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      • Marshall Cavendish

        Topical, authentic and high quality books under the Marshall Cavendish Editions imprint provide general interest content that informs, entertains and engages readers.

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      • Martini Maria Cristina | MMC Edizioni

        MMC EDIZIONI is a publishing house based in Rome.Born in 2001 as a generalist, along the time it has specialized almost exclusively in non-fiction, dedicated in particular (but not only) to the city of Rome.The main series, called "A walk with history" offers an alternative vision of the city through the historical reconnaissance and analysis of some of its urban furnishings that are not taken into consideration such as small fountains, clocks, inscriptions, sacred shrines, plaques. This series stands out for a particular graphic style and for the abundance of photographs, specially made for these books.Other series on Rome are instead dedicated to in-depth studies on specific historical and customs themes, or on the mysterious aspects of the city that also reveal its dark side.In the MMC catalogue are other non-fiction books on topics such as Music, Interculture, Anthropology and a series of stories for children encouraging solidarity, non-violence and respect for the environment

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      • Cookery by ingredient
        September 2022

        Tutti frutti

        Tecniche e ricette per confetture, marmellate, composte, gelatine e canditi artigianali secondo tradizione italiana

        by Francesca Maggio, Marco Arduino

        Thanks to this book you will learn how to prepare excellent jams, marmalades, compotes, jar jellies and candied fruits using very few ingredients: fruit, sugar, lemon juice, flavourings, spices and... nothing else! Through these 80 recipes, you will rediscover the traditions of the best Italian home cooking, made of genuine ingredients, natural cooking and conservation methods. Because, today, innovating doesn't mean so much inventing new things as finding the products, gestures and simplicity of our country's rich culinary tradition in your own home. Delicious reading!

      • Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Monsters Munch Marmalade

        by Andrea Schomburg

        Who wouldn’t like marmalade, sausages or chocolate? Monsters certainly do! But they also like stinky socks, bug soup or old armchairs. So, might they also like eating children?... With this book, you will find out what you need to feed to the monsters under your bed!

      • Preserving & freezing

        The Basic Basics Jams, Preserves and Chutneys Handbook

        by Marguerite. Patten

        Marguerite Patten, doyenne of British cookery, shares her wealth of knowledge and her tried and tested recipes for jams, marmalades, jellies, curds, pickles, relishes, chutneys and ketchups.;Home preserving is Marguerite's most natural culinary territory and she starts by explaining the equipment and the basic techniques, as well as what to do if things go wrong. She covers not only family favourites such as picalilli, ginger marmalade and rose petal jam but also more unusual classics from around the world, such as quince cheese and hot pepper jelly.

      • December 2023

        Heavy Oceans

        by Tyler Jones

        From Tyler Jones, author of MIDAS and BURN THE PLANS, one of Esquire’s Best Horror Books of 2022, comes a story of deep sea terror and cosmic horror.Struggling with the pressures of being a new father and the weight of regrets, Jamie Fletcher travels to Hawaii in hopes of connecting with his estranged brother, Eric.After a shocking act of violence, the brothers end up on a fishing boat--along with the captain and his son--in the middle of the ocean, where they encounter an uncanny and terrifying phenomenon that will signal a shift in the evolution of the world.

      • Self-help & personal development
        June 2013

        The Food and Sex Book

        Recipes and Sexipes for the Caring Cook

        by AJ Orchard

        The Food and Sex book spells out all the ingredients needed for a wide range of recipes and sexipes and clearly instructs readers what to do with them for great food and sex.The aim is to encourage creative, imaginative and adventurous treatment of food and body, resulting directly in well-being; interest for old and young alike. Something for everyone.There are 149 great recipes and when all the ideas in dice sex, oral sex techniques, orgasmic challenge, sixty nine, and orgasm on demand are added up, the 34 sexipes expand to 122 super sensuous suggestions; all organised in sections.Recipes: Meat: Red & whiteFish & seafoodVegetablesSpicySalads & mini saladsOmelettesSoupsSauces & gunksCurry powdersBBQBreakfastsSexipes: ToysAu Naturel (well, mostly)TiedOn demandThe recipes and sexipes are easy to follow, with direct and explicit language leaving nothing in doubt. The essentials that should always be on hand for good food and good sex are spelled out clearly in the introduction and the photographs are helpful, sometimes erotic and suggestive, but never prescriptive or pornographic.The food part is for thoughtful cooks; people who want to cook good food, well prepared from good ingredients. From simple dishes to the more complicated; scrambled eggs in the microwave or asparagus soup with poached eggs and pancetta for breakfast, to barbequed salmon, or ray wings in saffron milk sauce for dinner. It is about good, interesting cooking; some is quick and easy, some takes longer and is more complicated.Even those 'ordinary' fall backs chili con carne and spaghetti Bolognaise are enthusiatically included as well as the 'different' aubergine and dolcelatti sandwich, and mussels poached in cider with chorizo thyme and leek.The sex part is for thoughtful lovers, which both partners will enjoy. Women might want to select their favourite sexipes for their partners to read through prior to sex or lovemaking. Men might want their partners to read through some of the light ‘bondage’ sexipes in the ‘Tied’ section to show them that it is not all about pain, sadism, and weirdness, and to ley them know what will be happening. By following the sexipes men will also be able to show they can do bondage in an erotic and loving way, not to mention use their fingers and tongues more effectively!

      • Fiction
        May 2022


        Chocolate 4 Life

        by Emunah La-Paz

        Chantel Reed is a successful human resources professional in Seattle who has a hard time with relationships. She has drifted from her friends Astrid and Serenity after the death of their friend Alison; her oldest sister, Daria, the family’s maternal figure, is prickly and controlling; and she finally breaks up with her slacker boyfriend, Cameron, after she finds him cooking dinner for another woman in her apartment. Astrid and Serenity have different ideas about how Chantel should move on after the breakup. Chantel, who has always dated black men, is initially hesitant when Brandon, a white guy, asks her out. She quickly falls for him, and they come close to marriage despite push back from her family and racism from his. But when Brandon and Daria ask an attractive black man to test Chantel’s loyalty, her trust in everyone is shattered. Chantel enters a self-destructive spiral that wreaks havoc on her professional and personal lives in search of the history behind broken relationships past and pressent, within her secrative family. Emunah La-Paz brings this cast of characters to life on the page, with each one somehow more memorable than the last. They bring to light a comment on interracial relationships that is just as enjoyable to read as it is poignant. An intro to the prequel.  Featuring Chocolate Recipe and upcoming chocolate website from the characters.

      • The Arts

        Why Labelle Matters

        by Adele Bertei

        Performing as the Bluebelles in the 1960s, Patti LaBelle, Nona Hendryx, and Sarah Dash wore bouffant wigs and chiffon dresses, and they harmonized vocals like many other girl groups of the era. After a decade on the Chitlin Circuit, however, they were ready to write their own material, change their name, and deliver--as Labelle--an electrifyingly celestial sound and styling that reached a crescendo with a legendary performance at the Metropolitan Opera House to celebrate the release of Nightbirds and its most well-known track, “Lady Marmalade.” In Why Labelle Matters, Adele Bertei tells the story of the group that sang the opening aria of Afrofuturism and proclaimed a new theology of musical liberation for women, people of color, and LGBTQ people across the globe.             With sumptuous and galactic costumes, genre-bending lyrics, and stratospheric vocals, Labelle’s out-of-this-world performances changed the course of pop music and made them the first Black group to grace the cover of Rolling Stone. Why Labelle Matters, informed by interviews with members of the group as well as Bertei’s own experience as a groundbreaking musician, is the first cultural assessment of this transformative act.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        The Miniature Library of Queen Mary's Dolls' House

        by Elizabeth Clark Ashby

        Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House is one of the most beautiful and famous dolls’ houses in the world. Running the full length of its ground floor is a spellbinding library filled with 300 miniature books and dozens of original paintings. Lining the bookshelves of this miniature Edwardian library are specially produced works by some of the finest authors of the 1920s. From poetry by Thomas Hardy to stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, gardening books to atlases, miniature stamp albums to accurate train timetables, these works represent British aristocratic life and the best examples of art and literature of the time. This book presents the fascinating history of the Dolls’ House Library, including correspondence between its architect, Sir Edwin Lutyens, and the authors he commissioned, a collection of selected works published for the first time since 1924 and lavish illustrations that capture the charming detail of this delightful little room.

      • Fiction

        Learning to Talk to Plants

        by Marta Orriols

        “Aprendre a parlar amb les plantes” (Learning to Talk to Plants)by Marta Orriols – Debut novel (Literary/Upmarket) Original publisher/language: Ed. del Periscopi (Catalan, 2018)  Rights sold: Lumen (Spanish), Seuil (French), Ponte alle Grazie (Italian), DTV (German), Hakursa/9Lives (Hebrew), Prometheus (Dutch), Sonia Draga (Polish), Dom Quixote (Portuguese, excl Brazil), Pushkin Press (World English), United Sky (Simplified Chinese), Kastaniotis (Greece).   Paula, the narrator and main character, is 40 years old, she’s a neonatologist and she is alive. But her life-long boyfriend Mauro suddenly died in an accident. In the first pages of the novel, we are astonished by the intensity and the precision with which the narrator tells about losing a partner all of a sudden and how, before the accident, death was something so far away from them.    But after a few pages, when we feel we are reading a very good novel about mourning a loved one, a very unexpected revelation comes to light: Only a few hours before he dies, Mauro tells Paula that he is in love with another woman and that their relationship has come to an end. It is at this point when the novel becomes something new, original, powerful and different.   This unexpected death and the previous revelation leave Paula astonished and completely lost. The reader will witness how she walks a path that will confront her with her feelings of rage, fear, desire, grieve and the need to survive and reconstruct herself.   Deeply moving and surprising, Learning to Talk to Plants is a delicate and intimate novel written from the point of view of a woman who needs to come to terms with a life she can no longer recognize.

      • Biography & True Stories
        October 2020

        Hope Street

        How I Became a Champion of England

        by Campino

        The story actually starts with Kevin Keegan, the Liverpool forwardwith the extravagant perm who became Campino’s idol during the1970s because he showed him which side he needed to be on.And when Campino became a punk musician, England was the answerto all his questions. He adored full English breakfast, Londonand even the Queen. What could be more obvious than the decisionfor the best football team in the world, Liverpool FC? This earlypassion has summed up all the contradictions of his backgroundas the son of an English mother and a German judge. Didit also have to do with the love for his mother and the austerity ofhis Prussian-bred father? - In his first book, Campino talks aboutall this, his German-English family and his burning passion for LiverpoolFC, which has quite a lot to do with his love of music. In it,a musician shows himself as a narrator who writes about tragedyand comedy, about loyalty and happiness - and about how it feelsto finally, finally be Champions of England.

      • Children's & YA
        June 2019

        Alice in Wonderland

        by Antonis Papatheodoulou, Iris Samartzi

        A collection of classic stories to encourage little readers' love of reading

      • Agriculture & farming
        July 2019

        Green Education: Plants for Fun and Games

        by Mahendra K. Satapath & Sidhanta Sekhar Bisoi

        In earlier days, Children used to play outdoor games with natural resources such as plant parts (fruits, flowers, leaves, seeds, stems, etc.) and formed an integral part of nature. However with shrinkage of open spaces and play grounds, present day children are often seen putting their leisure hours with electronic gadgets such as computers, mobile phones and video games and consequently the indigenous knowledge associated with playing in nature is being lost and their social attitude is disturbed. From a wide survey of rural and tribal pockets, the authors have gathered the vanishing indigenous knowledge and have described 90 plant species with their fruits, flowers, leaves, seeds, stems etc. which are used for fun and games besides as learning materials supplemented with pictures, diagrams and photographs for the benefit of the readers, especially the plant lovers and Environmentalists.

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2008

        Underutilized and Underexploited Horticultural Crops: Vol 03

        by K.V. Peter

        The series Underutilized and Underexploited Horticultural Crops are reviewed in several science journals for its uniqueness and richness in content and botanical information. Enlarging the food base and food basket along with validated information on plants for industry, dyes, timber, energy and medicine is the core theme of the series. The third volume has 25 s written by 46 scientists from UK, Mexico, Spain, India, USA, Turkey and Nigeria. The crops covered are atuna, African de bolita, capers and caper plants, kair, natural dye plants, plants used for dye sources, underutilized wild edible fruits of Kerala, bael, carambola, tropical plum, citrus, fig, guava, star gooseberry, hog-plum, underutilized leaf vegetables of sub-Himalayan terai region, underutilized vegetables of Tripura, agathi and chekkurmanis, celosia, colocasia, edible begonias, kangkong, underutilized palms, Atuna and African de bolita are new crops to Indian readeNatural dyes are attaining significant commercial importance in view of the negative effects of synthetic dyes which are allergic and in a few cases carcinogenic. Underutilized fruits like bael, carambola, tropical plum, fig, star gooseberry and hog-plum are receiving attention in view of their wider adaptability and suitability to grow under conditions of stress. Underexploited leaf vegetables like agathi, chekkurmanis, celosia, edible begonias and kangkong have been given prominence. Prof.Ghillean T Prance, FRS has contributed the on Atuna. The Editor is Dr K V Peter Former Vice-Chancellor, Kerala Agricultural University.

      • Fiction
        September 2020


        by Jac Shreeves-Lee

        A collection of edgy urban stories centered on Broadwater Farm.   Welcome to Broadwater Farm. Where post-war dreams of concrete utopia ended in riots, violence and sub-standard housing. With evocative language and raw storytelling, Tottenham-born Jac Shreeves-Lee gives voice to the people of Broadwater, one of the most talked-about housing estates in Britain.   In a collection of fourteen short stories, she compassionately portrays its shared sense of community. A community with a rich cultural heritage, comprising over forty nationalities, generations old.

      • November 2013

        Through the Eyes of a Dancer

        Selected Writings

        by Wendy Perron

        A compilation of the writings of dance critic and editor Wendy Perron, from the 1960s to the present.

      • September 2013

        Essential Oils and Their Applications

        by Kuntal Das

        The essential oils are present in the specific cells called as glandular cells present in the plant part that may be anywhere on plant body. Upon rupture of these glands aroma come out which are volatile in nature and combination of all chemical constituents are fragrance what we get sense. Essential oils are used in perfumery, aromatherapy, cosmetics, incense, medicine, household insect repellent cleaning products, and for flavoring food and drink. They are also valuable commodities in the agricultural industries as anti-feedants, repellents, botanical insecticides, natural herbicides and growth boosters are still open to fascinating realms of research. All informations are confined in scattered manner and hence an effort has been made to collect all informations and compiled together and represented in this book in a simple manner to serve the basic concept to the readers. This book complied with five s viz. 1. Introduction 2. General extraction method for essential oils 3. Market statistics for importance of essential oils 4. Individual medicinal and aromatic plants 5. New aromatic plants and their future research.

      • Crime & mystery
        September 2014

        The Crimson Blueprints

        by Kim Ekemar

      • May 2022


        dai liquorosi del Settecento il vino profumato che inebria il mondo


        Il Vermouth di Torino è per eccellenza un simbolo dell’aperitivo in tutto il mondo. Nasce nel 1700 dalla maestria dei liquoristi torinesi, poi diventa un prodotto esportato ovunque. Immagini indimenticabili sono state create da importanti artisti per la sua réclame. Stupende etichette con la loro speciale grafica ne hanno portato e ne portano il nome in mille Paesi. Questo vino sta vivendo un’epoca di grande apprezzamento, tanto da aver ottenuto dall’Unione Europea il riconoscimento dell’Indicazione Geografica che identifica e sancisce il legame con una terra, una tradizione, un “saper fare” unico. Bevuto puro o in celeberrimi cocktail, il Vermouth di Torino è protagonista di un racconto avvincente che parte dalla mondana “ora del Vermouth” tipica di Torino, per giungere al moderno rito sociale dell’“happy hour".

      • Horticulture
        September 2021

        Postharvest Management Fruits and Vegetables (Completes in 2 Parts)

        by V.K.Joshi

        The book is the culmination of the efforts of contributions by eminent scientists. A lot of textual matter with illustrative practical exercises have been added to make the book more useful. Broadly the book has been divided into 8 sections: Section 01: Postharvest Management of Fruits and Vegetables Section 02: Preservation and Processing Technology Section 03: Production of Health Foods Section 04: Fermented Foods Section 05: Fruits and Vegetables Waste Utilization Section 06: Production of Additives Section 07: Quality, Safety and Marketing of Fruits and Vegetable Products Section 08: Practicals Chapters on different aspects of the subject matter covered include postharvest losses, loss reduction technology, handling, maturity indices, postharvest treatments, fruit and vegetable processing aspects, juice processing, drying, extrusion cooking, osmotic dehydration, technology for production of mushroom products, technology for production of health foods, indigenously fermented food products, flavour production technology, fermentation technology for wine production, lactic fermented beverages, latest technique of analysis, application of enzymes in food processing, biotechnology in food processing, juice concentration technology, sensory evaluation of food, processing waste utilization technology, oil extraction methodology, ready – to- eat product preparation, confectionary preparation, quality assurance, food safety and standard authority of India, project preparation, e-marketing of processed products, etc. The book in short has something for everybody related to the fields of Handling, Packaging, Processing, Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables

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