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      • Editora do Brasil

        Founded in 1943, Editora do Brasil has a wonderful history of commitment to culture and education. As a solid and experienced publisher, we are increasingly connected to the new times. One of the largest Brazilian companies in the segment, we believe in strengthening education and culture nationally and abroad. With a diverse and award-winning catalog, Editora do Brasil is always seeking to stay current and offer the best material. Our books feature a variety of themes by some of the best authors and designers, some of whom are internationally renowned.

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      • Girassol Brasil Edições Ltda.

        Girassol Brasil has been in existence for 20 years. Despite still being a young company,it has attained prominence in the children’s book scene thanks to the quality and interactivity of its books. They offer educational books; children’s literature, especiallyfrom renowned Brazilian authors; tales and fables; world literary classics; gamesand puzzles; and several reference books. The catalogue is also filled with pop-uptitles, bath books, wipe and clean books, flap books and many different interactiveelements that provide a pleasant reading experience and make learning fun for youngchildren and early readers. A series we would like to recommend you especially is Heartwarming stories,written by educational psychologist Paula Furtado in order to help young children todeal with difficult situations and life circumstances.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Animal Welfare in a Changing World

        by Edited by Andrew Butterworth

        Contemporary and challenging, this thought-provoking book outlines a number of the key dilemmas in animal welfare for today's, and tomorrow's, world. The issues discussed range from the welfare of hunted animals, to debates around intensive farming versus sustainability, and the effects of climate and environmental change. The book explores the effects of fences on wild animals and human impacts on carrion animals; the impacts of tourism on animal welfare; philosophical questions about speciesism; and the quality and quantity of animal lives. The welfare impacts of human-animal interactions are explored, including human impacts on marine mammals, fish, wildlife, and companion and farm animals. Animal Welfare in a Changing World provides: Concise, opinion-based views on important issues in animal welfare by world experts and key opinion leaders. Pieces based on experience, which balance evidence-based approaches and the welfare impacts of direct engagement through training, campaigning and education. A wide-ranging collection of examples and descriptions of animal welfare topics which outline dilemmas in the real world, that are sometimes challenging, and not always comfortable reading. This is a 'must-read' book for animal and veterinary scientists, ethologists, policy and opinion leaders, NGOs, conservation biologists and anyone who feels passionately about the welfare of animals

      • Fantasy
        June 2020


        by Coelho, Thalita

        Ana Cristina has been in a coma for five months and his wife Victoria does not know what to do. Doctors are unable to detect the problem, as all of Ana's vital functions are preserved. Vic doesn't know exactly what happened either, but she has a certainty: she is the cause of Ana's coma. Yes, because Vic is a demonitor. In a light and fun prose, Thalita Coelho debuts in the novel with this intriguing fiction, which explores the intricacies of memory and affection.

      • Escritoras de entresiglos: un mapa trasatlántico

        Autorías y redes literarias en la prensa argentina (1870-1910)

        by Maria Vicens

        In this book, Escritoras de entresiglos: un mapa trasatlántico, Literature specialist María Vicens addresses a topic of increasing importance for a proper understanding of our cultural past: the material and symbolic context within which a legitimate space was articulated for the Public deed of women in Argentina in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Unlike the growing literature on this subject that has focused almost exclusively on national cases, this study proposes a new look at the transnational networks built by women writers themselves, and that linked geographic spaces of literary production as dissimilar to each other as Peru, Spain, and Argentina - this country, which became the fundamental link between the first two. In this way, next to analyzes referring not only to writers who have long been consecrated by the literary tradition, such as Juana Manuela Gorriti, Clorinda Matto de Turner, or Emilia Pardo Bazán, but also to a wide group of less well-known writers, such as Raymunda Torres y Quiroga, the reader will find a detailed reconstruction of the world of the female press in Argentina between the fall of Rosas and the Great War, accompanied by extensive references to the Peruvian and Spanish contexts from which the writers with an international vocation who interacted with their Argentine counterparts then. An original approach, rich in discoveries, to the worlds of feminine intimacy will also be discovered in these pages at their points of connection with the public sphere in which, not without facing arduous obstacles, these women sought to project themselves as writers. The cartography of this transatlantic map will be appreciated from now on, as never before, in all its complex and fine detail.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2016

        "Donde la escarcha se hace fuego"

        by Maria de los Angeles Miro V.

        En estas Calles de escritos "Miro", como la llaman sus amigos, ha hecho una mezcla de creacion elitista o popular:  Versos sueltos y rimados: titulos largos y cortos; estilos diferentes; apogeo de epoca.  Quizas por ello, este libro la escritora lo define como "Una compilacion de las Musicas y Momentos vividos en mi vida"

      • January 2018

        Formação em terapia ocupacional no Brasil

        Pesquisas e experiências no âmbito da graduação e pós-graduação

        by Organizador Silva, Rodrigo Alves dos Santos; Organizador Bianchi, Pamela Cristina; Organizador Calheiros, David dos Santos

        Formação em Terapia Ocupacional no Brasil: pesquisas e experiências no âmbito da graduação e pós-graduação Este livro, inédito na área, tem o objetivo de contribuir para o fortalecimento da formação técnica, política e ética de terapeutas ocupacionais. Trata-se de uma coletânea com 17 capítulos baseados em relatos de experiências e pesquisas, escritos por 42 estudiosos de distintas Universidades brasileiras. A reunião desses capítulos em obra única permite, aos interessados, uma compreensão articulada das potências, dos desafios e do que vem sendo produzido sobre a formação em Terapia Ocupacional no Brasil.   Training in Occupational Therapy in Brazil: research and experiences in undergraduate and graduate courses This book, unprecedented in the area, aims to contribute to the strengthening of technical, political and ethical training for occupational therapists. It is a collection of 17 chapters based on reports of experiences and research, written by 42 scholars from different Brazilian Universities. The combination of these chapters in a single work allows those interested to have an articulated understanding of the powers, the challenges and what has been generated about training in Occupational Therapy in Brazil.

      • September 2019

        História da arte nipo-brasileira

        by Tanaka, Shinji

        Eis uma história da presença da arte e seus artistas nipo-brasileiros no Brasil. Suas reprecussões e feitos.

      • Relatos recobrados de Elena Garro

        "Nunca mates a nadie" y "Siempre hay dos ojos que te ven"

        by Elena Garro

        Description   Considered one of the most outstanding writers in the Spanish language, Elena Garro (1916-1998) was a prolific author who left in her archive several unpublished plays, short stories, novels, film plots, as well as essays, articles and annotations for future projects. Now, Ediciones del Lirio, in co-publication with the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), has brought together various never-before-published materials by the Mexican author, to gather them in the Cuadernos de Elena collection. In this first volume, Relatos recogidos, readers will be able to read three stories that were found in Garro's archive and that today see the light for the first time: "Nunca mates a nadie, siempre hay dos ojos que te ven", "Martín" and "Katrin y María", which are set in an urban environment, where intra-family relationships show their complexities that go from happiness to violence and from there to frenzy, without losing the tension with the geopolitical context of the moment. In these texts we can recognize characters and situations similar to those narrated by Elena Garro in other texts.Elena Garro narrated in other of her books, but also stories that will reveal a new face of the author of Los recuerdos del porvenir.   Sinopsis   Considerada una de las escritoras más sobresalientes en habla hispana, Elena Garro (1916-1998) fue una autora prolífica quien dejó en su archivo diversas obras inéditas de teatro, relatos, novelas, argumentos cinematográficos, así como ensayos, artículos y anotaciones para futuros proyectos. Ahora, Ediciones del Lirio, en coedición con la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), han recabado diversos materiales nunca antes publicados de la autora mexicana, para reunirlos en la colección Cuadernos de Elena. En este primer tomo, Relatos recogidos, los lectores podrán leer tres historias que se encontraron en el archivo de Garro y que hoy ven la luz por primera vez: se trata de “Nunca mates a nadie, siempre hay dos ojos que te ven”, “Martín” y“Katrin y María”, las cuales se sitúan en un ambiente urbano, en donde las relaciones intrafamiliares muestran sus complejidades que van de la felicidad a la violencia y de ahí al frenesí, sin perder la tensión con el contexto geopolítico del momento. En estos textos se podrán reconocer personajes y situaciones parecidas a las queElena Garro narró en otros de sus libros, pero también historias que revelarán un nuevo rostro de la autora de Los recuerdos del porvenir.

      • Personal & social issues: body & health (Children's/YA)

        Micaela's Confession

        by Cecilia Curbelo

        Micaela opens her Twitter and finds herself reading one word that destroys her: traitor. The worst part is that the accusation is from her best friend, Constanza. From that moment, she begins to relive the moments in history that caused her to act the way she did. In that journey of memories and thoughts, of struggles and confessions, very painful secrets will come to light. What will you do in the end? Her destiny depends on what you decide!

      • Children's & YA

        Siwar, the Guardian Jaguar

        by Falcón Maldonado, Cristina

        A stray dog goes to the park to play and share stories with other dogs, which have different lives than its own. Sometimes these are tempting, but he prefers his freedom. One day, a particular being comes out from its shadow: Siwar, a guardian jaguar that soon will become a dear friend for the dog. After long conversations under the light of luminous bones, Siwar will give the protagonist a mission: become the new partner of Sisa, a girl who recently lost a very special friend…

      • Children's & YA

        Panthera Leo

        by Molina, Alicia

        Julia is going through a bad time: her mom and her dad are going to go away for three months to finish their diplomas outside of the country and they have left her aunt Sofía in charge of her, meaning, apart from changing house, she will also have to change school. There Julia will meet every kind of specimens: a protective elephant miss, and an understanding giraffe, some obedient zebras, and a dangerous tigress with whom she will fight against more than once. Julia will have to overcome many obstacles alone, and still, in the middle of it, she will have to find time to visit his very peculiar friend: Panther leo.

      • Society & culture: general
        November 2019

        Pedagoginga, autonomia e mocambagem

        by da Rosa, Allan

        “Pedagoginga, Autonomia e Mocambagem" harmonizes with some very important spheres: the philosophical, historical and contextualized attention on what was conventionally called black cultures; the consistent implementation of the teaching of history and culture of these matrices from African sources and heads, black feet and hands, the sweaty dream of an autonomous popular education movement on the outskirts of São Paulo at the beginning of the 21st century. pillars, challenges and also contradictions, and with this perspective, he invites the reader to reflect on the educational practice, so the author presents a new pedagogical proposal, new but twisted to ancestral aesthetics and fundamentals, which implies the autonomy of educators and students , as well as a genuine commitment to Afro-Brazilian culture. Here is a book of reflections, doubts, slides and nin hos on a practice of years in Popular Education whose motto is the experience of organizing and implementing independent courses in our peripheries in São Paulo, focused on the black experience of yesterday, the future, today and that of so many lines, spirals and balls of the time that we weave. The book is part of the Insurgências Collection, which was born with the aim of sharing and revolving reflections and practices committed to different ways of thinking about the world, relationships, ways of learning and teaching.

      • September 2019

        A busca: memórias da resistência

        by Vieira, Liszt

        A vida clandestina de um militante da luta armada contra a ditadura militar brasileira nos anos 1970. Ações armadas, congressos clandestinos, viagens sigilosas, prisão, tortura, seqüestro de diplomata, banimento, exílio. Dez anos de exílio em diversos países, Argélia, Cuba, Chile de Allende até o golpe de Pinochet, Argentina de Perón antes do golpe militar de 1976, França, Portugal. Emoção a cada página nesta biografia em que o real e o imaginário se mesclam. Muitas vezes, a realidade parece ficção, e a ficção, realidade, formando o que poderia ser chamado de autoficção histórica. Um livro fundamental para o conhecimento da resistência contra a ditadura militar no Brasil.

      • 2020

        Ambulatório de especialidades

        by Aparecida Spagnol, Carla; Silva Câncio Velloso, Isabela

        "O cuidado integral de enfermagem ao indivíduo e família, realizado no nível intermediário da rede de atenção à saúde, na sociedade brasileira é abordado aqui numa articulação de saberes inter e transdisciplinares. As experiências e reflexões sobre aspectos da gestão dos fluxos e sistemas de informação dos serviços, na atenção multiprofissional e no cuidado especializado de enfermagem na mastologia, na clínica da dor, no controle dos agravos cardiovasculares, no tratamento conservador da doença renal e das disfunções do trato urinário inferior em crianças e adolescentes, na atenção ao idoso frágil, no cuidado em saúde mental dos CAPS contribuem para ampliar a compreensão do importante papel da enfermeira, como profissional da equipe de saúde que atua pela defesa da vida. — Profa. Dra. Lúcia Cardoso Mourão (Instituto de Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal Fluminense). "

      • Picture books, activity books & early learning material
        March 2015


        by Sue Rowbotham

        A Bebé Burbujas le encantan los arcoíris. Los ve por todas partes. ¿Tú también puedes verlos? Había una vez una niña llamada Sue a la que le encantaban las palabras, contar historias y soñaba con ser escritora. Creció y su vida tomó un camino diferente, pero siguió inventando historias para sus hijos. Una de esas historias permaneció abandonada en un armario durante 25 años. Mientras, en otra parte del mundo y muchos años más tarde, había otra niña, Camille, que estaba totalmente enamorada del material de papelería y arte, y a la que le encantaba dibujar y hacer manualidades. De mayor, continuó imaginando y creando para hacer sonreír a la gente, y así, se convirtió en ilustradora. Un día, la casualidad hizo que sus caminos se cruzaran. La cuentacuentos conoció a la ilustradora. Así fue como nació Bebé Burbujas. Explora el delicioso mundo de Bebé Burbujas con tus hijos en edad preescolar. Ayúdales a descubrir los colores y a encontrar arcoíris en los lugares más insospechados.

      • Relíquias de minha inspiração

        by Oliveira, Maria Zélia Cavalcante de

        Relíquias de minha inspiração Relíquias de minha inspiração é uma autobiografia poética de uma brasileira que viveu no estado de Amazonas-Brasil, na qual a autora recolhe aprendizagens de seu vivido, de suas inspirações e reflexões. São relíquias do cotidiano, em contato com as quais pode-se contagiar com as belezas e mazelas do existir. Em seus poemas, cartas e crônicas, Maria Zélia Cavalcante de Oliveira trata de temas como o amor, as expectativas e frustrações da vida, as descobertas e invenções de alguém que tem muita história para contar.   Relics of my inspiration Relics of my inspiration is a poetic autobiography of a Brazilian woman who lived in the state of Amazonas-Brazil, in which the author draws lessons from her experience, her inspirations and reflections. They are relics of everyday life, with which, when in contact, you can be infected by the beauties and evils of existence. In her poems, letters and chronicles, Maria Zélia Cavalcante de Oliveira addresses topics such as love, expectations and frustrations of life, the discoveries and inventions of those who have a lot of history to tell.

      • August 2019

        Esferas de la insurrección

        Apuntes para descolonizar el inconsciente

        by Suely Rolnik

        Este libro es como un bellísimo gusano que crece en un estercolero: la ondulación y la suavidad aterciopelada de su pensamiento, la risa contagiosa, la falta de vergüenza y de miedo le permite entrar en las capas más oscuras del fascismo contemporáneo, guiarnos en los lugares que más nos aterran, y sacar de allí algo con lo que construir un horizonte de vida colectiva. Suely Rolnik es una artista cuya materia es la pulsión. Una cultivadora de gusanos de seda de la izquierda bajo la piel. No se puede pedir más de una escritora: devenir-gusano, cartografiar el fango con la misma precisión con la que otro cartografiaría una mina de oro. Por ello, lector, entra con este gusano en el magma de la bestia y busca los gérmenes de vida que, aunque desconoces, te rodean, y que, con una torsión de la mirada, podrían ser tuyos –podrían ser tu propia vida–. (Del prólogo de Paul B. Preciado).

      • March 2020

        Women, empowerment and legacy

        by Silvana Mello

        Woman, empowerment and legacy, offers the possibility to discuss woman in a brazilian and overall scenario, their challenges, particularities, difficulties and the reflection and analysis of the unequal society that we face everyday. Through the choose of a strong theme like this, the author Silvana Mello, searches to contribute and leaves a positive mark for the future female generations.

      • La lengua del desierto


        by Vanesa Guerra

        La lengua del desierto- notas, afianza la potencia de la lengua poética como modo de restitución del lazo social.  Trabaja y presenta la potencia de la experiencia del lenguaje como otra forma posible de habitar un mundo que hoy tiende a la devastación subjetiva en su aceleración temporal.   Invita a un ejercicio de transposición de sí hacia lxs otrxs, y su inversa:  La propuesta es abandonar, como una piel ya seca, la condición individual que impone la lógica capitalista, patriarcal y occidental. El texto -memoria, palimpsesto y archivo- se presenta como intento de pensar lo no-mismo, de dejarse habitar por lxs otrxs e, incluso, de invocarlxs. (Arnes Laura, 2020) Este ensayo de corte poético visita la escritura experiencial y límbica de Robert Walser y desplaza la fuerza de la lengua absuelta y desatada a las poéticas de autoras y artistas contemporáneas argentinas en quienes la escritura o la obra es una experiencia de lenguaje que destituye identidades monolíticas para habilitar una lengua que toca, renueva e ilumina las corporalidades libertas y descatalogadas; de esta manera atiende a los nuevos feminismos y a las posibles políticas de la lengua para restituir la ética entre unxs y otrxs. “Invoquemos a la lengua poética para que nos restituya la voz que hemos perdido, porque antes que la lengua del Amo nos apresara con sus dominios, supimos ser mágicxs, levitantes y límbicos. Restituirnos a la poesía como recién venidos podría ser el designio” La Lengua del desierto – notas; es el último y reciente trabajo de Vanesa Guerra, escritora y psicoanalista contemporánea argentina.  Colección: Agalma Dirección: Alejandro Schmidt Editora responsable: Daniela Mac Auliffe Buena Vista Editora, Córdoba, Argentina 2020 Imagen de tapa: Von Bingen, Hildegard (1098-1179). Representación del huevo cósmico, Scivias (1152). Cierta lectura feminista contemporánea atribuye a esta imagen la representación del orgasmo femenino. La obra La lengua del desierto, de Vanesa Guerra, obtuvo la Beca de Circulación y Promoción del Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Argentino 2019

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