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      • Daylight Publishing House

        Daylight Publishing House is a juvenile and children's books publishing house under China Publishing Group Corporation. To be specific, it is an imprint of People's Literature Publishing House, the largest literature publishing house in Mainland China, which enjoys a history of 65 years.Committed to furnish readers with the most excellent children's books, we attach the first importance to children's literature, while children's cartoon works, children's science works and early childhood works can also find a place for themselves.You can find series of well-known Chinese writers'works in our publication list. Literature masters such as Lu Xun, Ba Jin, Lao She and Bing Xin, and respectable modern writers like Jin Bo, Zhang Zhilu, Cao Wenxuan, Yang Hongying, Chang Xingang, Tang Sulan are all included.We are working hard in international cooperation and have already built close relationships with Random House, Walker Books, Scholastic and other famous publishing houses around the world. We have published children’s books popular in the world like The Redwall Series, The Alfons Series, Le Petit Nicolas, The Pocket Doodling and Colouring Series and The Essential Science Series, and have collected various wonderful titles in our International Award-Winning Book Series. An international cooperation project—"Chinese Story Seeds & Global Art Blooms"—has been initiated by us. This is a project of Cao Wenxuan's picture books, aimed at facilitating the transnational collaboration between Chinese stories of Cao Wenxuan, the only Chinese author to have won the Hans Christian Andersen Award (2016) and excellent illustrations from other countries.Apart from the various books mentioned before, we have also published a science magazine named Daylight Science for Kids, enabling children interested in science to explore more every month.

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      • Strange Days Books, Social Cooperative Enterprise

        Strange Days Books is a social cooperative publishing firm based in Crete, Greece. Since 2012 we have published almost 100 books. Every year we organize Sand Festival, an online Writers’ Workshop and - in cooperation with literary magazine - the one and only international short story competition based in Greece, plus our International Book Awards. In 2019 SDB was the only publishing house in Greece to receive approval by the European Union’s Creative Europe translation funding program for its project "Strange Days in Europe”. Strange Days Books is an entirely independent publisher, primarily interested in showcasing the wealth of new writing voices in Greece. We work closely with our authors to create books that will appeal to booklovers, books about the present, books that strive to push the art of literature forward, books written with talent and passion, books that challenge the way we see the world, books bursting with new ideas and intriguing perspectives.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Regular Script of the Greating Learning by Sun Xiaoyun

        by Sun Xiaoyun

        China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Regular Script of the Confucian Analects by Sun Xiaoyun

        by Sun Xiaoyun

        China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Regular Script of Dao De Ching by Sun Xiaoyun

        by Sun Xiaoyun

        China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Regular Script of the Doctrine of the Mean by Sun Xiaoyun

        by Sun Xiaoyun

        China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 1998

        Angela Carter

        by Aidan Day

        This full scale study discusses Angela Carter's fiction in chronological order, and notes that although her themes are fairly consistent throughout her work, consistency of theme is not the same as repetition. The new angles and emphases that develop are partly from Carter's immersion in the changing intellectual debates of the times and, concurrently, arise from the reading she was doing at the different stages of her life, which stretched from the medieval through de Sade to Foucault. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007



        by Cathy Day, Dirk Gunsteren

        Lima, Indiana 1884. Der erfolgreiche Unternehmer Wallace Porter ist am Ende. Seine junge Ehefrau liegt im Sterben, ihr Traum von Abenteuern in Amerikas Westen wird für immer ungelebt bleiben. Da schlägt der ärmliche Zirkus Hollenbach in der Kleinstadt sein Quartier auf. Aus einer Laune heraus kauft Porter den bankrotten Wanderzirkus. So wird die Provinzstadt Lima Jahr für Jahr zum Winterquartier des »Great Porter Circus« und zur Heimat für Hochseilartistinnen, Clowns, Dompteure und Akrobaten. Über Jahrzehnte und Generationen hinweg verschmelzen so die Sippen des Zirkus mit den Bewohnern der Kleinstadt Lima, prägt der Zirkus ihre Lebensläufe.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2025


        by Ben Alderson-Day

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2018

        All of this is true

        Ruhm kann tödlich sein

        by Peñaflor, Lygia Day

        Als die Freunde Miri, Soleil, Jonah und Penny sich mit der exzentrischen Bestsellerautorin Fatima Ro anfreunden, glauben sie, dass ihr Leben endlich den ersehnten Kick bekommt. Sie teilen sich gegenseitig ihre tiefsten Geheimnisse mit und gründen sogar einen Fan-Club für die Autorin. Diese wiederum lässt die Clique hautnah an ihrem Leben teilhaben - bis sie plötzlich in ihrem neuen Buch ein skandalträchtiges Geheimnis verrät, das eine tödliche Tragödie auslöst. Die Schülerinnen müssen sich entsetzt eingestehen, dass in dieser Freundschaft niemand ehrlich gespielt hat.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Aloha und alles auf Anfang


        by Annicken R. Day, Elke Ranzinger

        Maya Williams ist eine hart arbeitende Karrierefrau, ehrgeizig und ambitioniert, an die Spitze eines New Yorker IT-Unternehmens zu gelangen. Eines Tages erhält sie ihre Chance: Sie soll ihren Chef bei einer Investorenkonferenz auf Hawaii vertreten. Nach ihrem Vortrag wird sie nicht befördert, sondern gefeuert – und ihr bisheriges Leben komplett über den Haufen geworfen. Durch die besondere Atmosphäre Hawaiis sieht sie das Leben, die Arbeit, die Liebe und sich selbst in neuem Licht. Bis sie nach einigen Monaten auf der Insel ein Angebot bekommt, von dem ihr altes Ich immer geträumt hatte … Aloha und alles auf Anfang ist eine Hommage an Hawaii und gleichzeitig ein inspirierender, charmanter Roman voll positiver Energie, der Mut macht, das Glück zu suchen und seine Träume zu leben.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Aloha und alles auf Anfang


        by Annicken R. Day

        Maya Williams ist eine hart arbeitende Karrierefrau, ehrgeizig und ambitioniert, an die Spitze eines New Yorker IT-Unternehmens zu gelangen. Eines Tages erhält sie ihre Chance: Sie soll ihren Chef bei einer Investorenkonferenz auf Hawaii vertreten. Nach ihrem Vortrag wird sie nicht befördert, sondern gefeuert – und ihr bisheriges Leben komplett über den Haufen geworfen. Durch die besondere Atmosphäre Hawaiis sieht sie das Leben, die Arbeit, die Liebe und sich selbst in neuem Licht. Bis sie nach einigen Monaten auf der Insel ein Angebot bekommt, von dem ihr altes Ich immer geträumt hatte … Aloha und alles auf Anfang ist eine Hommage an Hawaii und gleichzeitig ein inspirierender, charmanter Roman voll positiver Energie, der Mut macht, das Glück zu suchen und seine Träume zu leben.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        My Life in Changsha

        by Hunan Daily, Wenheyou

        Every ordinary individual is the leading role in his/her life. Every ordinary life witnesses not ordinary fighting stories. This book tells 100 stories of 100 Changsha citizens, how they turn their dreams into reality that echo with Chinese dream.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        December 1996

        Mark Twains Abenteuer in fünf Bänden

        Band 5: Bummel durch Europa

        by Mark Twain, Norbert Kohl, B. Day, W. Fr. Brown, True W. Williams, Gustav Adolf Himmel, Norbert Kohl

        Die fünfbändige Ausgabe Mark Twains Abenteuer präsentiert den großen amerikanischen Erzähler mit seinen Abenteuerromanen Tom Sawyers Abenteuer, Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer und Ein Yankee am Hofe des Königs Artus ebenso wie den Reiseschriftsteller, der aus der Perspektive des Arglosen im Ausland auch einen Bummel durch Europa unternommen hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        November 2018

        Art as worldmaking

        Critical essays on realism and naturalism

        by Malcolm Baker, Andrew Hemingway, Andrew Hemingway, Briony Fer, Joshua Shannon, Adrian Rifkin, Malcolm Baker, Martina Droth, Caroline Arscott, Anne Wagner, Martin Powers, Neil McWilliam, Celeste Brusati, T.J. Clark, Rebecca Zurier, Steve Edwards, Tamar Garb, Lisa Tickner, Alistair Rider, Thomas Crow, Gail Day

        Art as worldmaking is a response to Alex Potts's provocative 2013 book Experiments in modern realism. Twenty essays by leading scholars test Potts's recasting of realism through examinations of art produced in different media and periods, ranging from eighth-century Chinese garden aesthetics to video work by the contemporary Russian collective Radek Community. While the book does not neglect avatars of pictorial realism such as Menzel and Eakins, or the question of nineteenth-century realism's historical antecedents, it is contemporary in orientation in that many contributors are particularly concerned with the questions that sculpture, photography and non-traditional media pose for realism as an aesthetic norm. It will be essential reading for students of art history concerned with art's truth value or more broadly with conceptual problems of representation and the intersections of art and politics.

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