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      • Fiction
        February 2017


        by Jack Cheng

        A space-obsessed boy and his dog, Carl Sagan, take a journey toward family, love, hope, and awe in this funny and moving novel for fans of Counting by 7s, Walk Two Moons, and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. 11-year-old Alex Petroski loves space and rockets, his mom, his brother, and his dog Carl Sagan—named for his hero, the real-life astronomer. All he wants is to launch his golden iPod into space the way Carl Sagan (the man, not the dog) launched his Golden Record on the Voyager spacecraft in 1977. From Colorado to New Mexico, Las Vegas to L.A., Alex records a journey on his iPod to show other lifeforms what life on earth, his earth, is like. But his destination keeps changing. And the funny, lost, remarkable people he meets along the way can only partially prepare him for the secrets he’ll uncover—from the truth about his long-dead dad to the fact that, for a kid with a troubled mom and a mostly not-around brother, he has way more family than he ever knew. Jack Cheng’s debut is full of joy, optimism, determination, and unbelievable heart. To read the first page is to fall in love with Alex and his view of our big, beautiful, complicated world. To read the last is to know he and his story will stay with you a long, long time.

      • Computer games: strategy guides
        August 2012

        iPhone Games Exposed

        by The Cheat Mistress

        iPhone Games Exposed: A Beginner's Guide is a collection of 50 classic reviews compiled from the website,, featuring games of many different styles and levels of quality. Several of the names may be familiar to you, while others may be catching your eye for the first time. What we aim to do is help you to spend your money wisely in the App Store, picking off the games that will give you the best value for your money, while also warning you against other that might not be quite as fun as their initial description may sound. iPhone Games Exposed: A Beginner's Guide includes Doodle Jump, Angry Birds, Plants vs. Zombies, Call of Duty: World at War: Zombies, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, James Cameron's Avatar: The Game, Resident Evil 4, Street Fighter IV, Assassin's Creed II: Discovery and Spider: The Secret Of Bryce Manor, amongst many others. Format iPhone / iPod Touch

      • Fiction


        by Lexi Revellian

        REMIX is a feel-good page turner, that you won't want to put down until you reach the satisfying ending.Caz Tallis restores rocking horses in her London workshop. When shabby but charismatic Joe and his dog turn up on her roof terrace, she is reluctantly drawn into investigating a rock star's murder from three years before - an unsolved case the police have closed. Which, as her best friend James says, is rather like poking a furnace with a short stick...

      • Business innovation
        May 2015

        Livestock Entrepreneurship Management

        by Devesh Thakur & Pranav Kumar

        The present book covers major Livestock entrepreneurship skills in simple and lucid form. The first of the book focuses on concept of entrepreneurship, personal skills of entrepreneur such as innovation, risk taking, accepting challenges and responsibilities. The second of the book covers the different enterprising opportunities in livestock sector. In subsequent s forms of Livestock business, several factors to initiate a livestock business, bank support for entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial training, preparation of livestock entrepreneurial projects, project appraisals, financial management, sales and marketing communication, business acumen and communication have been covered. The textbook has been designed based on latest guidelines of Veterinary council of India and is extremely useful to graduates of veterinary science who otherwise have least exposure to principles of entrepreneurship. This book is also beneficial to undergraduate and postgraduate students of Veterinary Science, animal husbandry who wish to pursue livestock based entrepreneurship.

      • Children's & YA
        January 2016

        HELP ME!

        by Donna M. Zadunajsky

        A Novella about a boy named Mick, and his struggles with life. His parent's divorce and a friend's suicide make his world unbearable. Each "cut" has a deeper meaning. A cry for help.

      • Romance
        August 2014

        For Your Love

        by Candy Caine

        Struggling through an unhappy relationship, Carla Millhouse decides on a makeover—of herself and her life. She joins a gym to lose weight, buys a sexy wardrobe and changes her hair. But even though she is focused on trying to save her relationship, she finds herself gradually becoming intrigued by her hunky, green-eyed gym buddy, Richard. Especially when she starts having torrid, sexy dreams about him. Trying to put a devastating broken engagement behind him, high powered attorney, Richard Klein, is definitely not in the market for a relationship. Then he begins having hot fantasies about his dusky, voluptuous friend, Carla--but she belongs to someone else. And in Richard’s book, it’s against the rules to poach. But after one explosive, passionate evening together, he sets out to change the rules…

      • Thriller / suspense


        by Nikki Dudley

        “It's a tale that will keep them wondering, gasping, thinking, smiling, grimacing, rereading. What more can a reader ask for?"Spinetingler Magazine”I wouldn't have stopped reading if my house was on fire!” Cas Peace"Right on time," Daniel Mansen mouths to Alice as she pushes him to his death. Haunted by these words, Alice becomes obsessed with discovering how a man she didn't know could predict her actions. On the day of the funeral, Daniel's cousin, Thom, finds a piece of paper in Daniel's room detailing the exact time and place of his death.Ellipsis is a disturbing thriller stemming from what is left unsaid, what bounces around in the mind and evaporates when trying to remember. Can there be a conclusion when no-one seems to know the truth?

      • Children's & YA

        Ed & Pierre: the red book mystery

        by Lucy Silva, Regina Mara Conrado

        Ed and Pierre are inseparable friends. Alicia is a very strange girl. This is the perfect ingredient to spark fear in Pierre, curiosity in Ed, and cause lots of trouble. A mysterious red book, a world full of adventure, magic, action and suspense, as well as a touch of humor.

      • Fiction

        Sea Fret

        by Dilys Rose

        Two travelling musicians attempt to come to terms with a nightmare scenario at home; restless teenagers run riot during lockdown, with drastic consequences; Albert Einstein’s reputation grows, as does his absence as a father; a cantankerous ninety-nine year old contributes to the chaos of a night ward....

      • Music

        Postcards From a Rock and Roll Tour

        by Gordy Marshall

        Postcards From a Rock & Roll Tour is drummer Gordy Marshall's witty and wry take on life on the road touring with legendary rock band The Moody Blues. Part memoir, part travelogue, it's a candid, unexpected and often hilarious account of just what it's like to travel around the world playing to sell-out audiences, living out of a suitcase and spending days and days on a tour bus. If you thought being in a rock band was all sex, drugs and rock and roll, then think again. Postcards From a Rock & Roll Tour gives a rare insight into the reality of life as a travelling musician. Includes a foreword by the legendary Graeme Edge of The Moody Blues.

      • The Big Five For Life

        by John P strelecky

        Following the runaway success of John Strelecky's first book, The Why Cafe, The Big Five For Life was an immediate bestseller and some 13 years later it remains at No 4 on the Spiegel Taschenbucher bestseller list. It has now been translated into over 15 languages and forms the bais for the author's many speaking engagements around the world.

      • August 2020

        Geneva Girl - Todesursache unbekannt

        by K.S. Wagner

        Klappentext: Genf – das ist die Stadt der Diplomaten, Bankiers und Geheimdienste. Seit dem Tod ihres Vaters leidet die deutsche Politikstudentin Jana Hentze an Angststörungen und Klaustrophobie. Sie hat bereits eine Therapie abgebrochen und glaubt, durch Laufen all ihre Probleme zu lösen. Als sie ein Praktikum bei den Vereinten Nationen in Genf beginnt, scheinen zunächst alle Schwierigkeiten wie weggeblasen. Bis sie auf Dokumente stößt, die sie tatsächlich in Gefahr bringen. Gleichzeitig trifft ein Mann ein, der einen spektakulären Terroranschlag auf die UNO plant. Durch Zufall kreuzen sich ihre Wege … Buchbeschreibung: Eine hochbrisante Mischung aus Psychothriller und politischem Roman. Hat man einmal angefangen zu lesen, kann man diesen Thriller nicht mehr aus der Hand legen. Es geht um Liebe, Eifersucht, Schwarzgeld und Macht in einer der teuersten Städte der Welt: Genf. Dabei fängt für die Politikstudentin Jana Hentze hier alles so gut an. Sie hat eine der begehrten Praktikantenstellen bei den Vereinten Nationen ergattert und nach den ersten Wochen in der Jugendherberge endlich auch ein bezahlbares Zimmer in einer WG gefunden. Sie geht jeden Morgen an der Rhone laufen und ist sich sicher, alle psychischen Probleme in Deutschland zurückgelassen zu haben. Ihr afrikanischer Mitbewohner ist äußerst attraktiv und sie genießt es, mit ihm zu flirten. Was macht es da schon, dass ihre andere Mitbewohnerin eine ausgemachte Zicke und krankhaft eifersüchtig ist? Doch als Jana Hentze durch Zufall auf eine Datei mit Beweisen zum internationalen Waffenhandel während der Apartheid in Südafrika stößt, wendet sich das Blatt. Sie ahnt nicht, dass von nun an alle ihre Schritte überwacht werden und sie sich in tödlicher Gefahr befindet. Der Bankier René Schwan wird erpresst und soll vertrauliche Kundendaten preisgeben. Auf dem Genfer Autosalon lernt er den schwerreichen Sohn der saudischen Herrscherfamilie kennen und kann ihn als Klienten für die Privatbank Bartoldi gewinnen. Natürlich hätte man sogleich die Herkunft des Geldes genauer unter die Lupe nehmen müssen. Vielleicht hätte man dann die Bedrohung, die von seinem Vermögen ausgeht, noch rechtzeitig erkennen können? Aber Regeln sind für die anderen da. Für René Schwan zählen allein seine bevorstehende Partnerschaft in der Bank, die jährlichen Bonuszahlungen und der nächtliche Spaß mit einer schönen Frau. Das Compliance hat da irgendwie mitzuspielen. Doch diesmal hat er sich verrechnet und es beginnt ein persönlicher Albtraum. Eine Prostituierte wird ermordet und er gerät unter Mordverdacht. Dabei rückt der Tag des geplanten Anschlags auf die Vereinten Nationen immer näher. Lesen Sie den neuen Thriller »Geneva Girl – Todesursache unbekannt« von K.S. Wagner und freuen Sie sich auf Spannung bis zum Schluss. Geboren und aufgewachsen in Hamburg war K.S. Wagner viele Jahre als Texterin tätig. In Genf hat sie sechs Jahre gelebt und als Redakteurin in einer Marketingabteilung gearbeitet. Die Idee zu dem Roman »Geneva Girl – Todesursache unbekannt« entstand im Genfer Strandbad Bains des Paquis beim Lesen eines Artikels über den nie ganz aufgeklärten Tod des CDU-Politikers Uwe Barschel. Der ehemalige Ministerpräsident von Schleswig-Holstein wurde am 11. Oktober 1987 im Genfer Hotel Beau-Rivage vollständig bekleidet in der Badewanne aufgefunden und von einem Journalisten des Magazins Stern fotografiert. Das Foto des toten Politikers ging um die Welt.

      • Fiction
        November 2014

        Just Two Weeks

        A Psychological Thriller

        by Amanda Sington-Williams

        After being made redundant from a seemingly secure job Jolene Carr takes a two week break in the sun. On the first day she meets Raquel, another hotel guest. Little does she realise how this apparently innocent acquaintance will lead to terrible and lasting consequences. After a frightening incident she hits a conspiracy of silence from the locals and over the rest of the holiday she feels herself slipping into a vortex of fear. Back home, the nightmare continues and she realises that Raquel is stalking her. Her hippie mother and her partner Mark tell her she is imagining it all. All certainties, even about relationships, become fluid and treacherous as her past begins to unravel. If it wasn't for Rob, her ex-lover who Jolene thinks has his own agenda, she would be left to cope on her own. How much fear and betrayal can one person take?

      • Health & Personal Development
        May 2011

        Running Free

        Breaking Out from Locked-in Syndrome

        by Kate Allatt/Alison Stokes

        Watch this: Can you imagine being trapped inside your own body?  Able to see and hear everything going onaround you but unable to move or speak - the blink of an eye your only way of communicating. Fell-runner and fun-loving mother-of-three Kate Allatt’s life was torn apart when what appeared to be a stress-related headache exploded into a massive brainstem stroke leading to locked-in syndrome. Totally paralysed, she became a prisoner inside her own body. Doctors warned her family she would never walk, talk or swallowor lead a normal life again.  But they didn’t know Kate. The words no and never were not in her vocabulary. With the help of her best friends and family she drew on every ounce of her runner’s stamina anddetermination to make a recovery that amazed medical experts. Using a letter chart, Kate blinked the words “I will walk again”. Soon she was moving her thumb and communicating with the world via Facebook. Eight months after her stroke, Kate said goodbye to nurses, walked out of hospital and returned hometo learn how to run again. This is the story of her incredible journey which is only just starting....

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