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        Hidden History

        by Luo Weizhang

        The novel is a suspenseful tale of psychological pain, told through a murder case in the abyss of the human heart. Behind the crime and redemption is the death of the times and humanity. The novel’s darkly humorous local narrative looks at life’s difficult dilemmas and opens up the “hidden history” of ordinary people's inner world.

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        An Abundance of Scorpions

        by Hadiza Isma El-Rufai

        Following a horrific tragedy, Tambaya leaves Kano for Accra to live with her brother, Aminu. Sadly, her dream of a new beginning is dashed when she can no longer endure the indignity she suffers at the hands of her brother’s new wife. Vulnerable, and surrounded by malice, corruption and greed, Tambaya struggles to shape her destiny. An Abundance of Scorpions charts one woman’s journey through grief and uncertainty to a road that leads to self-discovery, redemption and love.

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        by Mohd Momin Khan, Shamsul Ismin Tumin

        In 1958, the then Game Department in the state of Perak were responsible for protecting wildlife and answering calls for assistance to protect crops, property and lives threatened by these animals. It was a time of plenty, with forest cover of more than 75 percent.   Unfortunately, those forests were rapidly being cleared, causing wildlife species to become homeless. Moreover, solving problems often resulted in the killings of these animals. Hunting licenses were introduced, accounting for large numbers of sambar and barking deer being killed. This slaughter continued for decades, leading to a decline in the numbers of several large animal species. Due to rampant hunting, poaching, and the loss of about 30 percent of the forest species that were once common are now in dire need of saving from further decline. The need to step up conservation efforts has reached an alarming level, requiring prompt action to ensure population recovery.

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        Literature & Literary Studies

        Bow to the tree

        by Borys Khersonsky

        Borys Khersonskyi is a famous poet, essayist, and translator, laureate of many international awards. Bow to a Tree is a collection of the author’s poems in Ukrainian, his auto-translations, and verses translated by Serhiy Zhadan, Volodymyr Tymchuk, and Oleh Honcharenko. The author travels through his poems from the most ancient times to the birth of Christ, the starting point of the hope revival through redemption. From the Soviet regime, he lived under to the present - a time full of pain, loss, war, and all the same faith and hope.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2025

        Spirits of extraction

        Christianity, settler colonialism and the geology of race

        by Claire Blencowe

        Spirits of extraction revisits the troubling history of socially reformist, ostensibly anti-racist, Christianity and its role in the expansion of the extractive industries, British imperialism, and settler colonialism. The book explores key moments in the history of Methodism and the evangelical movement. Colonial fears, and the attempt to 'civilise savages', were crucial to the movement's foundation in eighteenth-century industrialising Bristol, England. Through the culture of the Cornish mining diaspora of the nineteenth century, Methodism enmeshed with all the complexity of race and labour-structures of the British empire. At the same time, in Anishinaabewaki/Upper Canda/Ontario, Methodist missionaries laid the foundation of abusive education and racialised ideas of redemption that both enable and sacralise the mining industry. Through these histories of our present, the book theorises the relation of religion and education to racism, modernity, biopower, extractivism, and the geology of race.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2018

        Constructing kingship

        The Capetian monarchs of France and the early Crusades

        by S. H. Rigby, James Naus

        Crusading kings such as Louis IX of France and Richard I of England exert a unique hold on our historical imagination. For this reason, it can be easy to forget that European rulers were not always eager participants in holy war. The First Crusade was launched in 1095, and yet the first monarch did not join the movement until 1146, when the French king Louis VII took the cross to lead the Second Crusade. One contemporary went so far as to compare the crusades to 'Creation and man's redemption on the cross', so what impact did fifty years of non-participation have on the image and practice of European kingship and the parameters of cultural development? Constructing kingship considers this question by examining the challenge to political authority that confronted the French kings and their family members as a direct result of their failure to join the early crusades, and their less-than-impressive involvement in later ones.

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        SAVING OUR PLANET- A Recycling Guide for Young Readers

        by Avishag Amir

        Saving Our Planet not only teaches us about garbage disposal and recycling—it’s about much more than that.This insightful book strives to make a difference in our lives and future through the youngest generation. With the help of Rocco the raccoon, Edgy the hedgehog, beautiful illustrations, and a pinch of humor, both children and adults can benefit from its message.  It is a wonderful book for educating the young, as well as an enjoyable bed-time story. Why should we encourage our children to care about pollution and recycling? Well, it’s not that we should… we have to! Essentially, we only have one planet, and it has been terribly damaged over the last century by humanity—and along with it, our own and our children's future has suffered too! This is why we have to give our kids all the information and provide encouragement: "If I keep it clean And you keep it clean And everyone pitches in, We’ll keep our planet green."          Avishag Amir, the author, is the proud mother of three girls. As a puppeteer-artist, she owns her own puppet show that puts on seventeen different plays, some of which she wrote herself. The first act from one of her plays is presented to you here, as a personal gift!   The author is also the proud daughter of an important contributor to Hebrew literature and culture, the celebrated poet, writer, and translator Aharon Amir (1923–2008), who translated over 300 books into Hebrew, including English and French classics.   24 pages, full-color hardcover, beautiful color drawings, 22X23 cm

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2018

        Water and fire

        The myth of the flood in Anglo-Saxon England

        by Anke Bernau, Daniel Anlezark

        Noah's Flood is one of the Bible's most popular stories, and flood myths survive in many cultures today. This book presents the first comprehensive examination of the incorporation of the Flood myth into the Anglo-Saxon imagination. Focusing on literary representations, it contributes to our understanding of how Christian Anglo-Saxons perceived their place in the cosmos. For them, history unfolded between the primeval Deluge and a future - perhaps imminent - flood of fire, which would destroy the world. This study reveals both an imaginative diversity and shared interpretations of the Flood myth. Anglo-Saxons saw the Flood as a climactic event in God's ongoing war with his more rebellious creatures, but they also perceived the mystery of redemption through baptism. Anlezark studies a range of texts against their historical background, and discusses shifting emphases in the way the Flood was interpreted for diverse audiences. The book concludes with a discussion of Beowulf, relating the epic poem's presentation of the Flood myth to that of other Anglo-Saxon texts.

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        October 2019

        The Civilization of Erzats

        by Djawad Rostom Touati

        “His great novel, his “immense contemporary social fresco”, his “made-in-bladi human comedy” - in the words with which he dazzles his virtual contacts - was now out of the question. To those who still asked him: “What's the status of this novel?”, he invariably replied: “Perhaps under other skies. Here, all we promote is mediocrity. And everyone would nod in agreement, wishing him well.” Djawad Rostom Touati Farid, Malia, Rami, Adib and other characters wander through ''The civilization of erzats'', the second part of the trilogy: ''the cult of It'', each equipped with their own socio-cultural baggage, some motivated to change the course of their lives, sure that the sun is much warmer elsewhere; others resigned to the idea that the world is as it is: just a two-variable equation - dominated/dominant -; and still others, self-sufficient, seeking redemption in the misfortunes of others, make their way between the strata of a society in turmoil, the victim of a frozen past, a sequestered present and a future held hostage. In La civilisation de l'ersatz, both neo-prolo-aspirants-bourgeois who don't even know they're there, replace each other between the fingers of a born writer. Everything is relativity: time, space, not to mention the mind...

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        April 2023

        The Misery of Literature

        by Djawad Rostom Touati

        “His great novel, his “immense contemporary social fresco”, his “made-in-bladi human comedy” - in the words with which he dazzles his virtual contacts - was now out of the question. To those who still asked him: “What's the status of this novel?”, he invariably replied: “Perhaps under other skies. Here, all we promote is mediocrity. And everyone would nod in agreement, wishing him well.” Djawad Rostom Touati Farid, Malia, Rami, Adib and other characters wander through La civilisation de l'ersatz, the second part of the trilogy: Le culte du ça, each equipped with their own socio-cultural baggage, some motivated to change the course of their lives, sure that the sun is much warmer elsewhere; others resigned to the idea that the world is as it is: just a two-variable equation - dominated/dominant -; and still others, self-sufficient, seeking redemption in the misfortunes of others, make their way between the strata of a society in turmoil, the victim of a frozen past, a sequestered present and a future held hostage. In La civilisation de l'ersatz, both neo-prolo-aspirants-bourgeois who don't even know they're there, replace each other between the fingers of a born writer. Everything is relativity: time, space, not to mention the mind...

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        December 2015

        The Covenant of Redemption

        Origins, Development, and Reception

        by Fesko, John

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        January 2013

        My Life with Lifers

        by Elaine Leeder

        My Life With Lifers Lessons For A Teacher: Humanity Has No Bars "I have always been drawn to darkness," Elaine Leeder writes. "I know I always championed the underdog." As a sociology professor at Ithaca College in the 1990s, she began teaching at Elmira Correctional Facility in upstate New York. When she moved to California, that same desire to help led her to the prison education program at San Quentin. Then, inspired by her lessons, a group of Leeder's students approached her about working with a program the prisoners had established to aid in their long and difficult process of redemption and transformation. She accepted. These members of New Leaf on Life-the San Quentin "lifers"-have been sentenced to terms ranging from fifteen years to life in prison. Unlike Death Row inmates, who will either die in prison or be executed, many of the lifers are eligible for parole after having spent twenty to thirty years behind bars. But too often, they never see that opportunity because of the popular view that they are all "hardened criminals," killers incapable of rehabilitation and unfit to be free. What Leeder has learned, however, is that incarceration does not dictate character. Her students, although they are convicts, are committed to making their time in jail a life sentence in the best sense, not a death sentence. They have gone the extra mile to come to terms with their crimes, and have often managed to redeem their lives. My Life With Lifers shares the journey of a woman "on the outside" as she discovered the true nature of life in prison, and the roadblocks-so many of them unneeded-on the inmates' path to freedom. What Leeder's experiences add up to is both a fascinating human story and a reasoned and impassioned case for prison reform.

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        Redemption of Maternal love -- To change a Child's Life in Three Months (for Teenagers)

        by Li Kefu, Xushaobo, Li Dexian

        The book is an adaption of consulting cases in real life and a collection of 90 diaries in 3 months by a mother, recording how a lost teenage girl worked her way through. It can help the majority of parents to learn to re-examine themselves from the perspective of psychology, to reflect on and correct their own behaviors, in order to better solve parent child relationship problems, emotional problems, marital problems, thus re-create a harmonious family atmosphere, and witness the occurrence of healing and change.

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        March 2024

        The Strategy of Rescue

        The past and present of a power-political concept

        by Johannes F. Lehmann

        "Rescue” has two fundamentally different “existential” dimensions. One is aimed at “saving” individual lives that are in danger. Firefighters, for instance, rescue people from fires, while the sea rescue services rescue shipwrecked people from the Mediterranean. The second dimension of “rescue”, on the other hand, concerns systems – think of the bailing out of banks, the euro or the climate disaster – and so points to a larger context that creates the conditions for “life” to even be possible, or at least to be preserved. The complex subject of this stringent essay is just to what extent politics enable or prevent “rescue attempts”, to what extent it understands its actions as “rescue actions”, and how decisively the “narrative”, i.e. the “talk of rescue”, ultimately dominates our entire understanding of politics.

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        Poetry (Children's/YA)

        Santo remedio (Miracle cure)

        by Ernesto Lumbreras, Flavia Zorrilla Drago

        Miracle Cure is a collection of poems that echo popular traditions. Riddled with humor, they play with language, with its twists and turns, its sounds, and with different ways of putting syllables in place. The authors created a lyrical recipe book for saving ogres, lost souls, skeletons and other creatures in danger of disappearing from the contemporary imagination..

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        Rettung Für Unseren Planetten

        by Avishag Amir

        Rettung Für  Unseren Planetten    Ein Recycling-Führer für junge Leser   von Avishag Amir   Bei der Rettung unsere Planeten geht es um mehr als sachgerechte Müllentsorgung und Recycling. Dieses aufschlussreiche Buch ist eine Anregung für sinnvolle Maßnahmen, die Zukunft der nachfolgenden Generation zu sichern. Rocco, der Waschbär, und Edgy, der Igel, geben Kindern und Erwachsenen in dem wunderschön illustrierten, humorvollen Buch praktische und nützliche Hinweise für einen zeitgemäßen Lebensstil. Ein Buch zum Selberlesen oder zum Vorlesen als Gutenachtgeschichte. Warum sollen wir unsere Kinder anregen, über Umweltverschmutzung und Recycling nachzudenken? Wir haben keine andere Wahl mehr. Wir müssen es tun. Wir haben nur diesen einen Planeten, und die Menschheit hat ihn innerhalb des vergangenen Jahrhunderts stark beschädigt. Unsere eigene Zukunft &die Zukunft unserer Kinder ist in Gefahr. Wir sind dafür verantwortlich, unsere Kinder zu informieren und sie zu ermutigen, die richtigen Schritte zu unternehmen. „Wenn ich die Erde sauber halte und du dasselbe tust, und alle anderen mithelfen, können wir dafür sorgen, dass unser Planet grün bleibt."    Avishag Amir, die Autorin, ist stolze Mutter von drei Töchtern. Sie ist Puppenspielerin mit einem Repertoire von siebzehn Puppenspielen, von denen sie viele selbst geschrieben hat. Wir präsentieren hier den ersten Akt eines ihrer Puppenspiele als persönliches Geschenk an Sie!

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        Genetics (non-medical)
        October 2004

        Saving Seeds

        The Economics of Conserving Crop Genetic Resources Ex Situ in the Future Harvest Centres of CGIAR

        by Bonwoo Koo, Philip G Pardey, Brian D Wright

        The conservation of genetic resources is vital to the maintenance of biodiversity and to the world’s ability to feed its growing population. There are now more than a thousand genebanks worldwide involved in the ex situ (meaning “away from the source”) storage of particular classes of crops. Since the 1970s, the eleven genebanks maintained by the centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) have become pivotal to the global conservation effort. However, key policy and management issues – usually with economic dimensions – have largely been overlooked.This provided the impetus for a series of detailed economic studies, led by IFPRI, in collaboration with five CGIAR centres: CIAT (based in Colombia), CIMMYT (Mexico), ICARDA (Syria), ICRISAT (India) and IRRI (Philippines). This book reports these studies and discusses their wider implications.

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