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View Rights Portal- International Copyright, Licensing, and Literary Agency - International Illustrator Agency and Management Services - Creative Content Development Services
View Rights PortalThe publishing house Königshausen & Neumann was founded in 1979 by the students Johannes Königshausen and Thomas Neumann and has quickly developed into a well-known publishing house for the Humanities in a national and international context. Today we have a backlist of more than 7,000 available (!) titles, with a focus on philosophy, literature and cultural studies, history, psychology, music and art. Our aim is to accompany developments in science with publications and to make developments in science visible and accessible as such in the first place. We want to be an echo chamber not of one thought, but of a plurality of thoughts. Wittgenstein's followers, for example, are represented in our programme, as are his critics. Our authors include philosophers such as Gernot Böhme, Otto Friedrich Bollnow, Karen Gloy, Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann, Vittorio Hösle and Peter Sloterdijk, and literary and linguistic scholars such as Dieter Borchmeyer, Karl Corino, Ulrich Gaier, Walter Hinderer and Volker Klotz, Wolfgang Müller-Funk, Wolfgang Riedel or Hans Rudolf Vaget, psychologists like Johannes Cremerius, Roland Kuhn or Josef Rattner, musicologists like Hermann Danuser, Frieder Reininghaus, Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen, Arnold Jacobshagen, Barbara Meier, Anno Mungen or Arne Stollberg. Many scientists have taken their first steps at K&N. Robert Habeck has published his master's and doctoral theses at K&N. Artists are represented in our programme, such as Diana Damrau, Anja Harteros or Jonas Kaufmann, Marco Goecke or Robert Tewsley. Artists are brought into conversation in a unique way: Richard Wagner or Francisco de Goya, for example. Elazar Benyoëtz entrusts us with his work, but also the young generation of writers, such as Manfred Kern, Markus Orths or Sophie Reyer, published by K&N.
View Rights PortalThis book provides a critical investigation of what has been termed the 'global justice movement'. Through a detailed study of a grassroots peasants' network in Asia (People's Global Action), an international trade union network (the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mining and General Workers) and the Social Forum process, it analyses some of the global justice movement's component parts, operational networks and their respective dynamics, strategies and practices. The authors argue that the emergence of new globally-connected forms of collective action against neoliberal globalisation are indicative of a range of place-specific forms of political agency that coalesce across geographic space at particular times, in specific places, and in a variety of ways. Rather than being indicative of a coherent 'movement', the authors argue that such forms of political agency contain many political and geographical fissures and fault-lines, and are best conceived of as 'global justice networks': overlapping, interacting, competing, and differentially-placed and resourced networks that articulate demands for social, economic and environmental justice. Such networks, and the social movements that comprise them, characterise emergent forms of trans-national political agency. The authors argue that the role of key geographical concepts of space, place and scale are crucial to an understanding of the operational dynamics of such networks. Such an analysis challenges key current assumptions in the literature about the emergence of a global civil society. ;
This is a poem collection of modern Chinese poet Lan Lan, who chooses about 200 works from 1983-2014. Her poems are characterized with strong emotion, sharp thoughts, and lyrical expression.
When an individual suffers from an impulse control disorder, that person has little or no control over repeated impulsive acts, causing problems for him or her. Impulse control disorders include pathological gambling, pyromania, kleptomania, intermittent explosive disorder, and trichotillomania, or hair-pulling disorder. People with these disorders usually know their behavior is wrong or strange, but they cannot refrain from such behavior. Though each of these troubling disorders can be psychologically disabling, treatment can be usually helpful to sufferers. Impulse Control Disorders discusses the most common of these disorders, their treatments, and other psychological disorders commonly associated with them.Chapters include: Pathological Gambling Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) Pyromania Trichotillomania Kleptomania Psychiatric Problems Commonly Found with Impulse Control Disorders Treatment of Impulse Control Disorders.
This book examines the birth of punk in the UK and its transformation, within a short period of time, into post-punk. Deploying innovative concepts of 'critical mass', 'social networks' and 'music worlds', and using sophisticated techniques of 'social network analysis', it teases out the events and mechanisms involved in punk's 'micro-mobilisation', its diffusion across the UK and its transformation in certain city-based strongholds into a variety of interlocking post-punk forms. Nick Crossley offers a detailed review of prior work in this area, a rich exploration of new empirical data and a highly innovative and robust approach to the study of 'music worlds'. Written in an accessible style, this book is essential reading for anybody with an interest in either UK punk and post-punk or the impact of social networks on cultural life and the potential of social network analysis to explore this impact. ;
Spices, scents and silks were at the center of world trade for millennia. Through their international trade, humans were pushed to explore and then travel to the far corners of the earth. Almost from their inception, the earliest great civilizations - Egypt, Sumer and Harappa - became addicted to the luxury products of far off lands and established long-reaching trade networks. Over time, great powers fought mightily for the kingdoms where silk, spices and scents were produced. The New World was accidentally discovered by Columbus in his quest for spices. What made trade in these products so remarkable was that the plants producing them grew in very restricted areas of the world, distant from the wealthy civilizations of northern Africa, Greece and Europe. These luxuries could be carried from mysterious locations on the backs of camels or in the holds of ships for months on end, and arrived at their final destination in nearly perfect condition. Once the western world discovered the intoxicating properties of these products, their procurement became a dominant force in the world economy. Nothing else compared with their possible profit returns. In this book, eminent horticulturist and author James Hancock examines the origins and early domestication and culture of spices, scents and silks and the central role these exotic luxuries played in the lives of the ancients. The book traces the development of the great international trade networks and explores how struggles for trade dominance and demand for such luxuries shaped the world.
The nervous system allows us to move, feel, and think, and it is involved in nearly all of the functions of the human body. Nerves communicate signals between the brain and muscles, allowing us to move our hands and feet. Or, they relay messages about the environment through touch, taste, sight, and smell. Nerves can also communicate information about how we are feeling at any particular time and help to maintain homeostasis, or a stable state of equilibrium. The Nervous System, Third Edition discusses the development and organization of this diverse system, its functions, and potential injuries and complications. Packed with full-color photographs and illustrations, this absorbing book provides students with sufficient background information through references, websites, and a bibliography.
This book is a collection of essays by Wan Hongyou. Wan Hongyou's literary construction bases on love. It is the rich feelings abundance of people, society, and life that fill our hearts. This "rich feelings" is like a tangible and invisible red silk thread, leading his ideas, nourishing his style, full of his language, and instigating his inspiration. His work is thus sparkling with poetry. In the text, there is a perception of life and work, as well as a concern for social reality. Under the words, there is a hot heart hidden.Walking in the world, everyone has poetry and ideals in their hearts. Let it be, we should learn to be gentle with the world.
»Kunstdinge sind ja immer Ergebnisse des In-Gefahr-gewesen-Seins, des in einer Erfahrung Bis-ans-Ende-gegangen-Seins, bis wo kein Mensch mehr weiter kann.« (Rilke an seine Frau Clara am 24. Juni 1907) Rainer Maria Rilke stand mit vielen jungen Frauen in Kontakt, die seinen Rat als Künstler suchten: Schriftstellerinnen wie Regina Ullmann und Annette Kolb, bildende Künstlerinnen wie Paula Becker und Rilkes spätere Frau Clara Westhoff, darunter aber auch die angehende Schauspielerin Annette de Vries-Hummes.
In "Wenn sieben kleine Badehasen quietschfidel ans Wasser rasen" von Sabine Praml erleben wir ein lebhaftes Abenteuer einer Hasenfamilie, die einen aufregenden Tag am Badesee verbringt. Mit großer Vorfreude packen die Hasenkinder und ihre Eltern tausend Dinge für den Ausflug, tragen Sonnencreme auf, setzen ihre Helme auf und machen sich auf den Weg. Am See angekommen, genießen sie das Planschen im Wasser und die gemeinsame Zeit. Als krönenden Abschluss gibt es für alle ein leckeres Eis. Dieses liebevoll gereimte Pappbilderbuch für Kinder ab 2 Jahren vermittelt Badespaß und Sommerlust und ist mit bunten, fröhlichen Illustrationen geschmückt, die die Geschichte lebendig machen. Neuer Band der erfolgreichen „Sieben Hasen“-Reihe: Über 500.000 verkaufte Exemplare unterstreichen die Beliebtheit der Serie. Starke Themen: Der Ausflug und die Bedeutung von Familienzusammenhalt werden kindgerecht und ansprechend vermittelt. Ideal für sommerliche Ausflüge: Das Buch fängt die Freude und das Abenteuer eines Tages am Badesee perfekt ein. Perfekt als Ostergeschenk: Auch außerhalb der Osterzeit ein wunderbares Geschenk für Kinder. Liebevolle und lehrreiche Illustrationen: Vermitteln wichtige Alltagspraktiken wie das Eincremen mit Sonnenmilch und das Tragen von Helmen. Interaktives Leseerlebnis: Reime und bunte Bilder regen zum Mitmachen und Entdecken an. Fördert die Sprachentwicklung: Durch gereimten Text und wiederholendes Vorlesen. Positive Botschaften: Vermittelt Freude am gemeinsamen Erlebnis und an der Natur. Hochwertige Verarbeitung: Robustes Pappbilderbuch, ideal für kleine Hände.
Providing well over 1,500 questions to test your knowledge of clinical farm animal medicine, the book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction to the topic before providing relevant multiple-choice questions. Covering clinical veterinary medicine for common livestock species, this book includes questions about: - clinical examination; - electrolyte balance and fluid therapy; - diseases by body system, including respiratory, endocrine, cardiovascular, nervous, digestive and musculoskeletal. Including a full chapter introducing general concepts of clinical disease, this self-test resource for students provides a convenient and useful current source of information to anyone interested in learning, revising and assessing their knowledge.
This book is mainly written in the process of poverty alleviation. Various e-commerce platforms have emerged at the historic moment, and have been stationed in rural areas. The extensive sales network has helped the poor in a special way and improved the production and life of rural areas. Many poor people rely on e-commerce. Not only do they get rid of poverty, they also bring others out of poverty. Although some poor people have encountered difficulties in the process of e-commerce, the party and government, as well as the poverty alleviation cadres sent by the society, and the poverty alleviation teams from all walks of life are doing their best Help them break through the bottleneck and other true stories, and write about the advent of the e-commerce era, making many remote villages that were originally barren and backward to counterattack into moving scenes of rich life, full of vitality and beautiful villages; writing about the trend of Hunan people in the era China's pragmatism and responsibility, tenacity and strength, reflect China's e-commerce miracle that China has demonstrated to the world with the Hunan e-commerce story.
The new updated manual from the originators of NET is full ofeven more valuable, practical advice• Written by the originators of narrative exposure• therapy Fully updated 3rd edition• Step-by-step guidance through NETExtensive evidence shows that six to ten sessions of narrativeexposure therapy (NET) can be sufficient to provide considerablerelief from events such as organized violence, torture,war, rape, and childhood abuse. The new manual is evenmore clearly structured and easy-to-follow, and includesnew figures that help illustrate and guide the reader throughthe steps of NET. The theoretical sections offer a solid basisfor carrying out the therapeutic intervention. The reader isthen shown the NET approach step by step, with robust andstraightforward practical advice and tools, including how todeal with challenging situations, e.g., how to go deeper whenfaced with the challenging dynamics of remembering trauma,and how to manage dissociation, avoidance, strongemotions, lost memories, or the sudden emergence of unexpectedrecollections from the past.
This series tells parents how to love and care their children from ages 0 to19. The authors are well-known and credentialedl children psychologists in China.