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      • Trafalgar Square Books

        Trafalgar Square Books is an independent publisher specializing in books for equestrians and needle crafters. Established in 1983, the business is located in Vermont, USA. The company has 200 active titles on horses and horse sports; 50 on the topics of knitting, crochet, weaving, and mosaic. Licenses are both sold and acquired for equestrian books. Craft titles are acquired for publication in the English language.

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      • Harvard Square Editions

        An Independent US publisher cooperating with publishers all over the world to bring books of multicultural, environmental, and social value to light in new markets.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        World Runner (1). The Hunters

        by Thomas Thiemeyer

        Tim is one of them. A runner full of passion, ready to go beyond the limits. When one day he gets a letter from GlobalGames he doesn’t hesitate to accept the challenge for a second. 7 caches have been hidden in 7 locations. 100 young people are chasing after them. Each one against the others. But Tim soon realises that he can’t do it alone. He finds an ally in the fascinating Annika, known as Sakura. But can he really trust her? Or is everyone just running for themselves after all? Who’s ready to go the furthest to find the biggest cache in the world?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Benny Beaver. The Great Forest Adventure

        by Inga Maria Ramcke/Christine Kugler

        Benny Beaver is involved in every adventure. Among other things, he’s a master builder. He’s always eager to learn something new – in the forest and anywhere else. There’s a lot to learn about our environment and Nature. This eventful tale about Benny Beaver and his friends Daisy Duck, Sally Squirrel and Manny Mole is great fun, as is the CD with its sounds of Nature. What happens in the forest? Who creeps, crawls and flies here? And what trees, bushes and fungi grow here? A lively tale about the environment and Nature for nursery school and first year primary school. A picture-book tale, exciting and entertaining – as is the CD with its sounds from Nature. Welcome to the world of Benny Beaver and his friends! Share their adventures in the forest and elsewhere!

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2004


        by Ernst Penzoldt

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        The Day of All Squirrels

        by Irena Karpa

        A kind and playful fairy tale about ecology, friendship, nature, freedom and dream. Full of adventure and humor, thrilling turns and complex situations, this is a story about what is valuable in life and how important it is to be able to fight for your rights, regardless of who you are: an adult, a child or a forest animal. The book teaches us to care about nature and incites us not to litter in the forests and on the streets. You will not be able to put this book down until you finish it. It is perfect for both children and those who think they have already grown up.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2012

        Julio Medem

        by Robert Stone, Nuria Triana-Toribio, Andy Willis

        This thorough account of the life and films of the Spanish-Basque filmmaker Julio Medem is the first book in English on the internationally renowned writer-director of Vacas, La ardilla roja (Red Squirrel), Tierra, Los amantes del Círculo Polar (Lovers of the Arctic Circle), Lucía y el sexo (Sex and Lucía), La pelota vasca: la piel contra la piedra (Basque Ball) and Caótica Ana (Chaotic Ana), Initial chapters explore Medem's childhood, adolescence and education and examine his earliest short films and critical writings against a background of a dramatically changing Spain. Later chapters provide accounts of the genesis, production and release of Medem's challenging and sensual films, which feed into complex but lucid analyses of their meanings, both political and personal, in which Stone draws on traditions and innovations in Basque art, Spanish cinema and European philosophy to create a complete and provocative portrait of Medem and his work. ;

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1990

        Der dankbare Patient

        by Ernst Penzoldt, Ernst Penzoldt

        Ernst Penzoldt wurde am 14. Juni 1892 in Erlangen geboren und starb am 27. Januar 1955 in München. Er studierte an den Kunstakademien von Weimar und Kassel und war zunächst als Bildhauer, Maler und Grafiker tätig. Nach dem 1. Weltkrieg, in dem er - wie auch von 1939 bis 1940 - als Sanitäter verwendet wurde, fand er zur Schriftstellerei, die er als seine » Kriegsverletzung« bezeichnet hat. Zu seinen erfolgreichsten Büchern zählen: Der arme Chatterton (1928), der Schelmemroman Die Powenzbande (1930), Kleiner Erdenwurm (1934), Der dankbare Patient (1937), so wie die Erzählungen Idolino (1935), Korporal Mombour (1941), und Squirrel (1954).   Ernst Penzoldt wurde am 14. Juni 1892 in Erlangen geboren und starb am 27. Januar 1955 in München. Er studierte an den Kunstakademien von Weimar und Kassel und war zunächst als Bildhauer, Maler und Grafiker tätig. Nach dem 1. Weltkrieg, in dem er - wie auch von 1939 bis 1940 - als Sanitäter verwendet wurde, fand er zur Schriftstellerei, die er als seine » Kriegsverletzung« bezeichnet hat. Zu seinen erfolgreichsten Büchern zählen: Der arme Chatterton (1928), der Schelmemroman Die Powenzbande (1930), Kleiner Erdenwurm (1934), Der dankbare Patient (1937), so wie die Erzählungen Idolino (1935), Korporal Mombour (1941), und Squirrel (1954).

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2016

        A Long Long Name

        by TANG Sulan

        Is there a best name in the world? A blue fox always envies others’name. On his trip, he asked Frog, Squirrel and other animals for names. His name became longer and longer, and harder to remember as well. The story tells us, if it suits you most, then it is the best.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1988

        Ernst Penzoldts schönste Erzählungen

        Ausgewählt von Volker Michels

        by Ernst Penzoldt

        Ernst Penzoldt wurde am 14. Juni 1892 in Erlangen geboren und starb am 27. Januar 1955 in München. Er studierte an den Kunstakademien von Weimar und Kassel und war zunächst als Bildhauer, Maler und Grafiker tätig. Nach dem 1. Weltkrieg, in dem er - wie auch von 1939 bis 1940 - als Sanitäter verwendet wurde, fand er zur Schriftstellerei, die er als seine » Kriegsverletzung« bezeichnet hat. Zu seinen erfolgreichsten Büchern zählen: Der arme Chatterton (1928), der Schelmemroman Die Powenzbande (1930), Kleiner Erdenwurm (1934), Der dankbare Patient (1937), so wie die Erzählungen Idolino (1935), Korporal Mombour (1941), und Squirrel (1954).

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1979

        Prosa eines Liebenden


        by Ernst Penzoldt

        Ernst Penzoldt wurde am 14. Juni 1892 in Erlangen geboren und starb am 27. Januar 1955 in München. Er studierte an den Kunstakademien von Weimar und Kassel und war zunächst als Bildhauer, Maler und Grafiker tätig. Nach dem 1. Weltkrieg, in dem er - wie auch von 1939 bis 1940 - als Sanitäter verwendet wurde, fand er zur Schriftstellerei, die er als seine » Kriegsverletzung« bezeichnet hat. Zu seinen erfolgreichsten Büchern zählen: Der arme Chatterton (1928), der Schelmemroman Die Powenzbande (1930), Kleiner Erdenwurm (1934), Der dankbare Patient (1937), so wie die Erzählungen Idolino (1935), Korporal Mombour (1941), und Squirrel (1954).

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1950


        by Ernst Penzoldt

        Ernst Penzoldt wurde am 14. Juni 1892 in Erlangen geboren und starb am 27. Januar 1955 in München. Er studierte an den Kunstakademien von Weimar und Kassel und war zunächst als Bildhauer, Maler und Grafiker tätig. Nach dem 1. Weltkrieg, in dem er - wie auch von 1939 bis 1940 - als Sanitäter verwendet wurde, fand er zur Schriftstellerei, die er als seine » Kriegsverletzung« bezeichnet hat. Zu seinen erfolgreichsten Büchern zählen: Der arme Chatterton (1928), der Schelmemroman Die Powenzbande (1930), Kleiner Erdenwurm (1934), Der dankbare Patient (1937), so wie die Erzählungen Idolino (1935), Korporal Mombour (1941), und Squirrel (1954).

      • Trusted Partner

        Hoarding Disorder

        by Gregory S. Chasson, Jedidiah Siev

        Hoarding disorder, classified as one of the obsessive-compulsive and related disorders in the DSM-5, presents particular challenges in therapeutic work, including treatment ambivalence and lack of insight of those affected. This evidence-based guide written by leading experts presents the latest knowledge on assessment and treatment of hoarding disorder. The reader gains a thorough grounding in the treatment of choice for hoarding – a specific form of CBT interweaved with psychoeducational, motivational, and harm-reduction approaches to enhance treatment outcome. Rich anecdotes and clinical pearls illuminate the science, and the book also includes information for special client groups, such as older individuals and those who hoard animals. Printable handouts help busy practitioners. This book is essential reading for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and practitioners who work with older populations, as well as students.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        A Dress for Mary

        by Grasya Oliyko (Author), Grasya Oliyko (Illustrator)

        Strangely enough, some things started disappearing from the house: mom's umbrella, dad's e-book, Christmas garland, cookies, and a pair of socks. Who is behind these mysterious disappearances? Could it be a  thieving crow or a curious squirrel from the neighborhood park? Or maybe it was a rogue wind that picked up everything and carried it above the clouds... You will find the answer in what is almost a detective story written and drawn by the incredibly talented Ukrainian artist Grasya Oliyko.     From 3 to 6 years, 637 words Rightsholders: or

      • Trusted Partner

        Against All Odds

        The Magnificent Trio That Built the Israeli Air Force

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        1947 – The UN declares that the British Mandate over Palestine will come to an end. In May 1948 Israel and Arab Palestine will be divided into two independent states. The Arab world reacts immediately: There will be no Jewish state; it will be driven into the sea! Sixty-five million Arabs against six hundred thousand Israeli Jews. Britain has washed its hands of the problem. The United States, under the guise of the Neutrality Act, makes it a felony for any American to supply side with any arms. Americans Al Schwimmer, Hank Greenspun, and Charlie Winters boldly defy the Neutrality Act and risk convictions by purchasing twenty-three former Nazi Messerschmitt Bf-109s in Czechoslovakia, painting out the swastikas on the tails with Jewish stars of David, and smuggling them to Israel; founding a “Panamanian” airline and flying seven large aircraft out of Panama “to do an aerial survey,” but never returning; securing a huge cache of ammunition from a sympathetic junk dealer in Hawaii; smuggling weapons to Mexico on a hijacked yacht, and ultimately shipping them “to Nationalist China” – via Israel. Stripped of most of their rights as US citizens, Schwimmer is recruited to start a small aircraft maintenance plant in Israel, which will become Israel Aircraft Industries, a billion-dollar-a-year operation; Greenspun purchases a defunct newspaper, which he turns into the and is among the first to call witch-hunting Senator Joseph McCarthy to account; Winters returns to importing and exporting fruit and diamonds between Israel and the United States. After the 1967 Six-Day War, when France reneges on its commitment to sell Israel fifty advanced fighter jets, the trio manages to “steal” plans from a friendly engineer in Geneva. Within six months Israel turns out its own homegrown Mach 2 fighter aircraft. And that’s just the beginning. International best-selling author has crafted a tantalizing, rewarding, magnificently readable tour de force based on the true life stories of three of Israel’s most unheralded heroes, cementing and enhancing his reputation as a master storyteller.  Published By Pangæa Publishing Group, 2019. 560 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm , 489 Pages.

      • Trusted Partner

        Evita – Une biographie par Dvora Schechner

        by Dvora Schechner

        Evita – Une biographie par Dvora Schechner Il s'agit de l'histoire fascinante d'Eva Perón (1919-1952), dans le cadre d'une œuvre courte mais intensive à travers le monde. Elle traite des passions, des peurs, des haines, des personnages, des situations ainsi que du contexte qui firent d'elle "Evita". "J'avoue avoir une ambition, une grande ambition personnelle: j'aurai voulu qu'Evita ait, de temps à autres, une place dans l'histoire de mon pays", écrit-elle quelques mois avant sa mort. Il ne fait pas de doute, elle mérita sa place. Mais quelle place? Elle est à l'initiative de plusieurs travaux de recherche académique, de nouvelles, de pièces de théâtres, de films et de poèmes. La plupart de ces travaux ont adopté l'un des mythes les plus contradictoires basés sur son caractère – la plus chérie mais aussi la plus méprisée des femmes de son temps. Pour certains, elle est la mère du pauvre et du travailleur, Sainte Evita. Pour d'autres, une pécheresse, une femme munie d'un fouet, une nazie péroniste. Du reste, vingt ans plus tard, certains jeunes croient encore que si Evita était encore vivante, elle serait une guérilla Montonera! Dans cette biographie, elle est décrite sous différents angles. Ce travail analyse la révolution péroniste et revoie la doctrine de Juan Perón, qui s'accorde avec la réelle Evita "à un T". Elle révèle la façon dont elle a façonné son propre charisme afin d'opérer dans un régime populiste et autoritaire. La véritable Evita est plus intéressante et plus splendide encore que toute autre légende.  L'auteur, Dvora Schechner – une écrivain israélien et un professeur, membre du kibboutz Gazit en Basse Galilée – est née à Buenos-Aires en 1930. Elle passa son adolescence dans les rangs de l'opposition au régime péroniste, jusqu'à son immigration en Israël en 1952, deux mois avant la mort d'Evita. Un film documentaire sur les cris de millions d'Argentins l'éperonna afin de tenter de décoder l'énigme. Qui était Evita, et que se cache sous l'amour et la haine de cette femme, jusqu'aujourd'hui? Dvora Schechner a étudié les sciences humaines au séminaire Oranim, et reçu une licence en philosophie, art et histoire à l'université de Tel-Aviv. Ses publications comprennent : Guerre Civile en Espagne (1962-1970); l'Inquisition Espagnole (1972); Evita (1995); une Fille Politique (2003).

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Wild. They Hear You Thinking

        by Ella Blix

        They hear you thinking. But you can’t understand them. Not yet! After a terrifying experience on a school trip to the forest, Noomi isn’t the same anymore. Fragments of memories that are as thrilling as they are disturbing continually lead her back to this same day in the forest. Something has happened to her since then and she has to find out what went on there. Why can’t she remember? Why does she now feel so close to animals? One secret experiment. Four young offenders. Animals acting like humans in the forest. Evolution at a turning point - FEEL NATURE! Atmospheric, enigmatic and disturbing – the new novel from the prize-winning author duo Ella Blix, consisting of Antje Wagner and Tania Witte. 2019 literary awards: the Mannheim Feuergriffel (Fire Pen) for Tania Witte and the town of Wetzlar’s Fantasy Prize. Printed on recycled paper and certified with the Blue Angel.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2018

        Lyme Disease

        An Evidence-based Approach

        by John J Halperin

        This new edition of Lyme Disease provides up-to-date evidence-based research and covers the significant advances in our understanding of the disorders referred to as Lyme disease or Lyme borreliosis. This book explores the causative organism, its requisite ecosystem, disease epidemiology, host-Borrelia interactions, diagnostic testing, clinical manifestations, therapeutic options, the role of host immunity on pathogenesis and long term prognosis. The authors provide balanced perspectives on all aspects of Lyme disease and explicitly review both the basic biology of the infection and practical clinical aspects. This new edition: Includes new borrelial pathogens that have been identified (B. miyamotoi, B. mayonii and B. bavariensis among others). Provides updated information on the molecular biology of the organism, neuroborreliosis, and the role of the C6 peptide in diagnosis. Discusses the controversies about 'chronic Lyme disease', post Lyme disease syndrome and other ongoing but non-specific symptoms that have been attributed to this infection. As the endemic footprint of Lyme disease continues to grow, this book provides a broad and detailed guide for clinicians and researchers involved with the diagnosis and treatment of the condition. Covering biology, epidemiology and therapeutics, it is also essential reading for students of global health and infectious disease.

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