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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2009

        Governance as social and political communication

        by Henrik Bang, Martin Hargreaves

        Governance is among the most used of new ideas in the social sciences, most notably in the fields of political science, public administration, sociology, social and political theory. As ever, debates within disciplines rarely transcend disciplinary boundaries. This volume, newly available in paperback, brings together authors from these fields to elaborate on the development of governance analysis in new conceptions of political and democratic communication. It not only seeks to identify, describe and evaluate the contribution of each discipline to a theory of communicative governance, but also lays the foundation of a multidisciplinary framework for studying the mediation in communicative governance of societal concerns for effectiveness, order and participation. The book is theoretical and comparative, drawing on authors and research in Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the US. It adopts an anti-foundational approach to deconstruct the essentialist discourses endemic in each discipline and the disciplinary traditions of each country. Notions such as steering and control in public administration, identities and domination in sociology, and the community and self in social and political theory are analysed in depth. The book will demonstrate clearly how the distinctive traditions of each discipline lead them to construct overlapping, loosely coupled, and sometimes incommensurable ideas about the institutions, politics and policies of governance. ;

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        May 1978

        Das graue Haus

        Aus dem Dänischen und mit einem Nachwort von Walter Boehlich

        by Herman Bang, Walter Boehlich, Walter Boehlich

        Herman Bang (1857–1912), als Pfarrerssohn in der dänischen Provinz aufgewachsen, versuchte sich als Schauspieler, Regisseur und Feuilletonist, ehe er sich ganz der Literatur zuwandte. Lesereisen führten ihn durch ganz Europa. Bang gilt als Vollender der impressionistischen Erzählkunst, stilistisch wie thematisch gehört er zur künstlerischen Avantgarde seiner Zeit. »Bang war ein Zauberer impressionistischer Tableaus.« Neue Zürcher Zeitung

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2007

        Das weiße Haus/Das graue Haus

        Zwei Romane

        by Herman Bang, Walter Boehlich, Walter Boehlich

        Herman Bang, der große dänische Erzähler, wurde 1857 als Sohn eines Pfarrers geboren. Seine Kindheit im weißen Haus verklärt sich in seiner Erinnerung zum Zustand reinen, lichtdurchfluteten Glücks, eng verbunden mit der Beziehung zur Mutter. Das graue Haus hingegen steht für Alter, Verfall und Unglück und ist mit der Person des Großvaters verknüpft. Man kann die beiden autobiographischen Romane, es sind Bangs bekannteste Werke, jeden für sich lesen, aber sie gehören zusammen.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2007

        Exzentrische Existenzen

        Erzählungen und Reportagen

        by Herman Bang, Ulrich Sonnenberg, Ulrich Sonnenberg, Ulrich Sonnenberg

        Furios war Herman Bangs Start ins literarische Leben: Bereits als Fünfundzwanzigjähriger hatte er acht Bücher und 140 Feuilletons geschrieben und einen Pornographieskandal überstanden. Tatsächlich kam der 1857 geborene Pastorensohn eher notgedrungen zum Schreiben. Nach dem Tod seiner Eltern war er gezwungen, sich einen Broterwerb zu suchen, um sein dandyhaftes Leben aufrechterhalten zu können. Innerhalb kurzer Zeit wurde er zu einem der bekanntesten Journalisten Kopenhagens – aber auch zu einem der umstrittensten. Denn seine exzentrische Lebensweise und seine offen gelebte Homosexualität provozierten die bürgerliche Gesellschaft. Der vorliegende Band versammelt Erzählungen aus allen Schaffensperioden in einer neuen, der kraftvollen Sprache Bangs gerecht werdenden Übersetzung, so die psychologische Studie Irene Holm, das Eifersuchtsdrama Die vier Teufel oder die bissige Satire Ein schöner Tag. Ergänzt wird der Band durch Reportagen, unter anderem über den Brand von Schloß Christiansborg oder den Besuch im belgischen Gheel, der »Stadt der Wahnsinnigen«. Herman Bang, der mit seinen Romanen Das graue Haus und Das weiße Haus berühmt wurde, entwirft in seinen Erzählungen genaue Porträts von Menschen, oft am Rande der Gesellschaft. In seinen Reportagen, die hier großenteils zum ersten Mal in deutscher Übersetzung erscheinen, erweist sich Bang als kritischer Beobachter seiner Zeit.

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        Health & Personal Development

        Kizere Wets The Bed

        by Safari Jean Marie Vianney

        Many children wet the bed.  This comic storybook takes us on the journey of Kizere trying to overcome it. Gladly, with the help from parents and friends, she overcame it.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2016

        The Last Love

        by Can Xue

        This novel by Can Xue presents a whole range of characters with strong personality, such as Joe, Maria, Vincent, Lisa, Reagan and Ida. They are full of vitality and are accordingly unsatisfied with their present status. They actively explore unknown field of life and firmly embark on the journey of spiritual exploration. The novel focuses the complicated and intertwining relationship between husbands, wives and lovers to uncover the hidden inner desire of each character. Boiling wild nature and advanced civilization collide with each other before they finally become one unity. For the readers, entering the world of these characters is like entering their own inner world.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2024

        ‘Survival Capitalism’ and the Big Bang

        Culture, contingency and capital in the making of the 1980s financial revolution

        by Emma Barrett

        This book about the Thatcher government and the City of London tells the compelling human story of the people and processes that made Britain's 1980s financial revolution. Fusing insider testimony with new archival discoveries, it examines high stakes and networked solutions, and uncovers new objectives that drove reforms. In so doing it demystifies a major shift in capitalism. This has implications for our understandings of government and capitalism, from the way we think about the origins of subsequent financial crises to today's growing inequalities. Survival Capitalism offers new insights into the last major restructuring of the City, disrupts myths surrounding the logics of the market, and pays attention to people and processes at a time when the City of London again faces major change as Britain seeks to find its place outside the European Union in the wake of Brexit.

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        Children's & YA


        by Augustin Gasake; Jean de Dieu Munyurangabo

        It is a reading book about a child who used to do bed wetting, and he visited his grand mother who told him a story of an animal which eat children who do bed wetting and from that day he stoped doing that.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        It was always love

        by Hotel, Nikola

        She’s had enough of men, but he can’t get enough of her...   Away. Just get out of here. That's all Aubree thinks about when she gets kicked out of college after a party. She buys an incredibly old car, throws the few things she owns into the trunk and flees to her best friend Ivy in New Hampshire.    There, all she wants is to pull the blanket over her head and think of nothing else. Not about that night. Not about the party. And most of all, not that picture that's been circulating on the Internet ever since. But it doesn't work. Because instead of her friend, she meets Noah, Ivy's stepbrother. With his impulsive but surprisingly sensitive nature, Noah evokes feelings in her that she doesn't need right now. And which, nevertheless, sweep her away like a storm...     Second volume of a romantic and exciting dilogy with 20 lavishly illustrated hand-lettered pages by Carolin Magunia. Including a playlist that can be found on Spotify and contains songs which match perfectly with the story! It was always you (Vol. 1) entered the Spiegel bestseller list immediately after its publication. Both titles can be read separately. For all fans of Mona Kasten, Laura Kneidl and Kelly Moran! 30.000 copies of vol. 1 + 2 were sold since June 2020!

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2009

        Has devolution worked?

        The verdict from policy-makers and the public

        by John Curtice, Bed Seyd

        Devolution to Scotland and Wales represented the most fundamental reform of the British state for almost a century. Ten years on, how successful has the reform been? Drawing on the views of citizens, elected representatives and interest groups in Scotland and Wales, this book provides an answer. The book is based on a wide ranging programme of research, involving dedicated surveys and interviews across Scotland, Wales and England. The results provide important new evidence on how devolution has been seen to have performed. What are its perceived achievements? What are its shortcomings? Is the new devolution 'settlement' stable, or is there a demand for further reform? By bringing together perspectives from the public, members of the devolved legislatures and representatives of civil society, the book establishes a unique picture of where devolution in Britain stands today. The book is accessibly written, and contains a wide range of useful primary data. It is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying devolution in Britain, as well as for general readers with an interest in constitutional reform and territorial politics. ;

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        August 2014

        The First Year of the Love Calendar

        by Wang Yuewen

        Sun Li, the protagonist of the novel, is a bestseller writer and his wife Xizi is the head of a university library. Their son Sun Yichi has been rebellious and unruly since childhood, remaining distant from his mother. Afraid of the exhaustion of his creativity, the middle-aged Sun Li begins to question the meaning of his writings. He thus suffers from serious insomnia and anxiety. Just at this time, his wife Xizi begins to have her own amorous secrets. Sun Li also finds himself unable to leave Li Qiao, director of New Evening Paper. These affairs have pushed their seemingly peaceful family life to the verge of collapse. The love calendar refers to the calendar that belongs only to Sun Li and his wife Xizi for their love. But such turbulent life experience has caused them to temporarily betray their love calendar … They eventually begin again the first year of their love calendar. Through the depiction of the love, marriage, and family life of Sun Li and Xizi, the novel becomes a retrospection of the spiritual tendency, emotional development and love pattern of the Chinese over the past 20 to 30 years. It also vividly outlines the changes of social mores in China over the past years in a figurative way. Even amorous entanglements are not devoid of elements of the officialdom, with honest and corrupt officials still on the scene. According to Wang Yuewen, this is an element of reality rather than of officialdom – “after all nobody can live in a vacuum space”.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2024

        Women and madness in the early Romantic novel

        Injured minds, ruined lives

        by Deborah Weiss

        Women and madness in the early Romantic novel returns madness to a central role in feminist literary criticism through an updated exploration of hysteria, melancholia, and love-madness in novels by Mary Wollstonecraft, Eliza Fenwick, Mary Hays, Maria Edgeworth, and Amelia Opie. This book argues that these early Romantic-period novelists revised medical and popular sentimental models for female madness that made inherent female weakness and the aberrant female body responsible for women's mental afflictions. The book explores how the more radical authors-Wollstonecraft, Fenwick and Hays-blamed men and patriarchal structures of control for their characters' hysteria and melancholia, while the more mainstream writers-Edgeworth and Opie-located causality in less gendered and less victimized accounts. Taken as a whole, the book makes a powerful case for focusing on women's mental health in eighteenth- and nineteenth- century literary criticism.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2025

        Love and revolution

        by Matt York

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