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      • Kia Persia Literary Agency

        KIA Literary Agency was founded in 2002 in Tehran with the aim of promoting and supporting fine literary works in all forms throughout the world. It brings about opportunities for authors, illustrators, publishers, translators, and those involved in this field to meet their counterparts. And at the same time, it introduces them to the world and will inform them of all the related events which take place in the world of art and literature.

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      • January 2018

        Você repórter da periferia

        Visões e vivências do jornalismo periférico

        by Cruz, Julia; Lopes, Flávia; Matos, Ronaldo; Siqueira, Thais; Vilhena, Evelyn

        Você Repórter da Periferia: Visões e Vivências do Jornalismo nas Periferias Visões e Vivências do Jornalismo nas Periferias apresenta as experiências vividas pelos quatro integrantes e também de uma ex- integrante do coletivo de comunicação Desenrola e Não Me Enrola, sobre as transformações sociais, políticas e profissionais causadas pela realização do Você Repórter da Periferia, programa dedicado a formação de jovens oriundos de diferentes territórios das periferias e também da religião metropolitana de São Paulo/Brasil.   Você Repórter da Periferia: Visions and Experiences of Journalism in the Peripheries Visions and Experiences of Journalism in the Peripheries presents as experiences lived by the four members and also of a former member of the communication collective Desenrola e Não Me Enrola, on the social, political and professional transformations caused by the Você Repórter da Periferia, a program dedicated to training of young people from different peripheral territories and also of the metropolitan religion of São Paulo/Brazil.

      • The Arts

        Memoria y paisaje en el cine japonés de posguerra

        by Pedro Iacobelli y Claudia Lira

        La Segunda Guerra Mundial en Japón fue un evento único y transformador que implicó la reconstrucción física y espiritual del país. El paisaje —como categoría estética— y la memoria —como una entidad colectiva— son conceptos que permiten auscultar a los pueblos luego de crisis históricas profundas. En este sentido, la presente publicación examina las principales corrientes del cine japonés a partir de una lectura y análisis histórico y estético, e innova en la lectura de las sociedades poscrisis al incorporar una visión interdisciplinaria original. “No hay nación cuyo sentido del tiempo y del espacio se mantengan invariables después de una catástrofe fundamental. El cine de posguerra de Japón, a través del desarrollo estético de sus identidades espaciales y temporales, conjuga poéticamente las nociones de trauma, origen e identidad. Los minuciosos escritos que reúne este libro analizan ese corpus fílmico en torno a los conceptos de memoria y paisaje, pero no solo como tipificación de argumentos, elementos de drama o iconografías, sino especialmente como ideas audiovisuales de la conciencia moderna en crisis, forma que desde occidente o desde nuestra periferia contemplamos con una extrañeza familiar”. Pablo Corro PhD, director del Magíster en Estudios de Cine. Instituto de Estética UC

      • Society & culture: general
        November 2019

        Pedagoginga, autonomia e mocambagem

        by da Rosa, Allan

        “Pedagoginga, Autonomia e Mocambagem" harmonizes with some very important spheres: the philosophical, historical and contextualized attention on what was conventionally called black cultures; the consistent implementation of the teaching of history and culture of these matrices from African sources and heads, black feet and hands, the sweaty dream of an autonomous popular education movement on the outskirts of São Paulo at the beginning of the 21st century. pillars, challenges and also contradictions, and with this perspective, he invites the reader to reflect on the educational practice, so the author presents a new pedagogical proposal, new but twisted to ancestral aesthetics and fundamentals, which implies the autonomy of educators and students , as well as a genuine commitment to Afro-Brazilian culture. Here is a book of reflections, doubts, slides and nin hos on a practice of years in Popular Education whose motto is the experience of organizing and implementing independent courses in our peripheries in São Paulo, focused on the black experience of yesterday, the future, today and that of so many lines, spirals and balls of the time that we weave. The book is part of the Insurgências Collection, which was born with the aim of sharing and revolving reflections and practices committed to different ways of thinking about the world, relationships, ways of learning and teaching.

      • April 2020

        I Círculos de encuentro Marisa Moresco

        Acompañar en las periferias existenciales

        by Lola Arrieta Olmedo y Elisa Estévez López

        Los Círculos de encuentro llevan el nombre de Marisa Moresco como reconocimiento a su aportación como acompañante y testigo, que se plasmó en su decisión determinada y sostenida en el tiempo de generar vida, desde la confianza incondicional en Aquel que es la Vida y con la mediación del acompañamiento.Los Círculos tienen vocación de encuentro entre distintas personas y colectivos vinculados por el acompañamiento espiritual. Lo nuestro es crear espacios de intersección, construir puentes que vinculen, tejer la diversidad, transitar por lugares conocidosrecreándolos y por territorios nuevos que invitan a habitarlos.Estos primeros Círculos de encuentro se preguntan cómo acompañar la vida en las periferias existenciales, creando espacios seguros en los que la Vida se acoge, se comparte y se despliega a favor de todos, especialmente de los más vulnerables. Quieren ser, también un homenaje a la persona de Marisa Moresco.Con este volumen se inicia la publicación de las contribuciones de los Círculos de encuentro Marisa Moresco, impulsados por el equipo Ruaj.

      • February 2020


        Dall’eterotopia alla rigenerazione

        by Emanuele, Iula

        The book presents an original philosophical reflection on the urban suburbs, on their birth and their functioning, as well as on the human suburbs, with the experience of those who live "remotely", as a peripheral being. The path followed leads to a substantial reformulation of our way of understanding the suburbs, in the wake of the pastoral attention of the magisterium of Pope Francis, with the aim of opening new paths of meaning.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2020


        Society and culture in Dalcidio Jurandir

        by Willi Bolle

        This book presents an overview of Amazonian history and analyzes the novel Cycle of the Far North, by Dalcidio Jurandir, a work that represents the social inequality and exclusion inherent to Amazonian society. Willi Bolle rescues the work of this important, albeit unknown, author, emphasizing Dalcidio Jurandir’s contribution to our understanding of Amazonian culture. In his work, Jurandir describes the quotidian of those living in the periphery of society, and advocates, quite emphatically, quality education for the poor. He also registers the social dialect of the inhabitants of the Amazon, in a document of the cultural memory of the region.

      • The Arts
        August 2019


        by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto and Adrián Gorelik (editors)

        Organized by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto, professor at the Department of Anthropology of the University of São Paulo, and Adrián Gorelik, professor at the University of Quilmes, this book is the result of a collective research project about the cultural urban history in South America, which was developed by a group of South American researchers. Using as a compass the notion of “cultural arena”, this work performs a reflection on the city as a place of cultural germination, experimentation and resistance. Some cities – Buenos Aires, Santiago, Lima, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Salvador, Montevideo, among others – are studied in order to capture the intimate and inextricable relations between city and culture.

      • January 2013

        Dos olhos pra fora mora a liberdade

        by Casulo

        Dos olhos pra fora mora a liberdade Representante da literatura periférica, o poeta Casulo traz, em seus poemas, cenas da vida cotidiana dos brasileiros que vivem e trabalham nas periferias de uma grande cidade, com seus encantos e sofrimentos, saberes e críticas. Trecho: “Madeira de lei O livro é uma pilha de microtábuas de fácil combustão, para que a chama dos olhos acenda o fogo da imaginação. Sua capa é uma porta entreaberta pro conhecimento, às vezes até o vento abre-a por curiosidade! E você! Por que não?” Freedom lives from the eyes out Representative of peripheral literature, the poet Casulo brings, in his poems, scenes from the daily life of Brazilians who live and work on the suburbs of a large city, with its charms and suffering, knowledge and criticism. Excerpt: “Madeira de lei O livro é uma pilha de microtábuas de fácil combustão, para que a chama dos olhos acenda o fogo da imaginação. Sua capa é uma porta entreaberta pro conhecimento, às vezes até o vento abre-a por curiosidade! E você! Por que não?”

      • Tantalum's rule

        by Claudio Forti

        Una luce penetrante. Un uomo confuso recuperato dalla polizia. E tante, troppe cornacchie.  Norman Barclay è un dirigente di successo, uso a tutti gli agi di New York, ma da quattro anni non dorme più. Le sue notti sono devastate dal ricordo ancora vivido di quella luce e alleviate solo dalle inebrianti prostitute di Madame Trilly. L’improbabile equilibrio è rotto da un uomo grigio e misterioso: John Smith. Così anonimo da non lasciare alcuna traccia di sé, se non un enigmatico biglietto da visita: ‘Professor Jeremy Kalwinsky, psicopatologo della memoria’.  Sarà un secondo biglietto, lascito di una coinvolgente notte d’amore, a spingere Norman a cercare l’aiuto di Kalwinsky per sbarazzarsi dei ricordi che lo tormentano. Insieme al sollievo dell’oblio arriverà però una inattesa discesa negli inferi dei dimenticati. Qui Barclay scoprirà una grigia verità ben più inquietante dei ricordi...

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        September 2019

        Cuentos META

        by Enrique Patiño, Hadley Pennington Keefe, Federico Palomera, Lautaro Vincon, Belén Palos, Thais Díaz Montalvo, María Toca, Dixon Acosta Medellín

        Is the goal the beginning or the end? Is the goal sequel or consequence? META Stories brings together eight narrative voices that transform realities, invert solutions and reconcile results with objectives, so that the purpose of their actions exceeds their own expectations. Some of the inhabitants of this playing field are: an ambitious journalist and an anti-establishment revolutionary planning known theories on outdated models; a perfect couple who decides their own path of perdition; a Russian teacher determined to beat the winter cold in postwar Spain; a young woman who finds a peculiar way of transmuting her family reality; a dressmaker's apprentice who in World War II Paris amends wrappings and fabrics; a mother who is reborn in a story already written; a woman who prefers to live to imagine, and for whom an outcome is reconstructed; and a man who learns the true meaning of not scoring a goal. The characters and voices in these stories pose new challenges in the extremes of a biographical journey in which the beginning and the end are part of a process of knowledge.

      • 2022

        La puerta del mar

        by Miren Agur Meabe

        The night her mother died, Elora saw a flash of purple lightning from the window of the Saint-Étienne hospital. She instantly understood that the flash was her mother's flame, recently freed from the world. And, at the same time, she saw a figure draw itself on the glass fogged up by the winter cold: a heart. And the fact is that Elora, like her mother before her, like her grandmother, with whom she must move, possesses a gift that makes her special, intuitive, wise... Like so many women from other times and places, grandmother and granddaughter will have to survive together and be strong. And Elora will discover more than one secret in her new home, on the strange Île Cormoran, the island of the cormorants.

      • November 2019

        The Cats by Nicoletta Costa

        Cat City

        by Nicoletta Costa

        Series - On the outskirts of a city, in the old port district, at 3 Flounder Street, there’s a big, pink house. And in that big, pink house there live some rowdy but thoroughly lovable cats. Their lives have become intertwined with Filippo’s, the mouse who lives up in the tiny attic. And, over time, they’ve become great friends.

      • November 2007

        Herencia de milagros

        by Mario Salazar Montero

        Kurzinformation ISBN 978-3-9525331-2-3 Titel “Herencia de milagros”. Mario Salazar Montero. Novela Un anhelo de descendencia termina por enfrentar dos hombres y sus respectivos territorios geográficos. Para C. Abarca, un mulato suramericano que aterriza en Suiza con el propósito de cumplir su parte como macho reproductor estipulada en un contrato, esa descendencia futura, sus genes trasteando un apellido y una nacionalidad ajenos, contribuirá sin él poderlo impedir a perpetuar la desigualdad que le permitió a otro negociar aventajado su simiente.  Para F. Spinelli, descartada por enfermedad su capacidad de reproducirse, el resultado esperado, un ser humano, planeado como un recurso hábil y negociable para salvar su matrimonio, esa misma descendencia representa incluso antes de concretarse una hormiga miserable y aventajada con una tendencia congénita al abuso, un subdesarrollado irresponsable sin redención posible. Para Adela, la futura madre, el anhelo legítimo de tener una descendencia es el detonador de una fantasía que la lleva a revivir su primer amor, C. Abarca, en su país de orígen, a enquistarlo adrede en la mente de su marido enfermo como el único semental permitido, a convencerlo de traerlo a Suiza como una compensación a otro tipo de abuso con ella como víctima.  Sin embargo, al momento de horizontalizar el negocio, ella ya no es más la mujer linda y joven, su marido resulta siendo un suizo falsificado y el macho reproductor ya no reproduce. C. Abarca anda atareado sumando milagros y amuletos para dejar tras él una Herencia de milagros. Mario Salazar Montero. Geboren in Kolumbien, Südamerika. Lebt seit vielen Jahren in der Schweiz. Schriftsteller und Ingenieur. Hat mehrere Romane und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Spanisch und Deutsch. Mehr zum Autor und seinem literarischen Werk unter

      • September 2018

        Horizontes culturales de la historia del arte: aportes para una acción compartida en Colombia

        by Editor académico: Diego Salcedo Fidalgo. Autores: Karen Cordero Reiman, María Clara Cortés Polanía, Claudia Angélica Reyes Sarmiento, Isabel Cristina Ramírez Botero, Mario Alejandro Molano Vega, Diego Salcedo Fidalgo, Julián Sánchez González, María Margarita Malagón-Kurka, Ana María Franco, Jesús Pedro Lorente, Antonio Sánchez Gómez, Gabriela Gil Verenzuela, Paula Jimena Matiz López, Carlos Rojas Cocoma, Daniel García Roldán, Anne-Marie Losonczy, Jairo Enrique Salazar Chaparro, Mariana Dicker Molano.

        Horizontes culturales de la historia del arte. Aportes para una acción compartida en Colombia da cuenta de reflexiones que van desde los silencios u omisiones en la historia del arte, pasando por las conexiones complejas entre estética e historia del arte, hasta las vicisitudes de su práctica en el museo o lugares alternativos. También examina la memoria del arte como nuevo modo de representación, relectura y construcción de subjetividad.

      • Children's & YA

        Amazing Places

        by Miralda Colombo

        A series dedicated to the wonders of the world, to be discovered through precious and peculiar books, filled with sensational illustrations. Not only for the contents, these books are “wonderful” also in their binding, with surprising elements on the cover andfor their evocative illustrations.A journey in discovery of the 15 most amazing places of the world created by humankind, which will enchant children and grown-ups: Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, Cheope’s Pyramid and many others. For each place, there will bea suggested itinerary for a guided tour, a legend, the story of the construction and many more curiosities.

      • Children's & YA

        Heroes Atlas

        by Miralda Colombo

        One hundred and one inspiring stories of the notable men and women who shaped the world with their ideas, their genius, their creativity or courage. From super scientists to clued-up creatives, from writers to dreamers, these profiles explore the life of each personality in detail, with gorgeous illustrations. This educational book includes worldwide famous figures, as well as lesser-known personalities, but all very inspiring for children.

      • Fiction

        Polar Quantum

        by Almudena Otero

        Polar Quantum is a scifi novel set in the 22nd century. Global warming finally caused polar caps to melt and the air to become poisonous. To save humankind, two giant domes were built: one in Greenland, where rich people live; and one in Antarctica, for scientists and intellectuals. Antarctica is the sole remaining part of the Earth where some permanent ice survives, allowing for the development of a type of quantum technology to create a system of AI humanoid systems, that interact with humans being to save what remains of the planet. In this context, historian Gabriel Beristain moves to Quanta, in Antarctica, with his family, where he has been tasked with translating classic works of literature into Kunstig, a language developed to allow the interaction of humanoids and humans. What seems to be a fascinating project opens the door to a world of intrigue, betrayal, and violence that puts the fragile balance of Antarctica, and the survival of the world, into question. The purpose of Polar Quantum is depticing a world where the very essence of humankind is put to the test, and where the coexistence of synthetic humanoids and flesh and blood humans is possible…only if they work together.

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