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      • Publishers' Exchange

        Publishers’ Exchange is your window to ‘Publishing in India’. The exchange welcomes publishers, authors, editors, translators, graphic designers and service providers who work closely with the publishing industry, especially those working with Indian languages, including–but not limited to–Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Odia, Assamese and Bengali. This is a space for exchanging ideas, rights, resources and networking.

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      • FILI – Finnish Literature Exchange

        FILI, founded in 1977, is a centre for the export of literature. FILI promotes the export of literature from Finland by facilitating professional contacts and serving as a “home base” for translators of Finnish literature. We deal with fiction, children’s and young adult books, non-fiction, poetry, comics and graphic novels written in Finnish, Finland-Swedish and Sámi. FILI serves as a support organisation for the export of literature, while publishers and literary agencies handle the sale of translation rights. FILI is a department of the Finnish Literature Society, and around 80% of our funding comes from public sources.   FILI distributes approx. €700,000 in translation grants, travel grants and promotional grants for over 400 different projects annually organises Editors’ Week events for publishers to visit Finland from abroad participates in publishing trade fairs abroad acts as a focal point for translators of Finnish literature maintains a database of translations of Finnish literature published in other languages and collects data on translation rights sold abroad. You are welcome to contact us: if you want more information about our grants programmes (Grants Wizard) to let us know about a publisher abroad that’s interested in Finnish literature if you are a translator from Finnish/Finland-Swedish/Sámi and you’re not in our records yet to tell us about a new translation of a Finnish book that’s not in our database if you have questions about literary exports.   Networks FILI constitutes part of the NordLit network, along with similar organisations from the other Nordic countries. We hold regular meetings together where we plan our future operations and joint projects. We have a shared Nordic presence at some publishing trade events, such as the London Book Fair. In 2015 NordLit had a joint Nordic stand at the Beijing International Book Fair and the Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair. In Finland, FILI is a member of the TAIVE network of arts information centres. Unlike Finnish information centres for many other artistic genres, FILI does not have a mandate or specific duties to perform here in Finland; instead, our focus is on activities outside Finland. Thus we refer to ourselves in Finnish as a literary export organisation.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 1998

        Die Grundlagen des Feng Shui

        Ein Praxisbuch für Einsteiger

        by Too, Lillian / Englisch Wilhelm, Clemens

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        Das Orakel der Zaubersprüche

        48 magische Karten mit Anleitungsbuch

        by Peters, Flavia Kate Meiklejohn‑Free, Barbara

        Aus dem Englischen von Horst Kappen

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 1976

        Die Jagd

        Neue Geschichten des Piloten Pirx

        by Stanisław Lem, Roswitha Buschmann, Kurt Kelm, Barbara Sparing

        Stanisław Lem wurde am 12. September 1921 in Lwów (Lemberg) geboren, lebte zuletzt in Krakau, wo er am 27. März 2006 starb. Er studierte von 1939 bis 1941 Medizin. Während des Zweiten Weltkrieges musste er sein Studium unterbrechen und arbeitete als Automechaniker. Von 1945 bis 1948 setze er sein Medizinstudium fort, nach dem Absolutorium erwarb Lem jedoch nicht den Doktorgrad und übte den Arztberuf nicht aus. Er übersetzte Fachliteratur aus dem Russischen und ab den fünfziger Jahren arbeitete Lem als freier Schriftsteller in Krákow. Er wandte sich früh dem Genre Science-fiction zu, schrieb aber auch gewichtige theoretische Abhandlungen und Essays zu Kybernetik, Literaturtheorie und Futurologie. Stanisław Lem zählt heute zu den erfolgreichsten Autoren Polens. Sein Werk wurde vielfach ausgezeichnet, verfilmt und in 57 Sprachen übersetzt.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2003

        Pilot Pirx


        by Stanisław Lem, Roswitha Buschmann, Kurt Kelm, Caesar Rymarowicz, Barbara Sparing

        Zu den liebenswürdigsten Gestalten, die der weltberühmte polnische Science-fiction-Autor Stanislaw Lem geschaffen hat, gehört Pilot Pirx. Seine Geschichten sind im Grunde Variationen über ein Thema: »nämlich das Modell des Menschen in der kosmischen Ära«, wie der Kritiker Jerzy Jarzebski es formulierte.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        I Am Special

        by Nadine Kamal Karrit

        You may be both different and the same as all the other children.This is what this book tackling the Down Syndrome explains, through the story of a child who just wants to be friends with everybody else.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2020

        The free speech wars

        by Charlotte Lydia Riley

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        These "arts" aren't too cold!

        by Shen Si

        "How to appreciate a painting", "How to understand art", "this painting can also be seen here", "XX Art History"... Similar books are emerging on the Internet, and homogenization is too serious. How to break out of this phenomenon, and not only talk about art history, but also blindly follow the trend and make a topic that no one else has? Cold knowledge of art seems to be "cold", but in fact it is not cold. Although it contains a lot of background knowledge of art history, it can make them "hot", so that readers who are interested in understanding art history can explore the more inner way of art history under the clues of large art history in a relaxed and pleasant reading experience. "These" Arts "Are Not Too Cold! ", aimed at breaking the general cognition and misunderstanding of the public on the art of the cold knowledge, to express a writer's attitude. Let's see what Shen says about art!

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2018

        Special Interest Tourism

        Concepts, Contexts and Cases

        by Carol Southall, Lynn Minnaert, Nazia Ali, Ade Oriade, Allan Watson, Glen Croy, Ralf C Buckley, Dallen J Timothy, Steven Rhoden, Alison Caffyn, Richard Benfield, Cheng-Fei Lee, Sheela Agarwal, Graham Busby, Rong Huang

        Special interest tourism is growing rapidly due to a discerning and heterogeneous travel market and the demand for more focused activity or interest-based tourism experiences. This book approaches the topic from the perspective of both supply and demand, and addresses the complexities now inherent in this area of tourism. It presents a contextualised overview of contemporary academic research, concepts, principles and industry-based practice insights, and also considers the future of special interest tourism in light of the emergence of ethical consumerism. With a clear, user-friendly structure, the book: -Links theoretical frameworks to clear practical applications. -Reviews key emerging issues for tourism relating to families and faith, the performing arts, active and passive pursuits, therapeutic leisure and travelling. -Includes contributions and case studies from international academics and practitioners to give a truly global overview. Sometimes referred to as niche or contemporary tourism, this book provides a complete introduction to the study of special interest tourism for students.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Luc Besson

        by Susan Hayward

        Widely taught on Film Studies courses and in French Cultural Studies programmesLuc Besson is a popular and respected filmmaker who has achieved international fameA welcome addition to the French Film Directors series.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        Red Flowers

        by Shui Yunxian is a national first-class writer, a member of the 7th All-Committee of the China Writers Association, and also the honorary president of the Hunan Writers Association. He has been granted a special government allowance.

        Red Flowers tells the story of how, in the late 1960s, a group of college students, including the protagonist, came to the Dehua Electric Motor Manufacturing Factory, learned and practiced in the manufacturing workshop, and achieved personal development. For the protagonist, his master, who was nicknamed "Beard Mo," was both a master and a rival. Conflicts arose almost everywhere between the two. However, the conflicts also reflected their awe of ordinary work, pursuit of perfection, persistence in dreams, and flawless interpretation of the craftsmanship spirit.

      • Trusted Partner

        Successful Additional Recommendations

        Optimum customer advice in the pharmacy

        by S. Rapp and S. Porceddu

        Consultations with added value Successful advice that brings additional sales is fun, optimally supports patient therapy, and also contributes to the success of the pharmacy. This book shows how to identify customers’ individual needs, ask the right questions, make appropriate additional recommendations, and round off the discussion with helpful tips. The two authors explain the following in three chapters: • the well-managed customer consultation – step by step to success • practical examples for customer consultations concerning the most important acute indications – with key questions and appropriate additional recommendations • successful communication – as the basis for a good team, motivated employees, and satisfied customers This book provides a source of ideas for additional therapies and can also be used as a reference work or for targeted team training. The bonus of additional sales then comes naturally!

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Hobby Horsing

        Ich liebe mein Steckenpferd

        by Christine Stahr

        "Hobby Horsing. Ich liebe mein Steckenpferd" ist ein lebendiges und inspirierendes Buch, das Kinder in die spannende Welt des Hobby Horsings einführt. Diese Trendsportart aus Finnland kombiniert körperliche Aktivität mit kreativem Spiel und der Möglichkeit, eigene Steckenpferde zu gestalten und zu basteln. Kinder ab 6 Jahren können lernen, wie sie mit ihren Steckenpferden Dressurfiguren ausführen oder über Hindernisse springen, wodurch Sport und Gymnastik mit einer großen Portion Spaß verbunden werden. Das Buch bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in den Sport, inklusive Anleitungen zum Basteln eines eigenen Steckenpferds, und ist in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Hobby-Horsing-Community entstanden. Es vermittelt nicht nur die Grundlagen des Sports, sondern auch dessen Faszination und Vielfältigkeit auf eine kurzweilige und interaktive Art. Einsteigerfreundlich: Ideal für Kinder ab 6 Jahren, um in die Welt des Hobby Horsings einzusteigen, mit leicht verständlichen Anleitungen und Tipps. Community-getrieben: Entwickelt mit und für Hobby-Horser, spiegelt es authentisch die Leidenschaft und Kreativität der Szene wider. Kreatives und aktives Spiel: Fördert sowohl die körperliche Aktivität durch Sport- und Gymnastikelemente als auch die Kreativität durch das Basteln von Steckenpferden. Interaktive Elemente: Mit Quiz, Pferdesteckbriefen und anderen interaktiven Aspekten, die das Lesen und Lernen unterhaltsam machen. Abwechslungsreich und bunt: Ein farbenfrohes und lebhaftes Buch, das Kinder motiviert, sich mit der Sportart auseinanderzusetzen und eigene Ideen zu entwickeln. Do-it-yourself-Idee: Inspiriert Kinder, ihr eigenes Steckenpferd zu gestalten, was das Buch zu einem besonderen Erlebnis macht. Faszination Steckenpferdreiten: Vermittelt tiefergehendes Wissen über den Sport und seine vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, weit über das reine Reiten hinaus.

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