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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2018

        Das Granatapfelbuch

        by Bernd Brunner

        Neben Oliven, Feigen und Datteln gehört der Granatapfel zu den frühesten vom Menschen kultivierten Früchten. Bereits in den Kulturen des Altertums findet man ihn als Fruchtbarkeitssymbol, und heute gilt er als »Superfood«, das überall angebaut wird, wo die Sommer warm und die Winter nicht zu kalt sind. Auch in der Malerei war und ist der Granatapfel wegen seiner Schönheit ein beliebtes Motiv. Bernd Brunner verfolgt in dieser reich bebilderten kleinen Kulturgeschichte die Spuren des Granatapfels von Armenien über den Iran, China und Japan bis nach Europa.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021


        by Angelika Overath

        Kraut und Kohl, früher als Notgemüse der Armen verschrien, haben die Keller und Kohlmieten hinter sich gelassen und sind bis in die Hipster-Lofts von London und die Feinschmeckerlokale Berlins aufgestiegen: Federkraut und Pak Choi, Weißkraut, Wirsing und Brokkoli werden heute als »Superfood« gefeiert.Vom Millionen Jahre alten Kerguelenkohl, dem eleganten Filderkraut bis zu den Flower Sprouts der jüngsten Züchtungen führt Angelika Overath durch eine kleine Kulturgeschichte dieser Gemüse-Wohltäter. Sie vergegenwärtigt die legendäre Heilwirkung der Pflanze, die seit der Antike überliefert wird, und erinnert an James Cooks Südsee-Expeditionen, deren Erfolg sich dem Sauerkraut verdankte. Sie verrät erprobte Rezepte gegen Arthrose und zur Gewichtsreduktion, erzählt von persönlichen Krauterlebnissen und widmet sich in liebevollen Porträts der Schönheit und dem besonderen Wesen von Kohlpflanzen.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        Ernährung. Meine Quintessenz

        Kraftvoll und gesund bleiben! Sicher länger leben! | Das Wichtigste aus Forschung und meiner Praxis

        by Prof. Dr. Andreas Michalsen, Friedrich-Karl Sandmann, Udo Ludwig, Regina Carstensen

        Professor Andreas Michalsen ist einer der profiliertesten Ärzte Deutschlands, er genießt international höchstes Ansehen und ist einer der renommiertesten Wissenschaftler auf dem Gebiet der Ernährungsmedizin. Nach mehreren Bestsellern hat der Berliner Mediziner jetzt die Quintessenzen der neusten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zusammengefügt. Michalsen klärt darüber auf, wie wir allein mit guter Ernährung gesund, vital und kraftvoll leben können. Was und wie wir essen sollten, um viel länger zu leben, als wir bisher angenommen haben. Er räumt auf mit den großen Mythen um die Diäten, das Fett, das Salz und die Milch. Michalsen macht deutlich, was wir über die Pillen zur Langlebigkeit, über Superfood und die Abnehmspritze wissen sollten. Aus seinem Alltag im Krankenhaus schildert er, in welchen Fällen uns das Essen krank machen kann und wo die Gefahren für unsere Gesundheit lauern. Michalsen nimmt uns mit auf eine Reise durch unseren Körper. Er beschreibt, warum die Leber so unverzichtbar für uns ist. Wie aus dem Darm heraus die Energie entsteht und wie das System der Verdauung eng mit unserem Gehirn verzahnt ist. Wenn Sie mehr über diese Phänomene Ihres Körpers wissen und die Geheimnisse unserer Lebensmittel kennen, schützen Sie sich vor Übergewicht und vor chronischen Krankheiten, vor Krebs und Demenz. Sie werden mit Sicherheit länger leben. Und Sie können damit auch noch helfen, das Klima zu retten.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        Ernährung. Meine Quintessenz

        Garantiert länger leben. Gesund und kraftvoll bleiben

        by Andreas Michalsen, Friedrich-Karl Sandmann, Udo Ludwig

        Professor Andreas Michalsen ist einer der profiliertesten Ärzte Deutschlands, er genießt international höchstes Ansehen und ist einer der renommiertesten Wissenschaftler auf dem Gebiet der Ernährungsmedizin. Nach mehreren Bestsellern hat der Berliner Mediziner jetzt die Quintessenzen der neusten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zusammengefügt. Michalsen klärt darüber auf, wie wir allein mit guter Ernährung gesund, vital und kraftvoll leben können. Was und wie wir essen sollten, um viel länger zu leben, als wir bisher angenommen haben. Er räumt auf mit den großen Mythen um die Diäten, das Fett, das Salz und die Milch. Michalsen macht deutlich, was wir über die Pillen zur Langlebigkeit, über Superfood und die Abnehmspritze wissen sollten. Aus seinem Alltag im Krankenhaus schildert er, in welchen Fällen uns das Essen krank machen kann und wo die Gefahren für unsere Gesundheit lauern. Michalsen nimmt uns mit auf eine Reise durch unseren Körper. Er beschreibt, warum die Leber so unverzichtbar für uns ist. Wie aus dem Darm heraus die Energie entsteht und wie das System der Verdauung eng mit unserem Gehirn verzahnt ist. Wenn Sie mehr über diese Phänomene Ihres Körpers wissen und die Geheimnisse unserer Lebensmittel kennen, schützen Sie sich vor Übergewicht und vor chronischen Krankheiten, vor Krebs und Demenz. Sie werden mit Sicherheit länger leben. Und Sie können damit auch noch helfen, das Klima zu retten.

      • Food & Drink
        May 2022

        Japanese Superfoods

        Learn the Secrets of Healthy Eating and Longevity - the Japanese Way!

        by Yumi Komatsudaira

        Discover the secrets of Japanese superfoods and learn how you can incorporate them in your daily meals!Yumi Komatsudaira grew up in her family's seaweed shop, snacking on the green treats on which her family built their health-based culinary business. Now she shares the secrets of healthy eating that have guided the Japanese for ages.Superfoods are the life-giving ingredients that our bodies need for balance, wellness, healing, and longevity. Cholesterol-reducing, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, gut-healthy—the list of their benefits goes on and on. The Japanese—who face fewer health issues, less obesity, and have longer lifespans than those in other countries—have long known the power of these key ingredients.In this book, Komatsudaira combines her extensive expertise with ocean vegetables and Japanese cooking to show you how to create simple, delicious, and super-healthy Japanese-style meals at home.The power-packed, super-nutritive dishes include: Red Quinoa Salad with Hijiki and Kabocha My Grandma's Scattered Sushi Bowl Napa Cabbage, Potato and Bacon Miso Soup Edamame Hummus Yakitori Grilled Chicken Wings Okinawa-Style Braised Kombu and Pork Matcha Cheesecake Kombu Smoothies with Lemon Yogurt and Blueberries Unlock the power of nature's goodness, Japanese style. Japanese Superfoods allows you to discover a healthier way to eat while opening a whole new world of flavor and power-packed nutrition.

      • Health & wholefood cookery
        August 2013

        25 Superfoods that Naturally Lower Blood Pressure

        by Russ Chard

        High blood pressure is often referred to as 'the silent killer'. High blood pressure or hypertension affects millions of people all around the world. It can be as a result of lifestyle, genetic or happen for no apparent reason at all. The medical profession has to deal with high blood pressure issues on a daily basis doing their best to stope people from having a heart attack or stroke. Drugs are often prescribed to combat hypertension and keep it under control. Some of these drugs have unpleasant side effects and can make a person feel unwell. Author Russ Brandon suffered with pre-hypertension with a BP reading over 145/90. He was given a couple of months to try and bring his blood pressure down and chose to do everything he could to ensure that blood pressure drugs would not become part of his daily routine. Exercise and a sensible diet were the start but then he decided to research food types that had lowering blood pressure level benefits for people who suffered from hypertension. His levels are now normal even though he suffers from a bit of 'white coat syndrome' - a nervous and anxious reaction to seeing a medical professional. '25 Superfoods That Naturally Lower High Blood Pressure' is the result of his research. Each food type has blood pressure lowering constituents and the research to back it up. A sensible diet, not smoking, low alcohol consumption all help with lowering blood pressure to health and normal levels ,but, so does having the right sort of diet. Discover the superfoods that could stop you having to take blood pressure drugs or prevent you from ever being prescribed them in this short book packed with useful evidence and facts. If in doubt about any of the 'superfoods' and what effect they may have on your body you should always consult a medical professional.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2021

        Superfood for Superheroes

        by Natalia Bushkovska and Larysa Chayka

        What nutrients are found in ordinary food? What are carbohydrates, proteins, fats and why do we need them? What are vitamins and how to use them correctly? What is junk food and how can it be replaced by healthy one? How to understand food labels? These questions might seem boring or hard, but not with this colourful illustrated encyclopaedia. It will invite kids to hop on an exciting journey around the food world and introduce them to the everyday superheroes and monsters they might know nothing about.    From learning interesting dietary facts and creating your own healthy snacks to actually implementing easy and delicious recipes — the child will be able to discover a scientifically reliable modern approach to a balanced nutrition put in simple words.

      • Food & Drink

        Chakra food

        by Annika Panotzki

        "Our bodies have a natural intelligence in how to create health and maintain it. Every day we get signals from our body about what GIVES us or TAKES our energy. But we have forgotten to listen to the signals and to our inner guidance. It is so easy to get lost in diets, in other peoples stories and what is told through media but the truth is that there is no one exactly alike you. The power is to know that you already have that wisdom, and I want to teach you how to use it.We are energy and so is our food. When we start to give ourselves high vibrational food out of self-love, we automatically honor and respect the Earth. It is a sustainable way of living that takes care of our environment as well as our bodies. When our bodies become lighter and less toxic we get healthier, happier and make better choices for ourselves and the future generations to come. I want to show you how to live this way without any stress about being “perfect”. A way of living that brings joy, creativity, energy and playfulness!"/Annika PanotzkiThe book is based on shamanic wisdom, knowledge about our Chakra system and how we can increase our energy by eating colorful, natural plant based food. The recipes are vegan, gluten- and sugar free.IN THE BOOK Ancient teachings in a modern way Morning and Evening rituals and ceremonies Knowledge about food for our chakras How to bless our food and water Awakening creativity and joy All day recipes for casual and parties Hydration with cocktails och Herbal Infusions Moon milks with superfoods Crystal infused water Moon wisdom and how to eat and live in different phases 5 days reset-program to boost your energy and health

      • Super healthy!

        by Drees Koren

        Easy going recipes for the modern cook. For a good start of the day or a nice dinner for every occasion. Perfect for everyday family meals, casual celebration or even elegant dining.

      • October 2020

        The Mermaid Handbook

        by Taylor Widrig (author), Briana Corr Scott (illustrator)

        The book mermaids-in-training have been waiting for! From history and folklore to recipes and tips for ocean preservation, as well as profiles and original illustrations of mer-maidens from all around the world, The Mermaid Handbook features everything you need to know to follow the mermaid way of life.

      • Health & Personal Development
        March 2021

        Turning Right -- Inspire the Magic

        How to transform who you think you are to reach your highest aspirations

        by Kay Bretz

        A compelling, award-winning account of marathon runner Kay Bretz’s transformation into one of the best ultra-runners in the world, for fans of David Goggins’ Can’t Hurt Me. Ultra-runner Kay Bretz beat the race record of Australia’s Big Red Run by more than five hours and was awarded the Australian Ultra Performance of the Year Award at the 24-hour world championships in France – but it took a significant change in mindset to do it. In Turning Right, the elite athlete and executive coach shares his fascinating personal journey to success, interweaving his amazing running journey with how he overcame physical, mental and professional challenges to achieve his goals and break records, all by ‘turning right’ when his perspective on what he was capable of started to shift. Bretz explains how he left behind self-imposed limitations that prevented him from reaching his dreams, often rejecting what was reasonable and logical, and found the magic instead. Brilliantly interweaving his amazing running journey with the challenges in his professional and personal life, Bretz leaves behind the reasonable and logical to find the magic. His book will inspire the magic in you too.

      • Food & Drink
        September 2018

        Brick Lane Cookbook

        by Dina Begum

        Brick Lane is famous for many things: for being home to the biggest Bangladeshi community in the UK, for its curry houses and Bengali sweet shops, for its graffiti, its long-running market and its beigel shops. Now, its also increasingly well known for its thriving art and fashion scene and the incredible street food available there. Dina Begum has been a regular visitor since she was a little girl eating lamb kofta rolls with her dad at the Sweet & Spicy cafe. In her first book, she celebrates Brick Lane's diverse food cultures: from the homestyle Bangladeshi curries she grew up eating to her own luscious and indulgent cakes, from Chinese-style burgers to classic Buffalo wings, from smoothie bowls to raw coffee brownies. With contributions from street food traders and restaurants including Gram Bangla, Beigel Bake, Blanchette, Chez Elles, St Sugar of London, Cafe 1001 and Moo Cantina, the Brick Lane Cookbook is a culinary map of the East End's tastiest street and a snapshot of London at its authentic, multi-cultural best.

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