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Crimson Dragon Publishing
Crimson Dragon Publishing carries books that encourage readers of all ages by sparking the imagination. While we focus on the fantasy and science fiction genres, we also carry illustrated books for young readers that focus on social-emotional skills development and fictionalized non-fiction.
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Inglés para estudiantes universitarios de matemáticas
by Prof. J. Golan y el Dr. M. Bensoussan.
Inglés para estudiantes universitarios de matemáticas - por el Prof. J. Golan y el Dr. M. Bensoussan. El objetivo de este conciso cuaderno de 64 páginas, concebido especialmente para estudiantes extranjeros que planean cursar estudios avanzados de matemáticas en universidades anglo-parlantes, es permitir al lector pueda comprender escritura técnica matemática. El libro está compuesto de 12 textos de nivel matemático universitario, especialmente escritos para destacar los aspectos diferentes del estilo matemático técnico. Cada texto comprende ejercicios que examinan la comprensión de texto de los estudiantes, adquisición de vocabulario, y conocimientos de algunos de los temas más sutiles de la escritura matemática. Una edición bilingüe en japonés de este libro fué publicada en Tokio por Maruzen Co., Ltd.
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Literature & Literary StudiesJanuary 2013The world of El Cid
Chronicles of the Spanish Reconquest
by Simon Barton, Richard Fletcher
Makes available, for the first time in English translation, four of the principal narrative sources for the history of the Spanish kingdom of León-Castile during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Three chronicles focus primarily upon the activities of the kings of León-Castile as leaders of the Reconquest of Spain from the forces of Islam, and especially upon Fernando I (1037-65), his son Alfonso VI (1065-1109) and the latter's grandson Alfonso VII (1126-57). The fourth chronicle is a biography of the hero Rodrigo Díaz, better remembered as El Cid, and is the main source of information about his extraordinary career as a mercenary soldier who fought for Christian and Muslim alike. Covers the fascinating interaction of the Muslim and Christian worlds, each at the height of their power. Each text is prefaced by its own introduction and accompanied by explanatory notes.
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Science & MathematicsDecember 2016Conservation Agriculture for Africa
Building Resilient Farming Systems in a Changing Climate
by Amir H Kassam, Amir H Kassam, Saidi Mkomwa, Saidi Mkomwa, Theodor Friedrich, J N Blignaut, H Boulal, Roland Bunch, Trent W Bunderson, Dennis Garrity, Oussama El Gharras, Mohammed El Mourid, Mphatso Gama, Zwide D Jere, Josef Kienzle, Jaap Knot, Erna Kruger, Peter Kuria, Baqir Lalani, Simon Lugandu, Brand Mbale, Charles Midega, Michael Misiko, Zeyaur Khan, Obedi Mkandawire, Alice Murage, Richard M. Museka, Weldone Mutai, Blessings M. Mwale, Spencer W.D. Ng’oma, John M. Paul, John A. Pickett, Jimmy Pittchar, Brian G. Sims, Hendrik J. Smith, Phillip Tembo, Christian Thierfelder, Patrick C. Wall, Reynolds K. Shula, Peter Dorward, Jose Dambiro
Tillage agriculture has led to widespread soil and ecosystem degradation globally. This is especially so in Africa where traditional and modern tillage-based agricultural practices have become unsustainable due to severe disturbance and exploitation of natural resources, with negative impacts on the environment and rural livelihoods. In addition, agriculture in Africa today faces major challenges including increased costs of production and energy, the effects of climate change, and the lack of an effective paradigm for sustainable intensification, especially for small- and medium-size holdings. Africa is facing a serious challenge to food security and as a continent has not advanced towards eradicating hunger. In addition, the population is still growing much faster than on most other continents. This pressure has led to the emergence of no-till conservation agriculture as a serious alternative sustainable agriculture paradigm. In Africa, in recent years, conservation agriculture techniques and methods have spread to many countries, as greater development, education and research effort are directed towards its extension and uptake. This book is aimed at agricultural researchers and scientists, educationalists, and agricultural service providers, institutional leaders and policy makers working in the fields of sustainable agriculture and international development, and also at agroecologists, conservation scientists, and those working on ecosystem services. This book: · Focuses on research and development initiatives in Africa aimed at building resilient farming systems based on conservation agriculture principles and practices. · Summarises the status of conservation agriculture in Africa today and prospects for its future development in Africa as a basis for sustainable agriculture intensification. · Describes case studies showing the performance of conservation agriculture in Africa. ; Tillage agriculture has led to widespread soil and ecosystem degradation. This book reviews research and development initiatives in Africa aimed at building resilient farming systems. It summarises the status of conservation agriculture today, discusses prospects for future development and provides case studies showing its performance in Africa. ; 1: Conservation Agriculture in Africa: An Overview2: Weather-Proofing Agriculture with Conservation Agriculture3: Conservation Agriculture: Growing more with less – the future of sustainable intensification4: Empowering Smallholder Farmers with Profitable and Sustainable Farming using Conservation Agriculture – the Case of East Africa5: Implementing the Principles of Conservation Agriculture in Malawi: Crop Yields and Factors Affecting Adoption6: Innovation Systems and farmer perceptions regarding Conservation Agriculture in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique7: Conservation Agriculture in North Africa: Experiences, Achievements and Challenges8: How Can We Cover Millions of Hectares with Conservation Agriculture in Africa?9: Climate-Smart push-pull - A conservation agriculture technology for food security and environmental sustainability in Africa10: How to Make Conservation Agriculture Ever Green11: Mechanization of smallholder Conservation Agriculture in Africa: contributing resilience to precarious systems12: Conservation Agriculture in South Africa: Lessons from Case Studies13: Extending Conservation Agriculture benefits through Innovation Platforms14: Summing Up
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August 2022Altopía
1. La traición
by Barrientos, Alejandro; Cuevas, Joaquín
It is the year 2053 and El Alto celebrates its tenth anniversary as the capital of the New Kollasuyo. Metropolis of the Andes, continental scrap metal market, second-hand industrial engine, robotic garbage supply, recipient of Chinese colonies, host of technosophical cyber-religions, world headquarters of the cholet and the highest popular fair on the planet, the city of the future is the mirror of our dreams. Don't let them talk you out of it: the future is now!
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El andén de las incertidumbres (The platform of uncertainties)
by El Yaizd Dib
The book is about different short stories with a social focus about the real life in Argelia and its public servants as main characters, as well as their conflicts.
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Ismael et Radia aux USA
Les États Unis
by Jihane Andaloussi / Fadwa El Alami Moutawakkil / Youssef Al Houcine / Omar Kabbaj
Ignite your little explorers' passion for reading with a thrilling journey through iconic landmarks and adventures! This book invites young adventurers to explore vibrant scenes from the United States, including Times Square, the Grand Canyon, and Yellowstone. Packed with an adventurous story about Radia and Ismael in the Wild West, as well as stickers, games, and coloring pages, it’s the perfect way to fuel their curiosity and imagination. Buckle up for an unforgettable adventure filled with learning and fun!
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El ascensor de Einstein
by Felix Dothan
El ascensor de Einstein: científicos que cambiaron el mundo por Felix Dothan El autor escribe sobre la vida y trabajo de científicos prominentes que consiguieron descifrar los secretos de la naturaleza, e inventores que cambiaron el curso de la humanidad. Estos científicos eran personas reales, de carne y hueso, diferentes del uno al otro. Entre ellos se encontraban personajes próximos a la santidad, tales como Albert Einstein y Lise Meitner, junto a ellos personas casi de otro mundo, como Srinivasa Ramanujan. Hubo científicos eminentes que carecieron de integridad intelectual, tales como Leibniz, o aquellos que despertaron sentimientos tanto de admiración como revulsión, como por ejemplo, Fritz Haber. Y muchos más: Arquímedes, uno de los fundadores de las matemáticas y un inventor de armas avanzadas; Benjamin Franklin: empresario, pionero de la teoría de la electricidad, diplomático, autor, y estadista; Davy : un químico agudo y brillante; y así sigue la lista, hasta el astrofísico renombrado Chandrasekhar, uno de los científicos quien, en las últimas décadas, descubrió hechos sorprendentes sobre el universo. Junto a las biografías de los científicos, el libro contiene cuentos cortos sobre temas relacionados con la ciencia – cuentos interesantes y divertidos, pero instructivos a la vez. Felix Dothan es Profesor Emeritus de física de la universidad hebrea de Jerusalén. Fue un científico visitante del instituto europeo para investigación nuclear (CERN) en Ginebra, Y un profesor visitante de la Universidad de California y Yale. Los derechos en español para España y Sudamerica están todavía disponibles!
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April 2022Doble vida
by Magnus, Ariel
Can anyone deceive the loved one in order to protect him or her from the cruel truth of love? Like broken magnets that first repel and then attract each other, the characters of this comical tragedy of entanglements swing between love and lovelessness, between fantasy and reality, between dream and wakefulness. In the confusion of these parallel lives, they stray into a diffuse reality that becomes clear when they all accept that they have deceived and been deceived. In his extensive and brilliant literary career, Ariel Magnus usually approaches from a marginal sector the crucial issues that are being debated in society. As if he had an antenna capable of capturing the sign of the times, but with a certain lag that makes him decode reality from the eccentric -in the sense of being out of the center- and, therefore, paradoxically, in a sharper, more forceful and notably more uncomfortable way. His style is recognizable in the marks of humor, absurdity, polysemy, logical contradictions.
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Children's & YAFebruary 2014Red Line
by Samar Mahfouz BarrajIllustrated By: Mona Yakzan and Mira El-Myr
Mazen, a young boy, is one day surprised by their neighbor Bassam shouting with anger in the street “My parking spot is a red line!” Does this mean he plans to paint the street red, asks Mazen to his mother? The mother explains to Mazen that what Bassam means is simply that no one is to park in his place. The notion is still vague to Mazen: Why red? Does it have anything to do with red traffic lights? The mother tries again “When something is a red line, it means that it is off limits to others”. In this illustrated album, Samar Barraj boldly addresses the delicate issue of child sexual abuse. Acknowledging the complexity of the boundary it tackles, the book determines it through examples the mother and child raise in their conversation. Mazen’s spontaneous remarks and comments point out the difficulty of defining this red line, and make of the book a realistic example of such a conversation. The illustrations develop the notion further, by representing situations in which the red line might be crossed – one may be on his bicycle, at his computer, or approached by a respectable-looking old man in the street. The body parts are not named, but are represented in a naïve drawing Mazen made, though the text insists on the importance of preserving the body as a whole. The colorful images and constant presence of the mother and parents make of the book a reassuring experience despite the gravity of the topic.
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October 2019Impassive Rivers
by Akram El Kebir
“In any case, when you decide to try harga, it's because you no longer expect anything from life. Or that you expect a lot!” (Akram El Kebir) The summer of 2018 was particularly deadly in Oran, as the discovery of harraga corpses being fished out of the Mediterranean was commonplace. That same summer saw the commissioning of a water cab, the Rossinante II, which made the daily shuttle between Oran and the small seaside town of Aïn El Turk. A cafe owner in a small estaminet in Sidi El Houari, Zaki, at the age of 24, led a dull, boring life, with no prospects for the future other than to cherish the hope of one day attempting the harga. It was only the fear of ending up eaten by fish that dissuaded him. That said, as soon as he heard about the water cab, an absurd idea occurred to him: what if he hijacked the boat and headed for the Iberian coast? He won't be alone in this crazy adventure, as his neighborhood friends Okacha and Anis, and other outcasts, are sure to follow him. But these modern-day Don Quixotes shouldn't claim victory too soon! They'll learn the hard way that hijacking an entire ship is no picnic. They'll have to face up to the Italian crew, as well as the rest of the passengers. Passionate debates ensue, in a sort of impromptu Citizens' Assembly, where all issues affecting society are discussed. On the eve of the February 22nd Revolution, Zaki has eyes only for one of his hostages, the impetuous Nafissa...
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August 2023Klaus Babie
La ruta de la rata
by Bauer, Jean-Claude; Brremaud, Frédéric
Responsible for the death of hundreds of Jews and members of the resistance, including Jean Moulin, SS Klaus Barbie escaped justice and a double death sentence at the end of World War II. He exchanged his native Germany for South America, where he applied the same methods and even organized the coup d'état of the dictator Hugo Banzer. A true mercenary, nicknamed the Butcher of Lyon, he was finally identified and hunted down until 1987, the fateful year of his trial and conviction, unprecedented in France: life imprisonment for crimes against humanity.
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Humanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2020(B)ordering Britain
Law, race and empire
by Nadine El-Enany
(B)ordering Britain argues that Britain is the spoils of empire, its immigration law is colonial violence and irregular immigration is anti-colonial resistance. In announcing itself as postcolonial through immigration and nationality laws passed in the 60s, 70s and 80s, Britain cut itself off symbolically and physically from its colonies and the Commonwealth, taking with it what it had plundered. This imperial vanishing act cast Britain's colonial history into the shadows. The British Empire, about which Britons know little, can be remembered fondly as a moment of past glory, as a gift once given to the world. Meanwhile immigration laws are justified on the basis that they keep the undeserving hordes out. In fact, immigration laws are acts of colonial seizure and violence. They obstruct the vast majority of racialised people from accessing colonial wealth amassed in the course of colonial conquest. Regardless of what the law, media and political discourse dictate, people with personal, ancestral or geographical links to colonialism, or those existing under the weight of its legacy of race and racism, have every right to come to Britain and take back what is theirs.
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Literature & Literary StudiesAugust 2018The Grand Canal
by Xia Jianyong
As the longest canal in the world, the Grand Canal connects five rivers in the land of China. This human-made river not only witnessed history of several dynasties, but also made great contribution to the economic, cultural, and political unification of the southern and northern China. This title explores large amount of historical materials concerning the Grand Canal, picturing a complete record of the canal during 2000 years.
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Literature & Literary StudiesApril 2008El laberinto de la soledad by Octavio Paz
by Catherine Davies, Anthony Stanton
If one had to identify one central, defining text from modern Mexican culture, it would be Octavio Paz´s famous essay, El laberinto de la soledad. This fully annotated edition includes the complete text in Spanish (with the author's final revisions), and notes and additional material in English. The editor's introduction contextualizes the essay and discusses central features: autobiographical and textual origins, intellectual sources, reception and canonization, generic ambiguity, structure, and governing symbols. The intellectual sources identified range from Marx, Nietzsche and Freud to the more contemporary ones of the French College of Sociology (Caillois), the Surrealist movement, the ideas of D. H. Lawrence, previous essays from writers in Mexico (such as Samuel Ramos) and Latin America. Several lines of interpretation are examined to show how the work can be read as a psycho-historical essay, an autobiographical construct or a modern literary myth. Transdisciplinary by nature, this literary essay is both an imaginative construction of personal and national identity, and also a critical deconstruction of dominant stereotypes. It seeks to redefine the complex relationships that exist between psychology, myth, history and Mexican culture. This edition also includes excerpts of the author's opinions on his essay, a time-line of Mexican history, a selected vocabulary, and themes for discussion and debate. Paz's first full-length prose work remains his most well-known and widely read text, and this edition will appeal to sixth-form and university students, teachers, researchers and general readers with a knowledge of Spanish. ;
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Fiction2021Strangers at Home
by Ezzat El-Kamhawi
The novel brings together residents of a multi-story building. In a world besieged by COVID-19, Ezzat El-Kamhawi’s new novel places its main characters in a fictional world dominated by isolation and obsessions, where people are forced to surrender to a crushing flood of memories. FROM THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: “The novel explores the pandemic and its impacts on social life in Egypt, by presenting examples of the people who suffered from the disease. Structurally, it interacts with other literary genres and combines realism and fantasy.”
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November 2021Die Hydra des Dschihadismus
Entstehung, Ausbreitung und Abwehr einer globalen Gefahr
by Asiem El Difraoui
Nachdem der »IS« in Trümmern lag und »Kalif« al-Baghdadi im Oktober 2019 von US-Truppen getötet wurde, schien der »Krieg gegen den Terror« einmal mehr beendet. Aber der Dschihadismus ist längst eine globale Bewegung geworden, der Dutzende von Organisationen angehören – und mit Gewalt allein ist ihr nicht beizukommen.Seit drei Jahrzehnten verfolgt Asiem El Difraoui als Filmemacher, Journalist und Wissenschaftler diese Entwicklung. Er traf Kampfgefährten bin Ladens in Khartum und PR-Strategen, die in Berlin-Charlottenburg Propagandavideos produzierten. In Kriegsgebieten wie Bosnien, dem Irak oder in Afghanistan hat er selbst den Terror gegen die Bevölkerung miterlebt. Und immer wieder kam der Terror auch zu ihm, wie in Gestalt der Anschläge 1995 und 2015 in Paris, die sich in seiner unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft ereigneten. Kenntnisreich und anschaulich schildert Difraoui, wie der Dschihadismus entstanden ist, wie seine Denkmuster und PR-Strategien sich gewandelt haben und woraus die Hydra ihre Kraft bezieht. Was macht die todbringende Ideologie gerade auch für junge Menschen in Europa attraktiv? Welchen Anteil hat der Westen, haben die Medien an ihrem Erfolg? Und wie kann es gelingen, ihre Macht zu brechen? Ein aufrüttelnder Appell, sich einer der größten Gefahren der Gegenwart zu stellen.
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ATENTADOS TERRORISTAS: la nueva amenaza urbana
by Prof. H. Granot y el Dr. J. Levinson
ATENTADOS TERRORISTAS: la nueva amenaza urbana por el Prof. H. Granot y el Dr. J. Levinson En este trabajo sumamente relevante e innovador, los autores hacen hincapié en los métodos con los que organismos locales pueden responder a los peores atentados terroristas que han debido enfrentar las autoridades en centros urbanos y mitigar sus efectos. Los autores también combinan la teoría con la práctica, citando incidentes en todo el mundo —incluido el devastador ataque perpetrado el 11 de septiembre de 2001 contra el Centro de Comercio Mundial en Nueva York y contra el Pentágono— haciendo al mismo tiempo hincapié en la singular experiencia de Israel en este campo. En vista de la creciente amenaza de atentados terroristas y del acrecentado interés en la gestión de casos de emergencia, Atentados terroristas provee un bien fundado material de fondo a funcionarios y miembros de unidades de emergencia que tratan de comprender una de las peores amenazas al mundo moderno. Namiki Shobo ha publicado a fines de 2005 una versión en japonés de esta obra. Dekel, junto con THE KEY Publishing House Inc., de Toronto, Canadá, publicó en abril de 2009 una versión en inglés americano.