Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
November 2008
The control of invasive plant species is a global challenge, and effective biological control is a long-term solution which reduces the need for environmentally damaging chemical sprays. Covering the very latest research findings in all aspects of weed biocontrol, this comprehensive volume contains over 250 papers and abstracts across nine key themes presented at the symposium by international experts. It explores weed biology and ecology and the economic impacts, effectiveness and practical implications of weed management strategies, and will be of interest to researchers and students in plant and environmental sciences. ; This comprehensive volume contains over 250 papers and abstracts across nine key themes presented at the symposium by international experts. It explores weed biology and ecology and the economic impacts, effectiveness and practical implications of weed management strategies. ; Theme 1: Ecology and Modelling in Biocontrol of WeedsTheme 2: Benefit/Risk and Cost AnalysesTheme 3: Target and Agent SelectionTheme 4: Pre-release Specificity and Efficacy TestingTheme 5: Regulations and Public AwarenessTheme 6: Evolutionary ProcessesTheme 7: Opportunities and Constraints for the Biological Control of Weeds in EuropeTheme 8: Release Activities and Post-release EvaluationsTheme 9: Management Specifics, Integration, Restoration and Implementation