3rd edition: Improved overview of the types of use. Clearer comparison of drugs and medical devices. Video clips on the use of specific dosage forms can now be directly launched from the presentation. 36 editable PowerPoint slides, videos and a complete text of the presentation are available on CD-ROM and for download

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        Erinnerung an Hans

        by Hermann Hesse, Volker Michels

        Um sich den Verlust besonders nahestehender Menschen erträglicher zu machen, hatte Hermann Hesse die Gewohnheit, nachdem deren Todesnachricht ihn erreicht hatte und der Schmerz am empfindlichsten war, seine Erinnerungen an die Verstorbenen aufzuzeichnen. Denn eine der wichtigsten Funktionen der Literatur war für ihn das Aufbewahren des Vergänglichen im Wort, das Heraufbeschwören des Gewesenen durch möglichst genaue Schilderung. Solche Rückblicke, genannt »Gedenkblätter«, waren nicht nur Würdigungen der Verstorbenen, sondern stets auch Bestandteile seiner eigenen Lebensgeschichte. Zu den ergiebigsten dieser Aufzeichnungen gehören die Erinnerungen an seinen fünf Jahre jüngeren Bruder Hans, dem letzten der acht Nachkommen aus den beiden Ehen seiner Mutter. Wie es dazu kommen konnte, dass Hans sich im Alter von 43 Jahren das Leben nahm, berichtet der Dichter in dieser ergreifenden autobiografischen Erzählung. Das Nachwort schildert die Vorgänge aus anderen Quellen, ergänzt um die beiden Gedichte, die Hesse dem Bruder gewidmet hat.

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        December 2023

        Key Questions in Preventative Farm Animal Medicine, Volume 1

        Types, Causes and Treatment of Infectious Diseases

        by Tanmoy Rana, Chetan D. Chavda, Bhupamani Das, Aishwarya Dash, H. Dhanalakshmi, Abrar Ul Haq, Biswa Ranjan Jena, J. Jyothi, Jaysukh B. Kathiriya, M. Bhavya Sree, Sivajothi Srigireddy

        Providing well over 1,000 questions to test your knowledge of preventative farm animal medicine, the book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction to the topic before providing relevant multiple-choice questions. Covering preventative veterinary medicine for common livestock species, the book includes questions on: - general concepts of preventative medicine; - viral, bacterial, fungal and mycoplasma diseases; - ecto- and endo-parasitic infections. This self-test resource for students provides a convenient and useful current source of information to anyone interested in learning, revising and assessing their knowledge.

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        December 2023

        Key Questions in Clinical Farm Animal Medicine, Volume 3

        Therapy, Prevention and Control of Disease

        by Tanmoy Rana, Manoj Kumar Ahirwar, D Sai Bhavani, P Rama Devi, G.S. Harita, Babu Lal Jangir, K. Sindhu, Deepika Lather, Alok Mishra, Vikas Nehra, P. Ramesh, Abhishek Pathak, G. S. Haritha, R. S. Sethi, Dr Nasrul I. Shaikh, Brejesh Singh, Amita Tiwari, Shivangi Udainiya

        Providing well over 1,500 questions to test your knowledge of clinical farm animal medicine, the book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction to the topic before providing relevant multiple-choice questions. Covering clinical veterinary medicine for common livestock species, this book includes questions about: - diseases of the haemolymphatic and immune system; - metabolic, genetic, neonatal and deficiency diseases; - poisoning. Including a full chapter covering emergency and critical care, this self-test resource for students provides a convenient and useful current source of information to anyone interested in learning, revising and assessing their knowledge.

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        Guidelines for providing pharmaceutical advice

        by Dr. Kirsten Lennecke and Kirsten Hagel

        Minor illness or a serious disease ? Through systematic questioning, pharmacists or pharmaceutical technicians can establish the possibilities and limits of self-medication. Each monograph on the over 100 indications for self-medication includes: - A flow chart: basis for the structured consultation - A brief description: additional information about the symptoms - Recommended medications/groups of medications: the treatment options - Additional advice: individual supportive and alternative treatment options - Specific knowledge for advising particular patient groups: e.g. pregnant women, children and senior citizens New for the 7th edition: Monographs that explore the possibilities of supportive self-medication for indications such as hypertension and diabetes. Information about what to do in the case of poisoning, scabies or inflammation of the nail bed (paronychia) is also provided! The details about active substances, products and additional tips have been updated. The pocket guide has long been the standard for providing advice on self-medication – a “must-have”!

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        Naturzustand und Naturgeschichte der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft

        Die Ursprünge der bürgerlichen Sozialtheorie als Geschichtsphilosophie und Sozialwissenschaft bei Samuel Pufendorf, John Locke und Adam Smith

        by Medick, Hans

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        Farm Animal Medicine and Surgery for Small Animal Veterinarians

        by Graham R Duncanson

        Small animal veterinarians are increasingly taking on caseloads that include farm animals, with cases being presented by local hobby farmers, smallholders, and 'novelty pet' owners. With the increase in veterinary telemedicine, they now also receive requests for advice electronically from owners further afield. Recognising this trend, this book provides a quick reference for small-animal orientated veterinarians in the basics of surgery and treatment of farm animals. Popular animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, camelids and backyard poultry are covered, and basic techniques such as anaesthesia, clinical examination techniques, breeding, surgery and euthanasia are discussed. This new edition: - Expands on recent developments in all areas of medicine and surgery, covering advances such as the increased use of ultrasound across species and adding a new section on anthelmintics. - Provides updates on current major disease threats, as well as providing a One Health perspective. - Includes full colour images to help bring the subject to life. Ideal for looking up information during a consult, or for use as a refresher guide and continuing professional development resource, this book is an important tool for veterinarians in small and mixed practices.

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        December 2023

        Key Questions in Preventative Farm Animal Medicine, Volume 2

        Transmission, Diagnosis, Prevention, and Control of Infectious Diseases

        by Tanmoy Rana, Sonam Bhatt, Snehil Gupta, Surbhi Gupta, Sushma Gupta, K. Jayalakshmi, K. Karthika, Anil Kumar, Simant Kumar Nanda, Arpita Padhy, Abhishek Pathak, Jigar Raval, Amit Ranjan Sahu, Rajesh Kumar Sahu, Barkha Sharma, Jitendra Tiwari

        Providing well over 1,000 questions to test your knowledge of preventative farm animal medicine, the book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction to the topic before providing relevant multiple-choice questions. Covering preventative veterinary medicine for common livestock species, the book includes questions about: - rickettsial and protozoan diseases; - prophylaxis in animals; - diagnostic techniques; - collection, preservation, processing and dispatch of clinical materials. Including a full chapter considering important transboundary, emerging and exotic diseases, this self-test resource for students provides a convenient and useful current source of information to anyone interested in learning, revising and assessing their knowledge.

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        December 2023

        Key Questions in Clinical Farm Animal Medicine, Volume 2

        Types, Causes and Treatments of Infectious Disease

        by Tanmoy Rana, A Ashwini, B. K. Bhagya, Sabita Behera, Dipanwita Bhattacharya, Banothu Dasmabai, Nourhan Eissa, Lesley Farms, G.K. Chetan Kumar, Lunavat Gopala, Ola H. Harb, Abbas Rabiu Ishaq, Dayanidhi Jena, Anil Kumar, Ankesh Kumar, Praveen Kumar, Archana Mahapatra, Ram Niwas, Sunil Punia, R. Nethra, Pratistha Shrivastava

        Providing well over 1,500 questions to test your knowledge of clinical farm animal medicine, the book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction to the topic before providing relevant multiple-choice questions. Covering clinical veterinary medicine for common livestock species, this book includes questions about: - diseases of the reproductive, integumentary and urinary systems; - anaesthesia and pain management; - perinatal and geriatric diseases. With full chapters also covering diseases of the eye and ear, this self-test resource for students provides a convenient and useful current source of information to anyone interested in learning, revising and assessing their knowledge.

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