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      • Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press

        Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) is a world-class publishing house founded on international best practices, excellence and innovation. It strives to be a cornerstone of Qatar’s knowledge-based economy by providing a unique local and international platform for literature, discovery and learning. Headquartered in Doha, Qatar, HBKU Press publishes a wide range of texts including fiction and non-fiction titles, children’s books, collections, and annual reports. In addition, HBKU Press publishes peer-reviewed, scholarly research in the natural and social sciences through academic books, open-access reference materials and conference proceedings. HBKU Press consistently follows international best practices in its publishing procedures, ethics and management, ensuring a steadfast quality of production and a dedication to excellence.

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      • Trusted Partner
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        December 1988

        Die Lex Emminger vom 4. Januar 1924.

        Vorgeschichte, Inhalt und Auswirkungen. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Strafrechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts.

        by Vormbaum, Thomas

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        Ein Herz und eine Pflege

        Vom Glück, für andere da zu sein

        by Hamid, Rashid

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        by Muhammad Syafiq bin Borhannuddin, Hafizuldin bin Satar

        This book attempts to present the development vision of Ungku Abdul Aziz Ungku Abdul Hamid, or better known simply as Ungku Aziz (1922-2020), in a more comprehensive fashion. Ungku Aziz's vision reflects his commitment as a Muslim as well as a citizen of an emerging Muslim-majority yet a multicultural nation, and his great concern for the underprivileged. This book also attempts to situate Ungku Aziz's vision in its proper historical context, thus providing an insight into a post-colonial debate in Malaysia as well as the views and experience of a modern-educated Muslim in such context.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2022

        The Doors of the Poem

        Tribute to Habib Tengour

        by Sagawe Regina Keil, Hervé Sanson

        The twenty-seven contributions gathered here and superbly illustrated by Hamid Tibouchi - critical studies and creative texts - pay tribute to a work that is at the forefront of Algerian and, more broadly, contemporary letters, but paradoxically still little-known. On the occasion of Habib Tengour's seventy-fifth birthday, this volume is intended to open up new avenues of research into this work, and provide a more accurate understanding of the issues at stake. Tributes from his peers - poets from all over the world - give the book an affective, carnal dimension, extending the researchers' analyses with unexpected echoes. “Tengour warns us: “Only those with the right intention enter the poem! LES PORTES DU POEME thus opens on one of the most important poetic voices of his generation (Prix Dante in 2016, Prix Benjamin Fondane in 2022, Prix Dante Alighieri in 2023, for his body of work).

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2011

        Muslime in der Psychotherapie

        Ein kultursensibler Ratgeber

        by Rezapour, Hamid; Zapp, Mike

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2012

        Islam und Moderne. Die neuen Denker

        by Rachid Benzine, Hadiya Gurtmann

        Intellektualität und Frömmigkeit zu vereinbaren, das ist das Ziel einer ganzen Generation muslimischer Denker. Unabdingbare Voraussetzung dafür ist die Entwicklung einer neuen Hermeneutik der Koraninterpretation, zu der muslimische Gelehrte aus zahlreichen Ländern ihren Beitrag leisten und dafür mitunter Kopf und Kragen riskieren. Ihre Namen sind hierzulande noch kaum bekannt, da die wenigsten ihrer Schriften ins Deutsche übersetzt worden sind. Dennoch findet ihr Beitrag zur Versöhnung des Islams mit der Moderne auch in Deutschland hohe Anerkennung: So war zum Beispiel der 2010 verstorbene gebürtige Algerier Mohammed Arkoun, Professor an der Sorbonne in Paris, Fellow am Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, desgleichen der ebenfalls 2010 verstorbene Ägypter Nasr Hamid Abu Said. Andere Vertreter, die Benzine in seinem Buch darstellt, sind Fazlur Rahman, Farid Esack (Südafrika), Abdul Karim Sorush (Iran) und Abdelmajid Charfi (Tunesien). Neben dem leidenschaftlichen Engagement für die Sache, der sich diese neuen Denker verschrieben haben und so zu Hoffnungsträgern für viele Muslime geworden sind, beeindruckt die persönliche Opferbereitschaft, die manchem von ihnen abverlangt wurde. Abu Saids Ehe etwa wurde zwangsgeschieden, er erhielt Morddrohungen und mußte ins niederländische Exil flüchten.

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        by Norhafsah Hamid, Maman Rosnan & Husna Abd Rahman

        Hassan, who had lost his twin brother, best friend and partner-in-crime — Hussin — during teenagers due to cancer.   Hassan then further studies medicine and makes friends with Amy and Nieza; and become best friends. Hassan — loves to joke around, tease his friends and coworkers a lot, a gentleman to the point people called him Dr Charmer, and very protective towards his friends especially Amy and Nieza. If a man wants to approach Amy and Nieza, he has to go through Hassan first!   Beneath those witty personalities, Hassan was actually struggling in handling his inner turmoil when it comes to grieving and sadness. When his friend and his teenage patient passed away, Hassan was again at a loss.   He always thought that he needed to be strong for his parents after Hussin passed away — he stopped crying, he stopped expressing his grief, he just ignored the pain. But then he learn, being strong does not mean one should suppress and dismiss his feelings.

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        by Noor Azniza Ishak, Jamaludin Mustafa, Kamal Ab Hamid, Siti Rozaina Kamsani, Grafik UUM (Illustrator)

        Kratom from a Psychosocial Perspective: An Advantage or A Detriment   Kratom leaves have long been used as a traditional vitality drink ingredient for women who have recently given birth. The leaves are boiled, and the resulting water is consumed to restore vitality, as well as to treat gas congestion in the body and relieve back pain. However, the decoction of kratom leaves has been misappropriated and is being sold to the public.   This book is intended as a guide for policymakers, particularly the Ministry of Home Affairs and the National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK), in the formulation of appropriate policies or action plans, as well as the necessary enhancements to the extant prevention programmes. This book also suggests an effective information delivery strategy for addressing the issue of kratom water abuse. In addition, this book was written as a resource for the community to learn about the actual phenomenon of kratom water misappropriation in the community today.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2022

        Lippels Traum 1

        by Paul Maar, Paul Maar, Henriette Sauvant

        In "Lippels Traum" von Paul Maar findet sich der junge Lippel in einem faszinierenden Abenteuer wieder, das die Grenzen zwischen Realität und Fantasie verschwimmen lässt. Als sein treuer Weggefährte, der herrenlose Hund Muck, und die türkischen Kinder aus seiner Klasse, Asslam und Hamide, plötzlich in den Rollen eines Hundes aus dem Königspalast sowie eines Prinzen und einer Prinzessin aus dem Morgenland in seinen Träumen erscheinen, beginnt für Lippel eine Reise voller Rätsel und Wunder. Gemeinsam mit seinen neuen Freunden durchquert er im Traum die Wüste, begegnet magischen Wesen und stellt sich Herausforderungen, die ihn weit über das hinausführen, was er aus seinem Alltag kennt. Doch während Lippel tagsüber versucht, die Rätsel seiner Träume zu entschlüsseln und die Verbindung zwischen seinen nächtlichen Abenteuern und der Realität zu finden, entdeckt er die Kraft seiner eigenen Fantasie und die tiefe Bedeutung von Freundschaft und Mut. Was als ein einfacher Traum beginnt, entwickelt sich zu einer Reise der Selbstfindung und des Erwachsenwerdens, die Lippel lehrt, über seine Grenzen hinauszuschauen und die Magie in seinem Leben zu erkennen. "Lippels Traum" ist eine Hommage an die Macht der Fantasie und ein Plädoyer dafür, die Wunder des Lebens mit offenen Augen zu betrachten. Unvergessliches Abenteuer zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit: Lippels fesselnde Reise in eine Welt, die von der Macht der Fantasie zeugt, begeistert junge Leserinnen und Leser ab 10 Jahren und regt zum Träumen an. Faszinierende Charaktere und magische Orte ergeben eine vielschichtige Mischung aus realen und märchenhaften Elementen, die Kinderherzen höher schlagen lässt. "Lippels Traum" ermutigt dazu, die eigene Vorstellungskraft zu erforschen und zeigt, wie Träume das reale Leben bereichern können. Mit seiner humorvollen und zugleich tiefgründigen Erzählweise gelingt es Paul Maar, sowohl Kinder als auch Erwachsene zu unterhalten und zum Nachdenken anzuregen. Der Roman ist nicht nur eine unterhaltsame Lektüre, sondern bietet auch wertvolle Lektionen über Freundschaft, Mut und die Bedeutung von Geschichten. Dank der lebhaften Schilderungen und der spannenden Handlung eignet sich "Lippels Traum" hervorragend zum gemeinsamen Lesen und Vorlesen. Als eines der bekanntesten Werke des renommierten Kinderbuchautors hat dieser Kinderbuch-Klassiker seinen festen Platz in der deutschen Kinderliteratur. Eine Bereicherung für jede Kinderbuchsammlung und ein Muss für alle jungen Leserinnen und Leser, die Geschichten voller Magie und Abenteuer lieben.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        Dragon Fruit

        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Sisir Mitra, Nigel P. Taylor, Pradyot K. Pathak, Kundan Kishore, Ankita Sahu, Prinya Wongsa, Taner Bozkurt, Özhan Simsek, Joanna Cho Lee Ying, Phebe Ding, Long Haibo, Tang Liangde, Li Huadong, Hamide Gubbuk, Recep Balkic, Lokman Altinkaya, Leila Aparecida Salles Pio, Renato Paiva, Mai Van Tri, Dinh Thi Yen Phuong

        Dragon fruit (pitaya) is a perennial climbing cactus, native to the tropical areas of North, Central and South America. It is suited to tropical and subtropical regions and is commercially grown in an increasing number of countries, including Israel, Australia and the USA. Dragon fruit generates considerable consumer interest because of its exotic appearance and potential health benefits. The fruit is rich in nutrients and phytochemical compounds. It can be eaten fresh or used in the preparation of juices, jellies, jams, etc. The natural bioactive compounds in pitaya have the potential to be exploited in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Increasingly cultivated worldwide, the plant is drought-resistant, easily adapts to light intensity and high temperatures, and has a tolerance to a wide range of soil salinities. With ongoing global warming, dragon fruit has great potential as a new crop for many more countries. This book is a compilation of the current state of knowledge on dragon fruit physiology, cultivation, production technology, postharvest management and processing, and is written by leading international authors.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        Genetic Engineering of Vegetable Crops

        by Pritam Kalia, Donata Arena, Suresh H. Antre, Rehna Augustine, S. Backiyarani, Nikita Balyan, Rafal Baranski, Satyaprakash Barik, D. R. Bhardwaj, Vinay Bhardwaj, S.K. Chakrabarti, Supriya Chakraborty, Branca Ferdinando, Megha Ganachari, P.H. Ramanjini Gowda, Rasmieh Hamid, Vageeshbabu S. Hanura, Feba Jacob, A. Jeevalatha, Anjala K, Varsha K, S. Kalpana, Ashish Kaushal, Magdalena Klimek-Chodacka, Manoj Kumar, Polumetla Ananda Kumar, Ravinder Kumar, Aneta Lukasiewicz, DC Lakshamanareddy, T Makeshkumar, M. Malavika, Manisha Mangal, Deepu Mathew, Pallavi Mishra, Upsana Mohapatra, N. Nagesha, T.M. Ningaraju, Saurabh Pandey, Naresh Ponnam, K N Poornima, Roshini Pydi, Manoj Prasad, K. V. Ravishankar, K. Madhavi Reddy, A. T. Sadashiva, Vidya Sagar, Koushik Saha, B.G. Sangeetha, Sanjay Sathian, K.M Senthilkumar, Sanjeev Sharma, M.N. Sheela, H.K. Shreyas, B.P. Singh, Arpita Srivastav, S Sundaresha, KRM Swamy, Kamil Szymonik, Brindha T. M, Arun TS, Jagesh K. Tiwari, Shailesh K Tiwari, Simone Trecc

        Conventional plant breeding alone can no longer sustain the rising global demand for food. Genetic engineering technology makes it possible to develop new crop varieties with improved yield performance, specific quality attributes (external and internal in vegetable crops), resistance to diseases and insect pests, and environmental stresses. Genetic engineering technology for developing GM crops is complementary to genome editing and other breeding technologies. In addition to food requirements, transgenic crops have the possibility to carry edible vaccines and therapeutic proteins, to help combat human disease and malnutrition. This book reviews the importance and safety of transgenic vegetable crops and covers a wide variety of crops and different technologies. It includes: Genetic engineering in tomato, eggplant, peppers, amaranth, cauliflower, carrot, cucurbits, potato, tropical tubers and melons. Transgenic resistance to viral diseases. Embryogenic cell suspension culture. Genome editing and CRISPR/Cas9. Molecular techniques for biofortification. RNAi strategies for vegetable crop improvement. Designing futuristic vegetable crop varieties. This book is suitable for researchers in horticulture, plant science, and agricultural biotechnology as well as practitioners in vegetable breeding and seed production.

      • Peace studies & conflict resolution
        May 2015

        Failed Relations between Hamid Karzai and the United States

        What Can We Learn?

        by Ronald E. Neumann

        The U.S. relationship with Afghan president Hamid Karzai deteriorated from a warm start to suspicion and hostility over the course of Karzai’s term. Intertwining personal and political considerations, this report examines how aspects of the Afghan political culture that is part of Karzai’s life experience, combined with a counterproductive U.S. approach that unnecessarily aggravated the situation, led to a downward spiral of miscommunication and mistrust that continued to the end of Karzai’s presidency in September 2014.

      • The Vertical Graveyard, Book 3: The Well of Darkness

        by Hamid Reza Shahabadi

        Winner of Book of the Year, 2020 Silver Medalist of The Flying Turtle, 2020 Selected by the International Youth Library for The White Ravens Catalogue, 2019   This is where the world of stories meets history, human feelings, impossible choices, and relatable characters. Hamid Reza Shahabadi has done his magic once more: he entangles human fears with hopes and presents to the reader a rollercoaster of adventures, excitements, twists, and a final huge surprise.  In The Well of Darkness, each loose end is tied up so perfectly that all of a sudden, his narrative world makes more sense. Characters finally find their due representation. It has all the elements of a good story, which haunts not only the readers’ minds but also their hearts and for a long time after finishing it, their memory.  This is a great example of an Iranian horror story, which is narrated in alternating times. The protagonist is not just one persona; there are at least two. The book picks up what book two left off, however as the author has mentioned, it can be read as an independent historical horror story. we know that Shakour is not the only one who comes to the world of living; Razi is one of those lost souls who cannot find solace anywhere. He is up to something and here is where Reza’s role become bolder. At the present time, the other protagonist needs answers, if he wants to save the life of an innocent man.  Hamid Reza Shahabadi has clearly put a lot of effort in creating an everlasting work of literature that is appealing to both Iranian children as well as young avid readers from around the world. The Vertical Graveyard has been published in Egypt too.

      • Romance
        August 2014

        A Kiss In The Desert

        by Barbara Cartland

        The Earl of Bracken is meeting his good friend Captain Charles Kenwood at his Club in St. James’s Street. He has just returned from a visit to Syria where he had been introduced to Sheik Abu Hamid, the owner of the most magnificent Arab horses the Earl has ever seen. They are both keen to buy horses from the Sheik who is reluctant to sell unless his greatest wish can be fulfilled. He wants to receive a Royal Princess as his guest at his house in the desert, so that he can show his neighbours how important and prestigious he in..the Earl and Charles concoct a plan to take a fake Princess with them to Syria, but cannot think how they can find a suitable candidate for the role until Charles suggests his beautiful sister, Vanda. The Earl has another reason for this escapade and leaving England in that he is being ruthlessly pursued by the glamorous Irene, Lady Grantham, and he is becoming disenchanted with her. Charles has no difficulty in persuading Vanda, as she is most enthusiastic about Arab horses. And they set off in the Earl’s yacht together. They are greeted cordially by the Sheik and Vanda plays her part splendidly as the Princess. They are very impressed by all the Arab horses, but dangers soon arise as Vanda is too convincing as Royalty and their whole mission is jeopardised. How the Earl saves the day and Vanda finds the love she has always sought is told in this gripping story by BARBARA CARTLAND.

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