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      • Rights2 Small Publisher Showcase

        The Small Publisher Rights Showcase contains a carefully curated selection of books being published by small and independent publishers from across the UK.

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      • Rights and Brands

        Rights & Brands is a 360 licensing and publishing agency bringing Nordic rights and brands to a global arena. Starting from a strategic base in literature, art and design, R&B’s platform is built on knowledge, passion and people. Using all aspects of character representation and branding, from publishing and PR to licensing, merchandising and digital development, with a worldwide network of sub-agents and over 800 clients, R&B’s international insight and business capacity is unique.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2020

        Tourism and Gender-based Violence

        Challenging Inequalities

        by Paola Vizcaino-Suárez, Heather Jeffrey, Claudia Eger

        Gender-based violence (GBV) in travel and tourism is embedded within wider social structures of gender inequalities and discrimination. Even though it is pertinent to study GBV in all its forms, this book focuses on the multiple and interconnected manifestations of violence that women/girls encounter in tourism consumption and production (physical, sexual, emotional or socio-economic), while seeking to open the debate on violence against sexual minorities (LGBT) and discussing men/boys as victims and perpetrators of GBV. By engaging in a critical exploration of the theoretical landscape of GBV and case studies on GBV and sexual harassment, the book adopts a multidisciplinary perspective drawing on feminist, intersectional and post-colonial frameworks, bringing together contributions from academics and practitioners across the globe.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Gender and imperialism

        by Clare Midgley

        This book marks an important new intervention into a vibrant area of scholarship, creating a dialogue between the histories of imperialism and of women and gender. By engaging critically with both traditional British imperial history and colonial discourse analysis, the essays demonstrate how feminist historians can play a central role in creating new histories of British imperialism. Chronologically, the focus is on the late eighteenth to early twentieth centuries, while geographically the essays range from the Caribbean to Australia and span India, Africa, Ireland and Britain itself. Topics explored include the question of female agency in imperial contexts, the relationships between feminism and nationalism, and questions of sexuality, masculinity and imperial power.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Politicising and gendering care for older people

        Multidisciplinary perspectives from Europe

        by Anca Dohotariu, Ana Paula Gil, Lubica Volanská

        This book offers a new critical framework for understanding the processes of politicising and gendering care for older people and their manifestations in several European contexts. It interrogates how care for older adults varies across time and place while searching for an in-depth comprehension of how it becomes an arena of political struggle and the object of public policy in different countries and at various societal and political levels. It brings together multidisciplinary contributions that examine the issue of care for older people as a political concern from many angles, such as problematising care needs, long-term care policies, home care services, institutional services and family care. The contributions reveal the diversity of situations in which the processes of politicising and gendering care for older adults overlap, contradict or reinforce each other while leading to increased gender (in)equalities on different levels.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Engendering whiteness

        White women and colonialism in Barbados and North Carolina, 1627–1865

        by Cecily Jones

        Engendering whiteness represents a comparative analysis of the complex interweaving of race, gender, social class and sexuality in defining the contours of white women's lives in Barbados and North Carolina during the era of slavery. Despite their gendered subordination, their social location within the dominant white group afforded all white women a range of privileges. Hence, their whiteness, as much as their gender, shaped these women's social identities and material realities. Crucially, as the biological reproducers of whiteness, and hence the symbolic and literal embodiment and bearers of the state of freedom, they were critical to the maintenance and reproduction of the cultural boundaries of 'whiteness', and consequently the subjects of patriarchal measures to limit and control their social and sexual freedoms. Engendering whiteness draws on a wide variety of sources including property deeds, wills, court transcripts, and interrogates the ways in which white women could be simultaneously socially positioned within plantation societies as both agents and as victims. It also reveals the strategies deployed by elite and poor white women in these societies to resist their gendered subordination, to challenge the ideological and social constraints that sought to restrict their lives to the private domestic sphere, to protect the limited rights afforded to them, to secure independent livelihoods, and to create meaningful existences. A fascinating study that with be welcomed by historians of imperialism as well as scholars of gender history and women's studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2003

        Women, gender and fascism in Europe, 1919–45

        by Kevin Passmore

        What attracts women to far-right movements that appear to denigrate their rights? This question has vexed feminist scholars for decades and has led to many lively debates in the academy. In this context, during the 1980s, the study of women, gender, and fascism in twentieth-century Europe took off, pioneered by historians such as Claudia Koonz and Victoria de Grazia. This volume makes an exciting contribution to the evolving body of work based upon these earlier studies, bringing emerging scholarship on Central and Eastern Europe alongside that of more established Western European historiography on the topic. Women, Gender and Fascism in Europe, 1919-45 features fourteen essays covering Serbia, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Hungary, Latvia, and Poland in addition to Germany, Italy, France, Spain, and Britain, and a conclusion that pulls together a European-wide perspective. As a whole, the volume provides a compelling comparative examination of this important topic through current research, literature reviews, and dialogue with existing debates. The essays cast new light on questions such as women's responsibility for the collapse of democracy in interwar Europe, the interaction between the women's movement and the extreme right, and the relationships between conceptions of national identity and gender. ;

      • Trusted Partner

        Rediscovering Sex

        From pressure to pleasure in bed - an excersise book for men

        by Michael Sztenc

        Penises are clever guys, sensitive and touchy. At least that’s what Michael Sztenc says. And as a sex and couples’ therapist who has worked on male sexuality for over 25 years, he should know. With practical exercises that have been tried and tested for years, he helps the men who come to him with their problems to develop a sense for their bodies and their own eroticism.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2025

        Visualising far-right environments

        by Bernhard Forchtner

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment
        June 2024

        Gendered urban violence among Brazilians

        Painful truths from Rio de Janeiro and London

        by Cathy McIlwaine, Paul Heritage, Miriam Krenzinger Azambuja, Moniza Rizzini Ansari, Eliana Sousa Silva, Yara Evans

        This book aims to examine the nature of and resistance to gendered urban violence among Brazilian women in London and in the favelas of Maré, Rio de Janeiro. Drawing on the conceptualisation of translocational gendered urban violence framework, it highlights the importance of examining direct forms of gender-based violence across private, public and transnational spheres as interlinked with structural, symbolic and infrastructural violence. The book also explores the embodied and spatialised nature of gendered urban violence, explored through artistic engagements and arts-based methods. In developing a translocational feminist tracing methodological and epistemological approach across the social sciences and the arts, the book argues for the importance of a collaborative approach among academic, civil society organisations, artists and creative researchers with a view to engendering empathetic transformation to address gendered urban violence in the long-term.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Historical fiction

        HERON’S WAY

        by Do Taij Mogul

        The hero’s story is told in an ancient, secret chronicle... A white falcon flew across the Eternal Blue Sky. His flight was long and beautiful, binding together the patchwork of lands; his life was full of victories and defeats. Soaring high, then falling like a stone, the falcon darted from place to place. He threaded his way from the colored Jin Empire to that of the daring Naimans; from the lands of the Karakitai Khanate to the territories of the rebellious Tangut; from the highlands of the warlike Taichuds to the floodplains of the unruly Tatars.... From north to south, from east to west, no man or beast in the world knew what the falcon was really like: how his heart ached; how fears clutched his chest; what nightmares visited his sleep; what treacherous winds lurked at every takeoff of his daily journey—a journey from nothing to everything. But as he flew, paying for his power over the world with his loneliness, the world was falling to pieces. When the falcon ceased flying, the Great Destruction came, and only the memory of the people for him kept the Mongol flame burning across the centuries—all while people went about their daily routines, and did all the unbearable and great things that give man his destiny...

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2025

        Faith, folk and the far right

        Racist and anti-racist Heathenry and Occultism in Britain

        by Dominic Alessio, Robert J. Wallis

        This book offers the first examination of extremist Heathenry and occultism in the UK and how anti-racist Heathens act to counter this discourse. It explores the spectrum of Heathen practice today and the historical origins of racist Heathenry in nineteenth century Germanic romanticism and twentieth century folkish nationalism. Treating each of the three main extremist Heathen organisations, the book extends the analysis to the neo-Nazi occult organization the Order of the Nine Angles (O9A), and the wider racist Heathen cultural scene in Black Metal and Dark Folk music. The authors balance this with discussion of how inclusivist Heathens are countering this discourse, from visible protests at far-right rallies to inter-faith forums and an active presence on social media platforms. The book makes an important contribution to the intersecting fields of new religious movements, nationalist history and racist politics.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        An Enlightenment Picture Book of Sex Education for Chinese Children

        by Zhang Dandan

        In the eyes of many Chinese parents, talking about "sex" with their children always feels ashamed to speak out. In fact, the younger the children, the higher their acceptance, the lower their shame, and the easier it is to grasp the true meaning of "sex and life". So, as parents, in what way should we tell children the origin of life, tell them the correct understanding of sexual organs, and avoid being sexually assaulted? "Growth and Sex for Children" starts with "sex and life", through the form of "picture book + cartoon", it uses scientific and childlike language to tell children a complete and systematic knowledge of sex education. In addition, the series also fully considers the sexual and psychological development of children aged 3-6. It integrates storytelling, fun, and knowledge. It is a growth book for parents and children to read together.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2017

        Gender and Rural Globalization

        International Perspectives on Gender and Rural Development

        by Bettina Bock, Sally Shortall

        This book explores how rural gender relations are changing in a globalising world that fundamentally impacts on the structure of agricultural life in rural areas and urban-rural relations. It analyses the development of rural gender relations in specific places around the world and looks into the effects of the increasing connectivity and mobility of people across places. The themes covered are: gender and mobility, gender and agriculture, Gender and rural politics, rurality and Gender identity and women and international development. Each theme has an overview of the state of the art in that specific thematic area and integrates the case-studies that follow. ; Chapter 1: Gender and rural globalisation: an introduction to international perspectives on gender and rural development Chapter 2: Gender and mobility Chapter 3: “There is dignity only with livestock”: Land grabbing and the changing social practices of pastoralist women in Gujarat, India Chapter 4: Women's migration for work. The case of Ukrainian caregivers in rural Italy Chapter 5: Gender, migration and rural livelihoods in Uzbekistan in times of change Chapter 6: Gender and rural migration in Mexico and The Caribbean Chapter 7: Gender and Agriculture Chapter 8: The Genderness of Climate Change, Australia Chapter 9: Where family, farm and society intersect: values of women farmers in Sweden Chapter 10: Women farmers and agricultural extension/education in Slovenia and Greece Chapter 11: The Agency Paradox: the Impact of Gender(ed) Frameworks on Irish Farm Youth Chapter 12: Rurality and Gender Identity Chapter 13: Rural. Women. Leaders. Identity formation in rural Northern Ireland Chapter 14: Gender identities and divorce among farmers in Norway Chapter 15: Merging Masculinities: exploring intersecting masculine identities on family farms Chapter 16: Creating ‘masculine’ spaces for ‘feminine’ emotions – Men and social inclusion Chapter 17: Gender desegregation among village representatives in Poland: towards breaking the male domination in local politics? Chapter 18: Gender and international development Chapter 19: ‘Glocal’ networking for gender equality and sustainable livelihoods Chapter 20: Gender Transitions in Agriculture and Food Systems Chapter 21: Sugar and Gender Relations in Malawi Chapter 22: The role of gender indicators in rural development programmes Chapter 23: Beneficial for women? Global trends in gender, land and titling Chapter 24: Conclusions – Future Directions

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2021

        Land Governance and Gender

        The Tenure-Gender Nexus in Land Management and Land Policy

        by Uchendu Eugene Chigbu

        This book delivers new conceptual and empirical studies surrounding the design and evaluation of land governance, focusing on land management approaches, land policy issues, advances in pro-poor land tenure and land-based gender concerns. It explores alternative approaches for land management and land tenure through international experiences. Part 1 covers Concepts, debates and perspectives on the governance and gender aspects of land. Part 2 focuses on Tenure-gender dimensions in land management, land administration and land policy. It deals with land issues within the interface of theory and practice. Part 3 covers Applications and experiences: techniques, strategies, tools, methods, and case studies. Part 4 focuses on Land governance, gender, and tenure innovations. Case studies discussed include China, Ethiopia, Ghana, Lesotho, Germany, Mexico, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Korea, etc. Themes include Islamic tenure, reverse migration, matriarchy/matrilineal systems, structural inequality, tenure-responsive planning, land-related instabilities and COVID-19, urban-rural land concerns, women's tenure bargaining, tenure-gender nexus concerns in developing and developed countries. This book: · Includes theoretical or empirical studies on land governance and gender from a diverse group of countries. · Provides the basis for a new land administration theory to be set against conventional land administration approaches. · Offers, in an accessible manner, a range of new tools for design and evaluation of land management interventions. The book will be valuable for students and researchers in land governance, urban and rural planning, international development,natural resource management, agriculture, community development, and gender studies. It is also useful for land practitioners, including those working within international organizations.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2018

        Gender Equality and Tourism

        Beyond Empowerment

        by Stroma Cole, Lucy Ferguson, Daniela Moreno Alarcón, Carlos Costa, Marília Durão, Zélia Breda, Fiona Eva Bakas, Paola Vizcaino Suárez, Belén Martínez Caparrós, Meghan Muldoon, Wendy Hillman, Kylie Radel, Heather Jeffrey, Isis Arlene Díaz-Carrión, Hazel Tucker, Inês Carvalho

        Does tourism empower women working in and producing tourism? How are women using the transformations tourism brings to their advantage? How do women, despite prejudice and stereotypes, break free, resist and renegotiate gender norms at the personal and societal levels? When does tourism increase women's autonomy, agency and authority? The first of its kind this book delivers: A critical approach to gender and tourism development from different stakeholder perspectives, from INGOs, national governments, and managers as well as workers in a variety of fields producing tourism. Stories of individual women working across the world in many aspects of tourism. A foreword by Margaret Bryne Swain and contributions from academics and practitions from across the globe. A lively and accessible style of writing that links academic debates with lived realities while offering hope and practical suggestions for improving gender equality in tourism. Gender Equality and Tourism: Beyond Empowerment, a critical gendered analysis that questions the extent to which tourism brings women empowerment, is an engaging and thought-provoking read for students, researchers and practitioners in the areas of tourism, gender studies, development and anthropology. To access a presentation delivered by Stroma Cole as well as an interview with her, please visit

      • Trusted Partner

        Gender Equity & Reconciliation

        Thirty Years of Healing the Most Ancient Wound in the Human Family

        by Will Keepin and Cynthia Brix

        How can we move forward beyond the anger and outrage to heal and transform, in practical ways, the vast crisis of relations between women and men, and among people of all genders? This book addresses that question. Over the past 30 years, the Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI) project has convened over 300 intensive workshops and trainings in 12 countries, for more than 7,000 people on 6 continents. These groups have engaged in a deep process of unraveling the systemic knots of gender conflicts and developed practical skills for transforming gender relations from the inside out. Another 22,000 people have been introduced to the GERI process in conferences and trainings. Inspired by the principles of Truth and Reconciliation developed by the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, the GERI project has a longstanding record. This book is full of inspiring stories that document how the methodology of deep truth-telling and collective alchemy dissolves root causes of gender conflict, through skillfully facilitated, heart-centered transformational experiences, which are followed up with ongoing peer support. With contributions from 12 distinguished world leaders in this field, and special inserts from such notable persons as Stanislav Grof, MD, Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, and Peter Rutter, MD, this book is an invaluable resource for laypersons and professionals, educators and religious leaders who are thoughtfully addressing the gender-based conflicts and needs of young and old in their own homes, therapy practices, organizations and congregations across the globe. Will Keepin, Ph.D. and Rev. Cynthia Brix, Ph.D., are co-founders of Gender Equity & Reconciliation, International.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        Gender, Climate Change and Livelihoods

        Vulnerabilities and Adaptations

        by Joshua Eastin, Kendra Dupuy

        This book applies a gendered lens to evaluate the dynamic linkages between climate change and livelihoods in developing countries. It examines how climate change affects women and men in distinct ways, and what the implications are for earning income and accessing the natural, social, economic, and political resources required to survive and thrive. The book's contributing authors analyze the gendered impact of climate change on different types of livelihoods, in distinct contexts, including urban and rural, and in diverse geographic locations, including Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. It focuses on understanding how public policies and power dynamics shape gendered vulnerabilities and impacts, how gender influences coping and adaptation mechanisms, and how civil society organizations incorporate gender into their climate advocacy strategies. This book: -Provides cutting-edge scholarship on an underrepresented area of climate change: the gendered impacts of climate change on livelihoods. -Covers a range of different types of livelihoods and geographic locations. -Involves contributors from a diverse array of cultural and scholarly backgrounds, bringing contrasting perspectives to the topic. This book is recommended for scholars, students, and practitioners who study or work in fields such as climate change, gender, livelihoods, public policy, economic development, and agriculture.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2012

        Gender, crime and empire

        convicts, settlers and the state in early colonial Australia

        by Kirsty Reid, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie, Martin Hargreaves

        Between 1803 and 1853, some 80,000 convicts were transported to Van Diemen's Land. Revising established models of the colonies, which tend to depict convict women as a peculiarly oppressed group, Gender, crime and empire argues that convict men and women in fact shared much in common. Placing men and women, ideas about masculinity, femininity, sexuality and the body, in comparative perspective, this book argues that historians must take fuller account of class to understand the relationships between gender and power. The book explores the ways in which ideas about fatherhood and household order initially informed the state's model of order, and the reasons why this foundered. It considers the shifting nature of state policies towards courtship, relationships and attempts at family formation which subsequently became matters of class conflict. It goes on to explore the ways in which ideas about gender and family informed liberal and humanitarian critiques of the colonies from the 1830s and 1840s and colonial demands for abolition and self-government. ;

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