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      • Hungry Tomato Ltd.

        Hungry Tomato designs and publishes children’s (5-11 years) non-fiction books that stimulate and encourage reading and learning with fun and engaging topics. We call this soft learning for educational markets. In just a few years, we have published over 200 titles, with 700+ titles licensed in 19 different languages across the world.  Our new pre-school (0 to 4 years) Tiny Tomato imprint launches in 2021 with books designed to promote learning through interaction. These books will feature tactile and engaging material to help nurture and encourage young children’s understanding, early learning and development  Beetle Books (US) and Hungry Banana (UK) are two imprints with books featuring some of the best artists and authors in the world today. We work with established and well-known illustrators as well, as is part of our ethos, new and exciting young talent. Together we produce beautiful books that become bookshelf favourites in homes schools and libraries all over the world. For those kids that prefer fact to fiction we produce books that will keep those pages turning.

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      • Hunan People's Publishing House

        Hunan People's Publishing House is a comprehensive publishing house that mainly edits, publishes and distributes philosophy, literature, history and social sciences.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Silent Killers

        How Big Food Risks Our Health

        by Wilfried Bommert, Christina Sartori

        Addiction from the supermarket The most powerful drug cartel of the 21st century sells pizzas, chocolate bars and mixed sweets. The promise: a quick and happy snack at low cost. The truth: this “food” isn’t nutritious, but is addictive and fattening, while bringing bumper profits for the investors. “Big Food” is becoming more powerful, but the costs due to the consequences of obesity now risk overwhelming global healthcare services. Obesity ranks as a killer before smoking or high blood pressure. A direct analysis of a man-made epidemic that is dominated by a few large companies and kept going by multiple profiteers. Their motto: “Teach the world to snack.”

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        Children's & YA

        Snöfrid from Meadow Valley (3). The Hectic Hunt for the River Pearl

        by Andreas H. Schmachtl

        What a disaster! Snöfrid’s stream has disappeared during the night! Without water there can be no porridge, and Snöfrid doesn’t have to think twice. This problem must be solved immediately! The hunt for water begins with a wet meeting at the pond of the little nymph Flumina, but when it turns into a hunt for the mysterious river pearl, involving a submersible boat, the story quickly becomes an underwater adventure, and who knows how it will end? Magical adventure, great fun for boys and girls, by Spiegel bestselling author Andreas H. Schmachtl.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2014

        Clumsy-wolf and His Parents

        by Tang Sulan

        The Series of Clumsy-wolf include The Series of Clumsy-wolf, Clumsy-wolf and His Parents, Clumsy-wolf and Smart-bunny, Clumsy-wolf and Fatty-bear, The Campus Life of Clumsy-wolf, The Adventure of Clumsy-wolf. Being simple and honest, cute and always curious about the world, Clumsy-wolf has become a classic character in the Chinese original children’s literature. Being bestsellers for more than 20 years, this series is an excellent and outstanding children’s book that can be the most valuable memory for young readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Killer's Choice

        by Louis Begley, Christa Krüger

        Ex-Marine und Bestsellerautor Jack Dana könnte eigentlich ein ruhiges Leben führen: Er hat seinen Erzfeind Abner Brown zu Fall gebracht, ist glücklich liiert mit der schönen Anwältin Heidi Krohn und hat gerade begonnen, sein neues Buch zu schreiben. Doch dann werden sein Freund Simon Lathrop und dessen Frau auf brutalste Weise ermordet. Jack vermutet sogleich, dass die Tat mit Abner Brown in Verbindung stehen könnte, schließlich hatte Lathrop Jack geholfen, Abner zu Fall zu bringen. Als dann auch noch sein Laptop gehackt und er massiv bedroht wird, besteht für Jack kein Zweifel mehr daran, dass hier einer Abners Tod rächen will – jemand, der Abner sehr nahegestanden haben muss. Er nimmt die Herausforderung an, um Heidis und sein eigenes Leben zu retten, und gerät in große Gefahr … Louis Begleys neuer Roman verstrickt den Leser tief in die Machenschaften eines international agierenden Syndikats gewissenloser Gangster.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Killer's Choice

        by Louis Begley

        Ex-Marine und Bestsellerautor Jack Dana könnte eigentlich ein ruhiges Leben führen: Er hat seinen Erzfeind Abner Brown zu Fall gebracht, ist glücklich liiert mit der schönen Anwältin Heidi Krohn und hat gerade begonnen, sein neues Buch zu schreiben. Doch dann werden sein Freund Simon Lathrop und dessen Frau auf brutalste Weise ermordet. Jack vermutet sogleich, dass die Tat mit Abner Brown in Verbindung stehen könnte, schließlich hatte Lathrop Jack geholfen, Abner zu Fall zu bringen. Als dann auch noch sein Laptop gehackt und er massiv bedroht wird, besteht für Jack kein Zweifel mehr daran, dass hier einer Abners Tod rächen will – jemand, der Abner sehr nahegestanden haben muss. Er nimmt die Herausforderung an, um Heidis und sein eigenes Leben zu retten, und gerät in große Gefahr … Louis Begleys neuer Roman verstrickt den Leser tief in die Machenschaften eines international agierenden Syndikats gewissenloser Gangster.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Animal Welfare in a Changing World

        by Edited by Andrew Butterworth

        Contemporary and challenging, this thought-provoking book outlines a number of the key dilemmas in animal welfare for today's, and tomorrow's, world. The issues discussed range from the welfare of hunted animals, to debates around intensive farming versus sustainability, and the effects of climate and environmental change. The book explores the effects of fences on wild animals and human impacts on carrion animals; the impacts of tourism on animal welfare; philosophical questions about speciesism; and the quality and quantity of animal lives. The welfare impacts of human-animal interactions are explored, including human impacts on marine mammals, fish, wildlife, and companion and farm animals. Animal Welfare in a Changing World provides: Concise, opinion-based views on important issues in animal welfare by world experts and key opinion leaders. Pieces based on experience, which balance evidence-based approaches and the welfare impacts of direct engagement through training, campaigning and education. A wide-ranging collection of examples and descriptions of animal welfare topics which outline dilemmas in the real world, that are sometimes challenging, and not always comfortable reading. This is a 'must-read' book for animal and veterinary scientists, ethologists, policy and opinion leaders, NGOs, conservation biologists and anyone who feels passionately about the welfare of animals

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        June 2014

        Clumsy-wolf and Smart-bunny

        by Tang Sulan

        The Series of Clumsy-wolf include The Series of Clumsy-wolf, Clumsy-wolf and His Parents, Clumsy-wolf and Smart-bunny, Clumsy-wolf and Fatty-bear, The Campus Life of Clumsy-wolf, The Adventure of Clumsy-wolf. Being simple and honest, cute and always curious about the world, Clumsy-wolf has become a classic character in the Chinese original children’s literature. Being bestsellers for more than 20 years, this series is an excellent and outstanding children’s book that can be the most valuable memory for young readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2014

        The Series of Clumsy-wolf

        by Tang Sulan

        The Series of Clumsy-wolf include The Series of Clumsy-wolf, Clumsy-wolf and His Parents, Clumsy-wolf and Smart-bunny, Clumsy-wolf and Fatty-bear, The Campus Life of Clumsy-wolf, The Adventure of Clumsy-wolf. Being simple and honest, cute and always curious about the world, Clumsy-wolf has become a classic character in the Chinese original children’s literature. Being bestsellers for more than 20 years, this series is an excellent and outstanding children’s book that can be the most valuable memory for young readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2014

        The Adventure of Clumsy-wolf

        by Tang Sulan

        The Series of Clumsy-wolf include The Series of Clumsy-wolf, Clumsy-wolf and His Parents, Clumsy-wolf and Smart-bunny, Clumsy-wolf and Fatty-bear, The Campus Life of Clumsy-wolf, The Adventure of Clumsy-wolf. Being simple and honest, cute and always curious about the world, Clumsy-wolf has become a classic character in the Chinese original children’s literature. Being bestsellers for more than 20 years, this series is an excellent and outstanding children’s book that can be the most valuable memory for young readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2014

        The Campus Life of Clumsy-wolf

        by Tang Sulan

        The Series of Clumsy-wolf include The Series of Clumsy-wolf, Clumsy-wolf and His Parents, Clumsy-wolf and Smart-bunny, Clumsy-wolf and Fatty-bear, The Campus Life of Clumsy-wolf, The Adventure of Clumsy-wolf. Being simple and honest, cute and always curious about the world, Clumsy-wolf has become a classic character in the Chinese original children’s literature. Being bestsellers for more than 20 years, this series is an excellent and outstanding children’s book that can be the most valuable memory for young readers.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        June 2014

        Clumsy-wolf and Fatty-bear

        by Tang Sulan

        The Series of Clumsy-wolf include The Series of Clumsy-wolf, Clumsy-wolf and His Parents, Clumsy-wolf and Smart-bunny, Clumsy-wolf and Fatty-bear, The Campus Life of Clumsy-wolf, The Adventure of Clumsy-wolf. Being simple and honest, cute and always curious about the world, Clumsy-wolf has become a classic character in the Chinese original children’s literature. Being bestsellers for more than 20 years, this series is an excellent and outstanding children’s book that can be the most valuable memory for young readers.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        February 2020

        Killer Rock


        by Andrew Cartmel, Thomas Wörtche, Susanna Mende

        Valerian war eine britische Rock-Ikone der 1960er Jahre, die Leadsängerin der gleichnamigen Band Valerian. Sie hatte sich damals unter tragischen Umständen das Leben genommen, ihr Kind war verschwunden, entführt und getötet, wie viele Leute mutmaßen. Und jetzt steht plötzlich ein mysteriöser Klient, »the Colonel«, auf der Matte und beauftragt den Vinyl-Detective, das Kind zu finden. Eigentlich nicht sein Job, aber im Hintergrund gibt es eine wertvolle LP als Lockmittel.Zusammen mit seiner Crew – seiner Freundin Nevada, Kumpel Tinkler und der unwahrscheinlichen Taxifahrerin Clean Head – macht er sich an die Arbeit und gräbt sich tief in die Popgeschichte der Sixties, trifft einen Ex-Gitarristen von Frank Zappa und andere wunderliche Menschen aus der großen Ära des Rocks.Drogen sind natürlich auch im Spiel, damals wie heute. Das macht die Sache entschieden ungemütlich. Hinzu kommt, dass an dem Schicksal des verschwundenen Kindes nicht nur nette Menschen interessiert sind …

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