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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2024

        Kinder-Yoga-Übungen. Für Kitas, Schulen und Yogastunden

        by Florian Sprater, Pirmin Sedlmair, Ralf Kiwit, Rudi Mika, Ralf Kiwit, Christoph Greven, Anne Horstmann, Ralf Kiwit, Rudi Mika, Sarah Schwardt

        Du möchtest mit Kindern Yoga üben? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Die Übungen auf diesem Hörbuch sind so konzipiert, dass sie direkt von Yoga-Lehrenden eingesetzt werden können - in der Kita, der Schule oder im Yoga-Studio. Es werden zwei Themen angeboten: "Safari in Afrika" und "Bauernhof". Alle Übungen gibt es mit einer Anleitung und nur als Musik, so dass der Lehrende die Anleitung im Unterricht selbst sprechen kann. Somit sind die Übungen sehr individuell und nach Bedarf einsetzbar. Ergänzt werden die Yoga-Übungen durch Entspannungsmusik, Atemübungen und eine Meditation. Konzipiert und erprobt von dem Kinder-Yoga-Lehrer Floran Sprater. Namasté! Und viel Freude mit deiner Yoga-Stunde für Kinder!

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs for Children and Adolescents

        by Dean Elbe, Kalyna Z. Bezchlibnyk-Butler, Adil S. Virani

        Quick and comprehensive information on psychotropic drugs for children and adolescents. The “Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs for Children and Adolescents” is a unique resource to help you make the right choices about psychotropic medications for younger patients. The ffth edition of this widely acclaimed reference has been fully updated and expanded. • Updated information on psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents • U nique comparison charts (dosages, side effects, pharmacokinetics, interactions …) that allow you to see at a glance which medication is the most suitable for each patient • Instantly recognizable icons in full color throughout, a llowing you to quickly fnd all the information you seek • G eneral information on medications, availability, and indications • D rug action, dosing, pharmacokinetics, and related areas• Warnings and precautions • P atient­related information, such as lab monitoring recommendations, nursing implications, and patient advice• Clearly written patient and caregiver information sheets as printable PDF fles

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023


        Tierische Flows mit Klappen

        by Sandra Grimm, Antje Flad

        Hund, Katze, Kuh – das schaffst auch du! So einfach ist Yoga! Ob Hund oder Katze, Kuh oder Elefant – hier finden sich alle Lieblings-Yogaübungen für die Allerkleinsten. Auf jeder Seite stellt ein Tier seine Lieblings-Haltung vor. Große Klappen zeigen einfach und spielerisch, wie die Yogapositionen funktionieren. Liebevolle Tierreime begleiten die Asanas und laden zum Anschauen und Vorlesen ein. Am Ende der Yogastunde kuscheln sich alle Kinder beim Shavasana zusammen und entspannen gemeinsam... Tierischer Yogaspaß für die Allerkleinsten! Für kleine Kinderhände: Große, stabile Klappen zeigen spielerisch und selbsterklärend, wie die Yogaübungen funktionieren und führen durch einen Yoga-Flow mit 10 Haltungen. Einzigartige Kombination: Yoga für Kinder ab 2 Jahren mit niedlichen Reimen und robusten Klappen. Tierisch einfach Turnen: Kinderleichte Yoga-Übungen für zu Hause, in der Kita oder im Kinder-Yoga-Studio. Entspannung für die Allerkleinsten: Yoga stärkt und fördert spielerisch Körperbewusstsein, Konzentration und Kreativität von Kindern. Ob allein, gemeinsam mit den Eltern oder in der Kita-Gruppe: So tierisch leicht macht Yoga allen Spaß! Dieses allererste Yoga-Pappbilderbuch mit Klappen und Reimen lädt schon die Allerkleinsten zum Mitturnen ein. Eine liebevolle Anleitung mit einfachen Übungen für kleine Yogis. Ein tolles Geschenk für yoga-interessierte Eltern, die ihre Kleinen spielerisch zur Ruhe bringen wollen.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2017

        Children have an Unknown Power

        by Yongxin ZHU

        In this book, Mr. Yongxin Zhu selects to interpret the celebrated dictums of Montessori which are related to family education. Some of the celebrated dictums point out the importance of children education, some of them reveal the laws of children’s development, and more of them care how to educate children better. This book is of significance to the development of Chinese family education.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        Chinese history fascinates children

        by Pao Ba

        This is a history book written by the father to the children. The knowledge is all in the story, which enables the children to understand the history of China completely from their interests. The book is divided into dynasties, vivid and interesting, accurate and complete knowledge, rational and clean. There is no preaching, no political flavor, no indoctrination of any so-called educational significance, so that children can feel the beauty of history and learn to think independently in funny and fun. It is suitable for 7-12 years old pupils to read, more suitable for parents to read to their children.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        Chinese geography fascinates children

        by Pao Ba

        This is a book about geography written by my father to my children. All the knowledge is in the story, which enables my children to understand China's geography completely from their interests. The book is narrated in different provinces with vivid content, professional knowledge and vivid writing. It's full of stories and anecdotes, but it covers a complete knowledge of geography. There's no knowledge to memorize. It also allows children to fully appreciate the local conditions and customs of different regions. It is suitable for 7-12-year-old primary school students to read, more suitable for parents to read to their children, and also loved by many adult readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Children with Behavioral Problems

        A Guide for Parents of Children with Rude, Angry, or Aggressive Behavior

        by Walter Matthys/ Christine Boersma

        Parents as well as those working with children can find themselves confronted with questions about children’s rude, angry, or downright aggressive behavior. This book seeks to inform parents, teachers, and other caregivers about behavioral issues, how to get to the bottom of the problem and evaluate whether external help should be sought. It provides practical tips that help reduce harmful behavior. This title can also be used in youth mental healthcare for psychoeducation.   Target Group: Parents, caregivers, teachers

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        The beauty of nature fascinates children

        by Pao Ba

        This is an encyclopedia of nature written by my father to my children. It is a book with all the knowledge in the story and interest, which enables children to understand nature completely from their interests. It contains three parts: "animals are fierce", "plants are crazy" and "climate is very arrogant". In the past, encyclopedia knowledge often appeared in the form of entries, such as dictionaries and encyclopedias. Every chapter of the Encyclopedia of nature in this book starts with interesting stories and interesting things. This is an unprecedented natural encyclopedia that can be expressed in a chatting tone. It is suitable for 7-12 years old pupils to read, more suitable for parents to read to their children.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        Unsolved mysteries that fascinate children

        by Pao Ba

        Who is the devil of Bermuda Triangle? Is Sanxingdui a masterpiece of alien? What's the matter with UFO falling into the water? Did aliens really take the earth people? Why did Maya civilization disappear from the world? Children are always full of curiosity and fantasy about some unknown things. Based on the children's interests, pop dad selects from many fields the unsolved mysteries that children are interested in, are concerned by children, have thinking value, and shows them one by one with unthinkable stories from the aspects of geography, history, UFO, etc. Wonderful stories leave children more space to think and imagine.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2018

        Talking about relativity to children

        by Li Miao

        This is a popular book on relativity written by physicist Li Miao for children. Einstein's revolution in science and technology has brought great changes to our world in the 20th century. It has changed our cognition of time, space, matter and motion. A series of fantastic predictions have come true one by one, including gravitational waves detected in recent years. In this book, starting from this world-famous event, uncle Miao tells his children about the incomprehensible concepts of gravity, space-time, speed of light, etc. There are a lot of wonderful illustrations in the book, together with a variety of interesting thought experiments, to help children understand this field which has a great impact on modern physics.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        A brief history of everything that fascinates children

        by Pao Ba

        This is a brief history of all things written by a father to his children. It is lively, interesting and fun. It once fascinated the author's 8-year-old daughter. The universe, the earth, and life are all unfolded in an unprecedented and interesting way. The process of human understanding of evolution, black holes, relativity, the origin of species, and the future of mankind. These large and broad topics are all put to a height and perspective that children can understand. Telling, amazing and pleasantly surprised. It is suitable for primary school students aged 7-12 to read, and it is more suitable for parents to read to their children. Part of the knowledge is also suitable for adult readers to understand.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016

        Big design that adults and children can understand

        by Pao Ba

        Big design is a very important work of Hawking after the brief history of time. The theme is to understand the existence and relationship of life, all things and universe. The author of big design, which can be understood by both adults and children, takes it as a blueprint. Through the smooth narrative of story, children and parents can understand the science of universe, realize that the whole universe or all things are controlled by rules Its evolution is not only a history, but also a myriad of possibilities. Make it easier for children to understand science and enjoy the pleasure of knowledge.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2023

        FamilyFlow. Tierisch entspannt

        Eine Kinderyogareise auf den Bauernhof

        by Florian Sprater, Thomas Sprater, Nataša Kaiser

        Bauernhof-Kinderyoga: Entspannt die Familie tierisch! Mach mit den Kleinsten eine Fantasiereise auf den Bauernhof – und „ganz nebenbei“ Yoga. Dieses Kinderyoga-Bilderbuch mit Hühnern und Ferkeln ist ein schwungvoller und fröhlicher Einstieg für kleine Kinder in die Welt des Yoga. Eine lustige Geschichte führt durch die praxiserprobten Yoga- und Achtsamkeitsübungen. Ihr braucht weder Hilfsmittel noch Vorkenntnisse, um mit diesem Familien-Ritual Stress abzubauen, zur Ruhe zu kommen und eure Stärke zu spüren –  kurz in Family Flow zu kommen.  Entwickelt hat dieses Bilderbuch mit Yoga für Kinder der bekannte und erfahrene Yogalehrer Florian Sprater, der in einigen Schulen und Kitas mit seinen Entspannungsübungen bereits fester Bestandteil des Lehrplans ist. Und vielleicht ja auch schon bald in eurem Familien- oder Kindergarten-Alltag.  Mit Om und Muh zu mehr Balance im Familien-Alltag. Kinderyoga auf dem Bauernhof: Eine fantasievolle Reise auf den Bauernhof, kombiniert mit Yoga und Achtsamkeit, perfekt für Kinder ab 3 Jahren. Erfahrener Autor: Entwickelt von dem renommierten Kinderyogalehrer Florian Sprater, bekannt für seine praxiserprobten Übungen in Schulen und Kitas. Stressabbau und Entspannung: Fördert Stressabbau, Ruhe und innere Stärke – ideal für den Familienalltag. Einfach und ohne Hilfsmittel: Keine Vorkenntnisse oder spezielle Hilfsmittel erforderlich – leicht umsetzbar für Eltern und Erzieher*innen. Fördert Familienbindung: Stärkt die Verbindung innerhalb der Familie durch gemeinsame Aktivitäten und Entspannungsrituale. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Perfekt als Familienritual, Kita-Angebot oder kurze Entspannungspause zwischendurch. Spielerische Yoga-Übungen: 10 kindgerechte Bewegungs- und Achtsamkeitsübungen, verpackt in eine lustige Geschichte. Unterhaltsame Illustrationen: Lebendige und fröhliche Illustrationen, die die Übungen begleiten und die Fantasie der Kinder anregen. Praxiserprobt: Die Übungen sind vielfach erprobt und in vielen Bildungseinrichtungen erfolgreich integriert. Ganzheitlicher Ansatz: Vereint körperliche Bewegung mit mentaler Entspannung und Achtsamkeit – für eine ausgewogene Entwicklung.

      • Trusted Partner

        Children of the World Illustrate the Bible

        by Amos Rolnik

        Children of the World Illustrate the Bible It all began when we were looking forward to the fiftieth year Jubilee of the State of Israel. We were looking for a way, something unconventional, to bring Israel to the attention of hundreds of millions of people throughout the world. And so we came up with the idea, rather self-evident: The Bible. The Book of Books, which speaks to each and every one in dozens of countries and countless cultures. We asked ourselves: Who will bring this message? And then the idea came up: A worldwide competition among children to draw the stories of the Bible. We did not limit the subjects. Anything would be accepted as long as it was in line with the stories of the Bible. And wonder of wonders: Just like a fire in a field of thorns, the message went from country to country, from city to city, from school to school, from family to family: The children of the world are drawing the Bible. And the project reached 91 countries. Hundreds of thousands of drawings reached us. Only a handful of the thousands are brought in this album, which is the first in the series of titles flowing from the illustrations that were sent to Israel and were chosen by our staff of curators. And indeed from this handful we can already see their uniqueness. We all know the stories of the Bible, but here they materialize before our very eyes. As the children from five continents described them in their imagination, it seems that even the authors of the Bible themselves would not believe how alive and full were their heroes, as depicted with the brushes of these little children. Not only did we find a drawing of a story, but also a wide rainbow of emotions, notions, beliefs and outlooks of the world. And above all: Personal expression and riveting exposition without filters, analysis or criticism. We conducted the project throughout the world for three years, and at the end, when the thousands of drawings began streaming to the country, we were astounded by this enormous and absorbing crop. We could not avoid falling captives to the charm, strength of expression and intensity of experience that flowed from these drawings. It seems that thanks to the remarkable coming to the rescue by the children of the world, the stories of the Bible won an inspiring, artistic revival. Amos Rolnik This book was previously published by Mallmedia Publishing House& Rolnik Publishing, Something Different In 2002.  273 Pages, 25X32 cm, Color Illustrations,

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2017

        Tell children about the universe

        by Li Miao Wang Shuang

        This is a universal cosmology book written by famous physicist Li Miao for children. For thousands of years, human beings have never stopped exploring the world they live in and the starry sky they see. From measuring the circumference of the earth with sunlight to confirming the origin of the universe with electromagnetic waves, from inferring the shape of the earth based on lunar eclipse to measuring the distance between celestial bodies with standard candlelight With vivid and interesting stories, uncle Miao brings us back to the thinking scene of generations of great talents and opens up extraordinary scientific thinking. The book is also equipped with artistic illustrations and precious pictures of the universe. Young readers can open their imagination wings, think of the mysterious and charming universe from afar, and marvel at the magic of creation and human's endless thirst for knowledge.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2024

        FamilyFlow. Familien-Yoga

        30 Auszeiten für mehr Achtsamkeit und Entspannung

        by Daniela Heidtmann, Nataša Kaiser

        "FamilyFlow. Familien-Yoga" von Dr. Daniela Heidtmann ist eine einzigartige Sammlung von 30 liebevoll illustrierten Karten, die Yoga in den Familienalltag integriert. Jede Karte bietet eine Partner-Übung, die speziell für Kinder und Erwachsene konzipiert ist, und wird von einer kleinen Vorlesegeschichte begleitet, die die Übung einleitet und die Ausführung erleichtert. Das Set ist darauf ausgelegt, Freude, Bewegung und Entspannung zu teilen und fördert durch gemeinsame Aktivitäten eine tiefere physische sowie emotionale Verbindung innerhalb der Familie. Mit Übungen, die für Yoga-Anfänger wie auch für Fortgeschrittene geeignet sind, macht "FamilyFlow. Familien-Yoga" nicht nur unglaublich viel Spaß, sondern ermöglicht auch intensive Quality Time, stärkt das Vertrauen untereinander und fördert das allgemeine Wohlbefinden. Es ist das perfekte Tool, um den Alltag mit Glück und Gesundheit zu bereichern und bietet einen spielerischen Zugang zum Thema Eltern-Kind-Yoga, ideal für Kinder im Alter von 3 bis 5 Jahren. Fördert Familienbindung: Stärkt die emotionale und physische Verbindung durch gemeinsame Yoga-Übungen. 30 wunderschön illustrierte Karten: Jede Karte bietet eine Yogaposition mit einer einleitenden Geschichte, die die Ausführung vereinfacht. Für alle Level geeignet: Die Übungen sind sowohl für Anfänger als auch für Fortgeschrittene konzipiert, was sie ideal für jede Familie macht. Spielerischer Zugang zu Yoga: Macht Yoga durch Vorlesegeschichten und gemeinsame Übungen für Kinder zugänglich und spannend. Qualitätszeit und Entspannung im Alltag: Ideal für kurze Yoga-Sessions, die sowohl Herausforderungen als auch Entspannung bieten. Vielseitig und anpassbar: Eignet sich für unterschiedliche Altersgruppen und kann an die Bedürfnisse der Familie angepasst werden.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Painting and Psychological Development for Children

        by YAN Hu

        Painting and Psychological Development for 2-6 Years Old Children mainly introduces the link among children’s sensitive period, temperament type and children’s painting. It provides detailed education analysis and suggestion strategy through the specific presentation of numerous painting cases. It hopes to help parents interpret children’s painting in a more direct and targeted way in an effort to help them understand children’s psychological status, and as a result to improve the healthy development of children’s personal quality. Painting and Psychological Development for 6-9 Years Old Children mainly narrates that we can not only evaluate children’s personal qualities, emotions, family relations, interpersonal relations and others, more importantly, we can also apply it into the education process of children’s growth. Painting and Psychological Development for 9-12 Years Old Children mainly tells that children in this age group are more mature with a gradually stronger self-consciousness and distinctive features presented in painting. Through this book, one cannot only understand how the self-consciousness and logical thought develop for 9-12 years old children. More importantly, one can understand children’s psychological and emotional status. For the emotional problems such as pressure, anxiety, and rebellion or behavioral problems that are likely to occur in this age group, the author, Dr Yan Hu proposed effective solutions in the book.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development
        April 2016

        Learning with Children

        by Fabian Grolimund

        The school years are a major challenge, not only for your child but also for you as a parent. You may be asking yourself questions like: • How can I motivate my child to study and learn? • How should I handle homework conflicts? • How can I help my child to become more independent? • What learning strategies are appropriate for primary school children? • How can I help if my child has problems with math, reading, or spelling? Answers to these and many other questions about homework, learning, and studying can be found in this book. It describes practical methods and effective strategies, and shows how providing just a little support can be a big help to your child.   Target Group: psychologists, education specialists, parents.

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