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        January 2021

        Space Launch Vehicles

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        This eBook explores the basic functions of a launch vehicle and offers examples of historically significant or currently operational rockets used to place objects into outer space. Special emphasis is given to past, current, and future American space launch vehicles, including the mighty Saturn V Moon rocket, NASA’s Space Shuttle fleet, the contemporary Delta IV and Atlas V launch vehicles, and NASA’s new Space Launch Vehicle (SLV). Readers will explore two famous rocket engineers who helped transform the use of powerful rockets into space launch vehicles: German-American Wernher von Braun (1912‒77) and Russian Korolev (1907-1966).

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Earth-Observing Spacecraft

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        Designed to help students and teachers better appreciate science and engineering in a global context, this eBook describes a number of interesting and important Earth-observing satellites, which are used to measure and monitor key environmental variables. The satellites covered include the Landsat family of spacecraft as well as Terra, Aqua, and Aura, three environmental satellites that use complementary sets of sensors to accomplish a systematic study of Earth. A wealth of images help bring the topic to life.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Upper-Stage Rockets

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        This eBook describes some of the iconic, expendable upper-stage rocket vehicles that American aerospace engineers and program managers have used to accomplish this important task. Readers will learn about the Agena and Centaur upper-stage rocket vehicles and the inertial upper stage (IUS) system. Selected missions enabled by each of these marvelous families of propulsion machines highlight their collective contributions to the security of the United States, as well as the comprehensive exploration of the solar system from the Sun and Mercury to beyond Neptune and Pluto.

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        August 2014

        My Predestined Love with High Rail

        the Oral Autobiography of Zhiyun Shen

        by Zhiyun SHEN, Tianming ZHANG,etc

        This book is the oral autobiography of Zhiyun Shen,the senior fellow member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. By the recall of his science study life on the railway motors, communication and transportation, it veritably reflects the development of the Chinese railway vehicles, especially the high rail.

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        Biography & True Stories
        August 2014

        My Predestined Love with High Rail: the Oral Autobiography of SHEN Zhiyun

        by SHEN Zhiyun, ZHANG Tianming, etc.

        This book is the oral autobiography of SHEN Zhiyun, the senior fellow member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. By the recall of his science study life on the railway motors, communications and transportations, it veritably reflects the development of the Chinese railway vehicles, especially the high rail.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Rocket Launch Sites

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        This eBook describes the characteristics and features of a launch site, as well as some of the world's major launch complexes. Emphasis is placed on the launch sites that have supported and continue to support the military, civilian and commercial space activities of the United States. In the remainder of this century, future space launch vehicles will depart from Cape Canaveral to carry humans back to the Moon and then on to Mars.

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        January 2018

        Renewable Energy, Revised Edition

        Sources and Methods

        by Anne Maczulak, Ph.D.

        It is difficult to identify a defining moment that turned the tide toward less-polluting energy sources, but most people today have a fresh outlook on the environment and realize the importance of conservation. In recent years, a new community of people who want alternative energies for their cars, public vehicles, and houses has emerged. Renewable Energy, Revised Edition reviews the current status of technologies in renewable energy, a critical subject since the world now increases its energy consumption between 1 to 3 percent each year. Covering the current rate of energy consumption and the consequences of continuing this rate, this updated eBook explains how the main conventional forms of energy—including coal, oil, and gas—contribute to economies. The focus of this full-color eBook is the remarkable diversity of ideas that are born every day in the field of alternative energy. Chapters include: Earth's Energy Sources Recycling Gasoline Alternative Vehicles Biorefineries Innovations in Clean Energy Green Building Design Energy from Solid Biomass.

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        January 1987

        Sonne im Tank

        Solarmobile. Typen, Technik, Möglichkeiten

        by Oesterreicher, Marianne; Tsykowski, Michael

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 1999

        The Shoemaker's Holiday

        by Thomas Dekker

        by David Bevington, Robert Smallwood, Stanley Wells, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Helen Ostovich

        Thomas Dekker's The Shoemaker's Holiday is one of the most popular of Elizabethan plays, entertaining, racy and vivid in its characterisation. Revealing a vital portrait of Elizabethan London and the interaction of social classes within the city, its social commentary is on the whole optimistic, though darker tones are discernible. The play has the whole optimistic, though darker tones are discernible. The play has had a lively history of performance on both the professional and amateur stage; the roles of Simon and Madgy Eyre in particular have proved worthy vehicles for the talents of such performers as Sir Donald Wolfit and Dame Edith Evans, and a notable production was directed by Orson Wells. The editors offer a study of the text; a historical and critical introduction, which includes a study of the play's relationship with contemporary life and drama and of its place in Dekker's work; a stage history' a detailed commentary and a reprint of source materials. ;

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        January 2024

        Elephant Tourism in Nepal

        Historical Perspectives, Current Health and Welfare Challenges, and Future Directions

        by Michelle Szydlowski

        A study of elephant tourism in Nepal from its origins in the 1960s to present day, this book examines the ways in which captive elephants face challenges as they navigate life in Nepalese elephant stables, or hattisars. Used as human conveyance, government anti-poaching patrol team members and rescue vehicles, these elephants work with and for humans. The health and welfare of captive tourism elephants is vital to the conservation of wild individuals, and this book offers an assessment of elephant needs and their existing welfare statuses. Numerous NGOS and INGOs are active in the lives of these animals and numerous elephant advocacy organizations have arisen with the goal of changing the riding culture and improving the lives of captive elephants. This book seeks to examine the motivations of these NGOs and INGOs, along with their ethical approaches to elephant health and welfare. Are the motivations of these organizations similar enough to work together towards a common goal? Or are their ethical norms so different that they will get in the way of each other? Using ordinary language and an ethics theoretical framework, this text aims to identify the norms across cultures and organisations and reframe them in ways which allow those organizations to create more successful outcomes.

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        Fear and Valor in Six Days: : An Israeli Soldier's Testemonial in Perspective

        by Yehuda Reves

        Fear and  Valor in Six Days:  An Israeli Soldier's Testemonial in Perspective   by Yehuda Reves Through the viewfinder of a bazooka, this book offers a critical view of fear, valor and pride, death and love, friendship and hatred, reality and mystical dreams, faith and the secular, as well, the end and the beginning. Collected here are manuscripts, stories and thoughts written intermittently over a period of more than forty years in the diary of a fighter during and after the battles of the Six-Day War. Portrayed here is a bitter, cruel reality; how soldiers kill, are wounded and die on the battlefield. Here are described facts intermixed with imagination and dreams; a description that illustrates the nature of male society in the Israeli army with its blend of cunning, coarseness and innocence. This book was written on the battlefront of North Samaria; and in the northern Golan Heights. The author served in the armored troops, as a commander of a tank company numbering six vehicles. All these manuscripts were stuck like bullets in the barrel of a gun since the war ended before they were ready to be collected in one volume that now includes the life experience and perspective of additional forty-plus years. Yehuda Reves is a forester who, throughout his entire life, has observed people, trees, shrubs, the soil, and inanimate rocks with unaffected wonder. He was responsible for collecting seeds and for the propagation and planting of trees on behalf of The Israeli Forestry Department. Today, he travels and works in the reproduction of wild Mediterranean plants. The author served in the Israeli reserve army as a junior officer for 32 years and has fought in four wars. He is married and has two daughters and nine grandchildren. 190 pages,14.5 x 21 cm

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        July 2017

        Besser als Bus fahren

        Die Online-Omi legt ab

        by Bergmann, Renate

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        January 2006

        Diät Coach

        Intelligent abnehmen für Individualisten; Mix it: Fatburning sanft oder turbo; EXTRA: Körpereigene Glücksgefühle wecken mit dem Gute-Laune-(Fitness)Plan

        by Jetter, Marion

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015


        Was mir bekommt - was mir guttut

        by Sabnis, Nicky Sitaram

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        February 2022

        Wann sind wir endlich da, Papa?

        by Carla Felgentreff, Meike Töpperwien

        "Wann sind wir endlich da, Papa?" von Carla Felgentreff ist ein charmantes Pappbilderbuch, das die Aufregung und Ungeduld kleiner Kinder auf langen Reisen in den Sommerurlaub einfängt. Die Geschichte folgt einer Familie auf ihrer Fahrt ans Meer – ein Abenteuer, das vielen Familien bekannt vorkommt. Mit lebendigen Farben und in unterhaltsamen Reimen erzählt, spiegelt dieses Buch die Freude und die kleinen Herausforderungen wider, die eine solche Reise mit sich bringt. Die detailreichen Illustrationen laden zum Entdecken und Verweilen ein und machen die Wartezeit bis zur Ankunft am Urlaubsort für die jungen Leserinnen und Leser kurzweilig und vergnüglich. Das Buch bietet nicht nur eine Geschichte, die Kinder und Eltern gleichermaßen begeistern wird, sondern dient auch als perfekte Einstimmung oder Begleitung für den eigenen Urlaub. Es ist speziell für lange Zug- und Autofahrten konzipiert und verspricht, die oft ungeduldig gestellte Frage "Wann sind wir endlich da?" mit Spaß und Spiel zu überbrücken. Die Empfehlung von der Stiftung Lesen unterstreicht den pädagogischen Wert des Buches, das zum gemeinsamen Lesen und Erzählen anregt und somit die Sprachentwicklung der Kinder fördert. Ideal für Reisen: Speziell für lange Autofahrten und Zugreisen konzipiert, um die Zeit bis zur Ankunft zu verkürzen. Fördert die Vorfreude: Eine wunderbare Möglichkeit, Kinder auf den Urlaub einzustimmen und die Reise selbst zu einem Abenteuer zu machen. Interaktive Reime: Die lustigen und einprägsamen Reime fördern die sprachliche Entwicklung und regen zum Mitmachen an. Detailreiche Illustrationen: Bieten viel zu entdecken und halten die Aufmerksamkeit der Kinder aufrecht. Empfohlen von Stiftung Lesen: Unterstreicht den pädagogischen Wert und die Qualität des Buches. Für Kinder ab 24 Monaten: Spricht die jüngsten Leserinnen und Leser an und begleitet sie auf ihren Reisen. Perfektes Geschenk: Ideal als Geschenk für kleine Reisende, Bulli- und Campingfans. Stärkt die Bindung: Fördert wertvolle gemeinsame Lesezeit und schafft schöne Erinnerungen.

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