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      • Somewhere Else Entertainment

        Somewhere Else Entertainment manages Huai Guan's story IPs, and develops screenplays and bibles for TV series and films. Huai Guan was born in a small town in southern Taiwan, and spent her childhood years among books. Cao Xueqin’s Story of the Stone and George R. R. Martin’s A Song for Lya  ignited her love for fantasy writing, which no amount of travel or pressure – including a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago – could ever subdue.

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      • Atlantyca Entertainment S.p.A.

        Atlantyca Entertainment develops properties for children’s publishing, animation and consumer products licensing. We handle over 8.000 translation and publishing contracts with renowned publishers worldwide. Our offices are in Milan and Beijing.

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      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Animal Mirror

        by Zakarías Zafra

        Tapachula, Chiapas: a small city on the southern border of Mexico bearing the weight of a continental migratory crisis. Migrants trapped between bureaucracy, misery, and violence. Tens of thousands of bodies halted in front of the invisible wall of the United States. This book seeks to explore migration from the inside out. Its field of exploration encompasses not only the physical border but also the narrator's personal experience as an immigrant in Mexico. It is a hybrid work that weaves through chronicles, personal essays, autobiography, and travel writing, considering the migratory phenomenon not just as a collapse but as a space for profound subjective elaboration. The story of a religious leader expelled from Angola, the adventures of a former Colombian guerrilla threatened by the dissident factions of the FARC, and the nostalgia of an exiled Sandinista from Daniel Ortega's dictatorship blend in a common chorus with the narrator’s voice, son of a father killed by the Venezuelan state and a mother seeking asylum in Mexico. More than a chronicle, "El espejo animal" seeks to be a spoken portrait of migration in Latin America. It is an artifact that enables and amplifies the voices of migrants where they cannot be heard.

      • Fiction

        The Countess and the Organ Player

        by Cesia Hirshbein

        In the historical context of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the height of the Romantic era, the 19th century, Anton Bruckner, the famous Austrian composer and organist, falls in love with the imposing Countess Henriette. She had been appointed lady-in-waiting to Princess Charlotte of Belgium, the wife of Prince Maximilian of Habsburg, to attend to her during the couple's Mexican endeavor. They had been named Emperor and Empress of Mexico and would embark on a journey to America for this mission. Bruckner meets the countess by chance at the funeral of Maximilian, who had been assassinated in Querétaro in 1867, during the so-called Second Mexican Empire. On the recommendation of a musician friend of Henriette's, who sees him at the funeral, she takes piano lessons with Bruckner. When she tells him that she had accompanied the empress to Mexico, the composer becomes enchanted. He admired Maximilian and was passionate about Mexico; he had even wanted to accompany the emperor. Ultimately, the only trips he made were to give organ concerts in London and another at Notre Dame in Paris. Between classes, the countess tells him of the Atlantic crossing, the arrival in Veracruz, and the entrance to Mexico City. Gradually, they grow closer. In one of his concerts, Bruckner meets Franz Liszt, who was a patron of Maximilian's empire in Mexico. Meanwhile, the countess and the organist plan a Requiem, which will be the turning point between them.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2020

        Descartes periódicos

        by Juan Rodríguez M.

        La muerte de la poesía, la revolución del Quijote, los universos que son Cuba y España, el pensamiento frente al crimen, el milagro de la ficción, las violencias latinoamericanas, el cine como literatura, la imaginación, el fútbol y la ciencia, la modernidad de Raúl Ruiz y Baudelaire; el ser humano. De eso hablan estas mujeres y hombres que narran: poetas, cronistas, cineastas y novelistas unidos por la pasión irrestricta y consciente hacia sus oficios. Este libro recoge entrevistas publicadas en el suplemento Artes y Letras, pero incluye el material descartado por las limitaciones de espacio de la prensa tradicional. Entrevistas a: Raúl Zurita (Chile), Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio (Francia), Wendy Guerra (Cuba), Ian Gibson (Irlanda), Margerethe von Trotta (Alemania), César Aira (Argentina), Jon Lee Andreson (Estados Unidos), Guillermo Arriaga (México), Juan Villoro (México), Alan Pauls (Argentina).

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2019

        Lugares, recorridos y sentidos de la memoria histórica: Acercamientos metodológicos

        by Laura Fonseca Durán, Diana Vernot, Tatiana Rojas Roa, Laura Giraldo Martínez, Edwin Corena Puentes, David J. Luquetta Cediel

        This book is an initiative of the Regional Groups of Historical Memory (GRMH), which, together with the National Center for Historical Memory since 2013, generated proposals for the construction of historical memory in Colombia. The objective of the consolidation of the GRMH has been to recognize local research processes carried out by university professors to build bridges between the country's institutions and communities victimized in the framework of the internal armed conflict in Colombia.   Although the participatory social research bets are nourished by multiple edges, disciplines, and schools of thought, there are methodological peculiarities in the investigations that are formulated in the key of historical memory that, on this occasion, are transversal and are deepened in each chapter.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Logro profesional y económico

        ¡Atrévete… ya! El cielo es el límite

        by Mariel Mambretti

        This volume, central to the work by location, is also central by content. We have already discussed the gifts of an attentive mind and a harmonious body. Here you will find the means to take advantage of these tools in a concrete way, and thus progress in the workplace and economically. In the first part, we spell out the keys to making a good initial impression and making your presence prevail in a cordial and convincing way at the same time. You will also find suggestions on time management, valuable concepts on how to acquire and sustain the habit of order, how to express yourself correctly and effectively, and everything related to establishing a good work methodology. The second part talks about the intimate relationship between work and wealth, and establishes what steps are necessary for all professional or work effort to bear fruit in a comfortable present and in a planned and solid future. From all this, you will draw conclusions that will strengthen not only your wishes for success, but also your real opportunities to achieve it, from now on ...

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2020


        Society and culture in Dalcidio Jurandir

        by Willi Bolle

        This book presents an overview of Amazonian history and analyzes the novel Cycle of the Far North, by Dalcidio Jurandir, a work that represents the social inequality and exclusion inherent to Amazonian society. Willi Bolle rescues the work of this important, albeit unknown, author, emphasizing Dalcidio Jurandir’s contribution to our understanding of Amazonian culture. In his work, Jurandir describes the quotidian of those living in the periphery of society, and advocates, quite emphatically, quality education for the poor. He also registers the social dialect of the inhabitants of the Amazon, in a document of the cultural memory of the region.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        El arte de la cháchara - La poética de lo abigarrado en las novelas de Enrique Lihn

        La poética de lo abigarrado en las novelas de Enrique Lihn

        by Daniel Rojas Pachas

        La trilogía sobre la retórica del poder, que Enrique Lihn nos ha legado, fue creada bajo el signo del bufón y la podemos entender como literatura plural y abigarrada. Antonio Cornejo Polar señala en torno a estos dos conceptos: "corresponde a una especie de supradiscurso multiétnico que acumula, sin sintetizarlas, sus hondas y extensas contradicciones".  En ese tenor, Enrique Lihn señala en uno de sus versos, dedicados al ocio increíble del que somos capaces: “el estilo que por lo cierto no es el hombre / sino la suma de sus incertidumbres”.  En busca de la contradicción inherente, el autor chileno crea realidades ficcionales, que se apartan de lo documental y privilegia generar efectos de enmascaramiento y una comunicación que se da en términos de una combinación de estados neuróticos y paranoides. Habla que remite a un marco de censura y vigilancia, al punto de extremar el locus horridus propiciado por un poder corrupto e irrefrenable. Se trata del reino en que prevalece la palabra vacía e impotente que surge de la censura. Daniel Rojas Pachas nos entrega en este ensayo, una visión profunda y crítica de la narrativa, de uno de los escritores chilenos más importantes del siglo XX.

      • June 2015

        Violencia de género y las respuestas de los sistemas penales

        by Encarna Bodelón (comp.)

        The problem of impunity and the devaluation of the rights of women who suffer sexist violence in intimate relationships is still present in European penal systems. The basic question is what differentiates sexist violence in the sphere of the couple from other types of violence. This type of violence in the sphere of the couple has nothing to do with what is known as injuries in the criminal sphere, but rather "gender violence, sexist violence, violence against women". The "problem" is not the women who report or do not report, but to what extent criminal treatment pursues the reported behaviors and protects women who suffer violence. In diverse contexts we will see common problems and remote solutions, but which coincide in not being yet ensuring the freedom of women. Our purpose is to advance in the construction of women's rights and denounce that the insufficient guarantee of the right to a life free of violence is an attack against all women, against all citizens and a burden of the patriarchal State.

      • Biography & True Stories
        July 2018


        by Nádia Battella Gotlib

        In this engaging and reader-friendly biography, the professor and essayist Nádia Batista Gotlib recreates the libertarian trajectory of Tarsila do Amaral, focusing on her private life, her training in art, the modernist circuit and the Pau-brasil and Anthropophagic movements, detailing the painter’s active commitment to defending the diversity of both her art and her affective and personal life. A paradigm of rupture in visual arts and literature, Tarsila do Amaral influenced Brazilian art production and played a leading role in the social mobility of women. This book offers readers a full picture of her intense life and work, deciphering their complexity, originality and worldview.

      • April 2016

        Laboratorios de paz en territorios de violencia

        by Miguel Barreto Herinques

        Este libro incide sobre una experiencia sui generis de construcción de paz en Colombia, los Laboratorios de paz. Situados en algunas de las zonas más conflictivas del país, constituyeron programas multidimensionales de construcción de paz desde la base, sostenidos por la sociedad civil, y con el respaldo y participación de la Unión Europea y del Estado colombiano. Esta investigación evalúa en qué medida los laboratorios de paz abrieron caminos novedosos y “fórmulas” alternativas para la paz a nivel local y regional.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Los frutos de la inteligencia emocional

        ¡Atrévete… ya! El cielo es el límite

        by Mariel Mambretti

        This volume will crown your journey, making you a participant in one of the greatest contributions that applied psychology made both to the business world and to all related areas of life: the value of emotional intelligence. From its definition to the means to make the most of it and achieve your ends, you will find the keys to making emotions not a stumbling block, but a weapon for job advancement.  Paying attention to the other, giving him a framework of trust and appreciation, stimulating him and accompanying his moods, have been revealed as essential points for the development of all productive activities. Today it is known that whoever smiles and knows how to relate well with their environment is the most capable of climbing positions of great responsibility in the workplace. You will also find suggestions aimed at ensuring that everything obtained in this field results in a particularly full life and suitable for enjoying what has been achieved. These pages are, then, the corollary to make your triumph comprehensive and lasting. Enjoy them!

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        Damaged Deer. Anthology

        by Rafael Rubio

        This poetic anthology by Rafael Rubio, without a doubt one of the most relevant poetic voices nowadays in Chile, is of greatest relevance to invite teenagers to approach to poetry and helping them to face directly their pains and joys, with that which tears the apart and also with that which enlightens their path. This anthology includes a selection of poems made by the author himself. It includes poems published in Arbolando (1998), Luz rabiosa (2007), Mala siembra (2013) and Viernes santo (2019), as well as 17 unpublished poems.

      • Christian theology

        The Christ Always New

        The Place of Context in Christology

        by Francisco García Martínez

        Something has changed in Christology, something that causes anxiousness and worry among the shepherds and theologians that try to give reason of their faith in a time and in a society where certitudes have dwindled. However, since Christ is the same yesterday, today and always, the only and universal Salvator in history, theology, forced by Christ’s eschatological lordship, which does not despise any historical present as his own body, must look for new ways to offer today’s men and women the truth, beauty and goodness that are in store for all in God’s very depths. According to this logic, where the context becomes a provocation inviting faith and theology to be daring, the liturgical Christ reveals himself as the foundation of Christology, since it is the place where he displays his truth and living presence.

      • August 2019

        A defence of armed Art/Struggle

        by Óscar Guardiola-Rivera

        Esta actitud obsesiva y antinomiana, que se denomina provocativamente la lucha "armada" en el camino hacia la paz (más que como lo opuesto a ella), presente como espíritu, efervescencia colectiva, combate o fantasma en los rituales institucionalizados o constitutivos (ejemplificado por el (episodio del juramento a cetro en la literatura clásica, ya menudo imaginado como un "contrato" original autorizado por una "voluntad" genérica que legitima el derecho en la literatura moderna), está representado bajo la economía política del régimen industrial-colonial en un estado de suspensión o "emergencia". En este sentido, como se sugirió anteriormente, el "estado de emergencia" que según Benjamin se ha convertido en la regla no es consecuencia de la violencia. Al contrario,es el intento de suspender el combate,

      • May 2020

        Antropología del astronauta cotidiano

        by José Alejandro Polanco Contreras

        Desde la perspectiva de la antropología médica, este libro describe las condiciones de vida de las personas que llevan dispositivos médicos al cuerpo que pueden hacerlos parecer en cierto modo cyborgs, debido a esa simbiosis entre el ser humano y la tecnología. El lector encontrará historias de vida de personas de diversas condiciones sociales y económicas que tienen en común su condición de "astronauta de la vida diaria", término adoptado por el autor para nombrar a aquellas personas que, por circunstancias de su vida, fueron "lanzadas" en la complejidad de vivir con una ostomía. El libro describe la perspectiva médica del problema, así como las tecnologías y dispositivos que se han desarrollado para el cuidado de las ostomías y que han ayudado a esas personas a llevar una vida plenamente funcional.

      • Photography & photographs
        July 2013


        by Fabiana de Barros (author)

        Geraldo de Barros (1923-1998) was one of the most important representatives of Brazilian’s Modernism. He learned the principles of the Ulm Superior School of Design (Germany), brought them to South America and encouraged many of his colleagues to join the movement of concrete art. He cultivated contacts with the European artistic avant-garde and, in Brazil, was a pioneer in developing and experiencing new trends such as pop art and happening. This book presents an overview of his life and work, chrono-logically arranged and covering all aspects of his production with an emphasis in photography.

      • Graphic novels
        January 2023

        Torpedo 1972 vol 2: That's gotta hurt!

        ¡Con lo que eso duele!

        by Enrique Sánchez Abulí, Eduardo Risso

        The return of one of Spanish comics’ great characters and an icon of the noir genre, 18 years after his previous adventure. Enrique Sánchez Abulí received the Comic Barcelona Grand Prize for his life’s work. Luca Torelli receives an assignment from his old friend Lou: to kill Joe Carter, the cop who is endangering the shop he runs. Torpedo decides to accept the juicy offer and, together with Rascal, embarks on the risky mission with unpredictable consequences. With That's Gott hurt, the new phase of the mythical character created by Enrique Sánchez Abulí continues. He repeats his collaboration with the cartoonist Eduardo Risso.

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