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      • Tabla periódica Mural de los elementos químicos / Tabla periódica muda

        by Edigol Ediciones

        Chart of 140 x 100 cm, full colour, double-sided, matte laminated on the obverse and glossy laminated on the outline version for writing and erasing at ​​the back, with rods and adjustable hangers, presented in a tube with a filing label (the french version is matte).

      • La classification périodique des éléments

        by Edigol Ediciones

        Chart of 140 x 100 cm, full colour, double-sided, matte laminated on the obverse and glossy laminated on the outline version for writing and erasing at ​​the back, with rods and adjustable hangers, presented in a tube with a filing label (the french version is matte).

      • Children's & YA
        February 2017

        Hoy es miércoles

        Children whose future has been stolen have only their imagination

        by Patricio Nouveau

        An unknown adult unexpectedly turns up in the lives of Gilmar and Lanh at the same time but in different parts of the world. Gilmar lives in Bolivia and his father works in the old silver miines of Cerro Rico in the city of Potosí; Lanh is an orphan, she was taken in by the Thuy Xuân orphanage in Vietnam after her parents died when the Perfume River flooded. From their native cities, accompanied by the strange adult, they each undertake a journey that will lead them to Sas, a child soldier who, tries to escape during the Sierra Leone civil war to find his family, return to his former life and set out on a new future. The journey brings together three points on the planet, three languages and three cultures whose only relationship is a book whose photographs have disappeared since Sas was kidnapped from his school. The three boys are eleven years old. They are searching for each other, they need to find each other.

      • Traditional stories (Children's/YA)

        The Tables of Sarwa

        by Guiomar du Bois, Marciano Berrocal

        Sarwa’s paintings known as «tablas» are one of the few pictorial manifestations of contemporary Peruvian indigenous culture. The colorful paintings were declared national cultural heritage by the Peruvian Ministry of Culture, representing an important pre-Columbian tradition considered to be a form of communication and a key-element in the social life of the people of Sarwa in Ayacucho, in the center of the country. They’re usually painted over wood, but a variety of materials are used. The natural paint is extracted from soil and plants, and feathers are traditionally used instead of brushes. Being a cultural expression, “tablas” are also in constant evolution. They currently depict not only the history of the family generation by generation, but also include elements from the regional oral tradition, myths and community history.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2019

        Enseñemos paz, aprendamos paz: la pedagogía al servicio de la cohesión social

        by Juan David Enciso

        Peace is an idea, an abstract concept, which must be grounded in concrete realities. And building peace involves moving from an initial state, which may or may not be conflict, to a second moment in which people have learned to know, relate, meet, and live together.   This book tries to elaborate on the construction of peace from an educational process, in which individuals learn to recognize themselves as subjects of equal dignity and with the capacity to carry out projects oriented to the common good. Similarly, educational settings, the so-called learning environments, are not confined exclusively to the walls of the classroom or the boundaries of formal education institutions: peace education occurs in any environment in which two or more coincide. people with potential conflicts of interest or collective construction.

      • January 2013

        Dominar las tablas de multiplicar

        Cuaderno del alumnado. Aprende las tablas sin esfuerzo

        by Daniel Gabarró

        MASTERING MULTIPLYING TABLES is a simple and effective method that reduces the time and effort to learn multiplication tables by less than half. Not only do we learn them much earlier, but we do it more easily. The methodology is based on a branch of psychology (NLP) and on the commutative property of multiplication. Because ... Why complicate what can be easy?

      • Personal & social issues: bullying, violence & abuse (Children's/YA)

        Agustina's Way

        by Cecilia Curbelo

        Agustina has a strong character and a great weakness: her sister Renata, whom she has noticed is weird. Even though Agus secretly listens to conversations, she still doesn’t know what’s happening. What she does know is that she loves her dog Hakuna (who she shares with her best friend Maxi), that her father is sad, that her grandfather needs more care and that her sister’s boyfriend Lalo is fed up. When the truth comes into the light she’ll want to solve things in her own way. In Agustina’s way!

      • Business & management
        July 2020

        Liderazgo centrado en la persona

        La propuesta de Carlos Llano

        by Murcio Rodríguez, Ricardo

        La tarea de dirigir tiene un lugar preponderante en la empresa. Carlos Llano fue pionero en el estudio de la acción directiva, en un contexto que ya buscaba una renovación en las teorías del management. Para Llano, la dirección de empresas –y, por lo tanto, de las personas que en ellas laboran– no puede reducirse a un sistema, sino que debe respetar la naturaleza física, espiritual, racional y libre de todo ser humano. Con robustas bases antropológicas, Llano plantea un nuevo modelo de gestión basado en la flexibilidad y la participación, que hace de la empresa un lugar de desarrollo de la persona que contribuye a la construcción de una mejor sociedad. Llano vislumbró que este nuevo paradigma requiere un nuevo estilo de liderazgo, uno que –centrado en la persona– concibe la dirección como un servicio. Este libro rastrea los fundamentos teóricos de su propuesta. Carlos Llano ha sido el pensador que mejor ha sabido integrar filosofía y management. A través de los conceptos perennes de la filosofía, nos ofreció una perspectiva única y genuina de la dirección de empresas. En este libro, Ricardo Murcio nos desmenuza el pensamiento de su profesor y maestro, y nos vuelve a recordar que el centro de la actividad empresarial y de la toma de decisiones deben ser las personas (Joan Fontrodona, IESE Business School).

      • 2018

        Matrimonio y causas de nulidad en el Derecho de la Iglesia

        by Peña García, Carmen

        This work will be very useful for members of ecclesiastical tribunals and canon lawyers, as well as for teachers and university students of canonical marriage law and, in general, for all those who wish to know about a subject as exciting -and often so controversial- as marriage and canonical nullities and dissolutions.

      • Teaching, Language & Reference

        Ciclo 2. Comprensión total: atención y concentración

        Sistema Integral de Lectura Rápida

        by María Guadalupe Baeza Gómez

        The effective process of a good read is not only related to speed but also depends on a good understanding that is supported by analyzing, synthesize, apply and construct written information, with the benefit of acquiring new knowledge and give them a meaning of their own. The ability to understand also provides intellectual stimulation, increase of the cultural heritage, development and improvement of language. Therefore, this second cycle is dedicated to increase and enhance this ability. The goal during these five weeks is to keep increasing the eye speed, but above all that now incorporates understanding, attention and visual concentration of texts, symbols and images, for such reasons new reading techniques are exposed, with which he will use the whole brain; this system methodology will teach you to read sentences and paragraphs (more complete ideas) at a single glance and to take scan readings, incorporating all the strategies and skills acquired. It is essential to work in this second cycle the TOTAL UNDERSTANDING, without leaving a side the speed. Practice and perseverance will be your best companions.

      • July 2019

        Gestión por procesos y riesgo operacional

        by José Manuel Pardo Álvarez

        All organizations are involved in processes, for which in depth knowledge is essential to try to improve, be effective and gain in competitiveness. This book helps organizations in operational risk management and guides us towards continuous improvement, for our business and also our customers. In the undertaking of these processes, incidents arise that, by implementing certain tools and techniques, we can easily solve.

      • April 2016

        Experiencias internacionales de paz : lecciones aprendidas para Colombia

        by Angélica Alba, Beatriz Suárez, Bibiana Rueda, Egoitz Gago, Felipe Jaramillo, José David Moreno, Margarita Cadavid Otero, Miguel Barreto Henriques, Olga Illera Correal.

        Colombia se enfrenta a uno de los mayores desafíos de su historia reciente: poner fin a más de cinco décadas de violencia armada. El proceso de paz entre el gobierno nacional y las FARC en La Habana permite vislumbrar una posible salida negociada al conflicto armado, pero genera también varios interrogantes en cuanto al modelo y contenido del posible acuerdo. En este libro se exploran tales preguntas, así como a las diversas exigencias y desafíos de la construcción de paz en un potencial escenario de posconflicto.

      • July 2019

        Orientaciones para la evaluación de riesgos y las reglas de decisión según la Norma UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017

        by Asociación Española de Abastecimientos de Agua y Saneamiento (AEAS)

        The UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standard includes a series of new features that require specific actions for its implementation by laboratories. This book aims to guide laboratories in the application of two of them: risk-based thinking and establishing rules for decisions applicable to the declaration of conformity for test results obtained. To do this, based on the requirements of the standard that these new developments address, the content of which is included, this book provides examples and alternatives for compliance with this standard.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        April 2021

        Sueños de la Euro

        El torneo que reconcilió a un continente

        by Miguel L. Pereira

        As Paul Auster once said, football is the miracle that allowed Europe to hate itself without destroying itself. The ball has done more than any other political project for brotherhood in a land too used to fighting with itself. After each conflict, it was necessary for the ball to be there to make the continent a space of union and not a perpetual trench. For this reason, every time the European Championship is held, there is a part of the world that looks into each other's eyes and shakes hands. For this reason, when we write about the 60 years of history of this emblematic tournament, we are really drawing our memories, our fears and our desires as Europeans. Because the dreams of Delaunay, Panenka, Charisteas, Aragonés or Éder are also our dreams.

      • Houses

        by María José Ferrada, Pep Carrió

        The authors of this book take us on a journey through the different ways of inhabiting a house. Based on illustrations by Pep Carrió made with acrylic markers, the writer María José Ferrada uses poetic language and humor to propose a set of micro-stories that invite readers to observe their own ways of inhabiting the world.

      • 2022

        Una balada del mar del norte

        by Raimon Portell

        THE ADVENTURE OF A BOY WHO SURVIVES BY INTUITION AS HE CAN’T REMEMBER WHO HE IS, WHAT HE KNOWS, WHERE HE HAS TO GO AND EVEN SO KEEPS GOING TO FIND THE TRUTH. "Stil looks out over the North Sea from the top of a dune. What is he doing there? He doesn’t know himself. In fact, his memory barely reaches back to the moment he woke up in a strange house, inside a body that refused to respond. He does not remember who he was before, what he had done, or even what his name was." An innovative literary venture that allows the reader to choose the path they wish to follow to discover the truth.



        by H. A. RIQUELME

        Tres meses después de la batalla de Santa Fe, la Justicia se obsesiona con los bandidos que se atrevieron a desafiar el sistema. El comandante Araya, militar ambicioso y oportunista, será el implacablepersecutor del Flaco, a quien acorrala hasta obligarlo a cumplir un trato a cambio de su libertad. Así es como nuestro forajido se ve enfrentado a una misión que lo cambiará para siempre; dar caza a uno de los personajes más peligrosos del bandidaje rural chileno. Las quebradas y sierras del Maule constituyen un escenario perfecto para una historia de traiciones, persecuciones y decisiones que traerán grandes consecuencias para la vida del hombre sin nombre. Entre tus manos, tienes un western chileno que rescata y revive la historia salvaje e indomable de nuestro país. ¿Estás listo para la aventura?

      • The Turboskaters I

        The Leyend of the Killer Robot

        by César Fernández García/ Bárbara Balbás /Casandra Balbás

        The first title in a collection that will give people something to talk about. It centres on a group of friends, Dogo, Olivia (Oli to her friends) and Niko, three skateboard lovers known as the Turboskaters. In each book, the protagonists will have a new adventure, each imbued with mystery and lots of action. Dogo, as narrator of the story, offers a naive but fresh outlook on everything he relates. In this first adventure, Dogo, Oli and Niko are excited about the upcoming skate competition in their town, which they hope to win. But something will come along to upset their plans of non-stop practice with no distractions: a strange character who seems to be hiding out in the Cervantes school’s old library, and who corresponds to the description of a bloodthirsty robot whose legend is the talk of the schoolyard.

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