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View Rights PortalOB STARE is a Spanish publisher specialized in conscious maternity, early childhood education and development that supports knowledge and freedom of choice. We publish inspirational books for a new way of looking, including empowerment, gender equality, self-love and sexual diversity.
View Rights PortalThe secret life of romantic comedy offers a new approach to one of the most popular and resilient genres in the history of Hollywood. Steering away from the rigidity and ideological determinism of traditional accounts of the genre, this book advocates a more flexible theory, which allows the student to explore the presence of the genre in unexpected places, extending the concept to encompass films that are not usually considered romantic comedies. Combining theory with detailed analyses of a selection of films, including To Be or Not to Be (1942), Rear Window (1954), Kiss Me Stupid (1964), Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) and Before Sunset (2004), the book aims to provide a practical framework for the exploration of a key area of contemporary experience - intimate matters - through one of its most powerful filmic representations: the genre of romantic comedy. Original and entertaining, The secret life of romantic comedy is perfect for students and academics of film and film genre.
The use of stable isotopes in nutritional studies is now widespread, and the technique is becoming increasingly popular. Practical applications are numerous and include:calcium and iron absorption studiesstudies looking at the impacts of diet, physical activity, aging, and medical therapy and supplementation on nutrient metabolismthe measurement of energy cost of pregnancystudies on the causes of growth faltering in infantsinvestigations into childhood and adult obesity.This book is designed as a laboratory handbook of methods used to perform stable isotope studies in humans. It covers basic principles, dosage information, sample preparation procedures, analytical instrumentation, and necessary mathematical methods and provides the fundamentals to enable researchers to evaluate and establish stable isotope methods in their own laboratories.
In Straight Nation, Pavan Mano reveals the logic of straightness that sits at the heart of postcolonial nationalism in Singapore. Mano rejects the romantic notion of the nation as a haven of belonging, showing it to be a relentless force that is allied with heteronormativity to create a host of minoritized and xenologized figures. Through meticulous exploration and close reading of a swathe of texts, Mano unveils the instrumental role of sexuality in structuring the national imaginary. The book adroitly demonstrates how queerness is rendered foreign in postcolonial Singapore and functions alongside technologies of "race", gender, and class. A provocative critique of narrow contemporary identity politics and its concomitant stymying of a more ambitious political critique, Straight Nation sets out an argument that moves beyond the negativity of traditional critique into a space of (re)thinking, (re)building and (re)imagining.
In "Star Stable: Soul Riders. Dunkles Lied" finden sich die legendären Reiterinnen Linda, Lisa, Alex und Anne inmitten eines neuen, atemberaubenden Abenteuers wieder. Eine geheimnisvolle Krankheit breitet sich in Jorvik aus und bedroht die Heimat, die sie so sehr lieben. Auf der Suche nach Antworten und einer Lösung für diese Krise, begeben sich die Soul Riders auf eine gefährliche Reise in die unberührte Wildnis von Jorvik. Während Lisa von einem unheilvollen Dunklen Lied verfolgt wird, das möglicherweise mit der Epidemie in Verbindung steht, versuchen die Freundinnen, ein drohendes Unheil abzuwenden, das durch Lindas düstere Visionen angedeutet wird. In einem Wettlauf gegen die Zeit müssen sie das Rätsel lösen, bevor Jorvik unwiederbringlich verloren ist. Doch nicht jeder in ihrer Umgebung möchte, dass sie in ihrem Vorhaben erfolgreich sind. Die Geschichte ist nicht nur ein spannendes Fantasy-Abenteuer, sondern auch ein Zeugnis von Mut, Freundschaft und der unerschütterlichen Verbindung zwischen Reiterinnen und ihren Pferden. Eigenständiges Abenteuer: Kann auch ohne Kenntnis der vorherigen Romane genossen werden, ideal für neue Leser*innen oder langjährige Fans der Serie. Faszinierende Illustrationen: 160 Seiten voller atemberaubender Kunstwerke von Elli Puukangas, die epische Momente und alte Legenden zum Leben erwecken. Enge Verbindung zum Online-Spiel: Bietet tiefergehende Einblicke in die Welt von Jorvik, perfekt für Kinder, die bereits Fans des "Star Stable"-Online-Pferdespiels sind. Fesselnde Storyline: Eine packende Erzählung über Freundschaft, Mut und die Macht der Zusammenarbeit, um die Heimat vor dem Untergang zu bewahren. Teil einer wachsenden Community: Mit mehr als 800.000 aktiven Spieler*innen in Deutschland bietet das Buch eine ideale Ergänzung zur "Star Stable"-Welt und fördert die Vernetzung mit anderen Fans. Leseförderung: Die spannende Geschichte motiviert junge Leser*innen dazu, sich mit Lesen zu beschäftigen und fördert gleichzeitig ihre Fantasie und Kreativität. Ideales Geschenk: Ein perfektes Präsent für Kinder ab 8 Jahren und jugendliche Mädchen, die Pferde lieben und sich für Abenteuergeschichten begeistern, insbesondere wenn sie bereits Teil der "Star Stable"-Community sind.
Die fünfbändige Ausgabe Mark Twains Abenteuer präsentiert den großen amerikanischen Erzähler mit seinen Abenteuerromanen Tom Sawyers Abenteuer, Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer und Ein Yankee am Hofe des Königs Artus ebenso wie den Reiseschriftsteller, der aus der Perspektive des Arglosen im Ausland auch einen Bummel durch Europa unternommen hat.
The "West Chamber" of Wang Shih-fu in the Yuan Dynasty was a masterpiece of Chinese classical opera and a masterpiece of Chinese literature. The theme of the drama is the love story of the young scholar Zhang Huan and the late Ying-Ying, the daughter of the 19-year-old Cui Xianguo. The whole play is divided into five (screen) twenty (field). The first Zhang Ying and Ying Ying in the temple at first sight. The second to write Zaibing siege filled homes, Zhangsheng rescue, Mrs. Cui allow her daughter Yingying with Zhangsheng wife, then eat their own words. The third one to write a pair of lover Acacia sponge. The fourth the first Valentine's tryst Valentine's Day; the second letter of Mrs. Choi to Changsheng Beijing exam, the high school after the wedding; the third Valentine's leave, Zhang went to Beijing to attend the meeting; the fourth fold of the lover dream phase Will be done. The fifth to write a couple reunion. In short, "The Romance of the West Chamber" wrote the contradiction between love and family honor. The result was that Zhang Sheng would try high school, winning the honor and winning the love.
Die fünfbändige Ausgabe Mark Twains Abenteuer präsentiert den großen amerikanischen Erzähler mit seinen Abenteuerromanen Tom Sawyers Abenteuer, Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer und Ein Yankee am Hofe des Königs Artus ebenso wie den Reiseschriftsteller, der aus der Perspektive des Arglosen im Ausland auch einen Bummel durch Europa unternommen hat.
»Wer den Chor der Mäuse nicht hört, braucht nicht mit mir befreundet zu sein.« Clemens J. Setz ist der Autor bahnbrechender Romane wie Die Stunde zwischen Frau und Gitarre, aufregender Erzählungsbände wie Der Trost runder Dinge, von Gedichten, Theaterstücken, Drehbüchern, Nacherzählungen und Essays. Er ist Übersetzer, ein Freund der Plansprachen, des Obertongesanges, der Ziegen und der Hasen. Er ist Träger des Georg-Büchner-Preises, des Kleist-Preises, des Berliner Literaturpreises. Außerdem ist er ein Poet der Kurznachrichtendienste und noch einiges mehr. In seiner radikalen Vielfältigkeit und vielfältigen Radikalität ist er eine herausragende Figur der Gegenwartsliteratur. Für Fans der Setz’schen Werke und seiner Person ist dieses hochwertige Plakat mit einem Porträt des Dichters gedacht, aufgenommen vom Berliner Fotografen Max Zerrahn. Poster auf stabilem GalaxyArt-Papier im DIN-A1-Format
The Picture Book of Philosophical Stories for Children inspired by four Chinese and foreign literary classics (Tales from a Carefree Studio, Moby Dick, Don Quixote, and A Midsummer Night's Dream), this book carefully retells the works of four famous writers - Pu Songling, Herman Melville, Cervantes, and Shakespeare - all set in the context of modern children's lives, containing profound philosophical ideas, and skillfully incorporating the true meaning of wisdom and discernment. The form of this book is children's favorite picture books style, so that children can talk to literary classics and understand the philosophy in the stories. According to Pu Songling's "Liao Zhai Zhiyi", the persona of Pu Songling is preserved and taken from the autobiography of "Liao Zhai Zhiyi" as well as part of the storyline. A lonely child with a world of his own. Showing a journey of waves, a history of retrospection and reflection, a future that should be even better. A lonely child, in need of friendship, a friend in trouble, in need of help. When the individual fights against power, the whole of nature comes to help, and the plant grows wildly, both in anger and in ecstasy.
It’s just like a fairy tale. In the forest Flora stumbles on a little house with a garden that’s overgrown with roses. But the house is about to be sold. Not only that, but Flora learns from the owner’s daughter that a white horse has been living for a long time in the stable…but now he’s disappeared! Together with her magic owl Goldwing, Flora tries to find the terrified animal. Will the two of them manage to make their way through the jungle of roses and win the confidence of the white stallion?
This book continues to provide a comprehensive overview of equine behaviour and an outline of current advances in our understanding, as well as offering insights into contemporary and future challenges for improving horse welfare and safety. Completely updated and revised, a new, international, expert editorial team builds on Andrew Fraser's decades of work as an ethologist, veterinarian, historian, horseman, breeder, trainer, conservationist, and field scientist, sharing essential knowledge to improve horse behaviour and welfare. A range of international experts and key opinion leaders have updated this edition to include the effects of noise on the horse's welfare, husbandry and grazing management including the identification of harmful plants and issues of climate change. New illustrations and examples bring the book to life and further help to explain equine behaviour in a whole range of different situations, including road transport and horse safety during transport. The text covers key issues concerning equipment and the horse's mouth. It gives new insights into genetics, temperament and horse vocalisations and what these indicate. Welfare assessment models are outlined and the challenges presented in different equestrian sports debated. Difficult topics such as euthanasia are covered also. This classic text remains an essential resource for veterinarians, animal scientists, equine professionals and horse owners.
Catherine Deneuve is indisputably one of the world's most celebrated actresses, both in her native France and throughout the world. Her career has spanned five decades during which she has worked with the most significant of French auteurs, as well as forging partnerships with international directors such as Bunuel and Polanski. The Deneuve star persona has attained such iconic status that it can now symbolise the very essence of French womanhood and civic identity. In this wide-ranging and authoritative collection of essays by a selection of international film academics and writers, the Deneuve persona is scrutinised and illuminated. Beyond the glamorous iconographic status of Yves Saint Laurent's muse, and the epitome of sexual inviolability, Deneuve's status as actress is foregrounded. The book will be essential reading for students and lecturers in star studies.
Es ist mehr als nur ein neues Auto. Für Appa und Amma der indischen Kleinfamilie beglaubigt der weiße Honda Civic – »Weiß ist gut. Das wirkt sauber« – den Aufstieg. Mittelschicht, harter Arbeit Lohn, die Kinder werden es mal besser haben. Natürlich sollen die Nachbarn das sehen! Doch Sreenath, ihr Ältester, verhält sich seltsam, kommt nicht mal runter in die Einfahrt, und sehr bald wissen sie und ihr Jüngster sowieso: Ein Video ist aufgetaucht, eins von Sreenath und seiner Freundin, auf einer dieser Seiten. Seit Jahren sind sie ein Paar, trotzdem bedeutet dieses heimlich gefilmte Video eine unerhörte Schande, und eine sagenhafte Eskalation nimmt seinen Lauf … Teen Couple Have Fun Outdoors ist ein beißender Generationenroman aus Indien. Aravind Jayan erzählt darin mit der Lässigkeit der Jungen von Scham, Repression und Tradition im Angesicht von Klasse, Sex, dem Internet. Und doch beschreibt er mit Zärtlichkeit eine Heimat, die fortwährend mit der eigenen Modernisierung kämpft.
Butterflies, among key animals for assessing environmental changes have consequently also become prominent model organisms for the study of trade-offs in life history and behavioural traits. Examples include factors affecting the size of egg batches, fast or slow larval growth, waiting or searching for mates, migrating or staying put in the habitat, roosting alone or together in aggregations, and the development of different defence mechanisms. The book focusses on the factors and trade-offs leading to the development and evolution of distinct traits emerging in the life cycle of butterflies within their habitats. In this book the reader is taken systematically through research findings in each life history stage, on the links identified between different aspects of butterfly biology that have been discovered, and introduced to novel ideas emerging from taking an integrative view of butterfly life history and behaviour. The book is divided into four sections: A: Language and concepts of system's theory, B: Perspectives on butterfly biology, C: Butterfly life history - basic trade-offs in reproduction, development and survival, and D: Butterfly behaviour - interactive adjustments in the habitat. The first section deals with the study of relationships in biological systems. The second is an introduction to key aspects of butterfly biology, such as broad issues in taxonomy, the fossil record, variation in space-time, habitat and niche, and the butterfly body frame. The last two longer sections deal directly with the key puzzles in life history and behaviour. The book has been composed primarily for students and researchers in butterfly biology, but it should be of interest to all those who enjoy observing butterflies. For the researcher into butterfly biology it is supported by an extensive glossary and bibliography and, to encourage incentives for ideas, it is liberally illustrated with diagrams for exploring in greater depth the relationships in butterfly biology.
Down-to-earth--this positive word implies a stable energy. So is it for "home". In the Chinese spiritual world, home represents a sense of belonging. The so-called "home house tranquility" states the important of "house" in ancient times. "Which House Do You Like?" describes the Chinese people's understanding of home. It describes various houses in China and in the world.
This book goes back to the historical scene of the late Qing Dynasty with meticulous writing to tell the history of Zuo Zongtang's youthful growth and restore the struggle of Zuo Zongtang to serve the country with his body in spite of the hardships and dangers. The book consists of twenty chapters, which are about the following contents: Zuo Zongtang came from a humble background and was in a troubled times, but he was a scholar and a soldier and he made many wonderful achievements; he founded such industries as Fuzhou Shipbuilding and Gansu Manufacturing Bureau, and contributed to the modernization of China; he defeated Agubert, who had occupied in Xinjiang for thirteen years, and carried the coffin to the expedition to recover Ili, so that all the territory of 1.66 million square kilometers was returned to China; he resisted the French and protected Taiwan, and contributed to the establishment of a province; he served as the Minister of Military Affairs and the Minister of the two rivers, and he was a member of the National People's Congress. He served as the Minister of Military Affairs and the Governor of the two rivers, and he was a clean and honest man who promoted water conservancy and rebuilt the book bureau to promote the country through culture.
The human body's sense organs are its physical link between the brain and the surrounding environment. Our senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing allow us to interact with and adapt to the ever-changing world that surrounds us. The Senses, Third Edition gives an introduction to the intricate structures and functions of the body's sense organs, and examines some of the most common diseases that affect these organs. Readers will learn how even a temporary problem with one of the senses can dramatically affect how our bodies perceive the world. Packed with full-color photographs and illustrations, this absorbing book provides students with sufficient background information through references, websites, and a bibliography.
The first history of one of London's most extraordinary streets. Running along the Thames's northern shore and spanning three-quarters of a mile from Trafalgar Square to Temple Bar, the Strand has been a witness to London's growth and change from the earliest years of the city's existence. In The Strand: A biography, Geoff Browell and Eileen Chanin uncover the deep history of this remarkable street. Tracing its origins in the Roman era, they reveal how it grew in importance as authority shifted from church to aristocracy, then to commerce, media and law. Over time, everything that mattered converged on the Strand: tradition and ceremony clashed with rebellion and destitution. By 1910, the street was known as the 'centre of the world'. Drawing on remarkable archival discoveries, Browell and Chanin present the most complete and compelling history of the Strand ever written. Filled with surprising, untold stories, The Strand: A biography is a must-read for lovers of one of the world's greatest cities.