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        Drug Products in Nursing and Care Practice

        Safe handling of medication

        by Dr. Ulrich Räth and Friedhelm Kamann

        The assessment of nursing and care needs and the organisation and quality assurance of nursing care are key tasks performed by nursing staff. This also includes administering medication, something which requires sound organisation, control, implementation and documentation. Nurses observe whether medication is taken consistently, has the desired effect, and whether undesirable side effects occur. The drug product as a „special commodity“ – whether in inpatient long-term care, in outpatient care, or in hospital – requires special knowledge concerning - correct storage, - the pharmacological effect, and - appropriate application. This book is geared towards the diseases and symptoms of people requiring nursing or care. All the important facts concerning the use of medicines are presented here in an understandable manner, focusing on the essentials. Numerous illustrations and practical tips provide the link to everyday nursing care. It is the ideal textbook and reference work for nursing and care assistants as well as nursing professionals.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2024

        Dog politics

        Species stories and the animal sciences

        by Mariam Motamedi Fraser

        Do dogs belong with humans? Scientific accounts of dogs' 'species story,' in which contemporary dog-human relations are naturalised with reference to dogs' evolutionary becoming, suggest that they do. Dog politics dissects this story. This book offers a rich empirical analysis and critique of the development and consolidation of dogs' species story in science, asking what evidence exists to support it, and what practical consequences, for dogs, follow from it. It explores how this story is woven into broader scientific shifts in understandings of species, animals, and animal behaviours, and how such shifts were informed by and informed transformative political events, including slavery and colonialism, the Second World War and its aftermath, and the emergence of anti-racist movements in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The book pays particular attention to how species-thinking bears on 'race,' racism, and individuals.

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        December 2018

        Preparation and care before pregnancy

        by Shi Honghui

        This book carefully designs the pre pregnancy preparation plan, analyzes and solves the related problems, guides the pre pregnancy daily life and daily life, psychological preparation, physical care, nutritional diet and other aspects, makes full preparation for pregnancy, and helps the pregnant women to understand the focus issues such as pre pregnancy examination, disease treatment that hinders pregnancy, the care of infertile families and the means of assisted reproduction.

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        Nature, the natural world (Children's/YA)
        March 2020

        Earth Takes a Break

        by House, Emily

        From children's book author Emily House comes a wonderful story that re-connects us with our planet. A modern fable inspired by recent events, Earth Takes a Break is a touching picture book jam-packed with fun illustrations and woven together with a message of hope. When Earth feels unwell, she goes to the doctor to ask for help. What the doctor prescribes seems impossible to Earth, until she wakes the next day to find a surprising change!

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        Veterinary medicine
        December 2014

        Rabbit Behaviour, Health and Care

        by Marit Emilie Buseth, Richard Saunders

        This book is an essential, thorough, very practical guide to understanding and caring for your rabbit. By following the advice in this book, both rabbit owners and veterinary health professionals report healthier and more content rabbits. Developed from the successful Norwegian text Den Store Kaninboka by the award-winning author Marit Emilie Buseth, Rabbit Behaviour, Health and Care will help you: - develop an understanding of the rabbit's nature, which will help you to spot normal and abnormal behaviour; - learn about the correct living conditions in which to keep domestic rabbits, in terms of their behavioural, physical and social needs; - acquire essential knowledge about rabbit nutrition, dentistry and disease; - discover a new and improved approach to rabbit-keeping through stories and case examples of real rabbits; - gain a rewarding owner-pet relationship. Rabbits are extremely popular pets, but misconceptions about their care and behaviour are widespread. Most illnesses or behaviour problems are a direct or indirect result of poor nutrition and care. This book helps veterinarians and rabbit owners to overcome these challenges by understanding the rabbit's nature and needs.

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        May 2024

        Breed Differences in Dog Behavior

        Why Tails Wag Differently

        by Renee L Ha, Tracy L Brad, James C Ha

        Humans have bred dogs for physical and behavioral characteristics for millennia. These efforts can have unintended side effects, however, which may be either advantageous or cause issues - such as a predisposition to certain medical complaints, or, controversially, behavioural issues. The scientific study of domestic dogs is still in its infancy, but public demand for this information is at a record high as more and more pet owners seek to understand their canine family members. Focusing on the behavioral differences and tendencies that have arisen in different breed lines, this book explores, summarizes, and explains the scientific evidence on what breed can tell us about behaviour - and, crucially, what it cannot. This book covers: - the impact of inbreeding, how it contributes to problematic behavioral issues such as anxiety and aggression, and how it potentially affects the future health of the breed; - the limits of predicting a dog's behavior based upon breed, individual differences within breeds, and thus the corresponding limitations of breed-specific legislation; - guidance for professionals to help their clients better understand behavioral issues, traits, and appropriate expectations around the right breed for their household. Providing a comprehensive and approachable view of the science behind breed-specific behaviors, this book gives dog enthusiasts from all professional and personal backgrounds a better understanding of why dogs do what they do, and how we can improve our relationships with our canine companions. Covering genetics, phylogeny of canids, temperament, aggression, social behavior, and the history of dog breeding, it is an important read for researchers, students, veterinary practitioners and animal behaviourists, as well as shelter staff, dog trainers, or anyone looking for a greater understanding of dog breed differences.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2014

        The domestic, moral and political economies of post-Celtic Tiger Ireland

        What rough beast?

        by Kieran Keohane, Rob Kitchin, Carmen Kuhling

        This book provides an analysis of neo-liberal political economics implemented in Ireland and the deleterious consequences of that model in terms of polarised social inequalities, impoverished public services and fiscal vulnerability as they appear in central social policy domains - health, housing and education in particular. Tracing the argument into the domains where the institutions are sustained and reproduced, this book examines the movement of modern economics away from its original concern with the household and anthropologically universal deep human needs to care for the vulnerable - the sick, children and the elderly - and to maintain inter-generational solidarity. The authors argue that the financialisation of social relations undermines the foundations of civilisation and opens up a marketised barbarism. Civic catastrophes of violent conflict and authoritarian liberalism are here illustrated as aspects of the 'rough beast' that slouches in when things are falling apart and people become prey to new forms of domination. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023

        Love and revolution

        A politics for the deep commons

        by Matt York

        Based on award-winning research, Love and revolution brings classical and contemporary anarchist thought into a mutually beneficial dialogue with a global cross-section of ecological, anti-capitalist, feminist and anti-racist activists - discussing real-life examples of the loving-caring relations that underpin many contemporary struggles. Such a (r)evolutionary love is discovered to be a common embodied experience among the activists contributing to this collective vision, manifested as a radical solidarity, as political direct action, as long-term processes of struggle, and as a deeply relational more-than-human ethics. This book provides an essential resource for all those interested in building a free society grounded in solidarity and care, and offers a timely contribution to contemporary movement discourse.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        Out of his mind

        Masculinity and mental illness in Victorian Britain

        by Amy Milne-Smith

        Out of His Mind interrogates how Victorians made sense of the madman as both a social reality and a cultural representation. Even at the height of enthusiasm for the curative powers of nineteenth-century psychiatry, to be certified as a lunatic meant a loss of one's freedom and in many ways one's identify. Because men had the most power and authority in Victorian Britain, this also meant they had the most to lose. The madman was often a marginal figure, confined in private homes, hospitals, and asylums. Yet as a cultural phenomenon he loomed large, tapping into broader social anxieties about respectability, masculine self-control, and fears of degeneration. Using a wealth of case notes, press accounts, literature, medical and government reports, this text provides a rich window into public understandings and personal experiences of men's insanity.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2022

        Home economics

        by Sacha Hepburn, Lynn Abrams

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Payment and philanthropy in British healthcare, 1918–48

        by George Campbell Gosling, Keir Waddington

        This book is available as an open access ebook under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence. At a time when payment is claiming a greater place than ever before within the NHS, this book provides the first in-depth investigation of the workings, scale and meaning of payment in British hospitals before the NHS. There were only three decades in British history when it was the norm for patients to pay the hospital; those between the end of the First World War and the establishment of the National Health Service in 1948. Payment played an important part in redefining rather than abandoning medical philanthropy, based on class divisions and the notion of financial contribution as a civic duty. With new insights on the scope of private medicine and the workings of the means test in the hospital, as well as the civic, consumer and charitable meanings associated with paying the hospital, Gosling offers a fresh perspective on healthcare before the NHS and welfare before the welfare state.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2022

        Reconstructing lives

        Victims of war in the Middle East and Médecins Sans Frontières

        by Vanja Kovacic, Bertrand Taithe

        This book attempts to establish a more holistic approach to the rehabilitation of war-injured civilians, one that adjusts to the patients' long-term needs. Kovacic not only offers an insight into the daily realities of patients during and after rehabilitation, but seeks to develop a new way to perceive, respect and involve them in health care. Based on comprehensive interviews with patients and MSF staff, as well as extended field observations, Reconstructing lives follows Syrian and Iraqi war-injured civilians in their journey to recovery. From their improvised medical treatment in their home countries, to the MSF-run hospital in Amman Jordan, to their return home, Kovacic explores how individuals attempt to pick up the pieces of their previous lives, add new elements from their treatment and travel experiences, and finally establish a new reconstructed reality. The book explores how the interaction between MSF staff and their patients contributes to the immense task of healing that awaits victims of war. The reader visits the intimate medical and domestic spaces that usually remain closed to the outside observer, spaces rich with human contact, perceptions, emotions, conflicts and reconciliations.

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        Veterinary medicine
        June 2013

        Salmonella in Domestic Animals

        by Edited by Paul Barrow, Ulrich Methner.

        Salmonella remains a major cause of economic loss in domestic livestock and human food poisoning worldwide. In the last 10 years there have been major advances in understanding the salmonella organism, meaning a compiled source of the new research is urgently needed. With fully updated chapters and new coverage of genome structure, virulence, vaccine development, molecular methods for epidemiology and exotics, this second edition is an invaluable resource for researchers of animal and human health.

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        Correct Methods Make Children Study Efficiently

        by Shen Lihong, Shen Like

        This book provides parents with effective and practical guidance from current school teachers. It helps parents scientifically learn about children's learning and cognitive systems, and effectively improves children's learning ability and eliminates the anxiety and difficulties parents face in accompanying their children's school life.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2019

        Managing diabetes, managing medicine

        Chronic disease and clinical bureaucracy in post-war Britain

        by Martin D. Moore, Keir Waddington, David Cantor

        This book is available as an open access ebook under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Through its study of diabetes care in twentieth-century Britain, Managing diabetes, managing medicine offers the first historical monograph to explore how the decision-making and labour of medical professionals became subject to bureaucratic regulation and managerial oversight. Where much existing literature has cast health care management as either a political imposition or an assertion of medical control, this work positions managerial medicine as a co-constructed venture. Although driven by different motives, doctors, nurses, professional bodies, government agencies and international organisations were all integral to the creation of managerial systems, working within a context of considerable professional, political, technological, economic and cultural change.

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        May 2018

        The Pinochet Plot

        by David Myles Robinson

        Successful San Francisco attorney Will Muñoz has heard of the brutal former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, of course, but it's not until he receives his mother's suicide letter that he has any inkling Pinochet may have had his father, Chilean writer Ricardo Muñoz, assassinated thirty years earlier.Her suspicions spur Will on to a quest to discover the truth about his father's death–and about the psychological forces that have driven his mother to her fatal decision. His journey takes him deep into unexpected darkness linking his current step-father, the CIA, drug-experimentation programs, and a conspiracy of domestic terrorism. The Pinochet Plot is not just a story of a man seeking inner peace; it is also a story of sinister history doomed to repeat itself.

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