El Reino del Terror
UN CASO INSOLITO vivido durante el reinado de Alfredo Stroessner, dictador de Paraguay 1954 - 1989
by Kim Ekemar
En 1982 dos viajeros ingenuos llegaron a Paraguay para, como turistas, conocer al país. Por una pregunta trivial, la pareja fue detenida por la policía política bajo la sospecha oficial de ser terroristas. Fueron obligados de quedarse frente a una cámara de tortura, incomunicados, hasta lograr escaparse por un descuido de los oficiales.
Siete años más tarde, el dictador Alfredo Stroessner fue derrocado mediante un golpe de estado. Sin embargo, la historia no terminaría sino hasta un cuarto de siglo después del fin de la dictadura. Fue cuando el autor logró establecer contacto con el Dr Martín Almada – el desenterrador de los Archivos del Terror.
Este libro – minuciosamente investigado, y con las experiencias personales del autor integradas – documenta la turbia vida de Alfredo Stroessner, el dictador más longevo de Sudamérica durante el siglo XX. También revela la habilidad política del astuto dictador; la corrupción que fomentaba; la protección que otorgaba a nazis fugitivos y terroristas; las torturas que presenciaba; el narcotráfico bajo su supervisión; sus aberraciones sexuales; los abusos de sus secuaces; y, su participación en el pacto del Cono Sur – la Operación Cóndor.
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The author Kim Ekemar is the sole and rightful owner of this work.
Rights for this work may be negotiated directly with Kim Ekemar only.
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Available in print and as e-books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and similar online marketplaces.
Reviews by Kirkus, Clarion Forward, Onlinebookclub, BlueInk, Booklife/Publishers Weekly, Amazon.
On Onlinebookclub: Book-of-the-Month (The Complete Callaghan Tetralogy) and Book-of-the-Day (The Lost Identity Casualties, Where the Bones of a buried Rat Lie, The Quarry at the Crossroads, The Tollbooth in the Labyrinth)
“Este libro es el producto de una flagrante violación a los derechos humanos que el autor personalmente vivió en 1982. Era la década de ‘plomo’, es decir, la época del vuelo del Cóndor, el pacto criminal militar oficializado en Santiago de Chile el 25 de noviembre de 1975 para supuestamente salvar al Cono Sur de América Latina de las garras del comunismo ateo y apátrida. Paraguay vivió con terror este periódo, y el libro de Kim Ekemar es un valioso aporte para conocer la historia reciente del país – especialmente para las nuevas generaciones, necesitadas de saber lo ocurrido en aquellos años como parte fundamental de una educación basada en la verdad y no en el falseamiento del pasado. En el fondo El Reino del Terror es una crítica directa a la institucionalización del Estado al margen de la ley en Paraguay. Este libro va a resultar con el tiempo una base fundamental para el gran debate en las aulas de los colegios secundarios y universitarios, en los centros de cultura y –porqué no– en el seno del propio Congreso Nacional del Paraguay.” – Dr. Martín Almada, Premio Nobel Alternativo, y miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de la Asociación Americana de Juristas (AAJ)
El Reino del Terror efectivamente sumerge al lector en una atmósfera de pesadilla. Es un testimonio sincero de primera mano acerca de una de las dictaduras más feroces que asolaran a nuestro Continente durante el siglo pasado; por así decirlo, es una 'micro-historia' que nos remite a las espléndidas obras de ficción de Asturias, García Márquez, Vargas Llosa y Carpentier, entre otras, solo que en este caso se trata de un documento veraz basado en la cruda realidad atestiguada -sufrida- por el autor y su esposa, una realidad ciertamente conmovedora y alucinante.
El magnífico esfuerzo de documentación que permite contextuar lo ocurrido redondea sin duda el trabajo. El Reino del Terror constituye una lectura obligada para todos aquellos que buscan desentrañar la naturaleza del poder absoluto y sus consecuencias avasalladoras en la vida de las personas de carne y hueso. Por todo ello resulta ser un libro altamente recomendable. – Javier Barros, ex-embajador de México ante la UNESCO
“Part historical text and part political thriller frightening in its reality, El Reino del Terror presents a wealth of information on a tormented era in Latin America’s history. In this true story, Ekemar offers a detailed investigation of one of the most vicious and corrupt dictatorships that the South American continent has ever known.
Alfredo Stroessner’s thirty-five-year regime was the longest-lasting dictatorship in twentieth-century South America. Ekemar’s narrative, supported by personal experience and extensive research, paints a chilling picture of the pervasive human rights violations of his iron-fisted rule, which was marked by personal and political corruption, sexual depravity, and the protection of Nazi fugitives, drug traffickers, and terrorists.
The text contains reminders that the practice of torture was extensive under Stroessner, with political activists, journalists, peasants, teachers, intellectuals, indigenous tribes, children, and pregnant women among the targeted. Victims were flown out over the Paraná River and dropped to their deaths from airplanes.
Ekemar also reveals the extent to which the United States knew about, and was responsible for, the abuses that took place during 'Operation Condor', a Cold War-era campaign of political repression and state terror that involved intelligence operations and the assassination of opponents in South America and elsewhere. The program was intended to eradicate communism and Soviet influence in Latin America’s Southern Cone; sadly, one of the methods used was to prop up brutal right-wing dictatorships in the countries involved, supporting them with funds, training in effective methods of torture, and more. The book vividly and meticulously describes the treatment that Ekemar and his wife received while detained by the Paraguayan police.
Front cover art, while graphic and disturbing, is appropriate for the nature and content of the book. To facilitate personal research, Ekemar has included ample listings of data, statistics, and online resources.
Part historical text and part political thriller frightening in its reality, El Reino del Terror presents a wealth of information on a tormented era in Latin America’s history. It is a powerful call for the truth to be recognized and taught, and a warning to us all of the perils of failing to honor our human rights and guard our freedom.” – Clarion Foreword Reviews
Author Biography
I've been fortunate with opportunities to travel the world, counting Mexico, France, Sweden and Spain as my home at one time or other. In the past, a good part of my life was dedicated to business ventures: an art gallery, an advertising agency and commodity trading, among others.
My travels have taken me to faraway places and amazing situations. I arrived in Mongolia just as the revolution for independence from the USSR started. I have been taken up the Sepik river by crocodile hunters in Papua Guinea. I’ve climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya, gone horseback riding to where the Río Magdalena in Colombia begins, crossed the Australian desert, hiked the Inka trail the wrong direction in Peru, and much more. However, the experience with the most impact that I’ve lived through was to be arbitrarily jailed in a centre for torture in Paraguay during the Stroessner dictatorship, under the absurd accusation of being a terrorist.
During the past two decades, I've been focused on artistic expressions – painting, photography, design and architecture, but mainly on writing. The sources for the things I'm interested in writing about are the passions of people; places and customs that I've experienced around the world; and stories or situations from life that intrigue me. However, I'm convinced that none of the aforementioned is enough to create a work of literature (or any kind of artwork, for that matter), unless it's supported by a strong, fundamental idea.
My interests are centred around languages, music, travelling to extraordinary places, and all visual arts. These elements, I believe, occupy a large place in what I write. Moreover, I perceive my literary work easy to visualise because of them.
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Bradley & Brougham Publishing House
- Publication Date March 2016
- Orginal LanguageSpanish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781514835173
- Publication Country or regionUnited States
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 19.50 USD
- Pages360
- ReadershipProfessional and Scholarly
- Publish StatusSelf-Published
- Edition1
- Dimensions6 x 9 inches
- Illustration66 black and white and greyscale photos and documents
- Biblio Notes"El Reino del Terror" is available also as e-book, but then without the illustrations.
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