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        Children's & YA

        Wild. They Hear You Thinking

        by Ella Blix

        They hear you thinking. But you can’t understand them. Not yet! After a terrifying experience on a school trip to the forest, Noomi isn’t the same anymore. Fragments of memories that are as thrilling as they are disturbing continually lead her back to this same day in the forest. Something has happened to her since then and she has to find out what went on there. Why can’t she remember? Why does she now feel so close to animals? One secret experiment. Four young offenders. Animals acting like humans in the forest. Evolution at a turning point - FEEL NATURE! Atmospheric, enigmatic and disturbing – the new novel from the prize-winning author duo Ella Blix, consisting of Antje Wagner and Tania Witte. 2019 literary awards: the Mannheim Feuergriffel (Fire Pen) for Tania Witte and the town of Wetzlar’s Fantasy Prize. Printed on recycled paper and certified with the Blue Angel.

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        History of medicine
        January 2015

        Recycling the disabled

        by Heather R. Perry

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        December 2024

        Soils for Landscape Development

        Selection, Specification and Validation

        by Simon Leake, Elke Haege

        This second edition of Soils for Landscape Development provides a clear, practical and systematic template for specifying landscape soils based on scientific criteria. The soil specifications provide essential information and a universally applicable method for landscape architects and designers, specification writers, landscape contractors and soil supply companies to ensure quality and fit-for-purpose soils. A strong emphasis is placed on reducing environmental impacts by reuse of on-site soil, promoting appropriate minimal soil intervention, and using recycled products. The first edition won the Award of Excellence for Research and Communication in Landscape Architecture at the AILA NSW (Australian Institute of Landscape Architects) Awards in 2014. The authors won a 2nd award for this book through The Australian Institute of Horticulture (AIH) in 2015).

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2024

        Medieval afterlives

        Transforming traditions in Shakespeare and early English drama

        by Daisy Black, Katharine Goodland

        A collection of essays which show how early drama traditions were transformed, recycled, re-used and reformed across time to form new relationships with their audiences. Medieval afterlives brings new insight to the ways in which peoples in the sixteenth century understood, manipulated and responded to the history of their performance spaces, stage technologies, characterisation and popular dramatic tropes. In doing so, this volume advocates for a new understanding of sixteenth-seventeenth century theatre makers as highly aware of the medieval traditions that formed their performance practices, and audiences who recognised and appreciated the recycling of these practices between plays.

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        Rettung Für Unseren Planetten

        by Avishag Amir

        Rettung Für  Unseren Planetten    Ein Recycling-Führer für junge Leser   von Avishag Amir   Bei der Rettung unsere Planeten geht es um mehr als sachgerechte Müllentsorgung und Recycling. Dieses aufschlussreiche Buch ist eine Anregung für sinnvolle Maßnahmen, die Zukunft der nachfolgenden Generation zu sichern. Rocco, der Waschbär, und Edgy, der Igel, geben Kindern und Erwachsenen in dem wunderschön illustrierten, humorvollen Buch praktische und nützliche Hinweise für einen zeitgemäßen Lebensstil. Ein Buch zum Selberlesen oder zum Vorlesen als Gutenachtgeschichte. Warum sollen wir unsere Kinder anregen, über Umweltverschmutzung und Recycling nachzudenken? Wir haben keine andere Wahl mehr. Wir müssen es tun. Wir haben nur diesen einen Planeten, und die Menschheit hat ihn innerhalb des vergangenen Jahrhunderts stark beschädigt. Unsere eigene Zukunft &die Zukunft unserer Kinder ist in Gefahr. Wir sind dafür verantwortlich, unsere Kinder zu informieren und sie zu ermutigen, die richtigen Schritte zu unternehmen. „Wenn ich die Erde sauber halte und du dasselbe tust, und alle anderen mithelfen, können wir dafür sorgen, dass unser Planet grün bleibt."    Avishag Amir, die Autorin, ist stolze Mutter von drei Töchtern. Sie ist Puppenspielerin mit einem Repertoire von siebzehn Puppenspielen, von denen sie viele selbst geschrieben hat. Wir präsentieren hier den ersten Akt eines ihrer Puppenspiele als persönliches Geschenk an Sie!

      • Trusted Partner
        Zoology & animal sciences
        May 2021

        Nutrition and Feeding Organic Cattle

        by Robert Blair

        Organic cattle farming is on the increase, with consumer demand for organic milk and meat growing yearly. Beginning with an overview of the aims and principles behind organic cattle production, this book presents extensive information about how to feed cattle so that the milk and meat produced meet organic standards, and provides a comprehensive summary of ruminant digestive processes and nutrition. Since the publication of the first edition, global consumers have increasingly become concerned with the sustainability of meat production. Here, Robert Blair considers the interrelationships of sustainable practices and profitability of organic herds, reviewing how to improve forage production and quality, and minimizing the need for supplementary feeding using off-farm ingredients. This new edition also covers: - Managing a recurrent shortage of organic feed ingredients, due to increased GM feed crop cultivation worldwide - Current findings on appropriate breeds and grazing systems for forage-based organic production - Diet-related health issues in organic herds and the effects of organic production on meat and milk quality. Required reading for animal science researchers, advisory personnel that service the organic milk and beef industries and students interested in organic milk and meat production, this book is also a useful resource for organic farming associations, veterinarians, and feed and food industry personnel.

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        March 2022

        Hallo, ich bin deine magische Müslischachtel

        Die 10 fantastischsten Upcycling-Ideen

        by Sara Stanford

        "Hallo, ich bin deine magische Müslischachtel" öffnet die Tür zu einer Welt voller Kreativität und Nachhaltigkeit. Mit diesem Bastelbuch entdeckst du, wie aus einer simplen Müslischachtel eine Quelle unendlicher Bastelprojekte werden kann. Von einem futuristischen Roboter über ein spannendes Murmellabyrinth bis hin zu einem charmanten Puppentheater – jedes Projekt ist eine Einladung, die Grenzen deiner Vorstellungskraft zu erweitern und gleichzeitig einen positiven Beitrag zum Umweltschutz zu leisten. Die einfachen, Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen machen jedes Projekt zu einem leicht umsetzbaren und freudigen Erlebnis. Entdecke, wie eine einfache Müslischachtel durch kreatives Recycling in fantasievolle Kunstwerke wie Roboter, Autos, Dinosaurier und vieles mehr verwandelt werden kann. Jedes Projekt kommt mit einer leicht verständlichen, Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, die das Basteln für Kinder und Eltern gleichermaßen zugänglich macht. Neben dem Spaß am Basteln unterstützen die Projekte auch die Entwicklung handwerklicher Geschicklichkeit und Feinmotorik bei Kindern. Dieses Buch lehrt Kinder auf spielerische Weise die Bedeutung von Recycling und Müllvermeidung, indem es zeigt, wie man Alltagsgegenstände wiederverwendet. Mit Anleitungen für 10 unterschiedliche Projekte – vom Aquarium bis zur Gitarre – bietet das Buch eine breite Palette an Möglichkeiten für kreative Nachmittage. Eine Müslischachtel bietet die perfekte, stabile Basis für diverse Bastelarbeiten und ermöglicht es, die Projekte langlebig zu gestalten. Ein ideales Buch für gemeinsame Bastelstunden, das Kinder und Eltern zusammenbringt und für unterhaltsame Familienmomente sorgt. Eine wunderbare Geschenkidee für kreative Kinder, die gerne basteln und dabei etwas Neues lernen möchten. Motiviert dazu, auch andere Haushaltsgegenstände in zukünftigen Projekten kreativ wiederzuverwenden. Dieses Buch ist Teil einer Serie, die Kindern zeigt, wie sie mit verschiedenen Materialien wie Klorollen, Eierkartons und alten Socken kreativ sein können. Alle Titel der Reihe Hallo, ich bin deine magische Müslischachtel Hallo, ich bin deine zauberhafte Klorolle Hallo, ich bin deine verschollene Socke Hallo, ich bin dein verwunschener Eierkarton

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Marcel Pagnol

        by Brett Bowles

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        The environment
        September 2003

        Ecology of Soil Decomposition

        by Sina M Adl

        Decomposition is an ecological process that recycles dead tissues, mainly from primary production, into nutrients in the soil. The Ecology of Soil Decomposition describes trophic interactions between species that carry out the decomposition of organic matter in the soil. Key topics addressed feature functional groups, spatial stratification and succession patterns over time, involving bacteria, protists, fungi and micro-invertebrates. Emphasis is placed on the role of species diversity in functional groups.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2024

        Borrowed objects and the art of poetry

        Spolia in Old English verse

        by Denis Ferhatovic

        This study examines Exeter riddles, Anglo-Saxon biblical poems (Exodus, Andreas, Judith) and Beowulf in order to uncover the poetics of spolia, an imaginative use of recycled fictional artefacts to create sites of metatextual reflection. Old English poetry famously lacks an explicit ars poetica. This book argues that attention to particularly charged moments within texts - especially those concerned with translation, transformation and the layering of various pasts - yields a previously unrecognised means for theorising Anglo-Saxon poetic creativity. Borrowed objects and the art of poetry works at the intersections of materiality and poetics, balancing insights from thing theory and related approaches with close readings of passages from Old English texts.

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        April 2025

        Soil Health and Nutrition Management

        by Naveen Chandra Joshi, Thomas Leustek, Prashant Kumar Singh, Arti Mishra, Vijayta Deepak Singh, Shalini Love, Shalini Porwal, Jaagiriti Tyagi, Mukul Joshi, Swati Mohapatra, Seema Pradhan, Priyanka Das, Deepanker Yadav, Charu Khosla Gupta, Kamlesh Choure, Manish Kumar Dubey, Sakshi Arora, Debananda S Ningthoujam

        A major challenge for agriculture and future crop production is the deterioration in soil health and fertility. We have large areas of barren land across the globe with degraded soil which can only be made fertile by applying proper nutrition and soil health management practices. It is crucial to protect soil health in order to feed the world's ever-growing population. Healthy soil is a dynamic ecosystem containing microbes that aid in the breakdown of organic materials and minerals, increasing the availability of plant nutrients (nutrient recycling) and enhancing soil quality and crop output. Healthy soil also helps mitigate the impact of climate change by maintaining nutrients and sequestering atmospheric carbon. This book summarizes the numerous components of soil health management including cutting-edge technologies such as genome editing and rhizospheric engineering, together with conventional techniques for preserving soil nutrients.

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        Fisheries & related industries
        June 2005

        Urban Aquaculture

        by Edited by Barry A Costa-Pierce, Alan Desbonnet, Peter Edwards, Dale Baker

        Fishery products are the world's most important source of animal protein, especially for the poor. Meeting the basic human needs for protein foods in the future will be a difficult challenge, especially as demand for fish has doubled since the 1950s. Realistically we can not expect to catch more food from the sea, so we must now turn to farming the waters, not just hunting them. The new challenge for planners is to accelerate aquaculture development and to plan for new production. As millions of people are moving from rural, inland areas to coastal cities we need to make urban areas not only centres of marketing and distribution, but also of production, particularly using recycled urban wastewater. This book on urban aquaculture includes papers from authors in the USA, Europe and Asia that review these emerging issues from the perspective of both developed and developing countries.

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        Applied ecology
        December 2009

        Soil Ecology and Management

        by Joann K Whalen, Luis Sampedro

        Soil ecology is the study of interactions between the physio-chemical components of the soil and organisms living within the soil. Humans are highly dependent upon the soil ecosystem, which provides food, fiber, fuel and ecological services, such as the recycling of atmospheric gases. It is therefore important to understand the function and nature of the soil ecosystem in order to predict and mitigate the long term consequences of present day actions. Soil Ecology and Management describes the organisms inhabiting the soil, their functions and interactions and the dimensions of human impact on the activity of soil organisms and soil ecological function. Chapters discuss basic soil characteristics and biogeochemical cycling, key soil flora and fauna, community-level dynamics (soil food webs) and the ecological and pedological functions of soil organisms. Unlike other soil biology and ecology textbooks, the authors also convey a better understanding of how human activities impact upon soil ecology in a section on ecosystem management and its effects on soil biota and provide a unique perspective on the utility of soil organisms.

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