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      • Amazon Publishing

        Amazon Publishing is a leading trade publisher of fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books with a mission to empower storytellers and connect them with readers worldwide.

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      • Amalion

        Amalion is an independent multilingual scholarly publisher with the mission to disseminate innovative knowledge on Africa to strengthen the understanding of humanity.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2019

        Digitaler Kapitalismus

        Markt und Herrschaft in der Ökonomie der Unknappheit

        by Philipp Staab

        Beherrschten vor 20 Jahren noch Industriekonglomerate, Energiekonzerne und Banken die Rangliste der wertvollsten Unternehmen, wurden diese längst von Internetgiganten wie Google, Apple, Amazon und Tencent abgelöst. Digitale Technik ist allgegenwärtig: Wir tragen Hochleistungsrechner in unseren Taschen herum, Waschmaschinen können sich mit dem Internet verbinden. Doch erschöpft sich darin das Neue am digitalen Kapitalismus? Philipp Staab beleuchtet den digitalen Kapitalismus aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven, um ihn präziser auf den Begriff zu bringen. Er zeigt, wie digitale Überwachungs- und Bewertungspraktiken in immer mehr Bereiche der Wirtschaft vordringen und dabei die soziale Ungleichheit verschärfen. Das Spezifische am digitalen Kapitalismus, so Staab, ist die Herausbildung »proprietärer Märkte«: Kam es früher darauf an, Dinge herzustellen und mit Gewinn zu verkaufen, geht es im Zeitalter der Unknappheit um das Eigentum an den Märkten selbst.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        March 2024

        Markets and power in digital capitalism

        by Philipp Staab

        Today's global capitalism runs through digital networks. Its leaders are internet giants such as Google, Apple, Amazon and Tencent. Their technologies are ubiquitous: we carry high-performance computers around in our pockets, manage our lives in the cloud and display them on social media. They have also literally privatised the market, transforming capitalism in the process. Philipp Staab takes us on a virtual tour of modern digital capitalism. He shows how digital surveillance and evaluation practices have proliferated throughout the economy, exacerbating social inequality in the process. What is specific to digital capitalism, Staab argues, is the emergence of 'proprietary markets'. In the past the focus was on producing things and selling them at a profit. Today the meta-platforms extract their profits by owning the market itself.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2020

        Field Guide to the Forest Trees of Uganda

        For Identification and Conservation

        by James Kalema, Alan Hamilton

        This book is a guide for the identification of the indigenous forest trees of Uganda. It will be useful for those who wish to contribute towards the conservation of the forests or to plant indigenous trees. Information is provided on how to propagate and cultivate about 80 of the most valuable species. Indigenous trees provide numerous resources useful for welfare and development. They include many types of timber and non-timber forest products, such as craft materials, foods and medicines. The proximity of indigenous forest helps to moderate the local climate, making it more suitable for agriculture. Indigenous forests protect springs, therefore safeguarding water supplies more effectively than exotic trees such as pines and eucalyptus. All 450 known indigenous tree species from the forests are included. Both scientific and local names are provided, the latter in 21 languages. Local names facilitate access to knowledge and values traditionally attached to the species, useful when planning pathways of development firmly rooted in local culture. The book will be invaluable for botanists, foresters, rural development workers and members of the general public concerned about contributing to conservation and sustainable development in Uganda. Many of the species grow in neighbouring countries, so the book has relevance there too.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        The Forest of the Future – A New Reality

        Understanding the ecosystem

        by Hans Jürgen Böhmer

        What happened with forest dieback? The predictions of the 1980s that forests would be in decline across Europe have not come true. Currently, attention again focuses on the doom scenarios of the loss of entire forests and cultural landscapes in an emotional and sometimes hysterical debate. Biogeographer Hans Jürgen Böhmer refers to updated case studies and his 30 years of research experience on global ecosystems to demonstrate extremely complex interrelations of the natural world that various actors monitor in contrasting ways and characterized by different times and ideologies. Böhmer advocates to embed the sustainability debate more strongly in the living environment, rather than relying exclusively on model calculations.

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment
        October 2021

        Key Questions in Hydrology and Watershed Management

        A Study and Revision Guide

        by Leon Bren, Patrick Lane

        This book provides a series of exercises of various types covering matters of hydrology and watershed management. The exercises include true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and numeric, graphical, and analytical exercises. The questions draw on the basic disciplines of hydrology and physics, with some stress placed on correct or appropriate units. The questions reflect the authors' many years of teaching watershed management at undergraduate and graduate levels. Questions cover: 1. Terminology and measurement of flow (and units) 2. Quantifying stream networks 3. Concepts of water balance and evapotranspiration 4. Slope recharge, groundwater hydrology, and water-table/phreatic aquifers 5. Single and paired watershed experiments 6. Impacts of fires on watersheds 7. Concepts and measurements of water quality 8. Flooding forests 9. Valuation of water 10. Protection of forest stream by buffers 11. Urban watershed concepts The book is self-contained, and designed to be used at any time in any place, either for revision or as source material for teaching. The work is graded so that easier questions are presented early, followed by harder questions. Answers are concise but contain enough information to help students study and revise on a topic-by-topic basis. The book concludes with suggestions for student exercises and projects and is an invaluable resource for both students and instructors.

      • Trusted Partner
        Forestry & related industries
        December 2003

        Forests at the Land–Atmosphere Interface

        by Edited by Maurizio Mencuccini, John Grace, J Moncrieff, K McNaughton

        Forest ecosystems exist at the interface between the land and the atmosphere. Understanding the properties of this planetary boundary layer is very important for a number of related disciplines. This book presents an overview of topics that are of significance at this interface, starting at the scale of intra-leaf organelles, ranging to higher levels of organisation such as communities and ecosystems. It covers topics such as stomatal functioning, large scale processes, radiation modelling, forest meteorology and carbon sequestration. Based on proceedings of a conference to mark the retirement of Professor Paul Jarvis from the University of Edinburgh, the book contains contributions from leading international scientists. It will be of significant interest to researchers in forestry, ecology, environmental sciences and natural resources.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        International Trade in Forest Products

        Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples

        by G Cornelis van Kooten, Linda Voss

        Because of the long-standing Canada-U.S. lumber trade dispute and the current pressure on the world's forests as a renewable energy source, much attention has been directed toward the modelling of international trade in wood products. Two types of trade models are described in this book: one is rooted in economic theory and mathematical programming, and the other consists of two econometric/statistical models--a gravity model rooted in theory and an approach known as GVAR that relies on time series analyses. The purpose of the book is to provide the background theory behind models and facilitate readers in easily constructing their own models to analyse policy questions that they wish to address, whether in forestry or some other sector. Examples in the book are meant to illustrate how models can be used to say something about a variety of issues, including identification of the gains and losses to various players in the North American softwood lumber business, and the potential for redirecting sales of lumber to countries outside the United States. The discussion is expanded to include other products besides lumber, and used to examine, for example, the effects of log export restrictions by one nation on all other forestry jurisdictions, the impacts of climate policies as they relate to the global forest sector, and the impact of oil prices on forest product markets throughout the world. This book will appeal to practising economists and researchers who wish to examine various policies that affect international trade, whether their interest is local or international in scope. Because the book provides the theoretical bases underlying various models, students and practitioners will find this a valuable reference book or supplementary textbook.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        The Battle for Water

        In the century of drought

        by Jürgen Rahmig

        — Water as a reason for war and a political instrument of power — Unique overview of global water conflicts — Foreword by Wolfgang Ischinger Every year, droughts in African countries cause hundreds of thousands of deaths and much suffering. Europe also experienced drought in 2022's summer of record temperatures. Without water, there can be no life. More and more people are suffering from water shortages. Climate change is fuelling the distribution battles for water; violent conflicts over this precious resource are the order of the day. Whether the protests in Iraq, the war in Syria, in the Himalayas, the Nile conflict and in many other places, water is already a reason for war and is being misused as a political instrument of power. The construction of huge dams, the targeted closure of locks, river diversions, water and land grabbing bring wars over the "blue gold" with them. In a unique overview, journalist Jürgen Rahmig describes the struggle for water in the 21st century. Where do dangers lurk today; where will they be tomorrow, and how can we prevent wars over precious water?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        June 2020

        Two Tortoises in the Forest

        by Bahar Sener / Gabriela Vagnoli

        Regardless of their reactions, all children are beautiful and deserve respect and care. They sometimes misbehave, in fact this may even go as far as peer bullying. In this book, you will see how this kind of behaviours can be transformed and open the way for a good friendship when children are treated with love. Children and adults alike have so much to learn from those intelligent, wise tortoises who are famous for acting slowly but surely.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        La forêt sacrée (The sacred forest)

        by Nicolas Condé

        Koné is old enough to return to the sacred forest to bring back a fantastic animal that will accompany him all his life. But the forest is full of dangers and the animals have become rare and hard to find. When Koné finally meets the Chameleon, will he understand the message and be able to carry out his mission?

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        The value of the forest

        by Zhao Wenying, Jiang Tianyi

        This book systematically introduces the multiple values of forests from the perspective of combining science and culture. Including forest environment adaptation, population self-regulation, community survival and development, system harmony and unification laws of the jungle, forest purification of air, adjustment of hydrological climate, soil conservation, maintenance of biodiversity and other ecological service values, the main forest products, wood products and wood environment value , The development value of forest food, medicinal materials, industrial and agricultural raw materials, landscape and other non-wood forest products, the health value of forests to promote human health, the forest inherits human civilization, breeds ecological ideas, and forms the value of cultural signs such as landscapes, trees, flowers, and animals , The aesthetic value of the forest from the form, color, dynamic, etc., and so on. This book creatively intersperses the classic evaluations of many celebrities and scholars on the forest, discusses the comprehensive value of ancient and famous trees, and realizes the organic integration of ideology, knowledge and interest.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Tilda Appleseed. Christmas in the Winter Forest

        by Andreas H. Schmachtl

        There are 24 days to go until Christmas. In the mouse house there is a delicious smell of punch, and Tilda busily hunts through her pantry: she wants to do some baking. The best of all flavours is still Aunt Emily’s frost-hip jelly. Christmas can’t come without that. But what a shock! There are no frost hips left! And it’s so difficult to get fresh ones, because they only grow in the north. Without further ado, Tilda sets off on an exciting journey through the winter forest, and she has the most weird and wonderful Christmas adventures on the way…

      • Trusted Partner

        The Fox: King of the Forest

        (A Story for Youth, 4 Colors)

        by Zakaria Al-Qadi

        The novel blends imagination with reality, exploring the struggle between opposites: good and evil, truth and lies, spontaneity and intent. It addresses the essence of humanity, untethered by time or place, and delves into the timeless journey of human existence.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2020

        Sidney’s Arcadia and the conflicts of virtue

        by Richard James Wood

      • Trusted Partner

        Out There, in the Forest & Ein Ro’eem

        Two Plays

        by Shmuel Cohavy

        Ein Ro'eem is a comedy that takes place on a kibbutz in Israel. Some kibbutz members create a show for a children's celebration and rehearse in a field amid successful and unsuccessful love affairs that threaten to derail the performance. Meanwhile, the kibbutz decides to cut down part of its unprofitable orchard, inspiring orchard workers to strike. Will they save the orchard? Will the love affairs survive? And will the show succeed? In Out There, in the Forest, three plots are intertwined. A British journalist is intrigued by a mysterious masked murderer in The East African Republic and travels there to find him. Who is this murderer? Is there a reason for his attacks, or is he simply a lunatic? He desperately wants to look the murderer in the eyes. Meanwhile, three American women struggle with harsh living conditions in a cave in the jungle. Will they survive their battle against nature? Simultaneously, the local population rebels against their ruler, who rose to power in a military coup. Will their revolt succeed or will they continue to endure the harsh regime? Shmuel Cohavy is an Israeli writer who spent most of his youth on a kibbutz. He also worked at the Timna copper mines and studied history and filmmaking at Tel Aviv University. Although Cohavy’s plays have been presented in the Finborough Theatre in London, this book marks the first time his plays have been published in English. An English-language eBook edition was published in late 2014 by Samuel Wachtman’s Sons, Inc., CA. 314 pages, 15 x 22.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2019

        Klare, lichte Zukunft

        Eine radikale Verteidigung des Humanismus

        by Paul Mason, Stephan Stephan

        Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie geben die Kontrolle über große Teile Ihres Lebens an ein Computerprogramm ab, von dem es heißt, es regele das Zusammenleben effektiver als jeder Staat. Was vielen als undenkbar erscheinen mag, erweist sich als bittere Realität, wenn man »Computerprogramm« durch »Markt« ersetzt. Ging der Kapitalismus bislang mit liberalen Freiheitsrechten einher, so nimmt er unter Herrschern wie Putin oder Trump zunehmend autoritäre Züge an. Können diese nun auch noch auf die Möglichkeiten künstlicher Intelligenz und digitaler Überwachung zurückgreifen, ist der Mensch als autonomes Wesen in Gefahr. Um die Werte der Aufklärung in die Zukunft zu retten, legt Paul Mason eine radikale Verteidigung des Humanismus vor. Ausgehend von Karl Marx’ Frühschriften entwirft er ein Bild vom Menschen, das ihn als ein selbstbestimmtes und zugleich gemeinschaftliches Wesen zeigt. Mason begleitet uns an die Orte vergangener und gegenwärtiger Kämpfe um Würde und Gerechtigkeit, von der Pariser Kommune über das von der Sparpolitik gebeutelte Griechenland bis hin zum Protest indigener Aktivisten auf der Inselgruppe Neukaledonien. Die Erben der Frauen und Männer auf den Barrikaden von damals, so Mason, sind die vernetzten Individuen von heute.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2019

        Klare, lichte Zukunft

        Eine radikale Verteidigung des Humanismus

        by Paul Mason, Stephan Gebauer

        Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie geben die Kontrolle über große Teile Ihres Lebens an ein Computerprogramm ab, von dem es heißt, es regele das Zusammenleben effektiver als jeder Staat. Was vielen als undenkbar erscheinen mag, erweist sich als bittere Realität, wenn man »Computerprogramm« durch »Markt« ersetzt. Ging der Kapitalismus bislang mit liberalen Freiheitsrechten einher, so nimmt er unter Herrschern wie Putin oder Trump zunehmend autoritäre Züge an. Können diese nun auch noch auf die Möglichkeiten künstlicher Intelligenz und digitaler Überwachung zurückgreifen, ist der Mensch als autonomes Wesen in Gefahr. Um die Werte der Aufklärung in die Zukunft zu retten, legt Paul Mason eine radikale Verteidigung des Humanismus vor. Ausgehend von Karl Marx’ Frühschriften entwirft er ein Bild vom Menschen, das ihn als ein selbstbestimmtes und zugleich gemeinschaftliches Wesen zeigt. Mason begleitet uns an die Orte vergangener und gegenwärtiger Kämpfe um Würde und Gerechtigkeit, von der Pariser Kommune über das von der Sparpolitik gebeutelte Griechenland bis hin zum Protest indigener Aktivisten auf der Inselgruppe Neukaledonien. Die Erben der Frauen und Männer auf den Barrikaden von damals, so Mason, sind die vernetzten Individuen von heute.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        La memoria del bosque (The memory of the forest)

        by Sara Bertrand, Elizabeth Builes

        The memory of the forest tells two stories. One, that of a little girl and her mother, and the other story told by the mother to her daughter: a princess who has seen her village burn, a princess who has known fire and violence up close, a princess who hides, turns into a ball; but she is discovered by another - a cat - who makes her remember, questions her. It is a story that is permeated by the dialogues between mother and daughter around the story being told. Elizabeth Builes’ illustrations, with their gestural strokes, her impeccable handling of a palette of soft tones, her skill in the handling of nature and the creation of intimate scenes, give life to a story that goes beyond what is narrated in words.

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