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      • The Parisian Agency

        Founded in 2010, the Parisian agency is a literary agency based in Paris. We represent a selected group of international writers of literary fiction such as multi-awarded Icelandic author Gudrun Eva Minervudottir and Hungarian novelist Arpad Kun, winner of the prestigious Aegon Award. We also represent the stunning illustrated books of the British and the Bodleian Library (UK) abroad. Last, we are now open to represent new lists in literary fiction, crime fiction and non fiction. Welcome to the Parisian Agency!

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        Intego ya Ntama

        by Servilien Hagenimana

        “Ntama’s goal”A board book with a funny story, to teach children different domestic animals.

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        May 2021

        "Academician takes you to explore" popular science picture book: lovely big friend

        "Academician takes you to explore" popular science picture book:

        by Song Xian, Liu Zhe, He Ya

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" is a set of popular science picture books for children aged 6-12. The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the Beauty Science Team jointly planned this series of books. Relying on the content, through vivid stories and exquisite paintings, the scientists’ live lectures are adapted into interesting science picture books, so that young readers can appreciate the progress of cutting-edge scientific research in novel stories and pictures. This book mainly tells the story about elephant protection. While traveling to Xishuangbanna, the protagonist Mia ran into a baby elephant who accidentally broke into the farmland. Later, she followed the baby elephant into the territory of Asian elephants and learned about the living habits of elephants. Later, during a visit to the zoo, Mia learned the difference between Asian elephants and African elephants, and experienced the poaching of elephants in Africa. In the end, Mia became a volunteer for elephant conservation.

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        Children's & YA

        Strange book

        by Alexander Asatiani

        All books have either writing, pictures or both in it, but the book that Ellen got as a gift has neither. It does, however, have extraordinary recording powers. Like in so many of Sandro’s stories, in The Strange Book it is completely natural for dreams to merge with reality. Through the matter-of-fact occurrence of unlikely events, The Strange Book tells a story of growing up without abandoning the inner child.

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        April 2021

        Die Zukunft gehört uns

        12 wahre Geschichten über Kinder, die sich für eine bessere Welt einsetzen | Zwölf wahre Geschichten für kleine Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten | Kinderbuch ab 5 Jahre

        by Loll Kirby, Yas Imamura, Conny Lösch, Michael Platt

        Mohamad aus Syrien war zwölf Jahre alt, als er eine Schule in einem Flüchtlingslager eröffnet hat. Die siebenjährige Havana aus den USA möchte, dass alle Kinder Spaß am Lesen haben, und verschenkt deshalb Kinderbücher mit vielfältigen Heldinnen und Helden. Kesz von den Philippinen lebte als kleiner Junge auf der Straße. Schon mit sieben Jahren hat er eine Organisation gegründet, um anderen Kindern in der gleichen Situation zu helfen. Loll Kirby erzählt von mutigen Mädchen und Jungen wie Mohamad, Havana und Kesz, die sich für eine bessere Zukunft einsetzen. Auf den bunten Illustrationen von Yas Imamura gibt es viel zu entdecken. Die Zukunft gehört uns macht Mut und zeigt, dass wir alle etwas tun können, um die Welt von morgen gerechter zu machen.

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        Oracle Bone Picture Book

        by Central Academy of Fine Arts Picture Book Creation Studio

        The "Oracle Bone Picture Book" series introduces children aged 5-10 to Chinese characters. It explains the connection between character shapes and meanings of the ancient oracle bone script and showcases their real-life applications, helping children understand Chinese characters from their roots and fostering an appreciation for the script, making learning fun and engaging. It contains 10 books: "A Big Deal", "Amazing Mom", "Lessons from Animals", "The Heart of Plants", "Their Family", "Feast and Song", "Under the Sky, Between Mountains and Seas", "At Your Home, At Mine", "Off to the Hunt", "Face Stories".

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        November 2022

        Las cosas que ya no están (Things that are no longer there)

        by Tatiana Torres Álvarez

        At the end of the day, a reader crosses Bogotá. The landscape, the reflections and the notes in the margins of the pages of a book shake the memories of a love.

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        Personal & social issues: self-awareness & self-esteem (Children's/YA)

        Picture Books about Emotion Management for Boys

        by Le Fan, Duan Zhang Qu Yi

        There is a pervading idea, both in the east and west, that "big boys don't cry". To reach some cultural ideal of a "real man", boys are too often pushed to be tough and stoic and suppress their emotions. The Picture Books about Emotion Management for Boys challenges this old tradition. Of course boys cry, and we should let them cry!   The series contains five books. I Want to Cry encourages boys to express their vulnerable feelings in appropriate ways. I Don't Want to Hit Back encourages boys to follow their hearts and stick up for themselves in the way they like. I am a Coward talks about self-acceptance. I Don't Want to be a Big Brother is for boys experiencing issues with new siblings. I Didn't Hear You talks about protecting boys' own little worlds.   All five stories came from author Le Fan's real experiences of raising two sons as a mother. While the books are certainly children's books, they could even be viewed as parent handbooks of sorts. The author has written their parents and other adults in little boys' eyes, and calls for parents and society to raise boys differently and understandingly so they can grow in positive, healthy ways.

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        by Ben Ami Eliahu

        EL RÍO DE LOS COPOS DE NIEVE   Un viaje hacia el Gran espíritu por Ben Ami Eliahu El Gran espíritu, el espíritu común a toda la humanidad, que contiene todas sus emociones y todos sus pensamientos y posibilita su transición de una generación a otra, está en peligro. Está sangrando. Ya se sienten las consecuencias: un fenómeno extraño, ominoso, congelante se propaga en todo el mundo y provoca un importante descenso en la temperatura corporal de la gente.   Omer, un chico sensible e inteligente que sufre por este fenómeno, se propone investigarlo y se ve envuelto en una aventura de dimensiones múltiples en todo el mundo. Un científico que perdió la memoria le da a conocer el resplandor del espíritu, el material que conecta a la humanidad con sus raíces misteriosas. Personajes oscuros acompañan a Omer a las profundidades de nuestras memorias y nuestros pensamientos comunes. Le cuentan de los importantísimos copos de nieve y le enseñan a mirar desde las alturas hacia el río infinito de la vida, porque solo allí, solo y desde lejos, será capaz de comprender un terrible secreto. «El río de los copos de nieve» es un relato de aventuras, pero al mismo tiempo es una alegoría de un mundo obsesionado por la avaricia y del daño causado a su delicado equilibrio. En esta historia extremadamente imaginativa, sorprendente y poética, el autor describe la lucha entre el bien y el mal, lo antiguo y lo nuevo, el libre albedrío y la dominación y, al mismo tiempo, destaca el poder de la simpleza, la inocencia y el amor. Este libro está destinado tanto para adultos como para lectores jóvenes. Ben Ami Eliahu tiene 46 años, está casado y es padre de una hija. Vive en Israel y el país de origen de sus padres es la India.La mayor parte de la novela se escribió en la India, en una cabaña en medio del bosque. Debido al proceso creativo involucrado en el relato, el autor, un diseñador de aplicaciones informáticas, decidió mudarse al país y comenzar a cultivar uvas...

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        by Ben Ami Eliahu

        EL RÍO DE LOS COPOS DE NIEVE / Ben Ami Eliahu   Un viaje hacia el Gran espíritu:  El Gran espíritu, el espíritu común a toda la humanidad, que contiene todas sus emociones y todos sus pensamientos y posibilita su transición de una generación a otra, está en peligro. Está sangrando. Ya se sienten las consecuencias: un fenómeno extraño, ominoso, congelante se propaga en todo el mundo y provoca un importante descenso en la temperatura corporal de la gente.   Omer, un chico sensible e inteligente que sufre por este fenómeno, se propone investigarlo y se ve envuelto en una aventura de dimensiones múltiples en todo el mundo. Un científico que perdió la memoria le da a conocer el resplandor del espíritu, el material que conecta a la humanidad con sus raíces misteriosas. Personajes oscuros acompañan a Omer a las profundidades de nuestras memorias y nuestros pensamientos comunes. Le cuentan de los importantísimos copos de nieve y le enseñan a mirar desde las alturas hacia el río infinito de la vida, porque solo allí, solo y desde lejos, será capaz de comprender un terrible secreto. «El río de los copos de nieve» es un relato de aventuras, pero al mismo tiempo es una alegoría de un mundo obsesionado por la avaricia y del daño causado a su delicado equilibrio. En esta historia extremadamente imaginativa, sorprendente y poética, el autor describe la lucha entre el bien y el mal, lo antiguo y lo nuevo, el libre albedrío y la dominación y, al mismo tiempo, destaca el poder de la simpleza, la inocencia y el amor. Este libro está destinado tanto para adultos como para lectores jóvenes. Ben Ami Eliahu tiene 46 años, está casado y es padre de una hija. Vive en Israel y el país de origen de sus padres es la India. La mayor parte de la novela se escribió en la India, en una cabaña en medio del bosque. Debido al proceso creativo involucrado en el relato, el autor, un diseñador de aplicaciones informáticas, decidió mudarse al país y comenzar a cultivar uvas...

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        Michel Ezra Safra y sus hijos

        by Amnon Shamosh

        Michel Ezra Safra y sus hijos por Amnon Shamosh “Michel Ezra Safra y sus hijos” es una saga familiar, escrita por el muy bien conocido escritor Israelí Amnon Shamosh. La historia es semi biográfica y toma lugar  de forma parcial en Alepo, Siria, el lugar de nacimiento del autor. El libro describe la vida, las luchas, y la dispersión de una adinerada familia de sirio-judíos durante el curso de tres generaciones, comenzando a los mediados de los años 30. La historia de la familia Ezra Safra es la historia de una familia judía del medio oriente y sus valores básicos tradicionales, los cuales son constantemente desafiados por otras normas, ya sean circunstanciales como universales. Sacudida por levantamientos locales como globales, la familia encabezada por Michel y su hermosa esposa Linda, es obligada a abandonar su hogar, la ciudad de Alepo, durante los disturbios generados por la resolución de las Naciones Unidas a finales de 1947, de establecer el estado judío en Palestina. Michel, un hombre práctico, continúa manejando su imperio económico. Su poder sobre sus hijos parece desvanecerse, sin embargo, aunque aún disfruta de su respeto y cariño. Rachmo, el hijo mayor y su aparente heredero, dirige la sucursal del negocio familiar en Paris, pero su comportamiento como hombre de familia no cumple con los estándares de sus padres. Alberto, el hermano menor, aborrece el negocio familiar y rehuye el curso que se espera que tome. Encuentra una salida en las actividades sionistas clandestinas, incluyendo el “contrabando”  de judíos hacia Palestina. Los otros 5 hijos e hijas Safra emigran a Europa, Estados Unidos e Israel. Lo que más preocupa, obsesiona y perturba a  Michel, no es la situación financiera de su imperio, sino el grave “pecado” que ha cometido. Cuando la vieja sinagoga de Alepo fue incendiada, Michel rescató los rollos de la Torá “Aram de Soba” y logró rescatarlos del fuego. Se llevó un pedazo de su más preciado y sagrado rollo y secretamente lo guardó en una caja fuerte en Niza, Francia. Mientras su tesoro está protegido, Michel interpreta las tragedias que sufre su familia como un castigo divino. A través de la novela, el lector sigue a Michel a través de sus viajes por el mundo, estableciendo asuntos familiares como comerciales. Sin embargo sufre de una débil salud y de culpa de conciencia. La vida de su hijo Alberto, ahora un influyente miembro de una comunidad colectiva en Israel, es completamente  ajeno a él. La saga de la familia Ezra Safra llega a su final cuando Michel muere de tristeza unos pocos días después de la muerte de su nieto durante la guerra de los Seis Días en  1967. Más tarde, Rachmo, que tomó parte en el secreto de su padre, muere de un ataque al corazón al saber que el rollo en Niza ha sido robado. Linda concuerda unirse con sus hijos en Israel, pero rechaza vivir con ellos. Ella escoge vivir una vida solitaria, rodeada de fotos y memorias del pasado. La novela “Michel Ezra Safra” fue llevada a la televisión  como una mini-serie, teniendo un altísimo éxito. Amnon Shamosh nació en Siria en 1929, inmigró a Tel Aviv de niño, y llegó a ser posteriormente uno de los miembros fundadores de Kibutz Ma'ayan Baruch, donde reside hasta hoy en día. Se graduó en la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén .Es autor tanto de poesía como de prosa para niños y adultos, su trabajo se ha traducido al inglés, al español, y al francés, y una de sus novelas fue llevada a la televisión en forma de miniserie. Amnon Shamosh ha sido galardonado con el Premio "Agnon", denominado con ese nombre en honor al laureado célebre israelí Nóbel de Literatura, el Premio "Shalom-Aleichem", el Premio del Primer Ministro de creatividad, el Premio de literatura del presidente de Israel, y numerosos premios de literatura adicionales.

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        October 2017

        Lovers of Justice

        by Yurii Andrukhovych

        "Lovers of Justice" is a paranormal novel in which several biographies are combined into an artistic whole using the author's signature compositional and stylistic skills. They cry out to become an eight-and-a-half-episode TV saga. Family and political murders, rapes and robberies, depravity of minors and the mysterious separation of the head, ideological betrayals and betrayals for the sake of an idea, are assigned to various devils of the soul and are not always fair, but often terrible punishments. What else is needed for the reader to feel good and realize with pleasure his moral superiority over the unfortunate lovers of capricious Justice?

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        December 2025

        The Book of Poetry

        by WU GAUNGPING

        "Book of Poetry" is the beginning of ancient Chinese poetry and the earliest collection of poems. A collection of 305 ancient poems from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC were originally called "Poems" or "Three Hundred Poems". In the Western Han Dynasty, they were revered as Confucian classics and they were called "Book of Poetry". "The Book of Poetry" is divided into three parts: "Wind", "Ya" and "Ode". It is rich in content, reflecting labor and love, war and corvee, oppression and resistance, customs and marriage, ancestor worship and banquet, and even astronomical phenomena, landforms, animals, Plants and other aspects are a mirror of social life in the Zhou Dynasty.

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        Children's & YA


        by Kotryna Zylė

        Changeling is a rebellious novel about creativity, youth and the raging intensity of teenage emotional life. The gripping story plunges the reader into the depths of a mystical town, a haunting and haunted place, where boundaries between the real and the otherworldly become dangerously blurred. A strange and electrifying tale of teenage disenchantment, Changeling is a work of stunning emotional force that captures the twisted complexities of family relationships and friendships, first love, and the quest for self-definition. Guided by short introductions to Baltic mythology, readers will find themselves in an urban landscape steeped in pagan and post-Soviet history.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2011

        The Boy Who Saw the Color of Air

        by Abdo Wazen

        In his first YA novel, cultural journalist and author Abdo Wazen writes about a blind teenager in Lebanon who finds strength and friendship among an unlikely group.   Growing up in a small Lebanese village, Bassim’s blindness limits his engagement with the materials taught in his schools. Despite his family’s love and support, his opportunities seem limited.   So at thirteen years old, Bassim leaves his village to join the Institute for the Blind in a Beirut suburb. There, he comes alive. He learns Braille and discovers talents he didn’t know he had. Bassim is empowered by his newfound abilities to read and write.   Thanks to his newly developed self-confidence, Bassim decides to take a risk and submit a short story to a competition sponsored by the Ministry of Education. After winning the competition, he is hired to work at the Institute for the Blind.   At the Institute, Bassim, a Sunni Muslim, forms a strong friendship with George, a Christian. Cooperation and collective support are central to the success of each student at the Institute, a principle that overcomes religious differences. In the book, the Institute comes to symbolize the positive changes that tolerance can bring to the country and society at large.   The Boy Who Saw the Color of Air is also a book about Lebanon and its treatment of people with disabilities. It offers insight into the vital role of strong family support in individual success, the internal functioning of institutions like the Institute, as well as the unique religious and cultural environment of Beirut.   Wazen’s lucid language and the linear structure he employs result in a coherent and easy-to-read narrative. The Boy Who Saw the Color of Air is an important contribution to a literature in which people with disabilities are underrepresented. In addition to offering a story of empowerment and friendship, this book also aims to educate readers about people with disabilities and shed light on the indispensable roles played by institutions like the Institute.

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        Children of the World Illustrate the Bible

        by Amos Rolnik

        Children of the World Illustrate the Bible It all began when we were looking forward to the fiftieth year Jubilee of the State of Israel. We were looking for a way, something unconventional, to bring Israel to the attention of hundreds of millions of people throughout the world. And so we came up with the idea, rather self-evident: The Bible. The Book of Books, which speaks to each and every one in dozens of countries and countless cultures. We asked ourselves: Who will bring this message? And then the idea came up: A worldwide competition among children to draw the stories of the Bible. We did not limit the subjects. Anything would be accepted as long as it was in line with the stories of the Bible. And wonder of wonders: Just like a fire in a field of thorns, the message went from country to country, from city to city, from school to school, from family to family: The children of the world are drawing the Bible. And the project reached 91 countries. Hundreds of thousands of drawings reached us. Only a handful of the thousands are brought in this album, which is the first in the series of titles flowing from the illustrations that were sent to Israel and were chosen by our staff of curators. And indeed from this handful we can already see their uniqueness. We all know the stories of the Bible, but here they materialize before our very eyes. As the children from five continents described them in their imagination, it seems that even the authors of the Bible themselves would not believe how alive and full were their heroes, as depicted with the brushes of these little children. Not only did we find a drawing of a story, but also a wide rainbow of emotions, notions, beliefs and outlooks of the world. And above all: Personal expression and riveting exposition without filters, analysis or criticism. We conducted the project throughout the world for three years, and at the end, when the thousands of drawings began streaming to the country, we were astounded by this enormous and absorbing crop. We could not avoid falling captives to the charm, strength of expression and intensity of experience that flowed from these drawings. It seems that thanks to the remarkable coming to the rescue by the children of the world, the stories of the Bible won an inspiring, artistic revival. Amos Rolnik This book was previously published by Mallmedia Publishing House& Rolnik Publishing, Something Different In 2002.  273 Pages, 25X32 cm, Color Illustrations,

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        May 2020

        The Guys of Rangoon 1930

        by Khet Zaw

        The Guys of Rangoon , 1930 is a record breaking bestseller book from Myanmar . It sold 16000 copies within one day during the pre order period. More than one hundred thousand copies have been sold so far. Film rights, several merchandise rights, comic rights already sold.It was based in Yangon , Myanmar during the colonial period. The main character is Pho Thoke who was a gangster and managed a lot of business by himself and his gang. He is very close with politicians as well and he is involved in several dirty political movements in Myanmar . This story is based on real characters and events.

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        November 2020

        The Guys from Mandalay , 1950

        by Khet Zaw

        The Guys of Manday ,1950s is based in the years just after independence . After Myanmar became independent from English , there were several armed conflicts in Ethnic Areas all over the world. Sein Da Myone ( Golden Dagger) was a leader of a robber gang base in Mandalay ,upper Myanmar . Nobody knows the real life of Mr Golden Dagger and he lived under the face of a gentleman . This book is related to The Guys of Rangoon 1930 as well and they have some links in stories.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023


        The strange science and true stories of the unseen other

        by Ben Alderson-Day

        In this enthralling book, Ben Alderson-Day explores one of the most curious experiences known to humankind: the universal, disturbing sense that someone or something is there when we are alone - the feeling of an unseen presence. When and why do presences emerge? What does this feeling mean and where does it come from? And how can we even begin to understand a phenomenon that can be transformative for those who experience it and yet so hard to put into words? The answers to these questions lie in this fascinating exploration through cutting-edge research in contemporary psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience and philosophy. Taking the reader on a riveting and emotional journey, Presence offers remarkable insights into the experience of felt presence and how it relates to a range of medical conditions, including sleep paralysis, dementia and Parkinson's. This compelling story will stoke the fascination of sceptics and ardent believers alike who are drawn to the mystery of the unseen.

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