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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Find me in the Storm

        by Kira Mohn

        Not a single soul as far as the eye can see. Just sea, cliffs and the beach. And a lighthouse. It’s a wondrously beautiful place – not that Airin has a chance to enjoy it. The lighthouse has been converted into a cosy living space available for rent, and 24-year-old Airin has to look after the property while at the same time running her own bed and breakfast in Castledunn. It’s a lot of work for one person, but normally everything runs smoothly. Until Joshua, the nephew of the lighthouse owner, moves in. Arrogant and priggish, he complains ceaselessly about everything. Airin feels like strangling him. Or kissing him. Who cares, just as long as he stops talking!   16+ years The third volume of a unique romance trilogy about three young women, a lighthouse and love. All titles can be read separately! Rousing characters and a fine dry humor For all fans of Mona Kasten, Laura Kneidl and Colleen Hoover! More than 60.000 copies of this series were sold!

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Yo no fui (It wasn't me)

        by Ana Palmero, Alejandra Acosta

        "It´s wasn´t me" is a book for little ones where humor, simplicity and everyday life remind us that there can always be a mischievous hand behind “mysterious things”. The characters in this book jauntily remind us of our own families. It is a story where Alejandra Acosta’s illustrations recreate everyday situations full of expressiveness and frankness that are also full of humor. Her casual and frank strokes accompany a text that hints at sweet mischief and that, with an unexpected twist, will show us that not only the youngest one in the house enjoys playing pranks.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Tokyo Coffee Time

        by Yiju Life Studio, CHEN Ruoyi, Jimmy Wong

        What are the things you cannot miss in coffee shops in Tokyo? Why can master baristas make the most memorable tastes? You will find the answers from Tokyo Coffee Time through coffee experts’ professional and harsh eyes. Including 140 coffee shops, 26 master comments and so on.

      • Trusted Partner
        Media studies
        June 2014

        Show me the money

        The image of finance, 1700 to the present

        by Edited by Paul Crosthwaite, Peter Knight and Nicky Marsh

        What does money really stand for? How can the abstractions of high finance be made visible? Show me the money documents how the financial world has been imagined in art, illustration, photography and other visual media over the last three centuries in Britain and the United States. It tells the story of how artists have grappled with the increasingly intangible and self-referential nature of money, from the South Sea Bubble to our current crisis. Show me the money sets out the history and politics of representations of finance through five essays by academic experts and curators, and is interspersed with provocative think pieces by notable public commentators on finance and art. The book, and the exhibition on which it is based, explore a wide range of images, from satirical eighteenth-century prints by William Hogarth and James Gillray to works by celebrated contemporary artists such as Andreas Gursky and Molly Crabapple. It also charts the development of an array of financial visualisations, including stock tickers and charts, newspaper illustrations, bank adverts and electronic trading systems.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Pode me chamar de Dodô (You can call me Dodo)

        by Daniella Michelin

        Coexistence, harmony, respect, existence and resistance are central themes of the book Pode me chamar de Dodô, written by Daniella Michelin and illustrated by Elisa Carareto.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        Feel me forever


        by Amy Baxter

      • Trusted Partner
        Short stories

        Anyone but me

        by Halyna Kruk

        This collection of stories combines tender, intimate, and sometimes frightening experiences. The heroes of the book are the people who live among us, but these pages offer us a chance to read their minds. Here are the quarantine chronicles with the real anxieties and consolations that each of us had to go through. And the feeling of loss, when instead of a person there is only an old photo. The are telephone calls without responce because the subscriber cannot receive your call at the moment. Seductive, emotional, intimate - the stories in "Anyone but me" are about are our deep feelings. And, despite the name, they are about us.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Know Us 1. Know me again. June & Kian

        by Jette Menger, Moon Notes

        June ist aufgeregt und nervös zugleich: Kian, ihr bester Freund aus der Schulzeit, kehrt nach sieben Jahren aus Australien zurück und zieht zu ihr in die WG. Beide haben sich verändert – Kian ist nicht mehr der pummelige Junge von damals, sondern ein attraktiver Mann mit Muskeln und Tattoos, und June, die einst lebhaft und selbstbewusst war, ist nun schüchtern und zurückhaltend. Trotz der Zeit, die sie getrennt verbracht haben, und der Veränderungen, die sie durchgemacht haben, ist die Anziehung zwischen ihnen sofort spürbar. Doch es ist nicht einfach, dort weiterzumachen, wo sie aufgehört haben. Die Vergangenheit und ihre Geheimnisse werfen lange Schatten auf die Gegenwart, und June findet sich hin- und hergerissen zwischen ihren wachsenden Gefühlen für Kian und der Angst vor den Schatten, die ihre gemeinsame Vergangenheit auf ihre mögliche Zukunft wirft. Als Kian beginnt, sich in Junes Alltagsleben zu integrieren, flammen alte Gefühle wieder auf, und es entsteht eine zarte Romanze, die jedoch von Unsicherheiten und unausgesprochenen Wahrheiten belastet wird. Beide müssen lernen, mit ihren veränderten Selbstbildern umzugehen und herausfinden, ob ihre Beziehung stark genug ist, um die Geheimnisse der Vergangenheit zu überwinden. Ihre Reise ist geprägt von Momenten intensiver Nähe und Vertrautheit, aber auch von Missverständnissen und Konflikten, die aus dem mangelnden Mut resultieren, offen miteinander zu kommunizieren. June und Kian stehen vor der Herausforderung, nicht nur sich selbst und ihre Beziehung zueinander neu zu definieren, sondern auch zu entscheiden, wie viel sie bereit sind, für eine gemeinsame Zukunft zu riskieren. Fesselnde, emotionale Liebesgeschichte von June und Kian, die nach Jahren der Trennung wieder zueinanderfinden. Ihre neu entflammten Gefühle stellen sie vor große Herausforderungen und Entscheidungen. Erlebe, wie sich die Hauptcharaktere von ihrer Vergangenheit lösen und durch ihre Erlebnisse wachsen. June und Kian zeigen, dass wahre Liebe Mut zur Veränderung und Offenheit erfordert. Die Autorin Jette Menger entführt die Leser in eine Welt voller intensiver Gefühle, geheimer Wünsche und der Sehnsucht nach Verständnis und Akzeptanz. Spannendes Setting in der malerischen Stadt Bath bildet die perfekte Kulisse für diese berührende Geschichte, in der alte Freundschaften neu entdeckt und verborgene Geheimnisse aufgedeckt werden. Das ständige Hin und Her zwischen Annäherung und Rückzug hält die Spannung bis zum Schluss aufrecht und spiegelt die Komplexität menschlicher Beziehungen wider. Neben der Liebesgeschichte werden wichtige Themen wie Selbstfindung, Verarbeitung von Vergangenheitstraumata und die Bedeutung echter Freundschaft behandelt. Geschrieben aus zwei Perspektiven bietet die Geschichte einen tiefen Einblick in die Gedanken- und Gefühlswelt beider Protagonisten, was sie besonders authentisch und nachvollziehbar macht. Auftakt einer mitreißenden Reihe: "Know Us 1. Know me again" ist der Beginn einer Reihe, die Lust auf mehr macht und Leser*innen gespannt auf die Fortsetzungen warten lässt. Ideal geeignet für Leser*innen, die komplexe Charakterbeziehungen, emotionale Achterbahnfahrten und herzzerreißende Momente lieben.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        You Can Always Come to Me

        by Stefanie Rietzler, Fabian Grolimund

        There are beautiful and difficult moments in the life of a little bear. Fortunately, his parents are always there for him! No matter whether the little bear gets frustrated with a difficult puzzle, is afraid of jumping into the swimming lake or gets angry because he has to accept a “no” from his parents, he is always experiencing the following: "My parents love me. I can trust them and feel their support." A secure bond between children and their caregivers is the foundation for a healthy self-esteem, a good handling of one's own feelings and resilience. Such a bond develops in many small everyday situations, whenever children experience that their parents see them, accept them and accompany them – even in difficult moments.

      • Trusted Partner
        Photography & photographs

        I feel guilty when I throw away food. Grandma used to tell me about Holodomor (Famine of 1933)

        by Andrii Dostliev, Lia Dostlieva, introduction by Serhiy Zhadan

        Post-photographic research, which explores traces of a traumatic historical event in everyday practices and in contemporary landscape and tests the limits of photography as a medium in trauma representation. The starting point of this project was the personal sense of guilt which accompanies the acts of throwing food away. This feeling is common in contemporary Ukrainian culture and originates in our postmemory - it was imprinted into our generation’s behavioral patterns by the stories of our grandparents - survivors of the man-made famine of 1932-33 in Soviet Ukraine called the Holodomor, which killed millions. The ink prints document the thrown-away food while fragments of found black-and-white photographs of unrecognisable landscapes demonstrate the lack of the famine’s traces in the landscape – unlike many collective traumas which have exact geographic locations and present in the landscape in the form of ‘places of memory’.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Know Us 1. Know me again. June & Kian

        by Jette Menger, Christiane Marx, , Speak Low Verlag und Medienproduktion, ZERO Werbeagentur, Ute Mildt

        Die Studentin June kommt vor Aufregung fast um: Kian, ihr bester Freund aus der Schulzeit, kehrt aus Australien zurück in ihre Heimatstadt Bath und zieht zu ihr in die WG. Doch die Zeit ist in den letzten Jahren nicht stehen geblieben. Der einst pummelige Kian hat Muskeln und Tattoos und die früher aufgedrehte June ist schüchtern und zurückhaltend geworden. Die Anziehung zwischen ihnen ist jedoch nicht zu übersehen. Es funkt gewaltig und June kann sich Kians Flirts kaum entziehen. Wären da nicht die Geheimnisse der Vergangenheit … Ungekürzt gelesen von Christiane Marx

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        The secret life of romantic comedy

        by Celestino Deleyto

        The secret life of romantic comedy offers a new approach to one of the most popular and resilient genres in the history of Hollywood. Steering away from the rigidity and ideological determinism of traditional accounts of the genre, this book advocates a more flexible theory, which allows the student to explore the presence of the genre in unexpected places, extending the concept to encompass films that are not usually considered romantic comedies. Combining theory with detailed analyses of a selection of films, including To Be or Not to Be (1942), Rear Window (1954), Kiss Me Stupid (1964), Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) and Before Sunset (2004), the book aims to provide a practical framework for the exploration of a key area of contemporary experience - intimate matters - through one of its most powerful filmic representations: the genre of romantic comedy. Original and entertaining, The secret life of romantic comedy is perfect for students and academics of film and film genre.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Believe me, I'm Not an Egret!

        by Hossein Ghorbani

        This story is a recreation of a fable originally written in “Kalila and Demna”, an ancient book with Indian roots. In the original story, an old egret tricks the fish into thinking that they are being taken to a safe lake, but they are in fact becoming the egret’s food. Until one day, the crab also asks the egret to take him to the lake and sees the remaining fish bones while riding on his back. He then returns and informs the others. “Believe Me, I’m not an Egret!” is a parody of the original fable, encouraging the children to think about and question what they hear.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2019

        Show me the Stars

        by Kira Mohn

        Take Some Time Out! The headline grabs Liv’s attention as she browses, depressed, through the job ads. Although she’s only 22 and just starting out in journalism, a recent disastrous interview cost her a new job. The ad sounds like a dream come true: someone needs a house-sitter to mind a lighthouse on the Irish coast for six months!    Taking time out is exactly what Liv needs to clear her head and recharge her batteries. She sends off her application and a few weeks later finds herself standing in front of her new home. Next to a good-looking Irishman who makes her heart beat faster. She doesn’t know it yet, but he’ll break her heart, too…   16+ years The beginning of a unique romance trilogy about three young women, a lighthouse and love. All titles can be read separately. Rousing characters and a fine dry humor For all fans of Mona Kasten, Laura Kneidl and Colleen Hoover! More than 60.000 copies of this series were sold!

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Find me in Green Valley


        by Lucas, Lilly

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2020

        The Papaya

        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Sisir Mitra

        Papaya (Carica papaya) is an important and widely-cultivated tropical fruit, grown in more than 70 countries of the world. Global papaya production has grown significantly over the last few years, mainly as a result of increased production in India. Papaya has become an important agricultural export for developing countries where export revenues of the fruit provide a livelihood for thousands of people, especially in Asia and Latin America. There have been a number of recent research developments with the potential to improve crop yields and quality. New research has contributed to our understanding of the crop environment, plant growth and physiology of tree and fruit development with implications for both breeding and cultivation. Analysis of the papaya genome promises new, faster breeding techniques to improved cultivars. These and other advances are helping to tackle disease like papaya ring spot viruses and major pests which still cause significant losses. With contributions from international experts, the book presents the current state of knowledge concerning the history, physiology, culture and marketing of papaya throughout the world. It is an essential resource for researchers, growers and all those involved in the papaya industry.

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