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      • Optima Communications

        Lisa Bjerke is the owner and director of Optima Communications. Optima Communications provides customized assessments, coaching, training, and workshops to meet the unique communication needs of each individual, group or organization. Training is facilitated onsite in the workplace or virtually. Lisa has a Master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology. She is a corporate communication coach working with clients to enhance communication skills. These skills include: active listening, clear verbal expression, emotional intelligence, cultural diversity and communication, and managing difficult conversations.  Lisa is a communication and professionalism coach with the University of Calgary’s Cumming School of Medicine and Post Graduate Medical Education Program. Lisa is a recognized expert in accent assessment and training. She is the author of Accent on Canadian English: a pronunciation program for speakers of English as a second language™, Accent on Canadian English™ e-book, Accent on Clear English™ International e-book and the Accent on Canadian English Pronunciation Assessment Kit™. She is also the creator of the Accent on Clear English™ eCourse

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        Demonstrations & protest movements
        July 2014

        Worker protests in post-communist Romania and Ukraine

        Striking with tied hands

        by Mihai Varga

        Worker protests in post-communist Romania and Ukraine is a book about strategies of trade unions confronting employers in difficult conditions. The book's main idea is to study why and how successful forms of workers' interest representation could emerge in a hostile context. The post-communist context makes it difficult for workers and trade unions to mobilise, pose threats to employers, and break out of their political isolation, but even under such harsh conditions strategy matters for defending workers' rights and living standards. The cases studied in this book are 18 conflict episodes at 10 privatised plants in the Romanian steel industry and Ukraine's civil machine-building sector in the 2000s. This book should be relevant for anyone taking interest in how and to what extent workers can reassert their influence over the conditions of production in regions and economic sectors characterised by disinvestment (of which outsourcing and 'lean' methods of production are instances).

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2018

        The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

        How to Achieve the Great Transition.

        by Zhang Shujun

        Based on the the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, describing this great turning point, the developing track and  historical events before the meeting.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019

        365 Questions and Answers About Basic Constructing of Chinese Communist Party in the new era

        by Huang Lihua, Gong Yueping, Deng Weicheng

        This book answers the common questions about the basic constructing of Chinese Communist Party and reflects the Chinese Communist Party's  member's responsibilities, rights, obligations.

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        February 2023

        Love for Northeast China

        by Laoteng, whose real name is Teng Zhenfu, is a member of the Tenth Presidium of the China Writers Association and is currently the Party Secretary and Chairman of the Liaoning Writers Association. He has published ten novels, includingThe Northeast China, The Numerous Armed Conflicts,and The Forests of Beizhang;eight collections of novels, such as The Black Thrush and A City Without Crows; and three cultural essays, such as Confucian Notes. He has won the 15th and 16th Five-One Project Awards,respectively, and The Northeast China has been selected on the list of 2021 Chinese Good Books.

        "Never invest beyond theShanhai Pass", as the saying goes.The particular cultural environment and openness make the brain drain in Northeast China extremely serious. However, Miao Qing, a seemingly delicate doctoral student from a famous school, resolutely went northward because she had a personal plan thatwas related to both her father and herself, namely, to design a world-leading large aircraft. Her father once said that just as a poet without imagination must be a lousy poet, a country without advanced aircraft could never escape the fate of a backward country. For this reason, Miao Qing started her career atKunpeng Group, later went to Feiying Company to produce a leading small low-altitude aerial drone, and then sheplayed the leading role in the national G-31 project that designed a stealth supersonic aircraft and made a successful trial flight.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2019 - December 2024

        Concise history of China

        by Yang Ningyi,Zhao Shiyu, etc

        According to the chronological order, the book introduces the history of China from ancient times to modern society. It is rich in content, concise in writing and exquisite in pictures. It is a good book to understand the history of China.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Britain in China

        by Robert Bickers

        This is a study of Britain's presence in China both at its peak, and during its inter-war dissolution in the face of assertive Chinese nationalism and declining British diplomatic support. Using archival materials from China and records in Britain and the United States, the author paints a portrait of the traders, missionaries, businessmen, diplomats and settlers who constituted "Britain-in-China", challenging our understanding of British imperialism there. Bickers argues that the British presence in China was dominated by urban settlers whose primary allegiance lay not with any grand imperial design, but with their own communities and precarious livelihoods. This brought them into conflict not only with the Chinese population, but with the British imperial government. The book also analyzes the formation and maintenance of settler identities, and then investigates how the British state and its allies brought an end to the reign of freelance, settler imperialism on the China coast. At the same time, other British sectors, missionary and business, renegotiated their own relationship with their Chinese markets and the Chinese state and distanced themselves from the settler British.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2018

        Karl Marx In China

        by Gu Hailiang

        The book illustrates the influence of Marxismin china, including the classic works of Kar Marx and its latest achievements in China.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2019 - December 2024

        Immortals in Ancient China

        by Li Kehe

        This book collects 180 stories about immortals in ancient China, translated into English, and accompanied by relevant pictures. It can help Chinese and foreign readers to understand the general situation of Chinese native immortals, especially Taoist immortals, and show the evolution of Chinese ancient folklore and cultural thoughts from one side.The copyright has been exported to Malaysia .

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts

        A Millennium from the Perspective of Arts – China in Classical Paintings (6 Volumes)

        by Li Shubo

        A Millennium from the Perspective of Arts – China in Classical Paintings tells the stories of China from paintings of different ages. It consists of six volumes, covering the Northern Song Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, and the Republic of China. By introducing the details of the works and observing the artists' creative mentality, the book not only tells the big pictures of politics, military, economy, technology, and humanity in different historical periods, but also shows the daily life and aesthetics of ancient China.   As a Norwegian Chinese cultural scholar, the author Li Shubo adopts a special perspective in the book by combining the achievements of overseas Chinese studies with contemporary archaeology and art history, and uses simple language presenting a comprehensive, profound and thought-provoking picture of Chinese civilization.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2016

        The People's Armies

        A history of the Greek resistance

        by Bertrand Taithe, Penny Summerfield, Peter Gatrell, Max Jones, Ana Carden-Coyne, Spiros Tsoutsoumpis

        The people's armies discusses one of the most troubled and fascinating aspects of modern Greek and European history: the anti-axis resistance. It is a pioneering history of the men and women who waged the struggle against the axis as members of the armed partisans of ELAS and EDES. Using a wide range of previously unused sources, the book reconstructs daily life in the guerrilla armies and explores the complex reasons that led the partisans to enlist and fight. It also discusses the relations between the guerrillas and the civilian population, and examines how the guerrillas' experience of combat, hardship and loss shaped their understanding of their task and social attitudes. The book makes fascinating reading both for academics and for lay readers who are interested in modern Greek history, military history and the history of the Second World War. ;

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        by Jeana Altbuch

        UNA JUDÍA NACIDA COMUNISTA - Viaje a un pasado siempre presente por Jeana Altbuch Jeana Altbuch (en el libro, Marina Breitmann), judía de nacimiento y por elección y comunista por una serie de circunstancias, salió a la luz del mundo en la Rumanía de posguerra.  Más o menos en la misma época, el comunismo, entre cuyos fundadores en su país se contaba su padre, se convirtió en la fuerza política dominante e incorporó a su familia a la Nomenklatura, la élite de la época. La protagonista describe su feliz niñez en una burbuja protectora, pero también su espectacular caída cuando el régimen la rechaza y la burbuja revienta. Su padre era una persona demasiado honrada para la ciénaga ideológica comunista y en consecuencia, fue sometido a juicio con  efectos perdurables. Como resultado de ello y en un intento de encontrar refugio, Altbuch cruzó Europa y llegó a Francia, donde comenzó su difícil y decepcionante experiencia de aprendizaje. Se trata de una historia verdaderamente pintoresca, salpicada de versátiles aventuras, felices o tristes, pero siempre apasionantes y conmovedoras. Jeana Altbuch nos presenta un relato que nos lleva a través de un continente, entre el comunismo y otros “ismos”, mientras que su identidad judía es un ancla permanente en su vida. Este libro no sólo enseña sobre las cosas de la vida, sino que es también una conmovedora lección de historia contemporánea. Jeana Albuch nació en 1946 en Bucarest, Rumanía y en 1966 llegó a Francia para tramitar allí su matrimonio. Dado que no logró obtener en Francia el reconocimiento de sus estudios de lenguas en un país comunista, trabajó durante un tiempo en una florería regenteada por una familia.  Después del nacimiento de su segundo hijo en 1978, UNESCO validó finalmente los certificados y títulos de países de Europa Oriental y pudo invertir sus energías en un área de trabajo más afín a sus capacidades e inclinaciones.  Comenzó a trabajar como maestra y más tarde como directora educativa.  Esos fueron los años más felices de su vida profesional, que prolongó trabajando como Asesora de gestión europea para recursos humanos.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        I am a little doctor (10 volumes)

        by China Daily New Media

        This series of books is the China Daily in collaboration with health experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Union Medical College and other hospitals. It starts with the most relevant health problems for children, and selects the angle that can improve children's interests. It uses childlike illustrations, humorous styles and easy-to-understand The text interprets the code of life, the body’s important line of defense, the body’s response to the external environment and stress superpowers, the physical functions of special groups of people, and the impact of science and technology on the body, making children laugh while reading. Understood with a smile. Knowledge is immunity. This is a health knowledge diagram that you can understand at the first reading. It is also a set of basic solutions for scientific prevention and rational treatment of health problems. It helps children understand their own body, understand diseases, care for others, and take a scientific look at the body. Abnormal state.

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        The Arts

        The Archive of Thangka Culture in China: Chamdo Volume

        by Feng Jicai

        The Archive of Thangka Culture in China: Chamdo Volume is the full records of the history and current situation of Thangka culture in the Chamdo region. It systematically introduces the origin and characteristics of Chamdo Thangka and gives a comprehensive and authoritative interpretation on its iconographical symbolic significance and cultural function. With detailed records of distinctive characteristics of Chamdo Tangka, including its materials, tools, painting technologies, multiple contemporary forms, schools of inheritance, painters' profile, exchange and circulation, as well as relevant theories of painting, the book is considered of great significance for recording and inheriting profound traditional Chinese cultures.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts

        The Archive of Thangka Culture in China: Gannan Volume

        by Feng Jicai

        The Archive of Thangka Culture in China: Gannan Volume is the full records of the history and current situation of Thangka culture in the Lapaleng Temple-centered Gannan region. It systematically introduces the origin and characteristics of Gannan Thangka and gives a comprehensive and authoritative interpretation on its iconographical symbolic significance and cultural function. With detailed records of distinctive characteristics of Gannan Tangka, including its materials, tools, painting technologies, multiple contemporary forms, schools of inheritance, painters' profile, exchange and circulation, as well as relevant theories of painting, the book is considered of great significance for recording and inheriting profound traditional Chinese cultures.

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        June 1985

        Ich, Kaiser von China

        Ein Selbstporträt des Kangxi-Kaisers. Aus dem Englischen von Stefan B. Polter

        by Jonathan D. Spence, Stefan B. Polter

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        History of the Chinese Communist Party's Mass Line Thought

        by LUO Pinghan

        This Book systematically explores the formation and development of the mass line thought of the Chinese Communist Party, and analyzes its mass viewpoint under different historical conditions, including: (1) Formation and theoretical generalization of the mass line thought. For the first time, the Communist Party of China realized the transformation of the revolutionary subject from the elite to the masses. (2) Continuations and setbacks of the mass line thought. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the general implementation of democratic centralism in national institutions and organizations, and the establishment of political consultation system and the system of people's congress fully reflect the application of the Party's mass line in the establishment of specific systems. (3) Restoration and innovation of the mass line thought. Since the Reform and Opening-up, the Party has restored the fine tradition of the mass line. DENG Xiaoping's theory of "People's Support", "People's Approval", "People's Delightfulness" and "People's Agreement", JIANG Zemin's "Three Represents", and HU Jintao's theory that "The government must function by the mandate of the people, empathize with the feelings of the people, and work for the well-being of the people" all reflect the innovation of the Party's mass line in the new century."

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        International Division of the Young Communist Party 1·Iron Fists

        by Zhou Fei,Song Chunhua

        International Division of the Young Communist Party is a long novel about young people's growth created against the historical background of the establishment and development of the Young Communist International Division of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army during the Second Domestic Revolutionary War. The work is in four volumes, using a combination of reality and fiction, with the growth of fictional teenage heroes such as Yin Jie as the main line, interspersed with Chen Guang, Xiao Hua and other typical characters of the International Division of the Young Communist Party, to tell the glorious revolutionary history of this period. These teenage heroes were enthusiastic, resourceful, brave, decisive and righteous, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of national and ethnic liberation.

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