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      • The Parisian Agency

        Founded in 2010, the Parisian agency is a literary agency based in Paris. We represent a selected group of international writers of literary fiction such as multi-awarded Icelandic author Gudrun Eva Minervudottir and Hungarian novelist Arpad Kun, winner of the prestigious Aegon Award. We also represent the stunning illustrated books of the British and the Bodleian Library (UK) abroad. Last, we are now open to represent new lists in literary fiction, crime fiction and non fiction. Welcome to the Parisian Agency!

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      • Al Diablo Con El Amor

        by Ramos Rafael

        El Amor, tan deseado y odiado, es la meca de todos los seres humanos, pero es curioso, que al ser tan buscado, pareciera que lo arruinamos con nuestras elecciones y nuestra forma de vivirlo. Una persona, cuya forma de amar es sana, sabe amar sin estar atado a una fuerte necesidad de vivir en función de una pareja o ser querido. Love, so desired and hated, is the Mecca of all human beings, but it is curious that being so sought after, it seems that we ruin it with our choices and our way of living it. A person, whose way of loving is healthy, knows how to love without being tied to a strong need to live according to a partner or loved one.

      • Biography & True Stories
        December 2016

        Musas, mecenas y amantes.

        Mujeres en torno al Surrealismo

        by Victoria Combalía

        What do these six women have in common, apart from having lived in an extraordinary world and era? They are better known as companions of the male protagonists of their time - Man Ray, Max Ernst, Samuel Beckett, André Breton, TS Eliot or Jean Cocteau, among others - than for their own works. However, they were much more than a name on a caption or a handsome face adorning parties and literary salons.

      • January 2013

        De Nuevo En Casa

        Out of Print

        by Cardeno C., Georgette Asi, Reese Dante

        Uno Libro en la Saga HomeNoah Forman se despertó en un hospital sin poder recordar cómo había llegado allí. Logró mantenerse calmado ante el hecho de que el hombre que amaba desde que era niño, su pareja Clark Lehman, estaba de camino. Pero cuando por fin llegó Clark, Noah se horrorizó al darse cuenta de que, sin saber la razón, no podía recordar nada de los últimos tres años. Si quería averiguar la causa de la pérdida de memoria de su pasado reciente…y asegurar el futuro que siempre había soñado con Clark, iba a tener que enfrentarse a varias cosas dolorosas. ;

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2020


        by Marcelo Vera

        La muerte de Clara produce un efecto devastador en su pareja, quien además de abandonar su trabajo decide encerrarse para atesorar cada recuerdo y detener así el irremediable avance del tiempo. Esta novela sobre la pérdida narra el relato íntimo de un hombre que busca sentido mientras atraviesa un duelo frenético y delirante.

      • True stories
        March 2016

        El Reino del Terror

        UN CASO INSOLITO vivido durante el reinado de Alfredo Stroessner, dictador de Paraguay 1954 - 1989

        by Kim Ekemar

        En 1982 dos viajeros ingenuos llegaron a Paraguay para, como turistas, conocer al país. Por una pregunta trivial, la pareja fue detenida por la policía política bajo la sospecha oficial de ser terroristas. Fueron obligados de quedarse frente a una cámara de tortura, incomunicados, hasta lograr escaparse por un descuido de los oficiales. Siete años más tarde, el dictador Alfredo Stroessner fue derrocado mediante un golpe de estado. Sin embargo, la historia no terminaría sino hasta un cuarto de siglo después del fin de la dictadura. Fue cuando el autor logró establecer contacto con el Dr Martín Almada – el desenterrador de los Archivos del Terror.  Este libro – minuciosamente investigado, y con las experiencias personales del autor integradas – documenta la turbia vida de Alfredo Stroessner, el dictador más longevo de Sudamérica durante el siglo XX. También revela la habilidad política del astuto dictador; la corrupción que fomentaba; la protección que otorgaba a nazis fugitivos y terroristas; las torturas que presenciaba; el narcotráfico bajo su supervisión; sus aberraciones sexuales; los abusos de sus secuaces; y, su participación en el pacto del Cono Sur – la Operación Cóndor.

      • Fiction

        Ownerless seas

        by Esther Ginés

        Scotland, end of the 20th century. Elisa decides to leave her life behind to start a new one thousands of kilometres away from home, in the remote Orkney Islands. In an indomitable landscape, almost deserted and of a captivating yet untamed beauty, her partner is waiting. Kylian is an active ornithologist that has been travelling the world for years, but after receiving an interesting proposal has decided to come back to his homeland. Short after joining him, while Elisa is trying to to adapt to a hostile nature and climate that set the pace of the days, shocking news concerning Kylian’s past arrive, shaking all their imminent plans. How far can one go to escape what is left behind? What is the price we pay to protect those we love most from the things that hurt us? Escocia, finales del siglo XX. Elisa decide dejar su vida atrás para comenzar una nueva etapa a miles de kilómetros de su hogar, en las remotas islas Orcadas. En un paisaje indómito, casi despoblado y de una belleza cautivadora a la vez que salvaje, le espera su pareja. Kylian es un activo ornitólogo que lleva años recorriendo mundo, pero tras recibir una interesante propuesta de trabajo decide volver a su tierra de origen. Al poco de unirse a él, mientras Elisa trata de adaptarse a una naturaleza y un clima hostiles que marcan el ritmo de los días, una impactante noticia vinculada al pasado de Kylian cae sobre ellos y trastoca todos sus planes inminentes.¿Hasta dónde se puede llegar para huir de lo que dejamos atrás? ¿Cuál es el precio que pagamos por proteger a quienes más amamos de las cosas que nos hieren?

      • Children's & YA

        Animal Love

        A Crazy Flirt

        by Ángeles Quinteros, Ángeles Vargas

        We hug, kiss and cuddle when we are in love. We want to always be close to that special person and even surprise them with gifts. All these actions also take part in the animal kingdom, but not only that! Animals also present a range of endless strange behaviors that will leave you speechless: chases, choreographies and tricks are only some of the things animals do to flirt their mating partners in order to stay together. A book with a sense of humour, but with a scientific and theoretical basis, full of unusual and amusing facts that aim to arouse your curiosity through simple texts, but incorporating the terms used in this specific field, what will broaden the reader's lexicon.

      • Fiction
        June 2019

        El guardián de Omu

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        Juan suffers a spectacular camouflaged traffic accident, since his real objective was suicide. Then he discovers that it was not Juan, but an experienced special agent of the Solar Police of this galaxy, with jurisdiction over the entire solar system and a life completely opposite to what he had. Recover the memory and assume his situation, sharing mission and adventures with Yura, his eternal partner and co-worker.Argos recovers and learns to live "out of the box" again, facing alien species of clear negative polarity in his new mission. The very existence of planet Earth is in your hands.Without a doubt, it is a current and action novel. For minds of the New Earth, awake beings, with intuition, and capable of recreating in their imaginations scenarios, concepts, and fictitious events that could be very close to becoming real potentials in the immediate future.Take back the pleasure of fiction ... Or not.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2019

        Enseñemos paz, aprendamos paz: la pedagogía al servicio de la cohesión social

        by Juan David Enciso

        Peace is an idea, an abstract concept, which must be grounded in concrete realities. And building peace involves moving from an initial state, which may or may not be conflict, to a second moment in which people have learned to know, relate, meet, and live together.   This book tries to elaborate on the construction of peace from an educational process, in which individuals learn to recognize themselves as subjects of equal dignity and with the capacity to carry out projects oriented to the common good. Similarly, educational settings, the so-called learning environments, are not confined exclusively to the walls of the classroom or the boundaries of formal education institutions: peace education occurs in any environment in which two or more coincide. people with potential conflicts of interest or collective construction.

      • Religion & beliefs
        April 2018

        28 cosas que debes saber sobre los ángeles

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        In the spring of 2018 I was writing my second novel, "The Guardian of Omu", which by now and doing an exercise in temporal mysticism, I hope and wish that it has become a recognized "best seller". I was about a third of concluding the aforementioned novel, when one morning I dream, and I say exactly dream, with a rather vague scene in which the idea of ​​writing about the essence of angels materializes in my mind. It is at that moment when I regain consciousness and awake, but I decide to continue thinking about that dream, more than anything else because of the curiosity and exceptional nature of the event. I sing a sweet dream again, more than a dream, sleep it, I would say. In that diffuse period of space-time, I see clearly, as if it were a data transfer, a script of content that appears to my knowledge. A succession of clear and unequivocal ideas that I had never thought to ask myself before, and all of them, referring to the subject at hand here.At that moment I decide to get out of bed and sit in front of my computer. Approximately 60 minutes later I have written that dream or received script, or what do I know. After writing it all in a row, I decide to read it carefully and immediately afterwards I see that it really is the script of ideas that I must develop without wasting any more time. At that moment I decide to slice it and use it as an index.It is exactly the index of this book.

      • Fiction
        May 2019


        En tierras de Urantia

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        Are you ready to read the story of the second coming of Christ in full s. XXI? Do you want to know first-hand who he was, what he did and with whom? Do you know that this time she was a woman and that her mothers were lesbians?Get ready to explode your neurons with this groundbreaking, entertaining, and surprising novel, set in real settings in Spain (Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona) and Europe.Action, adventure, travel, sex, technology, chases, magical scenarios, extraterrestrial beings ...You have before you a new modern and daring thriller that will make you reflect on reality.

      • Fiction
        October 2019

        I'm not asking for much

        by Megan Maxwell

        Carol works as a showgirl, but her dream is to be a stewardess, and the opportunity presents itself in the form of the company High Drogo. Daryl is the captain and he travels all over the world as a pilot for the same company. The two of them meet through Lola, who is Daryl’s sister and Carol’s friend. They are attracted to each other, and both are open to sex with no strings attaches, but they try not to get too close, because this could cause problems for Lola. And yet, everything will change when the heart wins out over logic and work lands them on the same flights and in the same cities. Unable to resist the attraction they feel for each other, they decide to take advantage of the moment, to live, to enjoy it.

      • Fiction
        November 2015

        Sombras tras los cristales

        by Mario J. Les

        Late in the summer of 2002, Alex Astrain and Maialen Galdeano, beset by circumstance, decide to get married, reuniting some of their loved ones in a hilarious ceremony marked by an unjustifiable absence. After the wedding, the bride and groom and their closest friends, Fran Dalmau and Lynette Kosgei, depart for their honeymoon trip to the southern cone of Africa, while Simeon and David, the millionaire veteran patrons of their audiovisual society, will take advantage to visit the former Flossenbürg concentration camp in search of answers about Eyal Bérkowitz. There they will bear witness of the confidences of the Krauss brothers, a couple of survivors of the Nazi horror, who long, behind the barbed wire of Flossenbürg, for the last hopes of finding a family treasure that disappeared in November 1938, during the ill-fated Night of the Broken Glass. Together with the Krauss we will live the bitterness and pain of a nightmarish childhood, but we will also witness their fortitude and their desires, in an ambitious staging full of sensitivity and mystery in large doses, where history and fiction meet in a plot of unappealable addictive effects. * * * Avanzado el verano de 2002, Alex Astrain y Maialen Galdeano, acuciados por las circunstancias, deciden casarse, reuniendo a algunos de sus seres queridos en una ceremonia hilarante y marcada por una injustificable ausencia. Tras la boda, los novios y sus amigos más íntimos, Fran Dalmau y Lynette Kosgei, emprenden viaje de luna de miel hacia el cono sur de África, en tanto que Simeón y David, los veteranos millonarios mecenas de su sociedad audiovisual, aprovecharán la semana entrante para visitar el antiguo campo de concentración de Flossenbürg en busca de respuestas sobre Eyal Bérkowitz. Allí serán testigos de las confidencias de los hermanos Krauss, una pareja de supervivientes del horror nazi que alimenta entre las alambradas de Flossenbürg las últimas esperanzas de encontrar un tesoro familiar desaparecido en noviembre de 1938, durante la infausta Noche de Los Cristales Rotos. Viviremos junto a los Krauss la amargura y el dolor de una infancia de pesadilla, pero también seremos testigos de su entereza y de sus anhelos, en una ambiciosa puesta en escena que supura sensibilidad y misterio en grandes dosis, y en la que personajes históricos y ficticios se dan cita en una trama de inapelables efectos adictivos.

      • February 2020

        El cine de Terrence Malick

        La esperanza de llegar a casa

        by Alzola Cerero, Pablo

        Las películas que el cineasta estadounidense Terrence Malick ha realizado hasta la fecha, desde Malas tierras (1973) a Vida oculta (2019), no son muchas, pero todas han dejado una huella singular en la historia del séptimo arte. ¿Cuál es esa singularidad que ha despertado en el público tanta admiración como rechazo? El cine de Malick expresa, mediante un lenguaje audiovisual muy característico, preocupaciones que atañen a todo ser humano tales como la búsqueda de la propia identidad, la distancia o cercanía con los otros y el hallazgo de un hogar. Tomando la última cuestión, el hogar, como punto de partida, este libro plantea un acercamiento a la filmografía del cineasta de enfoque amplio e interés humano, en el que destacan dos grandes referentes: la tradición bíblica y el pensamiento de Stanley Cavell, un filósofo tan cinematográfico como americano. Al final, se descubre que tanto los mundos y personajes creados por Malick como la vivencia en la que se sumerge el espectador confluyen en un mismo anhelo: la esperanza de llegar a casa.

      • Crime & mystery fiction (Children's/YA)

        Mystery at Los Piñones

        by Beatriz García-Huidobro

        Diego is invited by his cousin's family to spend the holidays in Los Piñones, a small village where they have a house for recreation and that only gets a little bit livelier with the arrival of summer. But all the calm of the place will be disturbed by the mysterious disappearance of the queen of the fair on the very day of her coronation.

      • Children's & YA

        Panthera Leo

        by Molina, Alicia

        Julia is going through a bad time: her mom and her dad are going to go away for three months to finish their diplomas outside of the country and they have left her aunt Sofía in charge of her, meaning, apart from changing house, she will also have to change school. There Julia will meet every kind of specimens: a protective elephant miss, and an understanding giraffe, some obedient zebras, and a dangerous tigress with whom she will fight against more than once. Julia will have to overcome many obstacles alone, and still, in the middle of it, she will have to find time to visit his very peculiar friend: Panther leo.

      • March 2019

        Las lentejas de la guerra

        by da Casa de Cantos, Fernando

        This book pays tribute to a whole generation of people condemned to live through one of the most  difficult and turbulent historical periods, not only in Spain but also in the rest of the world.  War Lentils tells human stories of run-of-the-mill individuals who, as everybody, dreamt of a better world, conceived from very different points of view. Alternative solutions were proposed, but none of them was definitely legitimate, ending invariably in a collective failure from which the coming generations should learn.   Este libro supone un homenaje a toda una generación que le tocó vivir unos años convulsos, difíciles, no solo en España sino en todo el planeta.Relata historias de gentes sencillas que ansiaban –como todos– un mundo mejor, visto desde prismas diferentes, con soluciones muy distintas que desembocaron en un fracaso colectivo del que las generaciones siguientes deberíamos aprender.  Los personajes de esta novela son secundarios; podrían haber sido estos como podrían haber sido otros, escogidos entre cientos o miles de testimonios familiares que aún perviven en la memoria más secreta y callada de nuestros mayores. La verdadera protagonista es la Historia: esa, con mayúsculas, que debe ayudarnos a ser mejores personas.

      • SECRETOS DEL CLANDESTINAJE (Secrets of the underground)

        Las vidas que alumbraron el levantamiento zapatista (The lives that illuminated the Zapatista uprising)

        by Federico Ramírez

        Faced with the repression of the popular student movement, which in October 1968 culminated in the Tlatelolco massacre, dozens of guerrilla groups emerged in Mexico. Conceived to confront an implacable enemy, these organizations had to develop and act clandestinely, behind the back of the law, without being able to fully achieve their objective of linking up with the people they were trying to lead towards revolution, since they only came to public light in quick and small propaganda actions or in violent confrontations with soldiers and police, who persecuted with equal ferocity both militants and frightened citizens suspected of sympathizing with the subversives.In society, concerns arose without a clear and reliable answer: Who are these people really? Why do young people who could have a decent future expose themselves to almost certain death? And what is their daily life like; what do they do when they are not robbing banks? Where do they get their weapons? How can they abandon their parents, their partners, their children? What drives the increasingly rare survivors to continue fighting decade after decade without renouncing their ideas? The novel Secretos del clandestinaje offers a comprehensive and authoritative answer to these questions; it is an authentic narrative based on shocking real events that the author witnessed and knew directly from more than twenty years of militancy as a member of the Directorate of the National Liberation Forces and the Command of the Zapatista Army.When opening the book, hundreds of gray men and women who talk, dress, walk, work and travel, without distinguishing themselves from those around them? because their purpose is precisely to go unnoticed while they follow a policeman, acquire military manuals, receive donations of medicines, work in an oil company, rent apartments with assumed names, fill out forms in an embassy, teach or take classes, chat in parks and ice cream parlors, drive a cab, sell ground coffee in markets and restaurants... to fulfill the modest mission that day corresponds to them in the great project: to silently build the revolutionary organization to overthrow the regime.Through the lens of literary art, the reader will see everything from student rallies to jungle camps, passing through safe houses, recruitment of combatants, political debates, armed confrontations, persecutions, ambushes... acts, thoughts, emotions of men and women who, in the search for a world of justice and freedom, gave their lives and, if the time came, also their death.     Ante la represión al movimiento estudiantil popular, que en octubre de 1968 culminó con la masacre de Tlatelolco, surgieron en México docenas de grupos guerrilleros. Concebidas para enfrentar a un enemigo implacable, estas organizaciones tuvieron que gestarse y actuar en el clandestinaje, a espaldas de la ley, sin poder lograr a plenitud su objetivo de vincularse con el pueblo al que pretendían conducir hacia la revolución, pues sólo salían a la luz pública en rápidas y pequeñas acciones de propaganda o en violentos enfrentamientos con soldados y policías, quienes perseguían con igual saña tanto a los militantes como a los atemorizados ciudadanos sospechosos de simpatizar con los subversivos.En la sociedad surgían entonces inquietudes sin una contestación clara y confiable: ¿Quiénes son en realidad esas personas? ¿Por qué se exponen a una muerte casi segura jóvenes que podrían tener un futuro decoroso? ¿Y cómo es su diario vivir; qué hacen cuando no andan asaltando bancos? ¿De dónde sacan sus armas? ¿Cómo pueden abandonar a sus padres, su pareja, sus hijos? ¿Qué impulsa a los cada vez más escasos sobrevivientes a seguir luchando década tras década sin renunciar a sus ideas? La novela Secretos del clandestinaje ofrece una respuesta amplia y autorizada a esas preguntas; es una narración auténtica basada en impactantes hechos reales protagonizados y conocidos directamente por el autor en más de veinte años de militancia como integrante de la Dirección de las Fuerzas de Liberación Nacional y de la Comandancia del Ejército Zapatista.Al abrir el libro saldrán a escena centenares de hombres y mujeres grises que hablan, visten, caminan, laboran y viajan, sin distinguirse exteriormente de quienes los rodean… porque su propósito es precisamente pasar desapercibidos mientras siguen a un policía, adquieren manuales militares, reciben donativos de medicinas, trabajan en una empresa petrolera, rentan departamentos con nombres supuestos, llenan formularios en una embajada, imparten o toman clases, charlan en parques y neverías, conducen un taxi, venden café molido en mercados y restaurantes… para cumplir la modesta misión que ese día les corresponde en el gran proyecto: construir en silencio la organización revolucionaria para derrocar al régimen.Con el lente del arte literario verá el lector desde mítines estudiantiles hasta campamentos en la selva, pasando por casas de seguridad, reclutamiento de combatientes, debates políticos, enfrentamientos armados, persecuciones, emboscadas… actos, pensamientos, emociones de hombres y mujeres que en la búsqueda de un mundo de justicia y libertad entregaron su vida y, si acaso llegó el momento, también su muerte.

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