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Trusted PartnerApril 1985
Musik als Kommunikationsmedium.
Soziologische Medientheorien und Musiksoziologie.
by Rotter, Frank
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1993
Die Welt des Islam
Neunundzwanzig Vorschläge, das Unvertraute zur verstehen
by Herausgegeben von Rotter, Gernot
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Trusted PartnerFebruary 2006
Den Göttern kommt das große Kotzen
Illustriert von Robert Crumb
by Bukowski, Charles / Illustrator Crumb, Robert; Übersetzer Weissner, Carl
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2021
Zhangjiajie·"The Country Is So Beautiful"
by Zhangjiajie·"The Country Is So Beautiful" Editorial Board
Zhangjiajie·"The Country Is So Beautiful" is a work organized and compiled by the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. "Extension" consists of 4 chapters. With a lot of little-known details, interesting stories and grand perspectives, the work restores the filming process and the national hit effect of "The Country Is So Beautiful" for readers. At the same time, through a large number of incisive reviews, multi-dimensional and multi-perspective Presents all aspects of this film and television drama.
Trusted PartnerAugust 1989
Lovely Rita, Rotter, Lieber Georg
Drei Stücke
by Thomas Brasch
Lovely Rita, Rotter, Lieber Georg: Die drei Stücke, die Thomas Brasch teilweise noch vor seiner Übersiedlung in den Westen im Jahr 1976 schrieb, gelten heute als seine wichtigsten Theaterarbeiten. Bereits bei ihrer Uraufführung wurden sie enthusiastisch aufgenommen.
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Trusted PartnerAgriculture & related industriesNovember 2007
Non Chemical Weed Management
Principles, Concepts and Technology
by Mahesh K Upadhyaya, Robert E Blackshaw
Following several decades of popularity after the Second World War, the use of synthetic herbicides is now experiencing a backlash within the agriculture industry.The increase in organic farming and concerns about potential negative effects on human health and the environment is creating a demand for pesticide-free food and alternative weed management techniques. International research has now explored the potential, limitations and impacts of non-chemical alternatives and the effect of different strategies on the entire agro- or natural ecosystem. Through the re-evaluation of techniques previously considered uneconomical or impractical, this text provides a comprehensive examination of non-chemical weed management.
Trusted PartnerMarch 2022
Briefe der Frau Rat Goethe
by Joachim Seng
Selbstbewusst und souverän, gesellig und gläubig, klug und belesen, mit viel Humor und Esprit: So ließe sich Goethes Mutter Catharina Elisabeth (1731–1808) charakterisieren. Und sie war eine begnadete Erzählerin. Ihre Briefe sind authentische Zeugnisse ihres Wesens und ihrer »Fabulierkunst«.Sie geben lebendige und unterhaltsame Einblicke in Goethes Kindheit und Jugend, den Alltag im Großen Hirschgraben und das kulturelle Leben Frankfurts in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Der vorliegende Band präsentiert u.a. die schönsten Briefe von Frau Aja an ihren Sohn, die Schwiegertochter Christiane, ihre Enkel, die Herzogin Anna Amalia und Bettine Brentano.
Lifestyle, Sport & LeisureMarch 1905
Dogs and All about Them
by Robert Leighton
The popularity of the dog as a companion, as a guardian of property, as an assistant in the pursuit of game, and as the object of a pleasurable hobby, has never been so great as it is at the present time.
Trusted PartnerDecember 2024
Conversations About Visiting and Managing the National Parks
Crowdsourcing America’s Best Idea
by Robert E. Manning, Elizabeth E. Perry
As the popularity of the national parks grows, so do the challenges of visiting and managing them. This innovative book uses crowdsourcing - postings by park visitors on a range of social media sites - to start 100 conversations on issues associated with visiting and managing the national parks. The authors then use their experience and expertise to prepare short, plainspoken, and engaging essays that respond to the postings and complete the conversations. The book is written for park visitors, managers, and students. The authors are university professors who teach the history, philosophy, and management of national parks, conduct long-term programs of research for the National Park Service, and have spent years working and living in the national parks. This inventive, thoughtful, and inviting book addresses a wide range of national park-related issues, guides readers on how to more effectively plan and conduct their national park visits, informs park planners and managers about what visitors think about the parks, introduces the latest scientific and professional information on park management, helps prepare students for careers in park management, and enhances public appreciation and protection of the national parks. Preservation of our national parks has always required an active engagement with the public. The authors take this to a new level by responding directly to the many questions and comments posed by visitors on social media with thoughtful and informative responses. Jonathan B. Jarvis, eighteenth Director of the National Park Service
Trusted PartnerJune 2008
Eine Karte so groß wie der Kontinent
Reisen in Europa
by Cees Nooteboom, Susanne Schaber, Helga Beuningen, Rosemarie Still
Der vorliegende Band bietet eine Auswahl seiner besten, zum Teil erstmals veröffentlichten Reisegeschichten aus Europa. Ein Meister der Nebenrouten, ein Spezialist für die unsichtbaren Gärten jenseits der hohen Mauern, ein Kenner der Räume, die hinter fest verschlossenen Türen warten – Cees Nooteboom führt mit Leidenschaft und Brillanz, sachkundig, leichtfüßig und selbstironisch durch Landschaften und Städte eines Kontinents.
Trusted PartnerMay 2024
Breed Differences in Dog Behavior
Why Tails Wag Differently
by Renee L Ha, Tracy L Brad, James C Ha
Humans have bred dogs for physical and behavioral characteristics for millennia. These efforts can have unintended side effects, however, which may be either advantageous or cause issues - such as a predisposition to certain medical complaints, or, controversially, behavioural issues. The scientific study of domestic dogs is still in its infancy, but public demand for this information is at a record high as more and more pet owners seek to understand their canine family members. Focusing on the behavioral differences and tendencies that have arisen in different breed lines, this book explores, summarizes, and explains the scientific evidence on what breed can tell us about behaviour - and, crucially, what it cannot. This book covers: - the impact of inbreeding, how it contributes to problematic behavioral issues such as anxiety and aggression, and how it potentially affects the future health of the breed; - the limits of predicting a dog's behavior based upon breed, individual differences within breeds, and thus the corresponding limitations of breed-specific legislation; - guidance for professionals to help their clients better understand behavioral issues, traits, and appropriate expectations around the right breed for their household. Providing a comprehensive and approachable view of the science behind breed-specific behaviors, this book gives dog enthusiasts from all professional and personal backgrounds a better understanding of why dogs do what they do, and how we can improve our relationships with our canine companions. Covering genetics, phylogeny of canids, temperament, aggression, social behavior, and the history of dog breeding, it is an important read for researchers, students, veterinary practitioners and animal behaviourists, as well as shelter staff, dog trainers, or anyone looking for a greater understanding of dog breed differences.
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Trusted PartnerJuly 2012
Der Stinker
Ein Fall für Kwiatkowski
by Banscherus, Jürgen / Illustriert von Butschkow, Ralf
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