American Diabetes Association
The American Diabetes Association is the world’s largest publisher of titles on diabetes care and treatment, setting the standards of patient care based on the latest research.
View Rights PortalThe American Diabetes Association is the world’s largest publisher of titles on diabetes care and treatment, setting the standards of patient care based on the latest research.
View Rights PortalDiametric Verlag is an independent publisher founded by Jutta A. Wilke providing high-quality specialized literature focused on women's issues like Women's Health, Gender Medicine and Feminism. All titles are published in German and available in print and digital editions.
View Rights PortalPlease, thank you, I'm sorry! These words can work magic Here you go and thank you very much! A flap book about good manners: not everyone is perfect, but it is important to be considerate of each other. The little fox child Fuzzy is excited: the animals in the forest are having a party and there will be cake, presents and a treasure hunt. Fuzzy has a sweet tooth and chows and chows, tears up his present, and would prefer to keep the treasure for himself. "Don't spill and make a mess," Ria Rabbit admonishes. And Sami Sparrow says, "You can't have it all to yourself." The fox child begins to ponder. True, that wasn't nice at all. But there's one thing that Fuzzy is particularly good at: listening! And all the other animals can learn something from that, too. Important message for kindergarten: promoting social behavior Gender-neutral protagonist: appeals equally to boys and girls Charming story and lovable characters Extra-large flaps on every double page A new picture book by success team Sandra Grimm and Sabine Kraushaar (What's in your diaper?)
A sibling? Duck Merle is about to haveeight! No wonder she’s so excited!She happily makes a mobile with Dad.When the chicks finally hatch, Merle isenchanted. In the hustle and bustle ofeveryday family life, Merle discovershow nice it is to cuddle with the littleones, help mum and dad with nappychanging and feeding, make her siblingslaugh and take good care of them.And luckily, there’s enough room forthem all in mummy and daddy’s heartsand on their laps!A sensitive read-aloud story about theadventure of becoming a big sibling,the happiness of still being allowed tobe small when you’re big, and all thebeautiful aspects of a strong sibling relationship– from the very beginning.
Ulf und Lillian wollen Urlaub machen und Carl soll vorübergehend ins Heim. Doch aus dem Provisorium wird eine Dauerlösung. Vergeblich wartet der 94jährige darauf, daß die Urlauber ihn wieder herausholen aus dem Heim, wo die Türen doppelte Schlösser haben, sich keiner Zeit für ihn nimmt und es ihm verwehrt wird, Blumen aufs Grab seiner Frau zu legen. Das hier ist nicht das „Drei-Sterne-Hotel mit eigenem Bad, Vollpension und Blick ins Grüne“, wie es ihm sein Sohn Ulf schmackhaft machen will. Das hier ist die Endstation und er ein Niemand im Niemandsland. Was ist passiert mit dem sanften, liebenswürdigen, melancholischen Carl? Ein anderer hat seinen Platz eingenommen, ein böser, aggressiver Kotzbrocken, der wild um sich schlägt und seinen Ohren nicht traut, wenn er das Personal beschimpft. Am Rande der Demenz entgleiten ihm die Worte, und die Welt zerfällt in Fragmente. Der Arm lehnt es ab, sich nach der Serviette auszustrecken, und die Hände weigern sich, nach Messer und Gabel zu greifen. Wie die abgesetzten Könige will Carl lieber sterben als im Exil leben.
Sooner or later everything is thrown away. In the consumer society, however, usable and serviceable products that may be as good as new are also thrown away. Such behaviour is the result of a long-term process that has developed over a period of one-and-a-half centuries. The change was led by the USA, and the Federal Republic of Germany followed. It started at the turn of the last century with personal hygiene: articles such as toilet paper, sanitary towels, nappies and paper handkerchiefs. After the Second World War, a large number of other disposable articles were soon added, such as paper cups and plastic dishes, nylon stockings and pens, razor blades, beverage cans and much more besides. Wolfgang König shows how business and consumers have together made throwing things away perfectly normal – and discusses how the throwaway society may be overcome.
Emily Witts Prognose für die weibliche Sexualität lautet: selbstbewusst, frei und unerschrocken. Mit einem wachen Blick, großer Begeisterungsfähigkeit und einer außergewöhnlichen Beobachtungsgabe erforscht die New Yorker Journalistin die neuen Formen weiblicher Sexualität, von Tinder über Feminist Porn bis hin zur Orgasmic Meditation. Emily Witt ist Mitte dreißig, Single und lebt in Brooklyn. Die ideale Voraussetzung für ein bewegtes Liebes- und Sexleben. Könnte man meinen. Doch eigentlich hat auch Witt trotz all der schillernden Angebote ein ganz bestimmtes Ziel im Visier: Ehemann, Kinder und ein Eigenheim. Um die Möglichkeitswelt jenseits der tradierten Ideale zu erkunden, entschließt sich die Journalistin zu einer Reise nach San Francisco, der Hochburg der freien Liebe und der digitalen wie libidinösen Zukunft. Sie durchstreift die Sphären des Internetdatings, feiert auf einer Hochzeit von Polyamoristen, spricht mit der Königin eines feministischen Kinky-Porn-Unternehmens, sie sondiert und überschreitet ihre eigenen Grenzen bei dem legendären Exzessfestival »Burning Man« und begibt sich ins Zentrum der »Orgasmic Meditation«. Am Ende ihrer Reise steht eine überraschende Erkenntnis.
Läßt sich erotische Annäherung auch im Sinn einer Asymptote vollziehen? Lothar erforscht das gemeinsame Werk des Theologen Hans Urs von Balthasar und seiner legendären Amica, der Ärztin und Mystikerin Adrienne von Speyr. Er glaubt sich einem unglaublichen Liebesdrama auf der Spur. Und Lothar selbst, ein von den Theaterwissenschaften zur katholischen Theologie sowie zu sexueller Enthaltsamkeit konvertierter Student, gerät zunehmend in Gewissenskonflikte mit seiner hoch und heilig gelobten Haltung: Das Charisma der Klavierspielerin Mary Lou stellt ihn vor Versuchung und Versagung. Wie in Tomboy entwickelt das Diskursnetz in Jungfrau ein burleskes Eigenleben. Hollywoods B-Film-Ikone Maria Montez sowie ihr Wiedergänger Mario Montez sind darin ebenso verstrickt wie Clemens Brentano, der jahrelang Visionen einer stigmatisierten Nonne protokollierte, Ronald Tavel, Begründer des Theatre of the Ridiculous, der Camp-Filmer Jack Smith oder die Jazzpianistin Jutta Hipp. Thomas Meinecke ist mit einem popistischen Zugang zum Katholischen gesegnet. In seinem neuen Roman begibt er sich auf extravagante Pfade des Glaubens: Polyphon geht es que(e)r durch die Jahrhunderte, campy und kinky.
Adopting the story-within-a-story structure of Arabian Nights, author Osama Alaysa weaves together a collection of stories portraying centuries of oppression endured by the Palestinian people. This remarkable novel eloquently brings together fictional characters alongside real-life historical figures in a complex portrayal of Bethlehem and the Dheisheh Refugee Camp in the West Bank. The common thread connecting each tale is madness, in all its manifestations. Psychological madness, in the sense of clinical mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, finds expression alongside acts of social and political madness. Together, these accounts of individuals and communities provide a gateway into the histories of the city of Bethlehem and Palestine. They paint a picture of the centuries of political oppression that the Palestinian people have endured, from the days of the Ottoman Empire to the years following the Oslo Accords, and all the way to 2012 (when the novel was written). The novel is divided into three sections, each containing multiple narratives. The first section, “The Book of a Genesis,” describes the physical spaces and origins of Bethlehem and Dheisheh Refugee Camp. These stories span the 19th and 20th centuries, transitioning smoothly from one tale to another to offer an intricate interpretation of the identity of these places. The second section, “The Book of the People Without a Book”, follows parallel narratives of the lives of the patients in a psychiatric hospital in Bethlehem, the mad men and women roaming the streets of the city, and those imprisoned by the Israeli authorities. All suffer abuse, but they also reaffirm their humanity through the relationships, romantic and otherwise, that they form. The third and final section, “An Ephemeral Book,” follows individuals—Palestinian and non-Palestinian—who are afflicted by madness following the Oslo Accords in 1993. These stories give voice to the perspectives of the long-marginalized Palestinian population, narrating the loss of land and the accompanying loss of sanity in the decades of despair and violence that followed the Nakba, the 1948 eviction of some 700,000 Palestinians from their homes. The novel’s mad characters—politicians, presidents, doctors, intellectuals, ordinary people and, yes, Dheisheh and Bethlehem themselves—burst out of their narrative threads, flowing from one story into the next. Alaysa’s crisp, lucid prose and deft storytelling chart a clear path through the chaos with dark humor and wit. The result is an important contribution to fiction on the Palestinian crisis that approaches the Palestinians, madness, and Palestinian spaces with compassion and depth.
The authors of this book take us on a journey through the different ways of inhabiting a house. Based on illustrations by Pep Carrió made with acrylic markers, the writer María José Ferrada uses poetic language and humor to propose a set of micro stories that invite readers to observe their own ways of inhabiting the world.
Ventura, a beautiful young Turkish woman, travels to Mexico because her family has arranged her marriage to a fellow Sephardic immigrant. With a trunk full of hopes and traditions, she bravely faces the unknown, as she embarks on a surprising journey to start a new life, far from her homeland. The arrival, the nostalgia, the heart-wrenching uprooting and the adoption of a new homeland will mark her adventure as a migrant, until the long-awaited return to Turkey. Ventura will live each event with intensity and will season her days with the aromas, flavors, rhythms, colors and proverbs from the Far East. Amid recipes and customs inherited from her ancient culture, she will find the best antidote to homesickness, even if her memory cannot forget the Moons of Istanbul.
A woman chops off her finger to demonstrate her fidelity to her lover. A mother loses her mind upon discovering that her husband has left her and their only child. An artist seeks to unravel why his neighbour's face enchants him. A passenger on a bus acts as an emissary of death. Meet some of the characters in Double Wahala Double Trouble, a collection of eleven stories by the award-winning poet, short story writer, children's novelist, and literary scholar. In this stunning collection, Umezurike lures the reader into a journey of the absurd and the grisly to show us men and women struggling to live, desire, love, and thrive against the eddy of troubles in their world.
With well over 6,300 articles, including over 500 new entries, this fourth edition of The Encyclopedia of British Film is a fully updated invaluable reference guide to the British film industry. It is the most authoritative volume yet, stretching from the inception of the industry to the present day, with detailed listings of the producers, directors, actors and studios behind a century or so of great British cinema. Brian McFarlane's meticulously researched guide is the definitive companion for anyone interested in the world of film. Previous editions have sold many thousands of copies and this fourth edition will be an essential work of reference for enthusiasts interested in the history of British cinema, and for universities and libraries.