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      • AlFulk Translation and Publishing

        AlFulk Translation & Publishing: An independent publishing house, launched in October 2015 and based in Abu Dhabi. It specialisation is translating children and young adult literature from different languages into Arabic. AlFulk aims for:1. To enrich the Arabic library with diverse cultural collections, in order to aware the readers of the intercultural communication importance. 2. To establish a reading habits base for children from 0-4.3. To increase the level of YA books -both Fantasy, fiction and non-fiction- in terms of their content and illustrations.As the majority in the publishing industry, we have been affected by COVID-19 epidemic. However, we have decided to participate at Frankfurter Buchmesse this year to look at what is new in the industry and to expand our network. We seek long term partnerships.

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      • Literature Translation Institute of Korea

        LTI Korea is a government-affiliated organization that aims to disseminate Korean culture and literature throughout the world in line with the government’s efforts to shape Korean literature in the world culture.  website:  Korean Literature Now(literary magazine):

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      • Trusted Partner
        Hospitality industry
        August 2014

        Introduction to Tourism Transport

        by Sven Gross, Louisa Klemmer

        Transport is an inherent part of tourism; whether as a functional means of transportation, such as between origin and destination or within the destination; or as a key element of the holiday experience itself, as in cruising or traveling along scenic or historic routes. This book provides the necessary background information to gain a comprehensive understanding of transportation markets, with each of the three modes of transportation - air, ground and marine - explored in detail. Each section includes definitions, the historical development of the market and international institutional frameworks, with case studies, learning objectives and study questions incorporated to facilitate an active learning process. View the free online resources for this book.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        December 2024

        The Handbook of Ornamental Fish Health and Welfare

        by Nick Saint-Erne, Nick Saint-Erne

        This book forms a complete resource covering ornamental fish health and welfare from a recognized expert on the topic. Beginning with an overview of the tropical fish industry and aquarium keeping, it covers all the key elements of care, including water-quality testing and maintenance, filtration systems, nutrition, husbandry, handling and transportation of fish, disease diagnosis, treatments and medications, and disease prevention. It also reviews areas of wider interest, such as biosecurity and zoonoses. The book can be read through to gain a complete overview of the care and welfare of ornamental aquarium and pond fish, or it can be used to easily look up specific information about a topic of interest. With numerous illustrations and photographs, plus references allowing readers to study areas of interest in more detail, this book makes an invaluable teaching and reference handbook. It is a vital source of information for veterinarians, scientists using fish in their labs, students, ornamental fish breeders, retail pet store workers, and aquarium keepers looking for trusted advice about how to properly care for their ornamental freshwater fish.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        Women in exile in early modern Europe and the Americas

        by Linda Levy Peck, Adrianna E. Bakos

        Exile, its pain and possibility, is the starting point of this book. Women's experience of exile was often different from that of men, yet it has not received the important attention it deserves. Women in exile in early modern Europe and the Americas addresses that lacuna through a wide-ranging geographical, chronological, social and cultural approach. Whether powerful, well-to-do or impoverished, exiled by force or choice, every woman faced the question of how to reconstruct her life in a new place. These essays focus on women's agency despite the pressures created by political, economic and social dislocation. Collectively, they demonstrate how these women from different countries, continents and status groups not only survived but also in many cases thrived. This analysis of early modern women's experiences not only provides a new vantage point from which to enrich the study of exile but also contributes important new scholarship to the history of women.

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        Animal behaviour
        June 2014

        Livestock Handling and Transport

        by Edited by Temple Grandin

        Edited by world-renowned animal scientist Dr. Temple Grandin, this practical book integrates scientific research and industry literature on cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, deer, and horses, in both the developed and developing world, to provide a practical guide to humane handling and minimizing animal stress. Reviewing the latest research on transport systems, restraint methods and facilities for farms and slaughterhouses, this fully updated fourth edition of Livestock Handling and Transport includes new coverage of animal handling in South America, and reviews extensive new research on pig transportation in North America.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2017



        by Rachel Cusk, Eva Bonné

        „Eine Übergangsphase“ prophezeit ihr eine astrologische Spam-Mail. Und tatsächlich verändert sich für die Schriftstellerin Faye gerade vieles: Nach einer kräftezehrenden Scheidung ist sie mit ihren beiden Söhnen zurück nach London gezogen und hat bei der Suche nach einer Wohnung einem Gefühl nachgegeben, das augenblicklich verschwand. Anders als die heruntergekommene Haushälfte, die sie jetzt ihr Eigen nennt. Sie lebt auf einer Baustelle, täglich ereignet sich eine kleine Katastrophe, während sie sich einem Ort anzunähern versucht, den sie schon einmal Heimat nannte. Sie trifft Freunde von früher und knüpft neue Bekanntschaften, sie erfährt von den Schicksalen und Krisen der anderen, spricht über Wahlfreiheiten und Notwendigkeiten und gelangt nach und nach zu einer weitreichenden Erkenntnis, die alles auf den Kopf stellt. Wie können wir uns darin einrichten, wenn wir dem eigenen Leben zugleich entfliehen wollen? Mit Scharfsinn und Witz erzählt Transit von vertrackten Sehnsüchten, entscheidenden Momenten und dem Rätsel persönlicher Veränderung.

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        Science & Mathematics
        May 2016

        Livestock Handling and Transport

        by Temple Grandin

        Edited by world-renowned animal scientist Dr. Temple Grandin, this practical book integrates scientific research and industry literature on cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, deer, and horses, in both the developed and developing world, to provide a practical guide to humane handling and minimizing animal stress. Reviewing the latest research on transport systems, restraint methods and facilities for farms and slaughterhouses, this fully updated fourth edition of Livestock Handling and Transport includes new coverage of animal handling in South America, and reviews extensive new research on pig transportation in North America. ; This book integrates research and industry literature on cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, deer, and horses, in both the developed and developing world, to provide a guide to humane handling and minimizing stress. Fully updated, it reviews the latest research on transport systems, restraint methods and facilities for farms and slaughterhouses. ; I: PrefaceChapter 1: A Whole Systems Approach to Assessing Animal Welfare During Handling and RestraintChapter 2: General Principles of Stress and WellbeingChapter 3: Welfare of Transported Animals: Factors Influencing Welfare and Welfare AssessmentChapter 4: Behavioural Principles of Handling Cattle and Other Grazing Animals Under Extensive ConditionsChapter 5: Low-stress Restraint, Handling, and Sorting of CattleChapter 6: Handling Cattle Raised in Close Association with PeopleChapter 7: Handling Facilities and Restraint of Extensively Raised Range CattleChapter 8: Dairy Cattle Behaviour, Facilities, Handling, Transport, Automation, and Well-BeingChapter 9: Cattle Transport by RoadChapter 10: Handling and Transport of Cattle and Pigs in South AmericaChapter 11: Behavioural Principles of Sheep HandlingChapter 12: Design of Sheep Yards and Shearing ShedsChapter 13: Sheep TransportChapter 14: Dogs for Handling and Guarding LivestockChapter 15: Behavioural Principles of Pig HandlingChapter 16: Transport of PigsChapter 17: Transport of Market Pigs: Improvements in Welfare and EconomicsChapter 18: Handling and Transport of HorsesChapter 19: Deer Handling and TransportChapter 20: Poultry Handling and TransportChapter 21: Stress Physiology of Animals During TransportChapter 22: Improving Welfare and Reducing Stress on Animals at Slaughter PlantsChapter 23: Principles of Biosecurity During Transport, Handling, and Slaughter of Animals

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        National Cyberspace Security Theory

        by Xueshi SHEN

        Cyberspace becomes a major threat to national security, while promoting the progress of human science and technology civilization. Guided by the overall national security concept, this book focuses on the hotspot events of world cyberspace security, analyzes the causes of cyberspace security threats, interprets world power’s cyberspace security strategy, explores national cyberspace security rules, and provides systematic and in-depth theoretic decision references.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2014

        My Predestined Love with High Rail

        the Oral Autobiography of Zhiyun Shen

        by Zhiyun SHEN, Tianming ZHANG,etc

        This book is the oral autobiography of Zhiyun Shen,the senior fellow member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. By the recall of his science study life on the railway motors, communication and transportation, it veritably reflects the development of the Chinese railway vehicles, especially the high rail.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2022

        Deportation limbo

        by Annika Lindberg

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Fraser’s The Behaviour and Welfare of the Horse

        by Christopher B Riley, Sharon E Cregier, Andrew F Fraser

        This book continues to provide a comprehensive overview of equine behaviour and an outline of current advances in our understanding, as well as offering insights into contemporary and future challenges for improving horse welfare and safety. Completely updated and revised, a new, international, expert editorial team builds on Andrew Fraser's decades of work as an ethologist, veterinarian, historian, horseman, breeder, trainer, conservationist, and field scientist, sharing essential knowledge to improve horse behaviour and welfare. A range of international experts and key opinion leaders have updated this edition to include the effects of noise on the horse's welfare, husbandry and grazing management including the identification of harmful plants and issues of climate change. New illustrations and examples bring the book to life and further help to explain equine behaviour in a whole range of different situations, including road transport and horse safety during transport. The text covers key issues concerning equipment and the horse's mouth. It gives new insights into genetics, temperament and horse vocalisations and what these indicate. Welfare assessment models are outlined and the challenges presented in different equestrian sports debated. Difficult topics such as euthanasia are covered also. This classic text remains an essential resource for veterinarians, animal scientists, equine professionals and horse owners.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1998

        Maize Technology Development and Transfer

        A GIS Application for Research in Planning in Kenya

        by Edited by R M Hassan

        Scientists at the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) have developed powerful new tools to improve the effectiveness of their maize research, enabling the rapid development and successful transfer of maize technology in Kenya. The Kenya Maize Data Base Project (MDBP) was established in 1992 with the help of the Rockefeller Foundation, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and the US Agency for International Development. This has allowed scientists to use advanced technology to prioritize and evaluate maize research options more effectively, by taking into account such variables as climatic effects and the socioeconomic conditions of farmers. This book describes in detail the development and application of the MDBP, which uses spatial analysis to integrate data from Geographical Information Systems (GIS) with the results of biological experiments, socioeconomic statistics (including interviews with farmers) and agroclimatic information. This provides a powerful planning tool for targeting new technology to the needs of farmers. The book contains sections on survey methods, ex ante research evaluation and priority setting, and patterns of maize technology diffusion and the impact of research. It concludes with a synthesis of the MDBP results and assessment of future choices. This book is essential reading for maize agronomists, crop modellers, agricultural and development economists, extension workers and planners.

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        Animal breeding
        March 2008

        Long Distance Transport and Welfare of Farm Animals

        by Xavier Manteca. Edited by Michael C Appleby, Victoria A. Cussen, Leah Garcés, Lesley Lambert, Jacky Turner

        Long-distance transport can cause both physical and mental problems in animals and promoting animal welfare will be beneficial to both the animals and the agricultural and processing industries. In conjunction with the World Society for the Protection of Animals, this volume brings together studies from well-known animal scientists and researchers to reviews the implications and necessity of long-distance animal transport for slaughter. Authoritative reports on regional practices are combines with discussions of the science, economics, legislation and procedures involved in this practice.

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        The Arts
        May 2025

        A new genre for television?

        Creativity in historical drama documentary

        by Justin Hardy

        In A New Genre for Television?, filmmaker Justin Hardy argues the dramatised history documentaries broadcast by British public service channels in the 2000s constituted a distinct television genre. Offering a vital distinction between docudramas and drama documentaries, Hardy contributes to the field of television history through exclusive interviews with key figures from BBC and Channel 4 - many of whom have never been publicly interviewed before - and envisions a future model for the portrayal of national histories on screen.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2009

        Odessa Transfer

        Nachrichten vom Schwarzen Meer

        by Katharina Raabe, Monika Sznajderman, Andrzej Kramarz

        Wie Raumstationen an den äußersten Ende des Universums erschienen den alten Griechen ihre Küstenstädte am Schwarzen Meers. Über Tausende von Jahren verlief hier die Grenze zwischen Europa und Asien, fast ein halbes Jahrhundert die zwischen Ostblock und westlichem Bündnis. Die dünne Schicht organischen Lebens über einer gewaltigen toten Tiefe; zwei Strömungen, deren obere westwärts, deren untere ostwärts zieht - das geheimnisvolle Meer symbolisiert geradezu die Spannung, die Gleichzeitigkeit des Ungleichzeitigen. „Last & Lost“, dem Atlas des verschwindenden Europas, folgt „Odessa Transfer“, eine Fahrt an die Grenzen früherer Imperien, an Orte des Exils und der Zuflucht. Was entsteht hier, zwischen Constanza und Odessa, Jalta und Sotschi, Batumi und Istanbul, auf den Trümmern der ältesten und der jüngsten Geschichte? In Essays, literarischen Reportagen und Erzählungen wird die Schwarzmeerregion sichtbar - als ein Raum, dessen Zauber und Zerstörtheit die poetische Einbildungskraft herausfordert. Mit Texten von Neal Ascherson, Attila Bartis, Mircea Cartarescu, Nicoleta Esinencu, Karl-Markus Gauß, Katja Lange-Müller, Sibylle Lewitscharoff, Aka Morchiladze, Emine Sevgi Özdamar, Katja Petrowskaja, Andrzej Stasiuk, Takis Theodoropoulos und einem Fotoessay von Andrzej Kramarz.

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        Architectural structure & design
        April 2018

        Movable Architecture

        A Design Guide to Container Reuse

        by Ross Gilbert

        After the book, Modern Container Architecturer, was published, the new book Movable Architecture, has come into the world giving impetus to make our national circumstances become a world of less carbon by reforming the structure containers , by reducing the cost and conducing the quality of environment  protection. This book displays over forty ideas of special container building. From the pictures and illustrations of the items, we know about the beauty of the senic spot, the literary works and the techniques of how to build all kinds of containers. Besides this book provides us with the guidance and the practical techniques to build containers. This is of higher economic value and spiritual value.

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