Lebe leicht
Im Innen Platz schaffen, um im Außen frei zu sein
by Watkins, Light
Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Judith Elze
Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Judith Elze
Cells are the smallest units capable of sustaining life, and they make up virtually every aspect of the human body. From the strands of hair at the top of the head to the nails on fingers and toes, every structure of the human body is composed of cells. Groups of cells form tissues and organs, which allow the body to function as an organized system. Skin, the body’s largest organ, forms a waterproof barrier that provides protection against invading microorganisms and acts as a sensory and thermoregulatory structure. Cells, Tissues, and Skin, Third Edition explores the properties of each of these components in our bodies. Packed with full-color photographs and illustrations, this absorbing book provides students with sufficient background information through references, websites, and a bibliography.
The human body's sense organs are its physical link between the brain and the surrounding environment. Our senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing allow us to interact with and adapt to the ever-changing world that surrounds us. The Senses, Third Edition gives an introduction to the intricate structures and functions of the body's sense organs, and examines some of the most common diseases that affect these organs. Readers will learn how even a temporary problem with one of the senses can dramatically affect how our bodies perceive the world. Packed with full-color photographs and illustrations, this absorbing book provides students with sufficient background information through references, websites, and a bibliography.
Edgar Winds Habilitationsschrift von 1934 ist eine originelle Deutung der modernen Physik aus dem Umkreis des Neukantianismus und des amerikanischen Pragmatismus. Wind formuliert darin seine Theorie der „symbolischen Repräsentation“
Die Heidnischen Mysterien handeln vom »Bilddenken« des Neuplatonismus und von seinem glanzvollen Ausdruck in der Renaissancekunst. Heidnische Mythologie, christliche Bildersprache, religiöse Spekulation und philosophische Reflexion verschmelzen zu jener »poetischen Theologie«, deren verschiedene Ausprägungen bei Philosophen, Dichtern und bildenden Künstlern der Renaissance (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des florentinischen Künstler- und Gelehrtenkreises um Lorenzo di Medici) aufgezeigt werden. Aus den Mosaiksteinen dieses Denkens rekonstruiert Wind allmählich das System eines »orphischen Pantheon« und lässt dabei seine ideengeschichtliche Explikation immer wieder in faszinierende Interpretationen bildkünstlerischer Werke der Renaissance münden.
Representing almost 80 years of combined experience, Guide to Cultivated Plants includes concise textual descriptions and attractive full colour illustrations of over 300 crop species. These comprise 11 commodity groups ranging from vegetables, both horticulture and forages species, and arable crops to the major fruits and plantation crops. All major cultivated plants from temperate, Mediterranean and tropical climates are covered and the morphology, botany, ecology, agronomy and use of cultivated crops is fully discussed.
Ranging from eyebaths and compression stockings to electronic cigarettes, the variety of medical aids available is huge. Every day, expert advice on these is needed at the pharmacy. The authors have summarised these aids in a practically oriented way. They provide background information, specifics about the materials, application descriptions, practical tips and product examples. Colourful illustrations show how they are used on or by the patient. Fully updated, the new edition of the book contains not only conventional medical devices but also those asked for at a contemporary community pharmacy. This 11th edition, which has been completely revised, contains: - definitions enabling rapid familiarisation with the topic, - tables that provide an overview, - illustrations and advice tips to help with practical use, - mnemonics and practice questions which help reinforce the knowledge Bonus: QR codes take the user to additional digital material! The ideal companion in training and on the job!
In the years after the First World War the British government had to adapt its communication policy to connect with the new mass electorate. This book examines the government's own Film Units and their slow development of the Public Information Film. By reviewing the entire film catalogue produced by the Empire Marketing Board, the General Post Office and Crown Film Units, particular themes are identified which not only reflect the demands of the Units' sponsors but also the anxieties and concerns of the 1930s and 1940s. The impact of the films is explored through the contemporary reaction of the audiences to them. By the time the Crown Film Unit was closed in 1952 a style of Public Information Film had been developed and continued into the 1970s.
Mathematical modelling is increasingly applicable to the practical sciences. Here, mathematical approaches are applied to the study of mechanisms of digestion and metabolism in primary animal species. Farmed animals - ruminants, pigs, poultry and fish are comprehensively covered, as well as sections on companion animals. Common themes between species, such as energy and amino acid metabolism, are explored with a worldwide approach. Leading researchers from around the world have contributed to France and Kebreab's volume to provide an integrated approach to mathematical modelling in animal nutrition.