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      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        August 2020

        Climate Change and Infectious Fish Diseases

        by Patrick T K Woo, Jo-Ann Leong, Kurt Buchmann

        This definitive reference work explores the effects of current and expected climate change, taking place throughout the world, on selected bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infectious fish diseases of economically important fish in tropical and temperate waters.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        Agrarian Systems and Climate Change

        by Hubert Cochet, Olivier Ducourtieux, Nadège Garambois, Elsa Champeaux, Hubert Cochet, Olivier Ducourtieux, Samir El Ouaamari, Mathilde Fert, Nadège Garambois, Thérèse Hartog, Jean-Luc Paul, Philippe Le Clerc, Niel Verhoog, Esther Laske, Thibault Labetoulle, Ulysse Le Goff, Léa Radzik, Céline Tewa, Lucie Thibaudeau, Louis Thomazo, Charlotte Verger-Lécuyer, Florie-Anne Wiel

        This book examines the link between global change and impacts and adaptation at the local level, combining a systemic approach and connecting different scales of analysis. It unravels the complex ties between the scenarios developed at global, continental, regional scales of analysis and farmers' concrete experiences, lived at the territorial level. In addition to this great discrepancy in terms of scales of analysis and understanding of processes, there is a need to relate the multi-generational scale of possible climatic changes to that of agricultural practices carried out on the agricultural season level. Based on the detailed study and comparison of a dozen contrasting local situations in sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia, the authors highlight the processes and trajectories which explain the high exposure to the hazards of different groups of farmers, as well as their unequal capacity to adapt. They explain the causes of this vulnerability and illustrate the weight of past and current choices in terms of agricultural, environmental and trade policies. Finally, they present the adjustment modalities and the past and current transformations of peasant practices moving towards a reduction in exposure to hazards, a reduction in vulnerability, and better adaptation to global changes: climate change, demographic growth, increased competition for access to resources, changes in relative prices and market fluctuations, deregulation and decline in public support, etc. In conclusion, they outline possible paths in terms of adaptation and proposals for political measures to support producers.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        Climate Change and Global Health

        Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Effects

        by Colin Butler, Kerryn Higgs, Ågot Aakra, Khaled Abass, Robyn Alders, Kofi Amegah, Janetrix Hellen Amuguni, Gulrez Shah Azhar, Katherine Barraclough, Barbara Berner, Alex Blum, Justin Borevitz, Menno Bouma, Devin C. Bowles, Mark Braidwood, Anne Lise Brantsæter, Cyril Caminade, Katrina Charles, Fiona Charlson, Moumita Sett Chatterjee, Matthew Chersich, Rebecca Colvin, Namukolo Covic, Christopher B Daniels, Richard Dennis, Cybele Dey, Hubert Dirven, Yuming Guo, Tari Haahtela, Ivan C Hanigan, Andrew Harmer, Budi Haryanto, Kerryn Higgs, Susanne Hyllestad, Christine Instanes, Ruth Irwin, Ollie Jay, Solveig Jore, Ke Ju, Tord Kjellstrom, Marit Låg, Jason KW Lee, Shanshan Li, Irakli Loladze, Rosemary A. McFarlane, Martin McKee, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Glen Mola, Andy Morse, Juliet Nabyonga-Orem, Nicholas H. Ogden, Johan Øvrevik, Rebecca Patrick, Rezanur Rahaman, Delia Randolph, Shilpa Rao, Arja Rautio, Mary Robinson, Tilman Ruff, Subhashis Sahu, Jonathan Samet, Photini Sinnis, Julie P Smith, Jes

        There is increasing understanding that climate change will have profound, mostly harmful effects, on human health. In this authoritative book, international experts examine long-recognized areas of health concern for populations vulnerable to climate change, describing effects that are both direct, such as heat waves, and indirect, such as via vector-borne diseases. Set in a broad international, economic, political and environmental context, this unique book expands these issues by reviving and championing a third ('tertiary') category of longer term impacts on global health: famine, population dislocation, conflict and collapse. This edition has an expanded foundation, with new chapters discussing nuclear war, population and limits to growth, among others. This lively yet scholarly resource explores all these issues, finishing with a practical discussion of avenues to reform. As Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, states in the foreword: 'Climate change interacts with many undesirable aspects of human behaviour, including inequality, racism and other manifestations of injustice. Climate change policies, as practised by most countries in the global North, not only interact with these long-standing forms of injustice, but exemplify a new form, of startling magnitude.' The book is dedicated to Tony McMichael, Will Steffen and Maurice King. This book will be invaluable for students, post-graduates, researchers and policy-makers in public health, climate change and medicine.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Climate Change. What We Can Do Now

        by Ruth Omphalius/ Monika Azakli

        “There is no Planet B!” More and more young people are worried about the future of Planet Earth. Climate change is heating not only the planet but also people’s emotions. But what exactly is climate? And why are the changes threatening the lives of both polar bears and us humans. In simple language but with solid science, the authors explain the most important aspects of climate, from the greenhouse effect to the Gulf Stream. Current developments are described as well, and the scientific background is supplemented by gripping reports. The book also offers a glimpse of the future: what will happen if we go on in the same way as now? How can climate change be halted? This makes for riveting reading – and not just for young activists.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        Gender, Climate Change and Livelihoods

        Vulnerabilities and Adaptations

        by Joshua Eastin, Kendra Dupuy

        This book applies a gendered lens to evaluate the dynamic linkages between climate change and livelihoods in developing countries. It examines how climate change affects women and men in distinct ways, and what the implications are for earning income and accessing the natural, social, economic, and political resources required to survive and thrive. The book's contributing authors analyze the gendered impact of climate change on different types of livelihoods, in distinct contexts, including urban and rural, and in diverse geographic locations, including Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. It focuses on understanding how public policies and power dynamics shape gendered vulnerabilities and impacts, how gender influences coping and adaptation mechanisms, and how civil society organizations incorporate gender into their climate advocacy strategies. This book: -Provides cutting-edge scholarship on an underrepresented area of climate change: the gendered impacts of climate change on livelihoods. -Covers a range of different types of livelihoods and geographic locations. -Involves contributors from a diverse array of cultural and scholarly backgrounds, bringing contrasting perspectives to the topic. This book is recommended for scholars, students, and practitioners who study or work in fields such as climate change, gender, livelihoods, public policy, economic development, and agriculture.

      • Trusted Partner
        Zoology & animal sciences
        April 2015

        Livestock Production and Climate Change

        by Edited by Pradeep K. Malik, Raghavendra Bhatta, Junichi Takahashi, Richard Kohn, Cadaba S Prasad.

        In a changing climate, livestock production is expected to exhibit dual roles of mitigation and adaptation in order to meet the challenge of food security. This book approaches the issues of livestock production and climate change through three sections: I. Livestock production, II. Climate change and, III. Enteric methane amelioration. Section I addresses issues of feed quality and availability, abiotic stress (heat and nutritional) and strategies for alleviation, livestock generated nitrogen and phosphorus pollution, and approaches for harnessing the complex gut microbial diversity. Section II discusses the effects of climate change on livestock diversity, farm animal reproduction, impact of meat production on climate change, and emphasising the role of indigenous livestock in climatic change to sustain production. Section III deals with the most recent approaches to amelioration of livestock methane such as breeding for low methane emissions, reductive acetogenesis, immunization/vaccine-based concepts and archaea phage therapy.

      • Trusted Partner
        Conservation of the environment
        October 2015

        Climate Change and Insect Pests

        by Edited by Christer Björkman, Pekka Niemelä.

        Insects, being poikilothermic, are among the organisms that are most likely to respond to changes in climate, particularly increased temperatures. Range expansions into new areas, further north and to higher elevations, are already well documented, as are physiological and phenological responses. It is anticipated that the damage by insects will increase as a consequence of climate change, i.e. increasing temperatures primarily. However, the evidence in support of this common “belief” is sparse. Climate Change and Insect Pests sums up present knowledge regarding both agricultural and forest insect pests and climate change in order to identify future research directions.

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment
        October 2015

        Climate Change and Insect Pests

        by Christer Björkman, Pekka Niemelä, Björn C Rall, Riita Julkunen-Titto, John Terblanche, Juliana Jaramillo, Sanford D Eigenbrode, Kari Saikkonen, Kennet Raffa, Björn Ökland, Alain Roques, Tea Ammunét, Seppo Neuvonen, Andrea Battisti, Stig Larsson, Matthew P Hill, Linda J Thomson

        Insects, being poikilothermic, are among the organisms that are most likely to respond to changes in climate, particularly increased temperatures. Range expansions into new areas, further north and to higher elevations, are already well documented, as are physiological and phenological responses. It is anticipated that the damage to crops and forests by insects will increase as a consequence of climate change, i.e. increasing temperatures primarily. However, the evidence in support of this common "belief" is sparse. Climate Change and Insect Pests sums up present knowledge regarding both agricultural and forest insect pests and climate change in order to identify future research directions.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2017

        Global Climate Change and Coastal Tourism

        Recognizing Problems, Managing Solutions and Future Expectations

        by Andrew L Jones, Michael Phillips, Abdullah Akbas, Nazan An, Angela Anthonisz, Paulo Borges, Stephen William Boyd, Huong T. Bùi, Jeremy Buultjens, Helena Maria Calado, Rita Cannas, Salvador Anton Clavé, James Andrew Graham Cooper, Janice Cumberbatch, Osman Cenk Demiroglu, Denyse S. Dookie, Danielle Edwards

        Building upon the book Disappearing Destinations (Jones and Phillips 2010) and its conclusion that promoted the need to recognize problems, meet expectations and manage solutions Global Climate Change and Coastal Tourism explores current threats to, and consequences of, climate change on existing tourism coastal destinations. Part 1 of the book provides a theoretical platform and addresses topics such as sustainability, tourism impacts, governance trade and innovation and how the media addresses climate change and tourism. It also assesses management and policy options for the future sustainability of threatened tourism coastal destinations. Part 2 presents case studies from all regions of the world (Europe, The Americas, Asia, Africa and Australasia) which synthesise findings to make recommendations that can be used to promote strategies that ameliorate projected impacts of climate change on coastal tourism infrastructure and in turn promote the future sustainability of coastal tourism destinations. This is a timely and informative text with appeal to researchers, undergraduate and post graduate students of tourism management, tourism planning, sustainable tourism development and leisure management, coastal tourism/management, environmental management/planning, geography, coastal zone management or climate change studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agronomy & crop production
        November 2011

        Crop Stress Management and Global Climate Change

        by Edited by Jose Luis Araus, Gustavo A Slafer.

        Climate change is a diverse, multifactorial phenomenon, meaning that the agronomic strategies needed are case-specific and will have regional differences. This book provides an integrated view of the challenges and opportunities that will face agriculture in the future as a result of climate change. It discusses how the stresses resulting from climate change can be overcome by assessing, measuring and predicting environmental changes and stresses, identifying opportunities and adapting to change and responding to multifactorial change. Challenges and potential strategies that might be taken to overcome these are illustrated using a number of case studies. Climate change will pose many challenges to agriculture in the future, but by taking an integrative approach to predicting and adapting to change, this book will inspire researchers to turn those challenges into opportunities.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agronomy & crop production
        February 2016

        Climate Change and Cotton Production in Modern Farming Systems

        by M P Bange

        Throughout the world cotton is broadly adapted to growing in temperate, sub-tropical, and tropical environments, but growth may be challenged by future climate change. Production may be directly affected by changes in crop photosynthesis and water use due to rising CO2 and changes in regional temperature patterns. Indirect effects may result from a range of government regulations aimed at climate change mitigation. While there is certainty that future climate change will impact cotton production systems; there will be opportunities to adapt. This review begins to provide details for the formation of robust frameworks to evaluate the impact of projected climatic changes, highlight the risks and opportunities with adaptation, and details the approaches for investment in research. Ultimately, it is a multi-faceted systems-based approach that combines all elements of the cropping system that will provide the best insurance to harness the change that is occurring, and best allow cotton industries worldwide to adapt. Given that there will be no single solution for all of the challenges raised by climate change and variability, the best adaptation strategy for industry will be to develop more resilient systems. Early implementation of adaptation strategies, particularly in regard to enhancing resilience, has the potential to significantly reduce the negative impacts of climate change now and in the future.

      • Trusted Partner
        The environment
        April 2000

        Climate Change and Global Crop Productivity

        by Edited by K R Reddy, Harry F Hodges

        Worldwide climatic changes have been raising concerns about potential changes to crop yields and production systems. Such concerns include the ability to accommodate these uncertain effects in order to ensure an adequate food supply for an increasing population. Written by leading international experts, this book is the first comprehensive examination of the potential effect climate change, particularly greenhouse gases, will have on agroecosystems. It also reviews the effects such systems have on climate change itself.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        January 2020

        Climate Change and Non-infectious Fish Disorders

        by Patrick T K Woo, George K Iwama

        This important new title on climate change, and its effects on selected non-infectious disorders of fish, contains contributions by internationally recognized experts who have contributed significantly to our knowledge in the area. Comprehensive and thought provoking, the text details abiotic and biotic environmental changes associated with climate change and their effects on fish in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters. It proceeds to cover in detail developmental, physiological and metabolic disorders of fish. Outlining both current and expected changes in aquaculture systems due to climate change, plus suggestions for further studies, this contemporary book is key reading for biologists, aquatic ecologists, fish health consultants, veterinarians, policy makers and all those involved in fish health and the environment.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        November 2016

        Climate Change Impacts on Urban Pests

        by Partho Dhang

        This book is the first resource to review the influence of climate change on urban and public pests such as mosquitoes, flies, ticks, and wood pests, with respect to population, distribution, disease, damage and control. It systematically addresses how the impact of climate change on pests in urban areas differs from natural areas, focusing on the increased temperatures of urban locations, the effect of natural disasters, the manner of land use and the consequences of human habitation. Climate Change Impacts on Urban Pests: - covers key information on how climate change and urban pests affect human health - includes coverage of the impacts of natural disasters such as flooding looks at issues which could influence the management of pests - explores a range of international opinion from recognised authorities covering six continents. Presenting up-to-date knowledge, this book is an essential resource for researchers in urban pests, entomology and public health, as well as scientists, environmentalists and policy makers involved in studies on climate change. ; This book reviews the influence of climate change on urban and public pests such as mosquitoes, flies, termites, rodents and others, with respect to population, distribution, disease, damage and control. ; Chapter 1: Climate Change Effects on Urban Pest Insects Chapter 2: Climate Change and Urban Pest Management Chapter 3: Climate Change and the New Dynamics of Urban Pest Management in North America Chapter 4: Natural disasters, Extreme Events, And Vector-Borne Diseases: Impact on Urban System Chapter 5: Survival of Formosan Subterranean Termite Colonies during Periods of Flooding Chapter 6: Termites and a Changing Climate Chapter 7: Fly Populations and Problems in a Changing Climate Chapter 8: Impact of Climate Change on Medically Important Ticks in Europe and Their Control Chapter 9: Climate Change and its Effect on Urban Mosquitoes in South America Chapter 10: Urbanization, Climate Change and Malaria Transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter 11: Climate Change and Vector Borne Diseases in Urban Ecosystem in India Chapter 12: Climate Change and Urban Human Health Chapter 13: Innovative Formulations Useful for Area Wide Application Suitable for Climate Change

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        August 2020

        The Quest to Conserve Rare Breeds

        Setting the Record Straight

        by Lawrence Alderson

        Since the middle of the twentieth century the world has witnessed a succession of political and social disruptions. Globalisation, technological advancement, climate change, human migration, war and conflict - all have caused major worldwide upheavals. In this light, it's unsurprising that conservation of rare breed animals has been neglected. Yet the preservation of these genetic resources - this biological diversity - is an essential ingredient of sustainable life on Earth, and not something we can afford to lose. This book, straight from the 'horse's mouth' Lawrence Alderson CBE, challenges often repeated 'facts' about livestock farming and argues for a reasoned and evidence-based approach from political and public circles. Correcting misconceptions as he goes, he recounts the creation and development of the rare breed conservation movement, addresses extinctions and genetic safe-guarding measures, and considers where we go from here. Challenged as we are by climate change, sustainability and feeding the world, perhaps it is these endangered animals that hold the answer - perhaps with them, we can adapt to our changing environment and see a way forward to a more certain future.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        Climate Change and Sustainable Agro-ecology in Global Drylands

        by Adel El-Beltagy, Rattan Lal, Kauser Abdulla Malik

        Drylands, a home for nearly 2.5 billion people, are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic climate change, and dryland area may expand to 50% of the Earth's surface by 2100. Climate change may aggravate the prevalence of undernutrition and malnutrition because of adverse effects on quantity and quality of food production in these regions. This book takes a holistic approach to sustainable management of drylands to make agriculture drought-resilient. Eminent scientists from around the world share their knowledge and experiences for adaptation and mitigation of the anthropogenic climate change through innovation in sustainable management of water, soil, crops, livestock, and fisheries. They anticipate that climate change will have major impacts on agro- ecosystems which requires continuous dynamic assessments, globally, regionally, and at the local level where the major action of adaptation would have to occur. The assessment will require international cooperation and national capacity-building. This book emphasizes approaches such as smart and precision agriculture, conservation agriculture, and new innovation and technology as tools for adaptation and mitigation. Several chapters are devoted to the human dimensions and policy considerations with emphasis on enhancing coping and adaptive capacity. This book addresses the picture after COP27, including loss and damage, governance and finance. This book: Examines sustainable management for drylands as a solution to environmental and food security issues. Uses a holistic approach to evaluate sustainable management of drylands. Explains how researchers are translating science into action for greening global drylands. This work will be valuable to students and researchers in agroecology, climate change science and dryland agriculture.

      • Trusted Partner
        Global warming
        September 2014

        Climate Change and Global Health

        by Edited by Colin Butler

        There is increasing understanding, globally, that climate change will have profound and mostly harmful effects on human health. This authoritative book brings together international experts to describe both direct (such as heat waves) and indirect (such as vector-borne disease incidence) impacts of climate change, set in a broad, international, economic, political and environmental context. This unique book also expands on these issues to address a third category of potential longer-term impacts on global health: famine, population dislocation, and conflict. This lively yet scholarly resource explores these issues fully, linking them to health in urban and rural settings in developed and developing countries. The book finishes with a practical discussion of action that health professionals can yet take. Read a chapter for free.

      • Trusted Partner
        Global warming
        December 2015

        Climate Change and Agricultural Water Management in Developing Countries

        by Edited by Chu T Hoanh, Vladimir Smakhtin, Robyn Johnston.

        The book provides an analysis of impacts of climate change on water for agriculture, and the adaptation strategies in water management to deal with these impacts. Chapters include an assessment at global level, with details on impacts in various countries. Adaptation measures including groundwater management, water storage, small and large scale irrigation to support agriculture and aquaculture are presented. Agricultural implications of sea level rise, as a subsequent impact of climate change, are also examined.

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